Raising people from dead

See... The thing that bothers me about the way this discussion is going is that we have an argument based on a doctrinal position that presupposes that Prophecy, Miracles, and Tongues have ceased.....

So then - the logic argument goes... Starting with the assumption that this presupposition is "true" - thus all evidence of such must NOT be of God, but is rather of deception..... Thus - it is prima-facia rejected out of hand....

One thing we forget..... The purpose of Prophecy and miracles is NOT to do party tricks or to feel better about yourself or to pump up your own authority... The Prophet is NOT controlling God.... The purpose of Prophecy and Miracles is to demonstrate the Sovereign Power and Will of God and God alone... because ONLY God knows the beginning from the end....

My issue is that this presupposition/doctrine attempts to put "limits" the Sovereignty of God.... This doctrine declares "God, You did this in the past, but it is not welcome now".... That's not a position I am comfortable taking....

but that's just me....
Let me break my silence :) I think it is not fair to say because spiritual gifts are valid today, we should expect people to be raised from death today also. Raising people from death is not a spiritual gift.. Signs and wonders are different from spiritual gifts.. Both are operated through empowerment by Holy Spirit.. The purpose is quite different..

I believe Spiritual Gifts are operational today.. To build up the body of Christ.. For edification.. That's why I have a hard time to make up my mind on tongues! Nevertheless, I know my wife has a gift of prophesy. Not the "Thus sayeth the Lord" prophesy. Often Lord minsters to her through dreams. Like some thing happening to a person. And then we see the person going through a similar situation. She used to wonder what should be her response. I always encouraged her to pray about them and for them. After she started doing, she started feeling that peace that she is responding to Lord in the right way. I have had very few such experiences. At the same time, I am not going to claim my wife can predict who is going to win the election! She is not a fortune teller :)

Coming to signs and wonders. The name itself tells everything. it is a sign. It has to point to something! We will notice all the mighty miracles crowded around certain times in history. Exodus/calling of nation of Israel, age of Prophets, establishment of new covenant, completion of scripture/establishment of Church. The signs and wonders were needed to authenticate men who brought about such major changes. It served a special purpose. It was not intended to be the norm.

So we are not expected to pray to raise up death at a funeral. We cannot say, people participating in funeral or lacking faith!

As far as I am aware Jesus only raised up one son and the only son of a widow out of compassion for her .
There were many widows in Israel he said at one time .But only one saw one their child raised from the dead .
In three and half years the only other was Lazerus God felt was all that was needed to record. Anything is vain conjecture.
It is interesting to note that the cripple from birth at the gate beutifull he must have passed many times on his way to the Temple . Simply because Peter and John went that way also . Yet that man was not healed till after the resurrection and by the ministering of Peter and John who clearly agreed and were of the one mind about the matter . Why ? I have no idea .
Save that it as the father led the Lord and the Holy Spirit led them.

It was compassion that moved Jesus to pray for the widows son. Her only son.
Yet I know of no scripture where he actually prayed fro any one openly .
All his praying was done in secret and alone before God in the main and he who saw in secret rewarded openly .
People who blame other peoples lack of faith usually means the blame lies with them.
The dead have no faith .

Just a thought.

in Christ
Let me break my silence :) I think it is not fair to say because spiritual gifts are valid today, we should expect people to be raised from death today also. Raising people from death is not a spiritual gift.. Signs and wonders are different from spiritual gifts.. Both are operated through empowerment by Holy Spirit.. The purpose is quite different..

I believe Spiritual Gifts are operational today.. To build up the body of Christ.. For edification.. That's why I have a hard time to make up my mind on tongues! Nevertheless, I know my wife has a gift of prophesy. Not the "Thus sayeth the Lord" prophesy. Often Lord minsters to her through dreams. Like some thing happening to a person. And then we see the person going through a similar situation. She used to wonder what should be her response. I always encouraged her to pray about them and for them. After she started doing, she started feeling that peace that she is responding to Lord in the right way. I have had very few such experiences. At the same time, I am not going to claim my wife can predict who is going to win the election! She is not a fortune teller :)

Coming to signs and wonders. The name itself tells everything. it is a sign. It has to point to something! We will notice all the mighty miracles crowded around certain times in history. Exodus/calling of nation of Israel, age of Prophets, establishment of new covenant, completion of scripture/establishment of Church. The signs and wonders were needed to authenticate men who brought about such major changes. It served a special purpose. It was not intended to be the norm.

