Journal The Cabin

PaducahLuke ... Thinking about you in the south. Not sure if this is you.

No, Ma'am... That was way south of us in the 'deep south'. We're kind of in the 'mid south'.

The air was too dry and too cold here in western Kentucky to snow. Most of the snow was closer to the Gulf of America (It ain't called the Gulf of Mexico any more. President signed an Executive Order renaming it the other day and now Florida is already calling it that in their official government news releases.)

I called my cousin, Leroy, down in Biloxi, Mississippi, last night and he got over 7 inches of snow. All the roads are closed until it all melts 'cause they ain't got snow plows down that way. He heard that there was some bad wrecks on the I-10 Interstate Highway, so the cops shut down parts of the highway from Texas to Florida. Leroy said that nobody is drivin' anywhere, even with 4 wheel drive pickup trucks. Where I live, it's just plain cold. It's 9 degrees F. here right now and we got the wood stove cranked up keepin' the trailer house nice and warm. I just looked out the window and it's so cold that I saw a dog chasin' a cat and they was both walkin'.

Y'all have a good day and stay warm.

PaducahLuke ... WHO KNEW that there are levels of south..... tip of the south.... arm of the south.... mouth of the south ( like that one :D )..
heart of the south... then ya gots yer middle of the south area where all the bbq's and church meetings happen.... and when that is all over and done with.... ya'll can exit on the back end of the south. HAHAHAHA.

The thing about name changing is... you is always referring to the OLD name as reference because suddenly... NO one knows what you is talking 'bout.... so I prefer to keep the old name. They have pulled those stunts here in the NORTH also... renaming streets that have bad reputations ( as though the new name will CHANGE the reputation HA )...They had a beach re-naming here in my city... behind my back... and I tell ya.... last year... I was SO CONFUSED when someone asked me to MEET them at the NEW NAME.... I ended up travelling 36 miles up north. :D ( this might or might NOT be a true story ).

Lots of changes coming I think... I can't wrap my little brain around any of it to be honest.... MY LOVE for the FORUMS is HUGE... and I have made this very clear.... but my mis-trust and dislike of the new leadership is something I am simply going to have to accept and say NOTHING about. I am TRULY concerned about so many things... being from Canada does not make it easier. It is what it is.

I am thankful that this space is a SAFE space. WE do not have to AGREE on things... but we do have to RESPECT each other.

I will be the FIRST to THROW you ALL a party!!!
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Alright..... Happy Wednesday everyone.

This morning I have a doctor's appointment... to renew my medications and to get my blood work done.
It's very convenient because the blood lab is literally just down the hall... so... my niece is coming to pick me up and I will take the bus home.

I think I did something to my legs that week I was walking in the very cold weather... my legs have been sore ( they feel like they are burning (( I don't know how to describe it )). ) Anyways... I am having to do a lot of standing which is no big deal but I hope this clears up soon. I will mention it to my doctor and see what she has to say.

Our cold weather warning is over and now we stand at minus 22 ( feels like minus 30 ). I'm no longer COMMENTING on high and low temps. Just sticking to the facts.... HAHAHAHAHAHA.... and still HAHAHAHAHAHA

Love you all.... Another slow puzzle day after I get home from the doctor.

*EDIT.... I forgot to mention that on Monday... I contacted the administration of the apartment complex I have applied for with AFFORDABLE housing. The waiting list... I am told is very long.

Anyways.... I wanted someone from the office to confirm that I was INDEED on the list... as I picked up the application in August of 2024... and handed it in to a different person. ANYWAYS.... I got an email back confirming that I was INDEED on the waiting list. I am so BLESSED that I am not in a hurry to leave here. In the mean time... I will continue to save and enjoy my time here.

The reality of being able to retire here and even die here is NOT sustainable... as my two landlords are approaching their 80's... and so ... I realized last year that it would be in my best interest to BEGIN the process of applying for AFFORDABLE housing. VERY long EDIT. HA. I could have started a new post. OH well.
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Well.... blood taken for another 3 months. I requested a Monsters Inc. band-aid... preferrably with the character
of Mike Wakowski but they did not have any.... so I asked the phlebotomist (how do you like that word?? ) if she could draw a picture on my band-aid... and she drew me a happy face. :D True story.

