The Beast's Economic System

Yes, the rapture is when the Church is removed and taken to heaven in the twinkling of an eye. Scripture teaches this. Can you explain your difficulty in more detail?
I'm just saying that the Scripture you provided does not support the rapture, by its definition.
I'm just saying that the Scripture you provided does not support the rapture, by its definition.

Yes, every one of them does, and there are lots more! I gave a handful so you can study them. Perhaps you can start a thread on these matters, so they can be discussed in more detail.
I was just meditating on matthew 24.
I know Jesus was warnng the israelites about the destruction of the temple.
Why was the temple destroyed? Because Jesus said it had become a den of theives instead of a house of prayer. I bet there was plenty of gold in it, and when the Romans sacked Jerusalem they took it all.

Now we gentiles had similar temples in our lives, and you can see around that mostly temples of money...banks, govt admin etc. cos that is what the world revolves around. To me, that is the Beast.

I think of all those who mortgage their lives to the hilt and can never work long enough to pay just to have a roof over their head. It saddens me. Jesus didnt like moneylenders and tax collectors either.

It def has to do with that. The beast system, that controls the worlds finances. Its greed.
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Jesus def understood the plight of the poor.
His family could barely afford the temple obligations themselves.
What I am trying to get at originally is that I believe the makings of the beastly system is already among us and that it's full manifestation is about to be made known...maybe economic collapse or war will finally bring about a world monetary system that is singular in currency. This fiat currency is very useful in paying informants, asassins, thugs or whoever is in need of bribery. Just print more funny money and their paid. In the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany, they had to pay these people who spied upon their own, in actual gold backed currency thereby limiting how much could be paid out. In America they pay with funny money so there is no such limitation. Once all there is is the mark of the Beast ,then what limitations will there be to pay anyone anything? Will the mark replace currency or be in addition to?
What I am trying to get at originally is that I believe the makings of the beastly system is already among us and that it's full manifestation is about to be made known...maybe economic collapse or war will finally bring about a world monetary system that is singular in currency. This fiat currency is very useful in paying informants, asassins, thugs or whoever is in need of bribery. Just print more funny money and their paid. In the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany, they had to pay these people who spied upon their own, in actual gold backed currency thereby limiting how much could be paid out. In America they pay with funny money so there is no such limitation.

I agree with this.

Once all there is is the mark of the Beast ,then what limitations will there be to pay anyone anything? Will the mark replace currency or be in addition to?

The mark will be the means by which anyone can purchase OR sell anything, from a bar of soap to food and water, and fuel and power. There most likely will be currency, but just like the one world government and one world religion, here will be one world monetary system implemented with this mark. It will be severely difficult, if not nearly impossible for anyone who acknowledges and desires to follow after the Messiah at that time, to survive outside of that system.
Well, its been here since's nothing new.
As economy goes in boom and bust cycles throughout history...probably the next bust is gonna happen. I remember the sharemarket crash in 1987, then the 2008 GFC.
But need not concern us - cos thats the way of the world. I think mark of beast probably to do with currency, and also, having in our foreheads and hands, which is if money does control us.
We meant to have the mind of Christ and His name written there, and be His hands and feet (nailed) not the beast...

Cos God gives us salvation freely and all other blessings from above. We don't need to pay for them.

Fix your eyes on heaven, where moths and thieves can't ever destroy the treasures there.
some people already see ppl with tattoos. They get forced or coerced to have them. esp gang members.
And the Beast is dead, I mean, he gives no life. So when God says don't mark yourself in honor of the dead..I think He means what He says.
Many ppl think it may be a microchip that has all your money in it...but it may just be a simple permanent stamp, like a tattoo, and then if you have it, you can buy and sell to your hearts content. It would be dead easy to convince ppl to have it. They would see it as a good, convenient thing, like the germans supporting nazi regime cos of the material benefits.
Um..I don't think so. Christians will be sharing what we have with each other..and also the Lord is going to provide all our needs if we short, so we just need to trust Him.

unbelievers will have a choice, I suppose, take the mark, live a comfortable life so it seems, but be sold out to Satan. Or become relatively poor, and do without, except one has salvation. If you have salvation, then money is really nothing. It's just numbers.