I don't follow men, only the bible. I have many verses. You do not have one that says salvation is by works. NOT ONE.you are clinging to your teachings of men and not "hearing" what scripture says ..
I don't follow men, only the bible. I have many verses. You do not have one that says salvation is by works. NOT ONE.
If you want to continue this with me, then find me that scripture first. Otherwise I am done. Obedience is faith and belief in Christ's work.
IXOYE, I'm lost, I don't see the Holy Spirit mentioned in Matt 7, could you please show me where He is?
I NEVER said salvation was by works .. QUIT TRYING TO PURPOSELY TWIST MY WORDS !!!
and I said OBEDIENCE equates to DOING works/acts of charity ..
Hbr 5:9 And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the
source of eternal salvation,
and James says demons have belief .. do they have obedience ???
I am done here .. but you WILL remember this some day ..
Salvation By Faith Alone Verses Works Based Salvation
You have said it over and over. You have said salvation is by both works and faith and you have said that you can't know your saved until the end when you have proven yourself by works.
The confusion centers around how we get that faith needed for salvation in the first place.
What faith is needed? It is faith in Jesus being Lord. Now nobody can have true faith in Jesus being Lord unless it is revealed to them 1 Cor 12:3 Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus be cursed," and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit. Jer 17:10 I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind.
When we draw near to God (works), He draws near to us James 4:8 / We open the door (works) and He comes in Rev 3:20.
I don't see why you disagreeing with Ixoye here. Heb 5:9 is not espousing works based salvation.
All of us have to be aware of the OT scenario with regards to Abrahams bosom. Salvation that they had nothing to do with... was when they were taken from Abrahams bosom (not Hades) to Heaven. So, something they did, got them into Abraham's bosom.
Discussion needs to center around what those OT saints did that got them into Abrahams bosom and not Hades.
I don't see why you disagreeing with Ixoye here. Heb 5:9 is not espousing works based salvation.
All of us have to be aware of the OT scenario with regards to Abrahams bosom. Salvation that they had nothing to do with... was when they were taken from Abrahams bosom (not Hades) to Heaven. So, something they did, got them into Abraham's bosom.
Discussion needs to center around what those OT saints did that got them into Abrahams bosom and not Hades.
I don't see why you disagreeing with Ixoye here. Heb 5:9 is not espousing works based salvation.
All of us have to be aware of the OT scenario with regards to Abrahams bosom. Salvation that they had nothing to do with... was when they were taken from Abrahams bosom (not Hades) to Heaven. So, something they did, got them into Abraham's bosom.
Discussion needs to center around what those OT saints did that got them into Abrahams bosom and not Hades.
I don't see why you disagreeing with Ixoye here. Heb 5:9 is not espousing works based salvation.
All of us have to be aware of the OT scenario with regards to Abrahams bosom. Salvation that they had nothing to do with... was when they were taken from Abrahams bosom (not Hades) to Heaven. So, something they did, got them into Abraham's bosom.
Discussion needs to center around what those OT saints did that got them into Abrahams bosom and not Hades.
I NEVER said salvation was by works .. QUIT TRYING TO PURPOSELY TWIST MY WORDS !!!
and I said salvation was by belief AND obedience ..
OBEDIENCE equates to DOING works/acts of charity ..
Hbr 5:9 And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the
source of eternal salvation,
and James says demons have belief .. do they have obedience ???
I am done here .. but you WILL remember this some day ..
Someone is justified by the blood of Jesus by faith. This does happen at salvation. This is different than sanctification which is what it seems you are mixing justification with. In God's Spirit the believer is already perfect.I think the mistake many people make is mixing justification and salvation together. No where does the bible put the two together. I think the following scholarly expositions elucidate the point best:
Harpers Bible Commentary:
"Fundamental for Paul’s concept of hope is the differentiation between justification and salvation; justification marks the beginning of the new life in Christ and sustains it to the end; salvation is the consummation of the gifts already experienced as a foretaste in baptism and in the living of the new life in Christ. This is precisely the point in Rom. 5:1-3, a most crucial text. What the Christian has obtained in this life is ‘access,’ not completed entrance, to God’s grace, and the apostle rejoices in the ‘hope of sharing the glory of God’ at the future consummation. The sign that the believer has access to this grace now is that ‘God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us.’ Thus Paul can assert that the ones in Christ who have ‘the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved’ (Rom. 8:23-24). Rom. 8:18-25 is also an important text, for it shows, as all the authentic Pauline references to salvation do, that salvation has a future orientation and is not yet complete (see Rom. 5:9-10; Phil. 3:7-14). It further shows that God’s revelation in Jesus Christ affects not only individuals, but creation itself, which God has subjected in hope ‘because the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay obtain the glorious liberty of the children of God’ (Rom. 8:19-21). ""Fundamentally the Corinthians needed a renewal of their minds (Rom. 12:2). They were trying to live their Christian lives on the basis of unsanctified common sense which has self-preservation as its ultimate goal. This kind of life is self-seeking, self-serving, and ultimately self-destructive (Luke 9:24-25).
Bakers Encyclopedia of the Bible:
"Salvation involves justification, regeneration, and sanctification in this life. In the life to come it means the glorification of the inner person and the resurrection of the body in glory. But such a glorified person must live in a glorified environment. Hence Scripture must logically end the course of salvation with a glorious new heaven, new earth, and new Jerusalem."
The Bible Knoledge Commentary Vol 2:
1:18. It was that very point which Paul wanted to drive home to the Corinthians. The message of the Cross cuts to the heart of self-centeredness. Paul saw it as central to salvation which he understood to be a process begun by justification, advanced by sanctification, and climaxed in glorification. Paul spoke most pointedly in this verse and in the letter as a whole to the second of these phases, progressive sanctification. "The message of the Cross" is the message of self-renunciation, of obedience to God which may lead as it did in Jesus’ case to humiliation and death, but which ultimately leads not to self-destruction but to preservation (Mark 8:34-35) and exaltation (2 Tim. 2:12; Rev. 22:5). That was the recurring theme in these verses (1 Cor. 1:17-18, 23-24; 2:2, 8), an idea those who are perishing consider foolishness (cf. Luke 9:23-25)". vol 2 pg. 509
by works was faith made perfect—not was vivified, but attained its fully consummated development, and is shown to be real. So "my strength is made perfect in weakness," that is, exerts itself most perfectly, shows how great it is [Cameron]: so 1Jn 4:17; Heb 2:10; 5:9. The germ really, from the first, contains in it the full-grown tree, but its perfection is not attained till it is matured fully. So Jam 1:4, "Let patience have her perfect work," that is, have its full effect by showing the most perfect degree of endurance, "that ye may be perfect," that is, fully developed in the exhibition of the Christian character. Alford explains, "Received its realization, was entirely exemplified and filled up." So Paul, Php 2:12, "Work out your own salvation": the salvation was already in germ theirs in their free justification through faith. It needed to be worked out still to fully developed perfection in their life."
A Commentary, critical and explanatory, on the Old and New Testament |JFB:
sure Gene .. Paul tells us healing and prophesying ARE gifts of the HS ..
these who are rejected for LACK OF OBEDIENCE IN LOVE had these gifts ..
God Bless you ..
I can't reconcile in my mind how ''works'' do not lead to faith, to salvation. James 4:8 comes before real faith / 2 Cor 5:17.YES..........Faith!