Tattoo First Timer Yet?

Well, you must have been thoroughly accustomed to the idea of your mom being tattooed if it was 7 years beforehand, anyway.

Like, with your mom's example at least in the background, between you and your wife, do you think it was you that sort of encouraged your wife to do it, too; or maybe it was your wife that persuaded you to do it (or even - coincidentally - simultaneously, you both suddenly wanted to do it...)

I suppose my wife and I sort of fed off of each other when it came to each of us getting tattoos if that makes sense.
I want some sort of flower with color (some shade of pink and/or purple) in it and possibly a verse like "Rejoice in the Lord always." ... or something like that. What about you? What are you thinking of getting?

As far as being a bridesmaid... I think my bridesmaid days may be over hehe. But, you never know!

Sounds good to me. I say go for it.
I suppose my wife and I sort of fed off of each other when it came to each of us getting tattoos if that makes sense.

I see; your mom's example (or sister's, either) didn't really have a lot to do with it, then.

Sounds like it was only after you guys were married that the idea really came to you.
Hey Christy Lou, Philippians 4, which is where your 'Rejoice in the Lord' quote comes from, is one of my favorite Bible chapters! The theme of joy in Him when combined with the experience of the tattoo needle and in a pleasing design can be especially meaningful; it kind of preaches well, I guess. (This is why it sounds like a far better idea than the oriental design I got that wasn't faith related and faded.)

(You also said you have had a bit of disagreement with your mom lately; so maybe, if she really likes it, getting a nice Bible verse design would improve your relationship with her, too?)


My mom is not crazy about me getting a tattoo. She is a Christian, but I don't really think she has a deep relationship with Christ. She can quote lots of Scripture, but never actually lives it. So, I am not really concerned about what she thinks. I got baptized for the first time two weeks ago and she was not excited about that either(???).
My mom is not crazy about me getting a tattoo. She is a Christian, but I don't really think she has a deep relationship with Christ. She can quote lots of Scripture, but never actually lives it. So, I am not really concerned about what she thinks. I got baptized for the first time two weeks ago and she was not excited about that either(???).

Christy Lou: Oh I see; well, she can be encouraged in the Scriptures anyway: the ones that she knows and the ones she doesn't yet know; you guys could try to encourage each other, then.

I suppose this means your mom doesn't have a tattoo herself.

The Mark of the Beast In Leviticus 19:28 do not Ignore this.
Warns here, do not tattoo your self…..( it is reserve for the mark of the beast )

Hey pastor franszwa, just a few clarifying questions here.

I noticed you quoted Leviticus 19:28 as if it were an instruction for all peoples of all times. Do we also equally follow all the other aspects of Mosaic law, like not wearing garments of mixed fabric from that same passage, not eat pork, be circumcised, etc? How do we know which ones we are to follow, and which ones were just for Israel at that time?

Also, say I get a tattoo that says "Jesus Saves!" across my back. Is this potentially the "mark of the beast" that will cause me to "drink of the wine of God's fury," or am I safe with that particular one?
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Roads, whenever you confront a Levitical Reconstructionist on the hypocrisy of taking some Levitical law literally... while they eat shrimp cocktail. You set yourself up for a rough argument, typically because they don't care what you say, they're right. Personally, I believe that God would prefer we find a way to publicly promote our love for him than to etch it into his creation like graffiti... but I also don't think it's a direct sin.
When we actually read Leviticus 19:28 we realize that it's forbidding practices common among the "pagan" cultures nearby, and some of the Jews may have started adopting those practices. Therefore, the way that translates to Christians would be... Don't adopt behaviors and practices into your life that, while commonplace in other groups, fail to glorify God and make you part of the World rather than apart from it.
Franszwa, you may want to tone down the vitriol, while fire & brimstone have their place, what you posted reeks of condemnation. Love and steady council will shift the hearts and minds more easily than anger and indignation.

Love to all, and BTW... I have a tattoo, it's not that bad, unless it's right over the bone.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church does not address anything regarding tattoos, though of course modesty and content is always something not to be overlooked.
My sons are named Joshua, Joel and Ethan. My daughter is named Elisa, from Elizabeth. We definitely wanted Biblical names.
I'm still waiting to see/hear if anyone has ever named their son Maher-shalal-hash-baz just as the LORD instructed Isaiah to do!! (Isaiah 8:3)
Love to all, and BTW... I have a tattoo, it's not that bad, unless it's right over the bone.

Hi there; is your tattoo in a faith based design, maybe?

(You're right about the bone areas; numbing cream will soften the pain in the fleshy areas but the pressure of the inking needle on the bone can still be uncomfortable. Depends on whether the tattooee thinks it's all worth it, anyway.)

I'm sorry... I haven't read all of the replies. But, I wanted to comment anyway. I am about to get my first tattoo. My husband is going to get one, too. I've gotten a lot of slack from other Christians, so I'm surprised to see a thread for it on a Christian forum. I want something visible that shows my love for God. I'm so excited, but very nervous about the pain!

Christy Lou: So did you have it done yet? how did you find the experience?
(from back)
I have to admit that I am a big fan of tattoos. ..I have four tattoos. They're not huge of anything, they're actually very girly and two of my tattoos are directly related to my faith. .. They're my favorite.
I am actually not done with tattoos yet. It's true what they say, you keep coming back for more!
I got a tiny cross on my arm to simply symbolize my faith ..And I also got "Romans 8:18" ..


Yes, Romans 8:18 "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time [are] not worthy [to be compared] with the glory which shall be revealed in us" is a great text that preaches well!

