That's the big question. If you study the word of God, the promises of God, and the actual calendar of God, unless national repentance happens, a great judgment will fall on 9/11 - 9/14. The last day of this shmita is 9/13, the last trading day of the year is 9/11. The last two shmitas had great negative events happen to America. There are several videos that will take you much deeper. Just as Israel was in covenant with God, so is America. We are where Israel was before being hauled away to Babylon for disobedience. He'll never break His covenant as long as we're obedient. America is not obedient. Now God does NOT have to do anything, but if anything is going to happen to show our state, Sep 2015 is the time.So first question i have is what happens in Sept.?
As do I. In order for the great tribulation to come a supernatural event will occur before the rapture where ALL flesh will know it's God. Still many will reject Him and then the end.i do believe that there is going to be an outpouring of the power and spirit of God like never before.
Free will still reigns. We can't take anything away from those in power that don't want to lose power without the movement of God. Prayers cannot be heard with sin on our hands. Repentance must still occur, both by the church and by the unsaved in power, to effect change.Its time to use our God given authority, to dominate this land like God desired for us to in the beginning, and take back this world for the glory of God!
Yes, but first they must be a believer. Second they need to repent of their sins and then God will hear their prayers. Then the land will be healed through obedience to the Lord God.The only part that the Believer plays is in seeking the face of God, and praying and trusting Him by Faith to move as He said He would.
I'm sorry, that is simply not true. If that were true, none of us over 5 years old would be saved then.The gospel up until now has not been preached.
God does not change and though our sins are dealt with, if we still sin, we'll still suffer the consequences. Grace is abundant to the faithful believer who repents and ceases to sin. God's ear is deaf to those in sin, even Christians. This is why judgement starts in the Church. Why sin since we're free from sin. So if one sins, what more is God to do? If I go out and fornicate with everyone out there and I get sick, is that because God was unfaithful or I'm unfaithful? Since we are free from sin, and yet we sin, our flesh is ruling and must die to be blessed. Cause and Effect.Do you really honestly think that God is done?
If 12 obedient men did such a great job, why hasn't 5th of the planet? Something's not right and that's sin in the lives of the "believers" if they're really believers to begin with.and about a 5th of them are Believers
God is crying out with the shmitah to get the attention of all for the mostly ineffective church. Jonathan Cahn has done several hours of video on this. I've confirmed everything he's said and I believe it. We'll see in September, but after last month, I don't see a great repentance taking place before then. I hope I'm wrong, 100% wrong.