Questions for Americans - From Africa with love

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So first question i have is what happens in Sept.?
That's the big question. If you study the word of God, the promises of God, and the actual calendar of God, unless national repentance happens, a great judgment will fall on 9/11 - 9/14. The last day of this shmita is 9/13, the last trading day of the year is 9/11. The last two shmitas had great negative events happen to America. There are several videos that will take you much deeper. Just as Israel was in covenant with God, so is America. We are where Israel was before being hauled away to Babylon for disobedience. He'll never break His covenant as long as we're obedient. America is not obedient. Now God does NOT have to do anything, but if anything is going to happen to show our state, Sep 2015 is the time.
i do believe that there is going to be an outpouring of the power and spirit of God like never before.
As do I. In order for the great tribulation to come a supernatural event will occur before the rapture where ALL flesh will know it's God. Still many will reject Him and then the end.
Its time to use our God given authority, to dominate this land like God desired for us to in the beginning, and take back this world for the glory of God!
Free will still reigns. We can't take anything away from those in power that don't want to lose power without the movement of God. Prayers cannot be heard with sin on our hands. Repentance must still occur, both by the church and by the unsaved in power, to effect change.
The only part that the Believer plays is in seeking the face of God, and praying and trusting Him by Faith to move as He said He would.
Yes, but first they must be a believer. Second they need to repent of their sins and then God will hear their prayers. Then the land will be healed through obedience to the Lord God.
The gospel up until now has not been preached.
I'm sorry, that is simply not true. If that were true, none of us over 5 years old would be saved then.
Do you really honestly think that God is done?
God does not change and though our sins are dealt with, if we still sin, we'll still suffer the consequences. Grace is abundant to the faithful believer who repents and ceases to sin. God's ear is deaf to those in sin, even Christians. This is why judgement starts in the Church. Why sin since we're free from sin. So if one sins, what more is God to do? If I go out and fornicate with everyone out there and I get sick, is that because God was unfaithful or I'm unfaithful? Since we are free from sin, and yet we sin, our flesh is ruling and must die to be blessed. Cause and Effect.
and about a 5th of them are Believers
If 12 obedient men did such a great job, why hasn't 5th of the planet? Something's not right and that's sin in the lives of the "believers" if they're really believers to begin with.

God is crying out with the shmitah to get the attention of all for the mostly ineffective church. Jonathan Cahn has done several hours of video on this. I've confirmed everything he's said and I believe it. We'll see in September, but after last month, I don't see a great repentance taking place before then. I hope I'm wrong, 100% wrong.
@Cturtle I meant to include this in my response about cause and effect:

Galatians 6:7-8 (KJV)
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.​
Can I ask what this covenant is. People keep talking about it but I really dont know. Its not in the bible.

As far as I know God made a coveant with mankind with the sign of the rainbow after the flood.
The other covenant was abrahams and subsequent israelites who were circumcised under it.
The last covenant which Jesus made he shed blood for the sins of all mankind. We confirm this new covenant as believers when we take the Lords supper.

I dont recall in the bible God making any specific covenant with america.
George Washington, in his first inaugural address, consecrated America to God, the creator of the universe. . He and congress adjourned to a church located at ground zero, where he rededicated the nation. The church still stands thanks to a sycamore tree that blocked the falling tower's debris.

Silk, I must commend you for your width and depth of your knowledge! Of course, I give God all the glory because you are His faithful servant.

I believe that Adam and Eve and Paradise were in the fertile crescent of Mesopetamia. Before the work on the tower of Babel ceased, all mankind spoke the same language. After God's command to confuse their language, they were limited in what they could do. But,
now, the international language is MATHEMATICS.

One engineer proclaimed, "now we can do anything!" There are a lot of "black projects" being worked on. It is prudent not to say much about them. The purpose of my post is to remind us that what is pure shines in the light and that anything hidden, God will reveal in HIS own time.
Silk, I must commend you for your width and depth of your knowledge! Of course, I give God all the glory because you are His faithful servant.

On that you would be right. Of course, anywhere I am wrong - that's all me.

I think a good case can be made that the original language was ancient Hebrew. Languages and math are neither one, my forte. God does indeed, work in His own time/schedule but I believe He has left the things we need to know in scripture, given the HS's help with the eyes and ears. It looks to me like some game changers are going to happen in September 2015 - but I could be wrong. If I am, I will look diligently into why I was wrong but my faith will be unaffected. I have nothing other than my conversation with God 4 years ago and my dreams that tell me time is very very short. And what I see in scripture.
Can I ask what this covenant is. People keep talking about it but I really dont know. Its not in the bible.

As far as I know God made a coveant with mankind with the sign of the rainbow after the flood.
The other covenant was abrahams and subsequent israelites who were circumcised under it.
The last covenant which Jesus made he shed blood for the sins of all mankind. We confirm this new covenant as believers when we take the Lords supper.