So we are not expected to pray to raise up death at a funeral. We cannot say, people participating in funeral or lacking faith!

Comment was......
"We will notice all the mighty miracles crowded around certain times in history. Exodus/calling of nation of Israel, age of Prophets, establishment of new covenant, completion of scripture/establishment of Church. The signs and wonders were needed to authenticate men who brought about such major changes. It served a special purpose. It was not intended to be the norm."

Agreed! And when the Bible was completed there was then no need for miracles or signs to authenticate it as it came from the Apostles.

Allow me to give you something to think about.

1 Corinthians 13:8-13 (ESV)
"love never end. As for prophecies, THEY WILL PASS AWAY, AS FOR TONGUES, THEY WILL CEASE. For we know in part and we prophecy in part.
10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. 11 When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. 12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.
13 So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

If you will take time to look up "when the perfect one comes" in the original Greek you will find that the statement is "neuter" which means that it applies to SOMETHING and not someone. Many argue that it is Jesus who is in view but grammatically that is impossible. Therefore, the only other thing that can be considered as perfect is the Word of God....A THING!

So then, when the Bible was completed, the "signs and wonders" came to an end. I know how some of us get excited when something like that is said but remember, it is what the Bible says. All of us then have to reconcile that fact with what our opinions and wants are with what the Bible
actually does say.

Blessings to you!
See... The thing that bothers me about the way this discussion is going is that we have an argument based on a doctrinal position that presupposes that Prophecy, Miracles, and Tongues have ceased.....

So then - the logic argument goes... Starting with the assumption that this presupposition is "true" - thus all evidence of such must NOT be of God, but is rather of deception..... Thus - it is prima-facia rejected out of hand....

One thing we forget..... The purpose of Prophecy and miracles is NOT to do party tricks or to feel better about yourself or to pump up your own authority... The Prophet is NOT controlling God.... The purpose of Prophecy and Miracles is to demonstrate the Sovereign Power and Will of God and God alone... because ONLY God knows the beginning from the end....

My issue is that this presupposition/doctrine attempts to put "limits" the Sovereignty of God.... This doctrine declares "God, You did this in the past, but it is not welcome now".... That's not a position I am comfortable taking....

but that's just me....

I understand your thinking. Would you consider that the Bible tells us clearly that the sign gifts were given to the ELEVEN in Matthew 28 and Mark 16.

Then in 1 Corth. 13:8-12 we see that those gifts do in fact have an ending.
""love never end. As for prophecies, THEY WILL PASS AWAY, AS FOR TONGUES, THEY WILL CEASE. For we know in part and we prophecy in part. 10. but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.

That seems pretty clear to me. But that is just me!

The point is that Biblically speaking there are NO prophets today. I know the JW's and Mormons and Pentecostals will argue that comment.
But the Bible clearly says that "prophecies will cease" when the perfect one comes. Therefore one has to determine what the perfect ONE is.
(Please read comment #43).

Even if the Greek grammar is ignored and we say it is Jesus who is the perfect one, He has come and He has left. Therefore the "Perfect One has" in fact come which ended the office of a prophet.

I know there will be a disagreement over that and that is OK. I disagree with others all the time so it is no big deal. All I ask is that we look things up and read what it says and pray over it before rejecting it.
Miracles were not for the 12 only (one being a devil), but for the 70 (Luke 10:1, 17) to go out... so don't let anyone tell you "it's over and done with" because it's not.
Thanks for the clarification.

Yet you have missed something .
"As the Father sent me so send I you "
The Father was in Christ and HE did the Work .
It is the Son who is in every believer and it is HE that doeth the work .Thus no man can boast .
Nor am I making any claims .
Yet greater works shall ye do ..... speaking to his disciples and while there is nothing greater than raising the dead .Then clearly this greater means wider in scope. For while he was called to the lost sheep of the house of Israel we are called to go into all the world.
You are right about the errors and the false christs .
But you should also be aware that eh said to one who was blind form birth "there is coming a day (and now is?) when any who say they are Christ will be cast out of the synagogue "
That does not mean people who claim they are Jesus . But Christ means anointed . There will be then false teachers and apsotles and self proclaimed apostles who will say lo here is the anointing and lo there is the anointing ect.
The eternal resting place of the Holy Spirit is the Word of God .
The true anointing then will be those who honour the Word of God as is should be honoured. and it si the annointing that destroyeth the yoke .
"As the Father sent me so send I you " How then was He sent?
If not baptised and filled with the Holy Spirit and to fulfil Issiah 58(?)
So be cl;ear then what I am saying .I am NOT saying any man will do these things .For without me no man can do anything.
But did not James speak of Elijah being a man of like passions as ourselves? and what of Paul in Hebrews in that list of men of faith?
When God spoke out of the burning bush.
The bush was not God . and God was not the bush . Yet still the bush was on fire yet not consumed.
Is it not written that it is by his mercies that w e are not consumed?
is it not written in another place it is not I that liveth but Christ that liveth in me >

