Should Christians Support The Death Penalty?

The woman caught in adultery teaches us to be merciful. Period.

You speak not the truth. Period.

John 8:6 "They said this to trap Jesus, so that they could accuse him..."

Trap him how? Accuse him of what? Being merciful? Foolish nonsense!

Mercy had nothing to do with what Jesus did.
Well the Bible teaches to uphold the rule of law and jury trials work well to that end.

So long as it abides by the Two Great Commands.

If we only abide by the law, we are allowing totalitarian regimes to have free reign.

If we can change the law, we must do so as our brother's keeper.

If we cannot, we must pray that God sends a way to end it.
You speak not the truth. Period.

John 8:6 "They said this to trap Jesus, so that they could accuse him..."

Trap him how? Accuse him of what? Being merciful? Foolish nonsense!

Mercy had nothing to do with what Jesus did.
Barnabas, if Jesus had shown mercy to the woman He would not have fulfilled the mosaic law. The Pharisees were arrogant and Jesus criticized them for arrogance and hypocrisy which necessarily meant they lacked mercy. The trap was to see if He would stone the woman, which fulfilled the law but would have been devoid of grace, or not stone her, which would have been merciful but would have disregarded the law. Instead he taught the Pharisees in a very humbling way that it was impossible to fulfill the law because every Jew would be dead (all of her accusers left) and this was why one must have Mercy, because God had mercy on them. That is echoed through the parable of the two debtors and Luke 7:37-47.