For a tattooed woman, it can be a matter of a certain, quiet confidence for her in her deportment that she is a wearer of tasteful ink in modest placements.

And for a tattooed Christian woman, a faith based design can provide further opportunties of testimony.

Even for those who want it (and we're not talking about the folk who don't!) getting the first tattoo can be both a bit of an anxious time, but also quietly exciting.

It's all sorts of people for many reasons that have it done, of course, many Christians included. From moms and grammas getting the dates of birth of their kids and grandkids, to young people willing and motivated to carry a faith challenging Bible ref. or Christian fish sign, planning the first one can be an emotional and maybe a bit of a scary time, too.

Any thoughts and observations from past tattoo first timers, or those wishing to be?

Ask yourself would God want you to get a tattoo? Probably not.
Even for those who want it (and we're not talking about the folk who don't!) getting the first tattoo can be both a bit of an anxious time, but also quietly exciting.

It's all sorts of people for many reasons that have it done, of course, many Christians included. From moms and grammas getting the dates of birth of their kids and grandkids, to young people willing and motivated to carry a faith challenging Bible ref. or Christian fish sign, planning the first one can be an emotional and maybe a bit of a scary time, too.

Any thoughts and observations from past tattoo first timers, or those wishing to be?

I realized this is an old thread, but I don't know whether you went through with your tattoo or not and this is a good little article I read a while ago and decided to re-find just for this thread,, now it doesn't have to do with tattoos, but the same principle goes. Also, I highly suggest that you read Romans 14 and specifically pay attention to verses 15-23. I haven't dealt with this question in a while because I made a permanent decision at one point to never get a tattoo after praying to God for the answer to whether it was ok or not and basically and getting my answer, which was "no". It wasn't just a blatant "no", God gave me insight to help me find out not to do it, but I once wanted a tattoo too, for quite a while also. Btw, I didn't get my answer overnight, it took years for me to realize that God didn't want me, or you, or anyone else to get a tattoo. Now I don't think getting a tattoo is some irreversible sin like the mark of the beast, so don't go freaking out if you got one. I just believe getting a tattoo is a sin, and everyone sins, it's in our nature literally. I could keep going and going on this subject and how it leads to countless other subjects but i'm just a messenger and am pretty worn out atm. Just remember to listen to God and he will give you the answers you seek. [/QUOTE]
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I realized this is an old thread, but I don't know whether you went through with your tattoo or not and this is a good little article I read a while ago and decided to re-find just for this thread,, now it doesn't have to do with tattoos, but the same principle goes. Also, I highly suggest that you read Romans 14 and specifically pay attention to verses 15-23. I haven't dealt with this question in a while because I made a permanent decision at one point to never get a tattoo after praying to God for the answer to whether it was ok or not and basically and getting my answer, which was "no". It wasn't just a blatant "no", God gave me insight to help me find out not to do it, but I once wanted a tattoo too, for quite a while also. Btw, I didn't get my answer overnight, it took years for me to realize that God didn't want me, or you, or anyone else to get a tattoo. Now I don't think getting a tattoo is some irreversible sin like the mark of the beast, so don't go freaking out if you got one. I just believe getting a tattoo is a sin, and everyone sins, it's in our nature literally. I could keep going and going on this subject and how it leads to countless other subjects but i'm just a messenger and am pretty worn out atm. Just remember to listen to God and he will give you the answers you seek.
Well the article relates the Cross of Christ to a pagan symbol..folks who wear the cross in general are relating it the Lord and His Cross, so to make that connection is a leap of logic based upon religious fear. And Romans 14 is related to the bringing into the faith new and weak believers. I would say that in our ministry to the world, that to make tattoos a sin, would be a transgression of the intention of this passage. Romans 14 relates to those who should be taught while Galatians relates to those who are trying to teach false and legalistic doctrine. Big difference between allowing for the weakness in others and trying to teach legalistic doctrines that defeat the liberty we have in Christ!
The article was short but the specific part of it that I thought was relevant to his topic on tattoos was what the article said towards the end, "During His New Testament ministry, Jesus taught His followers to display their spirituality through their actions and deeds (Matthew:5:16). Under the New Covenant, ushered in by Christ, God's laws are to be written on our hearts—that is, in our minds (Hebrews:8:10; 10:16). People who truly practice the Christianity of the Bible stand out as beacons of light in a spiritually darkened society because of the way they live. They have no need to wear external signs".
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Well the article relates the Cross of Christ to a pagan symbol..folks who wear the cross in general are relating it the Lord and His Cross, so to make that connection is a leap of logic based upon religious fear. And Romans 14 is related to the bringing into the faith new and weak believers. I would say that in our ministry to the world, that to make tattoos a sin, would be a transgression of the intention of this passage. Romans 14 relates to those who should be taught while Galatians relates to those who are trying to teach false and legalistic doctrine. Big difference between allowing for the weakness in others and trying to teach legalistic doctrines that defeat the liberty we have in Christ![/QUOTE]
The article was short but the specific part of it that I thought was relevant to his topic on tattoos was what the article said towards the end, "During His New Testament ministry, Jesus taught His followers to display their spirituality through their actions and deeds (Matthew:5:16). Under the New Covenant, ushered in by Christ, God's laws are to be written on our hearts—that is, in our minds (Hebrews:8:10; 10:16). People who truly practice the Christianity of the Bible stand out as beacons of light in a spiritually darkened society because of the way they live. They have no need to wear external signs".