God always uses men .
I have heard their cry and have come down to deliver them ...................................................GO YE!
He said to Moses .

I make no boast nor claims .But neither will I put a stumbling block in my mouth and rob myself of God doing a work that He would will I do.

He is the same yesterday today and forever.
When the seraphonecian woman cried unto the Lord "Son of David have mercy upon me" and kept doing so despite the apparent lack of response from the Lord.
The disciples made the mistake of confusing who was the bush and who was not and said "She crieth unto us............" She was not crying unto them she was crying unto the lord .
Nevertheless after the resurrection and the day of Pentecost did not Peter and John say to one crippled from birth "look on us........!"?
Yet once the man was healed and people began to look on them almost as gods .They said "why look on us!"
as if by our holiness etc has done this thing .
It was faith through His name that wrought the miracle . Not us . They had become 'co workers with God " ye it was God that did the Work in Jesus name .

In Christ

Just to try and help my brother. You are using a lot of Scripture without specifying which ones you are in fact quoting.
I know what they are but you need to remember that there are lots of people who read what we post and for them it is a blessing to say where you obtained the words you use.

Then secondly, you are taking most all of them totally out of context for the conversation we are involved in now.....IMO.

Example would be the comments of the burning bush. You are a little confusing but you seem to be intimating that because God spoke out of a burning bush yesterday He can still do that today. While it is true that He can do anything the question would then have to WHY would He choose to do that???? You see, that action would destroy what He had Paul communicate to us in Romans 10:17..........

"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God".

Salvation comes by the message of the gospel when preached, and believed and confessed by man. The heathen are not saved by looking at a bush or living a good life or by doing good things.

God deals with man in different ways in different times. Yes, God spoke to Moses out of a burning bush but that does not mean He does that today.
That seems to be what you are saying. If I am wrong.....please forgive me.

God speaks to man today through His Word, the Bible. We speak to God through prayer and He speaks to us by His written Word.
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I do not automatically discount anything, ever. I look at the fruit of the one who claims something. It does the church no good...or edification to claim "prophecy" as an instance and that prophecy proves false. I do believe that God imparts information to believers to do with their and their friends' lives - that can clearly be shown to be edifying. What we see coming out of the Charismatic movement, particularly their leaders is constant error, lascivious lifestyles and greed. They claim to heal and if you are not healed it is because you lack faith. They do meetings with Holy Spirit Hokey Pokey and have no shame to say faith is dependant on how much you give to them. They make new traditions that are unbiblical and twist scripture to make what is up, down. Or they just ignore scripture in lieu of the all powerful experience. God does not run circuses. This is what happens when you mix truth and the false. The truth gets buried.
I do not automatically discount anything, ever. I look at the fruit of the one who claims something. It does the church no good...or edification to claim "prophecy" as an instance and that prophecy proves false. I do believe that God imparts information to believers to do with their and their friends' lives - that can clearly be shown to be edifying. What we see coming out of the Charismatic movement, particularly their leaders is constant error, lascivious lifestyles and greed. They claim to heal and if you are not healed it is because you lack faith. They do meetings with Holy Spirit Hokey Pokey and have no shame to say faith is dependant on how much you give to them. They make new traditions that are unbiblical and twist scripture to make what is up, down. Or they just ignore scripture in lieu of the all powerful experience. God does not run circuses. This is what happens when you mix truth and the false. The truth gets buried.

I am with you sister!
While we are on this topic, let me sneak in another question :D

When pharisees were asking (or rather demanding) another sign from Jesus, He says this. Pretty much Jesus is saying no more signs for you guys. Only one more left. After He said this, He continued to perform healings and so on. Did Jesus perform any other signs like raising people from death after quoting this?

