Questions for Americans - From Africa with love

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"How does it feel to be an American?"

I live in California, and I love it here. We have beaches, mountains, snow, rivers, great variety of food, agriculture etc. Its nice.

Of course California has it's sins, and struggles, but Id love to hear about one area in the world that doesn't.

Maybe, the world as a whole is getting worse? Maybe, we all could use a little more Jesus in our lives. Maybe, prophecy predicts this type of stuff happening, and it's all part of God's plan. I think Matthew 24 is a great chapter describing what's to come and how we should respond.

Messiah hi,
Thank you for your reply. You are right. My question only came from that ruling passed a cross the 50 states. As in how does it feel now that they are blatantly starting to display their sin? Are you free to say you don't want this ruling? Can you openly just tell someone that this stuff is ungodly? I remember seeing a Christian baker over there being taken to court because they wouldn't bake a cake displaying the gay agenda - and everyone was like how could they be so Judgemental and self righteous by not baking the cake and yadi yada. Not sure what the outcome of the case was.

We know, the world per the prophecy is in groans before Daddy God comes back. It's expected.

For me I geuss my shock to that ruling passed came because it was a wake up call that I need to fasten my faith up. The time is coming were lukewarm Christianity will pale in comparison to the blatant sin - this was just such a call for me - sniff sniff
I love that you say it's about being in Christ.

We are holding on to Him tighter than ever now!

Love you LORD

Im not american but one of my cousins is. He actually lives on wall st, cos hes an investment banker. When we ask him about living in america he just says the govt does what it wants, like most govts do the world over.

Its the same in nz. You get two faced liars in govt, a communistic local govt, adulter for amayor that we cant vote out. You get innocent people charged for crimes they did not commit, because the police are to lazy to investigate the truth. You get american junk programmed on our tvs, despite none of us can afford all the stuff the wealthy in america flaunt. You get same sex education in public schools an principals who are paedophiles. Its awful!

We chrstians just keep on, shining our lights in a crooked and perverse nation. The world does what it wants, in bondage to satan. But in Christ we have liberty.
I dont think america has anything much to boast about that other nations dont have. If you are in Christ, anywhere you go on earth you have freedom. Cos our citizenship is in heaven.
The media is a lying machine.
So, I wouldnt pay it too much attention. I dont recall Paul ever packing a sad over sinners and unbelievers attitudes ...he knew there would be persecution, and he just got on with it! Well, maybe he did cry over israel...but he kept praying, kept believing. We always have hope, does say that when we repent, God will heal our land. Think thats in chronicles. If my people....anyway, though that verse referred to israelites, I think if...your land was covenanted to God then your responisbility is to look after it, including all the tenants you lease your land to.

Those of us who dont own any land are at the mercy of those that we pay rent to. So I think landlords have this noblesse oblige. And ultimately that land belongs to God and he can turn it over in an instant...i.e. Send earthquakes, tsunami, bad weather, plagues. is not just americans as if they have some kind of special privelige other nations dont. Remember, what is now the usa was fought over with the native americans, the french and the spanish. Im thinking of how much america was laid waste by those who had bad farming practises so they turned what was once fertile land into a dustbowl. You cant just take land, say its yours and then proceed to rape it by destroying the whole ecosystem just to have a cash crop.


Think on things that are true, things that are lovely....and cultivate your garden.
Major God Bless You and Thank You.
By the time I was done reading the OP I had to walk away and get offr by my self with the Lord and repent - forgive - love and -pray blessings because for some reason this post seemed so offensive to me.

Pick any country such as japan or china or uk or germany and so forth and you will find the very same kind of things and more.
Again Thanks
God bless

Fish Catcher Jim,
My brother, in Christ.

If my post made you feel like getting a drink of water please forgive me. That was not the intention.

The ones who got my point and did not see it is one big attempt to compare America etc etc (which is just plain tacky, lame and unfair)

They all know one thing. America guys, like it or not, is like a barometer for the rest of the world.

If it happens in your country then it's just a matter of time before my country legalises crap. (Excuse the French but I am genuinely hurt over here - IN AFRICA!)
They all know one thing. America guys, like it or not, is like a barometer for the rest of the world.

I don't believe it is on this issue. Wikepedia lists:

Netherlands (2003), Canada(2005), Spain(2005), South Africa(2006 - but you seem to suggest otherwise???), Norway(2009), Sweden(2009), Portugal(2010), Iceland(2010), Argentina(2010), Denmark(2012), Brazil(2013), France(2013), Uruguay(2013), New Zealand(2013), UK(2014),Luxembourg(2015) and USA(2015).

