NO! NO! and again NO!
God can do anything He wants to do but man can not.
What man can do is what he does best and that is to SIN. Men have and will do anything to deceive and trick others into makeing them believe that that have somekind of special power given to them by God.
Several years ago in the Phillipens there was a man who was said to do "Physic surgery". People would come to him and pay thousands of dollars for him to remove cancers and tumors. When he was done there was no scar. He would use his finger to open the wound and when finished wipe offe the blood.
In reality when investigated he was nothing more than a sligt of hand majician. He would "palm" chicken livers in his hand along with a small package of blood for effect. He was a CHARLATAIN, a CROOK and caused the death of thousands who were foolish enough to buy into his lies.
"Without me you can do nothing" said Jesus .
Even Jesus claimed no glory but said " the words that I speak are not my own words but the Father who is IN me HE doeth the work"
So while men claim to have this gift and that gift as if it was theirs and not the Son who is IN them (if that be what it is )who doeth the work are on the road to nowhere. For God will not share his glory with another .
Man can do more than sin. IF he is IN Christ .
For" if we walk after the Spirit we will NOT fulfil the lusts of the flesh"
Or in another place "let not sin REIGN in your mortal bodies that you obey the lusts thereof"
The Righteousness of Christ is IMPUTED to us by faith in Him.
His righteousness is IMPARTED to us by the Holy Spirit .
and is it not written that if we are His then we are "preordained from before the foundations of the world unto good works that we should walk in them"?
Thus we are also called to good works . That is good or righteous in the sight of God . that is not hay or stubble .
The potential to raise the dead is always there . For He that worketh within us both to will and to do of HIS good pleasure is able to do the impossible.
But that takes a measure of faith and a working in God IN us that not many are able or willing to do or accept .
You should not therefore measure or justify your own error by anothers if that is what it was or is .
Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever . What he was he is still and will be forever more .
That what he did in the past given the same principles he will do today or can .
in Christ