An evil and yadulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah
Comment was......
"We will notice all the mighty miracles crowded around certain times in history. Exodus/calling of nation of Israel, age of Prophets, establishment of new covenant, completion of scripture/establishment of Church. The signs and wonders were needed to authenticate men who brought about such major changes. It served a special purpose. It was not intended to be the norm."

Agreed! And when the Bible was completed there was then no need for miracles or signs to authenticate it as it came from the Apostles.

Allow me to give you something to think about.

1 Corinthians 13:8-13 (ESV)
"love never end. As for prophecies, THEY WILL PASS AWAY, AS FOR TONGUES, THEY WILL CEASE. For we know in part and we prophecy in part.
10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. 11 When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. 12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.
13 So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

If you will take time to look up "when the perfect one comes" in the original Greek you will find that the statement is "neuter" which means that it applies to SOMETHING and not someone. Many argue that it is Jesus who is in view but grammatically that is impossible. Therefore, the only other thing that can be considered as perfect is the Word of God....A THING!

So then, when the Bible was completed, the "signs and wonders" came to an end. I know how some of us get excited when something like that is said but remember, it is what the Bible says. All of us then have to reconcile that fact with what our opinions and wants are with what the Bible
actually does say.

Blessings to you!
We will never agree what that perfect means :) That's okay! :D
Everything you need to know is in scripture. And scripture explains scripture, if you let it. I believe God is still trying to talk to us but we don't listen. In this world we have today, who would hear a true prophet or even a good man of God in the outrageous din of the false claimants? About the only leader I respect is John MacArthur and I don't agree with everything he says either. The more I listen tho, the more I think I might be wrong on what he and I disagree about.
While we are on this topic, let me sneak in another question :D

When pharisees were asking (or rather demanding) another sign from Jesus, He says this. Pretty much Jesus is saying no more signs for you guys. Only one more left. After He said this, He continued to perform healings and so on. Did Jesus perform any other signs like raising people from death after quoting this?

An evil and yadulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah

Rav..........please post the book and verse so that no assumptions have to be made.

Thanks bro.
Anyone else see a connection to "An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah" and the one in end of days when it says Satan will come with signs and wonders that even the elect might be deceived? Just sayin'. Satan has humanity down - he knows about circuses.
Luke 11:29
Mathew 16:4

The one quoted would be precisely from Luke.


IMO, the unbelieving religious leaders came seeking a sign from heaven. The problem with that is Jesus had already done just that on several occasions. We should all take notice that miracles alone never saved anyone. They only serve to validate the message!!!!! It is the gospel message that must be heard and believed in order for one to be saved.

Instead on another sign Jesus points to His 2nd Coming. He told them that they could tell the weather but not the time of His Coming.
I believe that the phrase "adultress generation" is used here in a spiritual sense as the unfaithful to God .

Jonah relates to the resurrection which gives hope to all believers but is an indication of judgment for the unbeliever who will be judged by this same risen Christ and that speaks to @Silks comment in #55.

Yes. Jesus healed others after Luke 11:29.
Just to try and help my brother. You are using a lot of Scripture without specifying which ones you are in fact quoting.
I know what they are but you need to remember that there are lots of people who read what we post and for them it is a blessing to say where you obtained the words you use.

Then secondly, you are taking most all of them totally out of context for the conversation we are involved in now.....IMO.

Example would be the comments of the burning bush. You are a little confusing but you seem to be intimating that because God spoke out of a burning bush yesterday He can still do that today. While it is true that He can do anything the question would then have to WHY would He choose to do that???? You see, that action would destroy what He had Paul communicate to us in Romans 10:17..........

"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God".

Salvation comes by the message of the gospel when preached, and believed and confessed by man. The heathen are not saved by looking at a bush or living a good life or by doing good things.

God deals with man in different ways in different times. Yes, God spoke to Moses out of a burning bush but that does not mean He does that today.
That seems to be what you are saying. If I am wrong.....please forgive me.

God speaks to man today through His Word, the Bible. We speak to God through prayer and He speaks to us by His written Word.