At the doctor's... the nurse made me stand on the scale... I told her I did not want to.... AND... I complained that the numbers were wrong. I gained
2 pounds... GOOD GRIEF is about all I can say However.... my doctor agrees with me that NOW is the time to tweak things and make small choices.... rather than waiting until I have GAINED all the weight back which is the PROGNOSIS now that I am OFF the Ozempic. Blah Blah Blah... BLAH. HAHAHAHA. I'm not impressed!!!!!!

So.... all the above to say.... that we DECIDED.... me and my doctor to go back on the LOWEST dose to help me get to my IDEAL weight. The struggle at my age is REAL so.... I am thoughtfully back to SQUARE one.

I love my doctor... I can be honest... and she is honest back.
She actually told me she loved me today.... which is such a lovely thing to say. She has been my doctor for 22 years. WOW.

So.... moving right along... I am going to attempt to get my puzzle finished by the end of January. I have a bit more than 1/3 done.... and I'm finally starting to get into the groove of things.

There you go folks... the Wednesday afternoon REPORT.
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PaducahLuke ... WHO KNEW that there are levels of south..... tip of the south.... arm of the south.... mouth of the south ( like that one :D )..
heart of the south... then ya gots yer middle of the south area where all the bbq's and church meetings happen.... and when that is all over and done with.... ya'll can exit on the back end of the south. HAHAHAHA.

The thing about name changing is... you is always referring to the OLD name as reference because suddenly... NO one knows what you is talking 'bout.... so I prefer to keep the old name. They have pulled those stunts here in the NORTH also... renaming streets that have bad reputations ( as though the new name will CHANGE the reputation HA )...They had a beach re-naming here in my city... behind my back... and I tell ya.... last year... I was SO CONFUSED when someone asked me to MEET them at the NEW NAME.... I ended up travelling 36 miles up north. :D ( this might or might NOT be a true story ).

Lots of changes coming I think... I can't wrap my little brain around any of it to be honest.... MY LOVE for the FORUMS is HUGE... and I have made this very clear.... but my mis-trust and dislike of the new leadership is something I am simply going to have to accept and say NOTHING about. I am TRULY concerned about so many things... being from Canada does not make it easier. It is what it is.
God uses ALL kinds to get His things done. Whenever you worry, just remember that Trump is surrounded by these kind of supporters:

It is all in the Master's master plan!
It is all in the Master's master plan!
My political IGNORANCE is something that I am at fault for... I take ownership of the fact that I have not educated myself over the years.
The view I take is that my opinion does NOT matter due to the fact that I know NOTHING.

I don't know or understand what God is doing in America.... I don't know or understand the SIGNIFICANCE of America prophetically.... I simply do not know. My opinion ( if you will ) is solely based on the personality of this individual.

The one thing that the forums here have taught me is to throw out everything I FEEL.... and start to learn to simply TRUST those who are MATURE in CHRIST. It's a huge learning curve for me.

Living in Canada puts me at a further disadvantage of understanding American politics.

I don't do politics in my country let alone trying to figure out how others function.

I am a SIMPLE little creature.
I take ownership of the fact that I have not educated myself over the years. The view I take is that my opinion does NOT matter due to the fact that I know NOTHING. I don't know or understand what God is doing in America.... I don't know or understand the SIGNIFICANCE of America prophetically.... I simply do not know. My opinion ( if you will ) is solely based on the personality of this individual. The one thing that the forums here have taught me is to throw out everything I FEEL.... and start to learn to simply TRUST those who are MATURE in CHRIST. It's a huge learning curve for me. Living in Canada puts me at a further disadvantage of understanding American politics. I don't do politics in my country let alone trying to figure out how others function. I am a SIMPLE little creature.

Dear In Awe of Him;

In the 5 points I blue and red-lighted in your post are conversations I listen and respond to over a cup of coffee, lunch, and a phone call with a close buddy.

You have educated yourself over the years in the areas that you are intelligently led and gifted in. I read your posts and you provide valuable information to others who are learning something.
Two examples. How many of us are extremely concerned over better eating habits that can improve our health? You bring that to the table, In Awe of Him. You bring inexpensive home crafts and simple games that people can learn about and bring more enjoyment to their time.

God anoints each of us just enough to uplift others.

When I read the tabloids, commentaries and today's news reports I confess to God during my prayer time that I don't understand what's going on in America, Canada, Europe, UK, Asia, Middle East. