Dear brothers and sisters in Christ;
We are home. We arrived yesterday from Romania to London to San Jose Airport. Praise God for His guidance and travel mercies. After 14 hours sleep (lol!) and breakfast with my wife I rested today and will get back into the swing of ministry this Sunday.
My wife Hazel didn't go on this missions trip but a group of pastors from our association in California.
I'm grateful for the translators while I delivered the message.
While on our way to Romania we were at London airport and I was able to contact sister Cosia. Thank you, Cosia, for taking my call. I was really blessed to hear your voice and thank you for your prayers.
Thank you, Moderator Team, for editing my thread for security.
God bless you all and thank you for your prayers while we were on missions to Romania and across the border.
Much love in Christ,
We are home. We arrived yesterday from Romania to London to San Jose Airport. Praise God for His guidance and travel mercies. After 14 hours sleep (lol!) and breakfast with my wife I rested today and will get back into the swing of ministry this Sunday.
My wife Hazel didn't go on this missions trip but a group of pastors from our association in California.
I'm grateful for the translators while I delivered the message.
While on our way to Romania we were at London airport and I was able to contact sister Cosia. Thank you, Cosia, for taking my call. I was really blessed to hear your voice and thank you for your prayers.
Thank you, Moderator Team, for editing my thread for security.
God bless you all and thank you for your prayers while we were on missions to Romania and across the border.
Much love in Christ,
Delivering Rice 1022.png516.9 KB · Views: 22
Preaching Across the Border 10302022.png452.9 KB · Views: 20
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Romainian Poor 2022.jpg63.1 KB · Views: 20
Shoebox Gifts Across the Border 10302022.png439.9 KB · Views: 21
Pastors Across the Border 10302022.png632.1 KB · Views: 21