Should Baptism be repeated?

by telling the child they have to.. which is not Bible
A child doesn’t get to have an opinion. Actually at that age of a few years we don’t even know. Only that later most of us are much glad we were done. Along with keeping our affiliation numbers strong in the faith. It may mean a lot to you considering that be the name you go under. But not so much to us that we would ever consider being called such.
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A child doesn’t get to have an opinion. Actually at that age of a few years we don’t even know. Only that later most of us are much glad we were done. Along with keeping our affiliation numbers strong in the faith. It may mean a lot to you considering that be the name you go under. But not so much to us that we would ever consider being called such.
it depends on the child besides when a child gets saved it does not mean rush into baptism .. some children have a deeper grasp than some adults. to many depend on water to be saved
it depends on the child besides when a child gets saved it does not mean rush into baptism .. some children have a deeper grasp than some adults. to many depend on water to be saved
Forgiven as mentioned in my previous post it has nothing to do with and if and when a child be saved. At the same time our churches believe it to be a visible but also an inward sign of Gods faith given unto the elect when it comes to infant baptism Acts 2:38- 39. Look more closely at v 39. Is it not to our children’s children As well ? We merely proclaim the Lords great commission of baptising in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost just as in the old covenant of circumcision so with new covenant of baptism which has been conferred upon the Church to appropriate at least with traditional churches under the stipulation of the great commission Mathew 28:19.


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it depends on the child besides when a child gets saved it does not mean rush into baptism .. some children have a deeper grasp than some adults. to many depend on water to be saved
Forgiven we must also consider that under the old covenant of circumcision all including infants were considered members of the covenant community due to old covenant as mentioned in Genesis 7:9-14 . Not that all were believers we leave that for the Lord to decide as with all in the the new covenant also . The matter of grace has not changed Col 2:11-12 only in administration and the new sign of initiation from circumcision of old to baptism into the new. Col 2:8-15. . When thinking upon the age of consent with baptism we must also consider the many times in the book of Acts where the entire household is converted and baptised. It is unimaginable to think that there would be no infants amongst those households. The church has looked into the matter deeply in its infancy. The very reason the traditional church has always promoted infant baptism as the primary correct interpretation. Forgiven We have no problem in baptising those who have never been baptised from whatever age as confirmed within the Reformed Churches articles of faith and the Westminster confession the cannon of Dort and a multitude other documents along with the Bible. But we do refuse to baptise people who have already been baptised from their youth . You may disagree. A difference of doctrinal outlook I guess.


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I was "baptised" as an infant in the Catholic Church.

When I walked out of the Catholic Church 20 years ago... it was my understanding that because I requested
ex-communication from the church that I was then deemed as an apostate and my eternal position in the eyes of the church
was eternal damnation.

It is my opinion that infant baptism is a false claim of salvation. AT most it is a claim to membership of the church.

I absolutely did not feel that I was getting baptised TWICE but rather... .for the first time in a state of biblical obedience.
it depends on the child besides when a child gets saved it does not mean rush into baptism .. some children have a deeper grasp than some adults. to many depend on water to be saved
Forgiven as mentioned in my previous post it has nothing to do with and if and when a child be saved. At the same time our churches believe it to be a visible but also an inward sign of Gods faith given unto the elect when it comes to infant baptism Acts 2:38- 39. Look more closely at v 39. Is it not to our children’s children As well ? We merely proclaim the Lords great commission of baptising in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost just as in the old covenant of circumcision so with new covenant of baptism which has been conferred upon the Church to appropriate at least with traditional churches under the stipulation of the great commission Mathew 28:19.
Forgiven we must also consider that under the old covenant of circumcision all including infants were considered members of the covenant community due to old covenant as mentioned in Genesis 7:9-14 . When thinking upon the age of consent with baptism we must also consider the many times in the book of Acts where the entire household is converted and baptised. It is unimaginable to think that there would be no infants amongst those households. The church has looked into the matter deeply in its infancy. The very reason the traditional church has always promoted infant baptism as the primary correct interpretation. Forgiven We have no problem in baptising those who have never been baptised from whatever age as confirmed within the Reformed Churches articles of faith and the Westminster confession the cannon of Dort and a multitude other documents along with the Bible. But we do refuse to baptise people who have already been baptised from their youth . You may disagree. A difference of doctrinal outlook I guess.

I was "baptised" as an infant in the Catholic Church. When I walked out of the Catholic Church 20 years ago... it was my understanding that because I requested ex-communication from the church that I was then deemed as an apostate and my eternal position in the eyes of the church was eternal damnation. It is my opinion that infant baptism is a false claim of salvation. AT most it is a claim to membership of the church. I absolutely did not feel that I was getting baptised TWICE but rather... .for the first time in a state of biblical obedience.

Good morning,

As forgiven, Major and other posters made clear, water baptism doesn't confirm one's salvation. Still, baptism by water immersion is a major decision in a Christian's life.

I don't officiate "infant baptisms" (I understand what you mean, Prim90.) Instead, it's what is called a Baby Dedication or what the autonomy of a given Christian Church chooses to define. Infants are too young to understand and make this kind of decision. So the parents who make this request would meet with me. I would help them understand the purpose of a Baby Dedication. The parents were making a serious decision as stewards in the raising of their infant child in the Christian foundation of their home.