There is also the Republic Of Ireland who held a referendum (which seemed to go unnoticed over here) in May 2015. This is the only one I know of where I feel there is firm data on public feeling on the issue. There was a 60% turnout and of that 60%, 62% were in favour.

My own feeling is that at least within the (I'll call it for this post and perhaps with a touch of irony) "enlightened world", the change is pretty much an inevitability.
I would like to say that as a born again blood washed believer.....and standing on a prophecy that i have heard....I believe that God is going to restore our naton, back unto us belivers. Yes america has made some mistakes (of which being transgendered is not one of them, research is a birth defect...and is all over the world, in fact america is late on recognizing it)....but there are plenty of Blood Bought Believers who are The Body of Christ, whom God is listening to and moving in their lives. Things that you are seeing, are yes..the result of sin....but it is a wake up call for the Body of Christ to wake up and begin to be the Body that God has called us to be. Its not time to sit back and condem America. Its not time to give up and just crawl into a hole and die or just wait for the rapture. Now is the time to stand up and begin acting like we actually read and understand the Word of God. To behave like we are the Body of Christ (which Christ means the anointing). Like we truly walk in His ways. To take the living Word of God, and His Love, to those who are perishing. To love God with all our hearts and minds and strength. Time to get back to our first love.....which is Jesus the Christ, or messiah and anointing that removes burdens and destroys the yolks of bondage.

As God appeared and spoke to King Solomon... if My People, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now please recognize that God did not say...the whole nation. He said if My people....and i am one of His people and i choose to humble myself before Him and pray for this nation and every nation in this world. For God also said in Philippians 2:9-11 that Wherefore God also hath Highly exalted Him, and given Him a Name which is above every name: That at the Name of Jesus Every knee should bow, of things in Heaven, and things in the earth, and things under the earth; And that Every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ Is Lord, to the Glory of God The Father.

God placed me in this nation that was founded upon people who loved God, were dedicated to Him, and dedicated this nation to Him. And i am not about to leave my faith in God and His love and grace behind, to start bad mouthing America or any other country for that matter. It is not my place to judge. But to get on my face before God and intercede for the lost sheep of this world, and for God to get Godly leaders back into power. To pray to the Lord of The Harvest to get Laborers across their paths so that they will not be lost for eternity. We as The Body of Christ, should be doing that for all people especially for the people in wherever God has placed us. For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to Everyone that believes;....for there in is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall Live by Faith.

I mean look at what is not in the news....God is doing wonderful things in Russia, and other countries. Yet we never hear about it. And honestly don't you think that this makes the devil mad? Don't we think that he is going to retaliate and make people think that it is God? Wake up people.....the real master at deception is out there pulling the wool over peoples eyes (believers too) and if we don't get our spiritual eyes connected with the Holy Spirit...we will become those in 2 Thess 2:11. In Matthew 13:12 Says....To those who listen to My teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them.

In Christ
grace and peace be yours in abundance!
I whole heartedly agree! But I know we won't be restored to where we once were. Even though Nineveh repented for Jonah, they returned to their evil ways and were wiped off the planet in a flood. September 2015 will prove me right or wrong on the judgment part.

There are only three things that can happen from here on out: Restore, Reform, or Renew. The only way to restore things back to the way things were is via civil war and subjugation – not what I want and not what we need. We don’t have 50 years to fix this.

Currently we’re already in the midst of a reformation – for the bad. Indeed the foundation was changed – not by Obama only, but since 1963 when prayer was outlawed. It’s taken just over 50 years to get to this point where abortion is legal, gay marriage is legal, judicial system is writing laws, congress does nothing to keep the other two powers in check, the militarization of our police force, and privacy is gone. It was so slowly eroded that it can’t be brought back quick enough. We’re already over that cliff falling.

We need a Godly renewal, not behavioral modification and more prisons, but a heart transformation and freedom to serve God. We can only go forward as individuals. The individual must be healed first, then church must be healed, then the various states, and then only with a revival and repentance can we hope for the nation to be renewed. Until those that represent us repent, we will only receive God’s judgment. The die was cast in 2000 when half the country chose wrong over right (Gore won the populous vote), not that Bush was right, but then only 52% of eligible voters bothered to vote! That means 48% were on the sidelines which counts towards the wrong direction. This comes to 74% of the country didn’t choose correctly. I’m not cursing American, nor am I judging America, I’m stating the facts. Lenard Revenhill preached in the 1950’s to have America repent and wrote a book called “America is too Young to Die”. He was right, and now, life support is failing.
This has got NOTHING to do with materials. Please let's clarify that.


