That protective hedge must not have been very strong if Job could just tear it down like that.HOWEVER GOD DID SAY THIS......"BEHOLD he is already in your hand"
We don't use the word Behold much at all these days. I mean when was the last time you heard some one say BEHOLD is not this car beautiful ?
Now if you look up this word "Behold" in any of the translations such as Hebrew or Greek or English or Spanish or any other translation...YOU WILL LEARN that it ALWAYS MEANS " Look and see. Wake up and pay attention"
See God was telling satan that JOB had already opened the door to him or had given satan the right to do as he wanted to do. God was simply telling the devil the truth....Job hadalready tore down the protective hedge around him ( the blessing of God) when hestepped out into fear and worry and doubt. HOWEVER God did sent a boundary.....sparehis life or another words satin could do whatever....EXCEPT....KILL JOB...
Just admit you don't like the fact that evil happens to people without them being the cause of it.