I dont recall in the bible God making any specific covenant with america.

Lanolin a believer can enter into a covenat with God through His word.
That's the big question. If you study the word of God, the promises of God, and the actual calendar of God, unless national repentance happens, a great judgment will fall on 9/11 - 9/14. The last day of this shmita is 9/13, the last trading day of the year is 9/11. The last two shmitas had great negative events happen to America. There are several videos that will take you much deeper. Just as Israel was in covenant with God, so is America. We are where Israel was before being hauled away to Babylon for disobedience. He'll never break His covenant as long as we're obedient. America is not obedient. Now God does NOT have to do anything, but if anything is going to happen to show our state, Sep 2015 is the time.

As do I. In order for the great tribulation to come a supernatural event will occur before the rapture where ALL flesh will know it's God. Still many will reject Him and then the end.

Free will still reigns. We can't take anything away from those in power that don't want to lose power without the movement of God. Prayers cannot be heard with sin on our hands. Repentance must still occur, both by the church and by the unsaved in power, to effect change.

Yes, but first they must be a believer. Second they need to repent of their sins and then God will hear their prayers. Then the land will be healed through obedience to the Lord God.

I'm sorry, that is simply not true. If that were true, none of us over 5 years old would be saved then.

God does not change and though our sins are dealt with, if we still sin, we'll still suffer the consequences. Grace is abundant to the faithful believer who repents and ceases to sin. God's ear is deaf to those in sin, even Christians. This is why judgement starts in the Church. Why sin since we're free from sin. So if one sins, what more is God to do? If I go out and fornicate with everyone out there and I get sick, is that because God was unfaithful or I'm unfaithful? Since we are free from sin, and yet we sin, our flesh is ruling and must die to be blessed. Cause and Effect.

If 12 obedient men did such a great job, why hasn't 5th of the planet? Something's not right and that's sin in the lives of the "believers" if they're really believers to begin with.

God is crying out with the shmitah to get the attention of all for the mostly ineffective church. Jonathan Cahn has done several hours of video on this. I've confirmed everything he's said and I believe it. We'll see in September, but after last month, I don't see a great repentance taking place before then. I hope I'm wrong, 100% wrong.

Abdicate Hello and Greetings,
One thing I would like to bring up. All this text book reading and trying to figure things out is one thing then there is getting closer to God and finding out what His plans are at this time.
I read all these post in here and it points to ride over get off the spinning globe and then look what God is doing in churches and ministries all across the land. It seems He is not done yet.

I am not doubting your knowledge or understanding at all. I am just saying when I search and seek and add it all together - there is more time left then a few months.

I know many in here believe the gospel has been preached to all places. However God is raising up a people from many nations to go into other area's with His good news. Now if it had been all done why would He be sending many out to fish ?

We as believers need to be prepared to disciple these fresh catches and get them built up in the body. Time will tell but I still say it aint over by far. It is closer then ever but it aint even ready to be over yet.

See you for thanksgiving :)
God Bless
George Washington, in his first inaugural address, consecrated America to God, the creator of the universe. . He and congress adjourned to a church located at ground zero, where he rededicated the nation. The church still stands thanks to a sycamore tree that blocked the falling tower's debris.

Long before good ol George was around God made a covenant with this land.
This country was founded or formed through the Holy Spirit's leading.
You know what?

I think of how my faith was established, and those teachers from whom I drew the word of God,
Whom I felt I even knew personally:

TD Jakes
Benny Hinn
The guy who writes the Cross and the Switchblade (Dave something)
Joyce Meyer
Kathryn Kulman
Theres this guy, not sure where he comes from (Mark Driscoll)


Td Jakes and Benny Have said many things that are against direct scripture. Kathryn Kulman also had some questionable doctrinal ideas.

I encourage you to look into their preaching vs what the word actually means. I personally do not know about Mark Driscoll or Dave, but do the same with them as you would any other teacher.
Hmm I thought the international language was love.

Must be wrong? According to gary chapman theres 5 love languages.
Abdicate Hello and Greetings,
One thing I would like to bring up. All this text book reading and trying to figure things out is one thing then there is getting closer to God and finding out what His plans are at this time.
I read all these post in here and it points to ride over get off the spinning globe and then look what God is doing in churches and ministries all across the land. It seems He is not done yet.

I am not doubting your knowledge or understanding at all. I am just saying when I search and seek and add it all together - there is more time left then a few months.

I know many in here believe the gospel has been preached to all places. However God is raising up a people from many nations to go into other area's with His good news. Now if it had been all done why would He be sending many out to fish ?