I was 1 month old and baptised in the Roman Catholic Church. My Dad and late Mom were 21 and 20 respectively. They were not grounded doctrinally or theologically but they believe in God and were Church going people. I learned as I got older their intentions being their first child and for this I thank God that my parents thought enough of me to make a public proclamation that I would be raised in the foundation of a Christian home.

When I turned 18 1/2, I don't know why I left the Catholic Church but what I did learn from CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine,) I took that with me and began my journey as a regenerated Christian. As young adults my wife Hazel and I made a serious decision to be water baptised.

Our Pastor met with us to help us understand the meaning of water immersion which unfortunately many Pastors fail to do as a practice to their congregants. This is why many Christians still struggle distinguishing between water (public proclamation to repent, serve and follow Jesus) and spiritual baptism (receiving Christ, getting saved and receiving salvation.)

A Pastor has an important responsibility to teach water baptism and Baby Dedication to their grooming ministers (Paul to Timothy mentoring.) For this we must continually pray for all Pastors.

God bless you all.

I was 1 month old and baptised in the Roman Catholic Church. My Dad and late Mom were 21 and 20 respectively. They were not grounded doctrinally or theologically but they believe in God and were Church going people. I learned as I got older their intentions being their first child and for this I thank God that my parents thought enough of me to make a public proclamation that I would be raised in the foundation of a Christian home.
I mean absolutely NO DISRESPECT to anyone who might belong to the Catholic Church.... I assumed that NO one here within the forums was a practicing Catholic. If I am wrong about that... I apologise for even making a comment regarding baptism.

I do not believe that it is possible to have a fruitful doctrinal discussion with someone who is an active member of the Catholic church because their premise on entering ANY argument is that they belong to the ONE TRUE CHURCH. It is an uneven playing field from the get go and personally... .I do not desire to engage in these types of discussions because they never accomplish anything and are most often CIRCULAR arguments. ( That is just my humble opinion )... and it is how I protect myself.

So without having offended anyone... Please accept this disclaimer moving forward. I will be very mindful to stay clear of any discussion that could cause division and strife.

God bless everyone.
I mean absolutely NO DISRESPECT to anyone who might belong to the Catholic Church.... I assumed that NO one here within the forums was a practicing Catholic. If I am wrong about that... I apologise for even making a comment regarding baptism. I do not believe that it is possible to have a fruitful doctrinal discussion with someone who is an active member of the Catholic church because their premise on entering ANY argument is that they belong to the ONE TRUE CHURCH. It is an uneven playing field from the get go and personally... .I do not desire to engage in these types of discussions because they never accomplish anything and are most often CIRCULAR arguments. ( That is just my humble opinion )... and it is how I protect myself. So without having offended anyone... Please accept this disclaimer moving forward. I will be very mindful to stay clear of any discussion that could cause division and strife. God bless everyone.

Good morning, In Awe of Him;

Noone is implying you were making disrespectful remarks to anyone who is a practicing Catholic. Christian Forum Site's moderators monitor the threads / posts daily and carefully. We will address anyone who make derogatory remarks against any member compromising the forum rules.

As far as doctrinal discussions with a practicing Catholic many have requested to meet with Pastors and have conversations with them. In my personal experience many have met with me with questions about their faith. Some have converted to Christianity or decided to remain in Catholicism. We don't dismiss anyone who has questions about their current or searching faith. It is my role to maintain a peaceful one on one discussion with Jesus in the center which is the fruit of our meeting. Whether they receive what I share or not, it's up to our amazing God who transforms a calling.

Let's get back to the verb of topic regarding Should Baptism Be Repeated. You are welcome to pm the moderators or myself if you want to discuss this further.

God bless you, sister.

problem with baptism is not baptism it self. its all the off beat doctrines that are man made. you have those who baptize in Jesus name for the remission of sins . which i very much disagree with

those who rebaptize into the church for membership . God is not the author of confusion man over the ages of time has added to the word. it has just about got to the point i hear of baptism i wonder if they are saved... i have a friend in pastor position he puts it straight out.. jesus said bring forth fruits if repentance . we live in a world of doctrines of men water baptism never saved anyone it follows salvation i know the c.c and few others put strong emphasis on baptism . the devil is at work blinding folks with religion and ceremonies
problem with baptism is not baptism it self. its all the off beat doctrines that are man made. you have those who baptize in Jesus name for the remission of sins . which i very much disagree with those who rebaptize into the church for membership . God is not the author of confusion man over the ages of time has added to the word. it has just about got to the point i hear of baptism i wonder if they are saved... i have a friend in pastor position he puts it straight out.. jesus said bring forth fruits if repentance . we live in a world of doctrines of men water baptism never saved anyone it follows salvation i know the c.c and few others put strong emphasis on baptism . the devil is at work blinding folks with religion and ceremonies

Hey forgiven;

I once saw you in a photo baptizing one of your members. Praise God!

When someone asks you to baptize them, do you make time to meet and help them understand the purpose of water baptism prior to baptizing them?

God bless you, Jerry.