Hi guys; what a lot of posts since I last looked at the thread!
Re. cutting for the dead in Leviticus 19: I guess 'for the dead' may be part of the general context. Also, just a few words away from this is the part about not trimming the corners of beards; what I would ask is, Do preachers shave? A question which this begs is that if one is going to use this passage against tattoos (as well as pagan necromancy rites, etc.), one had better have a bushy beard like a Hassidic Jew, before doing so. I do wonder if the context is also Old Testament Jews in the land, under the law? The New Testament Epistles and Acts make it clear also that the believer is not under the law in the same sense as Old Testament Jews.
(But you know, interpretationally, some strange, strange things sometimes happen. Stranger from out of town comes into a church building, where a good ol' boy has been ministering for decades. The stranger has a beard. For the good ol' boy, figuring whether the stranger is a Christian isn't so important; rather, the fact that he has a beard is really objectionable: you see, Fidel Castro has a beard, so it 'proves' that all card-carrying Christians and Republicans shouldn't have beards. 'I want you to meet my daughter' says the stranger; and she comes in and sits down. Again, whether she is a Christian isn't so important for the good ol' boy: he spots that she has a Bible verse tattoo on her wrist and so starts citing Leviticus 19 as the reason why she shouldn't. The stranger's daughter listens politely, but doesn't say anything; she does notice that the good ol' boy, apparently without irony, is using the passage to prove that tattoos are not acceptable that also says about not cutting beards. Meanwhile the good ol' boy's granddaughter shows, arriving on a visit from college, and it turns out she now has triple pierced ears. There then follows a long and ultimately inconclusive discussion about why triple pierced ears are 'okay' but a Bible verse ref. tattooed on a wrist for witness purposes is 'not okay'. Meanwhile, and in the months and years that follow, the church declines through sheer lack of soundly presented Biblical doctrine.)
Two cents'.