We as believers need to be prepared to disciple these fresh catches and get them built up in the body. Time will tell but I still say it aint over by far. It is closer then ever but it aint even ready to be over yet.

See you for thanksgiving :)
God Bless
There is certainly a disconnect in our understandings. I'm not saying the end is in September, I'm saying a judgment is coming to America in September. Yes, God is calling His people and yes God's Bride is growing, but those are different things. If this awakening had happened a few years ago I wouldn't be saying any of this now. So, as I've said before and I repeat it again, I pray I'm wrong, but God's signs are there and they cannot be dismissed except by the unprepared. As to the Gospel being preached around the world, Jesus was talking about Rev 14:6. Also you're mixing sinners and the church. The church is growing so when the bottom falls out of America we'll be listened to, just like the South after the civil war. When men have nothing, they turn to God. America may not have anything after September and we'll be there ready to spread the Gospel to the willing listeners. Today their ears and eyes are closed. The shmitah is for the blind and deaf who won't repent. The shmitah is for the ready and prepared to rise up and be free. Don't mix the two.
Td Jakes and Benny Have said many things that are against direct scripture. Kathryn Kulman also had some questionable doctrinal ideas.

I encourage you to look into their preaching vs what the word actually means. I personally do not know about Mark Driscoll or Dave, but do the same with them as you would any other teacher.

With out real sound BIBLICAL proof - this kind of post is not aloud in this forum.
There is certainly a disconnect in our understandings. I'm not saying the end is in September, I'm saying a judgment is coming to America in September. Yes, God is calling His people and yes God's Bride is growing, but those are different things. If this awakening had happened a few years ago I wouldn't be saying any of this now. So, as I've said before and I repeat it again, I pray I'm wrong, but God's signs are there and they cannot be dismissed except by the unprepared. As to the Gospel being preached around the world, Jesus was talking about Rev 14:6. Also you're mixing sinners and the church. The church is growing so when the bottom falls out of America we'll be listened to, just like the South after the civil war. When men have nothing, they turn to God. America may not have anything after September and we'll be there ready to spread the Gospel to the willing listeners. Today their ears and eyes are closed. The shmitah is for the blind and deaf who won't repent. The shmitah is for the ready and prepared to rise up and be free. Don't mix the two.

No me Brother it is not disconnect, ;)
Sorry for the confusion Abdicate - I started replying to you and ended up replying to a bunch of post through out the forum. So I need to ask of you to forgive me and I apologise greatly for the lack of respect for your post by bringing in everything I have been reading.

God Bless you my friend
Homosexuality is a banned topic; do not discuss this.
With out real sound BIBLICAL proof - this kind of post is not aloud in this forum.
Quotes from Mr Hinn regarding homosexuality being destroyed, along with Fidel Castro's death. Taken from 1989 Orlando Christian center

"The Lord also tells me to tell you in the mid 90's, about '94-'95, no later than that, God will destroy the homosexual community of America. [audience applauds] But He will not destroy it - with what many minds have thought Him to be, He will destroy it with fire. And many will turn and be saved, and many will rebel and be destroyed."

"The Spirit tells me - Fidel Castro will die - in the 90's. Oooh my! Some will try to kill him and they will not succeed. But there will come a change in his physical health, and he will not stay in power, and Cuba will be visited of God.

Scripture tells us
Jeremiah 14:14 Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.

"Ladies and gentleman, Jesus is shaking the world! Now something else is happening that is to me awesome! Absolutely awesome! The Lord is physically appearing in the Muslim world. I'm telling you, Paul, I am hearing it now more and more and more. Since we preachers cannot go there, Jesus is - just going there Himself. Since we preachers are not permitted to go in, He is just showing up - Himself. You know the Scriptures says clearly that the Lord did appear, did He not? Ah for forty days, isn't that right? And the, and the, and the Scriptures says he, he, he even, he even appeared to Paul. Now we are always thinking, well Jesus can't really preach, preach the Gospel. Who told you that? He was the first one to preach the Gospel. In fact He is the one who came to Paul and said, Paul, I am Jesus. He, He didn't send no angel to do that job. He did it Himself. If Jesus revealed Himself to Paul, why not reveal Himself to a lot more than just Paul? And He is doing it! The reason the Lord had to appear to Paul is because He knew Paul wouldn't listen to nobody else. Now in the case of Cornelius, the angel said send for Peter, 'cause, because Cornelius was, was ready, his heart was right, he'd been in prayer. But here's Paul killing everybody, causing 'em to blaspheme, Jesus said this man won't even listen to an angel, so I'll go do the job myself. So He went and knocked him right off his horse and preached the Gospel to him. He's doing the same thing today in the Muslim world. He's appearing, hear this, He is appearing to Muslims, saying I am Jesus of Nazareth! And they're coming to know the Lord! Why are those things happening? It's the last days! Saints, this is why we need to give to the Gospel now more than ever. You know naively say well I gave last year. Forget it! Last year it's gone! That cycle is over with! Seed time - harvest of last year is gone. Every season is a fresh season. We are in a fresh season. What, what you gave last year will not reap you anything this year. What you gave even a few months ago is gone, you got the harvest for that."