You have misunderstood me .
I use the principle of biblical argument as exampled by Paul and in particular the letters to the Romans and Hebrews.
Where by in that argument he uses those scriptures that pertain to that argument .Not twisting them out of meaning. But using the meaning of each verse to uphold his argument .
I do not therefore believe I have taken any of the verses I used out of context and by that their meaning .
In the case of the burning bush .I was simply pointing out that it was not the bush that spoke to Moses but God in the midst of the bush and that part of the argument I had hoped to show what I meant of God doing the work not the man .
You suggest that God only speaks through His word. Primarily yes . But not always . Both by experience and by scripture.
ALL things were created by God and thus potentially everything has something to say or God can use to say it about God or some principle.
Did not Jesus use the natural to convey spiritual truth ?
A burning bush is a common occurance in the heat of the wilderness . But not one that was not consumed . God knows how to catch our attention and it was when Moses turned to see this thing that God spoke to him.
I once saw a snail eating . When did you ever see a snail eating? I never had so my attention was caught by the sight .once I started looking or turned to see it as it were .Then God lifted my eyes to see and understand something that I had not thought of before at all in such a practical way. Another time as I was driving south at 70 mile san hour .I saw a pidgeon flying it seemed just as fast and in a straight line in the opposite direction. It provoked the thought where was it going so fast and purposefully? That led to what I call a very long thought that God used to show me more and understand what perhaps I could not have any other way .
So yes I do believe God can and does speak through any other sort of burning bush if you will.
and why not? All things are upheld by the Word of His power and are not all things made by the Word of God that were made? How is it then you say God cannot speak via a bush or a pidgeon or a snail or whatever way eh chooses to catch your attention?
That does not mean I am a Moses or someone else is. It is simply the same God.
and How did Jesus come to say "the kingdom of God is likened unto a sower that went to sow....?

No problem with misunderstandings .
As it is very easy to do so over the written word and with a gap between the speakers or writers . if that is so with man how much the more with the Word of God? if we are not careful.
But with good will and right attitude any such misunderstandings can be overcome and resolved t5o the profit of both.

As to the matter of faith . That Paul says
faith in God comes by hearing and that by hearing the Word of God .
We should understand it cannot be just by hearing the word preached that men are saved . Though unless it is preached how can anybody be saved is not disputed .

But if all that was needed was to but hear the gospel all would be saved . But they are not .
For the devil has blinded the eyes (of their understanding) that they see not and understand and be saved .
thus it is with ears that hear or understand that generates the faith in God.,
But men have no excuse who condemn faith as they do these days . For ALL men have faith as to what faith IS . "For God has given to all a measure of faith to profit with all"
Thus God is justified in all His ways . For those whos faith is NOT in God and those whos faith is IN God will become manifest .
Thus my argument was indeed still about the subject inquestion about raising the dead .
I was simply answering yours and others objections to the fact that he still can and occasionlay does through the ministrations of men .
But as you said it is not the man who does it . But God who is in the midst of the man working .

in Christ
The Holy Spirit does not give man/woman special powers to glorify ourselves. The Holy Spirit's work is to point to and glorify Christ. The errors that come out when people claim they can "channel" God's power are innumerable and are multiplied.
I 100% agree with this
Lance.....what other evidence do I need besides the Bible???? The truth is that the Bible is all I need!!

The reason evidence is needed today is because that there are very scrupulous people today who will say and do anything to make a buck. They will lie and even use the name of Jesus to do it. The point I made was that there has been no verifiable event of anyone being raised from the dead. Yes, some people have made that claim but when investigated, it has always been proven to be a hoax.

Again, I have never said that God did not heal. Quite the opposite. HE is the only One who can.

In contrast, when Jesus Jesus healed, every single event was witnessed and able to be verified by all who were there.

Are you suggesting that what is included in the Bible about Jesus healing along with the Apostles is not valid????

I am missing the point you are trying to make here. Can you help me out?
You claimed there is no evidence that people are being raised from the dead today. Besides the bible, what evidence do you have that people were raised from the dead in the bible? We all have faith that everything happened in the bible that it said happened, but what evidence do you have? I have faith that God is still raising people from the dead and using man to do this. I have no evidence to provide to you other than what I have read and granted I don't believe everyone but I judge people from scripture and the ones I do believe have given me no reason to doubt that what they say is true.
Due to medical advances, we have people dying and being rescusitated all the time. No one that has been dead 4 days tho. Some of them write books about it and get rich. They have a term for it - NDE (near death experience). I read/listen to the stories and take it on a case by case basis.