Um..the passage in Luke, talking about all...God destroyed them all..he was NOT talking about the body of Christ.
God sent the flood, destroyed them all...except for Noah and the animals on the ark, they were saved.
God destroyed Sodom, with fire and brimstone...all of it was destroyed. Only Lot and his family rescued and saved.
Jesus said destruction would come, we be saved out of it. He did not airlift Lot or Noah to heaven like he did Elisha. Noah had to buld that ark...Lot had to listen to God and flee to the mountains. They had to prepare.
Sorry euphemia I think you just confusing ppl a bit here. It would help if you use biblical terms not rapture cos ppl get that confused with unbiblical doctrines floating round all the time. You know..88 reasons why the rapture will happen in 1988 etc etc. well we all know that didnt happen!
Resurrection is guaranteed for believers, so theres nothing to worry about anyway. Keep your eyes on Jesus, not what everyone else is claiming.
Jesus was resurrected, not 'raptured'. You make it sound like the church is gonna get raped.
There is only one Israel.
We are grafted into the olive tree.
..Paul said he would that all Israel be saved. We all one in .christ, no jew or gentile but ONE. He said the branches broken off can be grafted in again. I dont think theres two separate olive trees, hes making them ONE...gentiles are the wild ones, Jesus is the root of Jesse.
You cant say one gonna be saved and the other isnt. While Gods coveanat still stand...Jesus is the NEW covenant, and the jewish ppl need to accept the new covenant in order to fulfill every bit of the old, cos they broke it!!!
Ok i think thats clearer then. I dont use latin terms I jsut think that confuses ppl.
Of course in the resurrection we gonna be gathered together. If thats what you mean by being caught up. Dont get too caught up in being caught up!!
Lol. just on some weird tangent now using caps for words that dont need to be in caps.
Um...ok. You believe what you want to believe about that.
As am not jewish I cant say what their calendar is like...all I know is Gods timing is perfect. We dont need to worry bout dates and times we will know and there will be fair warning.
Sorry euphemia i get a really bad vibe from you for some reason, its like you wanna argue about stuff that doesnt need to be argued about.
Lets stick to the topic now, the Beast.
We need to be aware what the beast is doing and not take any kind of mark, as the Bible warns. That is really a test of our faith.
We are given wisdom about this in the Bible, The number of his name.
Also, that we cant buy or sell without it, so it really does come down to mammon and filfthy lucre etc.
do we love money more than the Lord? No way.
But unbelievers and false brethren show that they love money above all else.
The new testament was written in GREEK, not latin. That was the original scripture.
Please stick to the topic, or make a new thread.
So why do you believe that this is describing the rapture? From what I know, the rapture is when the children of God will be taken to heaven instantly. That doesn't seem to add up the rest of Scripture.I am pointing out the particular resurrection of the Church---not any other one.
So why do you believe that this is describing the rapture? From what I know, the rapture is when the children of God will be taken to heaven instantly. That doesn't seem to add up the rest of Scripture.I am pointing out the particular resurrection of the Church---not any other one.
So why do you believe that this is describing the rapture? From what I know, the rapture is when the children of God will be taken to heaven instantly. That doesn't seem to add up the rest of Scripture.