Taken from his tbn praise a thon from 2000. This is obviously against scripture, he is simply making up excuses to not enter into Muslim countries. Jesus has NOT returned.

TD Jakes denies the trinity, He believes in modalism
Scripture does not support modalism. Nor the prosperity Gospel, which Jakes preaches on.

(Isaiah 45:21-22)
There is no other god besides me
a righteous God and a Savior;
there is none besides me.
Turn to me and be saved,
all the ends of the earth!
For I am God, and there is no other.
Quotes from Mr Hinn regarding homosexuality being destroyed, along with Fidel Castro's death. Taken from 1989 Orlando Christian center

"The Lord also tells me to tell you in the mid 90's, about '94-'95, no later than that, God will destroy the homosexual community of America. [audience applauds] But He will not destroy it - with what many minds have thought Him to be, He will destroy it with fire. And many will turn and be saved, and many will rebel and be destroyed."

"The Spirit tells me - Fidel Castro will die - in the 90's. Oooh my! Some will try to kill him and they will not succeed. But there will come a change in his physical health, and he will not stay in power, and Cuba will be visited of God.

Scripture tells us
Jeremiah 14:14 Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.

"Ladies and gentleman, Jesus is shaking the world! Now something else is happening that is to me awesome! Absolutely awesome! The Lord is physically appearing in the Muslim world. I'm telling you, Paul, I am hearing it now more and more and more. Since we preachers cannot go there, Jesus is - just going there Himself. Since we preachers are not permitted to go in, He is just showing up - Himself. You know the Scriptures says clearly that the Lord did appear, did He not? Ah for forty days, isn't that right? And the, and the, and the Scriptures says he, he, he even, he even appeared to Paul. Now we are always thinking, well Jesus can't really preach, preach the Gospel. Who told you that? He was the first one to preach the Gospel. In fact He is the one who came to Paul and said, Paul, I am Jesus. He, He didn't send no angel to do that job. He did it Himself. If Jesus revealed Himself to Paul, why not reveal Himself to a lot more than just Paul? And He is doing it! The reason the Lord had to appear to Paul is because He knew Paul wouldn't listen to nobody else. Now in the case of Cornelius, the angel said send for Peter, 'cause, because Cornelius was, was ready, his heart was right, he'd been in prayer. But here's Paul killing everybody, causing 'em to blaspheme, Jesus said this man won't even listen to an angel, so I'll go do the job myself. So He went and knocked him right off his horse and preached the Gospel to him. He's doing the same thing today in the Muslim world. He's appearing, hear this, He is appearing to Muslims, saying I am Jesus of Nazareth! And they're coming to know the Lord! Why are those things happening? It's the last days! Saints, this is why we need to give to the Gospel now more than ever. You know naively say well I gave last year. Forget it! Last year it's gone! That cycle is over with! Seed time - harvest of last year is gone. Every season is a fresh season. We are in a fresh season. What, what you gave last year will not reap you anything this year. What you gave even a few months ago is gone, you got the harvest for that."

Taken from his tbn praise a thon from 2000

TD Jakes denies the trinity, He believes in modalism
Scripture does not support modalism. Nor the prosperity Gospel, which Jakes preaches on.

(Isaiah 45:21-22)
There is no other god besides me
a righteous God and a Savior;
there is none besides me.
Turn to me and be saved,
all the ends of the earth!
For I am God, and there is no other.

Klub no disrespect but this means nothing.
Best thing to do is not say anything.
Klub no disrespect but this means nothing.
Best thing to do is not say anything.
It means that he is a false prophet and is to be let known so he does not lead others into false teaching. To say nothing is turning a blind eye to a blatant heresy, if nothing is said, surely he will never repent.
If nothing was said, Martin Luther would have never stood against the evils in front of him.
It means that he is a false prophet and is to be let known so he does not lead others into false teaching. To say nothing is turning a blind eye to a blatant heresy, if nothing is said, surely he will never repent.
If nothing was said, Martin Luther would have never stood against the evils in front of him.
Klub be careful who you judge and claim to be false. That is all I am going to say. Be careful for you tread on thin ice big time.
God Bless
Klub be careful who you judge and claim to be false. That is all I am going to say. Be careful for you tread on thin ice big time.
God Bless

To base my claims on biblical truths is treading on a lot thicker ice than taking everything a man says as truth. I'll follow the doctrines of the bible that I know are true. Not the teachings of a man who had time and time again been a wrong.
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