Mmmmmm......, I see what you mean.
What about Leviticus 20:6
Beagler: Good question, and clearly in the New Testament (Galatians 5:20, for example) this matter is spoken of in similar terms.
Other examples: all the ten commandments except the sabbath are referred to in the New Testament as being normative; ceremonial dietary requirements are done away with, for intance, in Peter's vision in Acts.
So the question seems to be for the New Testament believer: is there a corresponding New Testament precept to what was given to the Jews in the Old Testament law? remembering also that the New Testament believer is under grace: hence Paul's and Peter's most stringent denial that circumcision is any longer required.
(A bit of background: I'm speaking as a dispensationalist who has been around Reformed folk but doesn't subscribe to some of the Reformed ideas.)
With other secondary matters, and issues of personal taste and preference, it's probably safer to let Romans 14 and the truth of Christian liberty cover such matters. (I don't for example believe it makes much sense for Christians to give a hard time to a young lady who returns home from Bible College with Christian fish sign tattoo on her wrist or extra ear piercings or whatever: these should be categorized as subjective matters of personal preference; the faith based tattoo design might even have a witness motive.)
My further two cents', which I hope make some sort of sense.