(Please don't get on the defensive about the wrong staff :) Believe me I have travelled the world and lived "in the West" -and I know enough about life abroad and your CNN perceptions or lies sold to you by your medias. Believe me they shape your thinking and you bought their lies So let's not go there.)

My mistake. It seemed different to me when I first read your comments.
Major God Bless You and Thank You.
By the time I was done reading the OP I had to walk away and get offr by my self with the Lord and repent - forgive - love and -pray blessings because for some reason this post seemed so offensive to me.

Pick any country such as japan or china or uk or germany and so forth and you will find the very same kind of things and more.
Again Thanks
God bless

It is just that it is impossible today to
Fish Catcher Jim,
My brother, in Christ.

If my post made you feel like getting a drink of water please forgive me. That was not the intention.

The ones who got my point and did not see it is one big attempt to compare America etc etc (which is just plain tacky, lame and unfair)

They all know one thing. America guys, like it or not, is like a barometer for the rest of the world.

If it happens in your country then it's just a matter of time before my country legalises crap. (Excuse the French but I am genuinely hurt over here - IN AFRICA!)

See, I was not the only one who understood it different that you meant for it to be.
It is just that it is impossible today to

See, I was not the only one who understood it different that you meant for it to be.

You both were totally on high defense when you read this. Upon closer inspection however, you will find that it's not personally meant at all.

Re-read it, WITHOUT the defensiveness.
America is where I live. I will not bother to try and defend all the wrongs I see here. I think life as we know it is about to change drastically and not for the good. I agree that as America goes, so goes the world. While the country's enemies may gloat, they are gloating at their own demise as well - take a number and get in line. Individually - get right with God. In Jesus is the only safety.
Jesus is the only way true speak.

Those who gloat are not perceptive enough to realize that if She falls - things change for the WHOLE world.

Something's in the air, times are changing. But I firmly believe God is behind all this 100%. We as Christians must just fasten our faith - making sure we are blameless before Him.

For He is our only safety.
I whole heartedly agree! But I know we won't be restored to where we once were. Even though Nineveh repented for Jonah, they returned to their evil ways and were wiped off the planet in a flood. September 2015 will prove me right or wrong on the judgment part.

There are only three things that can happen from here on out: Restore, Reform, or Renew. The only way to restore things back to the way things were is via civil war and subjugation – not what I want and not what we need. We don’t have 50 years to fix this.

Currently we’re already in the midst of a reformation – for the bad. Indeed the foundation was changed – not by Obama only, but since 1963 when prayer was outlawed. It’s taken just over 50 years to get to this point where abortion is legal, gay marriage is legal, judicial system is writing laws, congress does nothing to keep the other two powers in check, the militarization of our police force, and privacy is gone. It was so slowly eroded that it can’t be brought back quick enough. We’re already over that cliff falling.

We need a Godly renewal, not behavioral modification and more prisons, but a heart transformation and freedom to serve God. We can only go forward as individuals. The individual must be healed first, then church must be healed, then the various states, and then only with a revival and repentance can we hope for the nation to be renewed. Until those that represent us repent, we will only receive God’s judgment. The die was cast in 2000 when half the country chose wrong over right (Gore won the populous vote), not that Bush was right, but then only 52% of eligible voters bothered to vote! That means 48% were on the sidelines which counts towards the wrong direction. This comes to 74% of the country didn’t choose correctly. I’m not cursing American, nor am I judging America, I’m stating the facts. Lenard Revenhill preached in the 1950’s to have America repent and wrote a book called “America is too Young to Die”. He was right, and now, life support is failing.

100% sound statements.
You both were totally on high defense when you read this. Upon closer inspection however, you will find that it's not personally meant at all.

Re-read it, WITHOUT the defensiveness.

I have no desire to stretch this out at all. I just want to make sure you know that
personally.....I was not defensive. I was responsive. I only reacted from what you posted which when read IMO made the USA look a lot less than other countries, for what ever reason you felt like.
Being a proud American I, and Jim and others responded in the only way we know how........stand up and be counted.
You both were totally on high defense when you read this. Upon closer inspection however, you will find that it's not personally meant at all.

Re-read it, WITHOUT the defensiveness.
I read it enough. You say read it with out the defensiveness. To do this you either need to re-write it or I would have to except your view point about this country and that is not going to happen.
God Bless
I have no desire to stretch this out at all. I just want to make sure you know that
personally.....I was not defensive. I was responsive. I only reacted from what you posted which when read IMO made the USA look a lot less than other countries, for what ever reason you felt like.
Being a proud American I, and Jim and others responded in the only way we know how........stand up and be counted.
Again Major Amen and amen
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