Returning From Romania / Ukraine

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ;

We are home. We arrived yesterday from Romania to London to San Jose Airport. Praise God for His guidance and travel mercies. After 14 hours sleep (lol!) and breakfast with my wife I rested today and will get back into the swing of ministry this Sunday.

My wife Hazel didn't go on this missions trip but a group of pastors from our association in California.

I'm grateful for the translators while I delivered the message. šŸ‘

While on our way to Romania we were at London airport and I was able to contact sister Cosia. Thank you, Cosia, for taking my call. I was really blessed to hear your voice and thank you for your prayers.

Thank you, Moderator Team, for editing my thread for security.

God bless you all and thank you for your prayers while we were on missions to Romania and across the border.

Much love in Christ,



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Welcome home bobinfaith
What a wonderful thing you have all done. Love the photos.
Thank you for the marvellous surprise when you phoned. It was a glorious blessing to be able to speak to you.

We have all missed you and were praying for you and those who went with you.
The photos are great and the children look lovely. You have given them memories they will never forget.
Many Blessings to you.
hooray welcome back!
I'm sure you have a lot to share/tell us about your ministry. I saw you do shoebox gifts too.
At my school some of the kids will be receiving shoeboxes the teachers have nominated some.

Hey Lanolin;

Thank you for your prayers and support! The shoebox gifts were such a joy when I saw the look on these little folk's faces. šŸ˜‡

I'll share more soon. I'm on the tail end of my jet lag. lol!

God bless you, Lanolin.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ;

We are home. We arrived yesterday from Romania to London to San Jose Airport. Praise God for His guidance and travel mercies. After 14 hours sleep (lol!) and breakfast with my wife I rested today and will get back into the swing of ministry this Sunday.

My wife Hazel didn't go on this missions trip but a group of pastors from our association in California.

I'm grateful for the translators while I delivered the message. šŸ‘

While on our way to Romania we were at London airport and I was able to contact sister Cosia. Thank you, Cosia, for taking my call. I was really blessed to hear your voice and thank you for your prayers.

Thank you, Moderator Team, for editing my thread for security.

God bless you all and thank you for your prayers while we were on missions to Romania and across the border.

Much love in Christ,

This is wonderful ā¤ļø thank your for your support and blessings!
Hello brothers and sisters in Christ;

I'm asking for your prayers. I may be returning with a group of Pastors to serve in Romania and Ukraine in May. We have an important ZOOM meeting this Thursday morning where all the details will be shared.

God bless you all and thank you for your prayers in this missionary opportunity.

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ;

Our first missions to Romania / Ukraine was back in October 2022. Only 4 pastors traveled including the President of our Southern Baptist Association. This time there will be max of 10 Pastors. Two weeks ago I submitted my 2 part detailed application with a deposit.

Our expenses will be covered but I need to fund my round trip flight. The President will not join us this time but he will submit a letter for the applicants requesting funding for our flight ticket to our respective Churches. Either way my wife and I are already prepared to fund my flight.

Thank you for your prayers as I prepare for God opening the doors regarding this opportunity. I'm not assuming anything until God confirms His Will for me to return and serve.

God bless you all and your families.

Getting close now, how did the funding go?

Hey crossnote;

Thank you for asking. It turns out May is not a good time for any of the Pastors to travel so no one applied. Turns out I was the only one and they asked me to keep my application on file. So the Baptist Association will reschedule later this year when more Pastors can travel.

Please remain in prayer for me, that God will keep this opportunity open for me to serve when the schedule fits everyone's availability. My wife already supports my decision to go.

God bless you, crossnote.
Hello brothers and sisters;

This month I was added to the Romania Missions team and will return to serve in Romania and travel to our sister Churches across the border.

The date we travel is Thursday, October 31st and return Tuesday, November 12, 2024.

Please keep our group of Pastors who are traveling in prayer. My focus is whatever God leads me to serve our partner Churches and others while we're there, most important is bringing one or more persons to Christ Jesus.

I am thankful to God for giving me this opportunity as well as your prayers.

God bless you all.
its a shame people in third world countries are more acceptable to the word of God . than those in the united states

Hello forgiven;

This is true both ways. Many missionaries travel and minister to first world countries like the United States, England, Canada, Australia, Japan, etc...

Our mission in Romania is also a partnership as we travel across the border to an unsecure 2nd world nation.

God bless
you, forgiven.
Hello brothers and sisters;

Our group of Pastors is having a meeting this Thursday morning and the next 3 months in preparation for our missionary trip end of October and will return mid November.

I received my certificate (AB506) California state-mandated Child Abuse Awareness training and exam. I also had my fingerprinting LiveScan, both required for this missionary assignment.

Please continue to join me in prayer.

God bless you all and thank you.