Really did they say that?
Remind me later to give you times and places for my next class on "Sarcasm. What is it and how to spot It".

Really did they say that?
Has anyone here actually taken a hike once they retired?
Has anyone here actually taken a hike once they retired?
No they dont suffer they are actually looked after. If you look at it does a baby suffer cos it cant walk or feed themselves, well not when someones looking after them. Have you ever worked in a village? They are not alone! Theres heaps of staff and they are all in there together! That is why the villages are built so the oldies are not left all by themselves. They can sk and someone will wheel their comfy sofa wheelchairs wherever they need to go. They are warm, and they dont have to worry about clothes or food as people are there to dress and feed them 24/7.Yes I can read a book. It was only an example. I can and just may sit and sip iced tea and kill flies with a BB gun.
The point is that I will not be able to do a whole lot one day and neither will YOU. Old age does not discriminate and is an equal opportunity employer.
Suffer???? Of course they suffer my dear. Most can not walk by themselves or hear or see very well. They can not do what they want to do. They can not go where they used to go and on top of that...…..They suffer because they are ALONE.
And the people you just described will be YOU before you know it my sister.
Lol,thats what I thought too.Yep, my son takes time to take me hiking in the Shenandoah Mountains. I am getting older and we take easier trails.
So when he talks about me taking a hike, he is not dismissing me, particularly since he will be with me.![]()
Has anyone here actually taken a hike once they retired?
I know of one retired couple, actually a friends husband bought an rv so practically every weekend they are in it away somewhere. When her husband retired he wanted to travel everywhere but she just wanted to stay home. I can imagine it must be difficult if both if you dont want to do the same thing.
Also if you both married but one is much older than the other and both were working you might not want to retire at the same time. I know one couple, the husband is like 20 years older than his wife, the wife wants to keep working.
My mums still working even though my dad has retired. He wants to go away this year to travel but she doesnt really. What do you do when you married and you dont want to do the same things. Would you really get tired of each other if you had to spend every waking moment together.
Remind me later to give you times and places for my next class on "Sarcasm. What is it and how to spot It".![]()
Hello Major;
If I am a bit slow, please bear with me. You teach a class on "Sarcasm. What is it and how to spot it." Seriously?
Years ago I actually studied sarcasm in a preaching class (things we ought not to do) I also shared with my church family that sarcasm is the cousin of rude.
God bless you and your family.
Sorry major I do not do sarcasm.
You need to think about what you say because I will not respond or understand any sarcasm. Its just not part of my vocabulary and I dont believe in ever being mean to someone by using sarcasm.
Lol,thats what I thought too.
My response if someone told me to take a hike...I would just say WHERE? Lol
No they dont suffer they are actually looked after. If you look at it does a baby suffer cos it cant walk or feed themselves, well not when someones looking after them. Have you ever worked in a village? They are not alone! Theres heaps of staff and they are all in there together! That is why the villages are built so the oldies are not left all by themselves. They can sk and someone will wheel their comfy sofa wheelchairs wherever they need to go. They are warm, and they dont have to worry about clothes or food as people are there to dress and feed them 24/7.
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Really, then why do they move there with all the other old folks? For the company of other old folks. They make new friends.Lanolin...….a baby has not developed his brain function. He is not thinking and reasoning yet and he actually has NO memories as do the elderly.
Have I ever worked in a village...……...YES! I still do.
My wife and I cared for our parents in our home for 20 years. All they really wanted was to not be lonely.
The staff come and go and there is little interaction beyond caring for the physical needs of the person they are careing for.
People walking by and being present is NOT the same thing as a family member sitting and talking and holding a loved ones hand.
Really, then why do they move there with all the other old folks? For the company of other old folks. They make new friends.
Its the same as why children go to school. Not just to learn from teachers, but to be round other children. Otherwise children would just all be homeschooled wouldnt they?
Ok well i have worked in nursing homes but just seeing from a different persepctive. Some dont a tually have a choice to stay home because they have no caregivers who have the time to look after them. Some people dont have family close by because they are all over the country and they didnt want to move on with them. They had offered but the oldies refused to live with their own families. They didnt actually want to be looked after by their own children. This is true! I have asked them and they said NO I dont want to stay with my children. They have their own lives. They may be in completely different countries!I can not agree with you sister.
I have been now for several years a Chaplin for a large nursing home. From my personal experience with nursing home residents is that they are there because of one of two reason.............
1. They have no family or friends who can or will help them while at home.
2. There family will not or does not want the burden of caring for them at home.
A. Some people because of heath can not be taken care of at home but that is a minority of the population.
Actually they make very few friends. IF they share a room with another resident, then yes they are aquanted but "Friends" is a real stretch.
A resident today more than likely will pass away before any real friendship can take place.
Again, I can not agree with you on children. Children go to school because that are mandated by the state to do so. Public school is not an option or a choice. The only real choice is public school or home school but both are mandated and no choice is avalible.
Families where both parents work remove the possiblity of homeschooling and in the USA that is what the majority of families do to survive finanially.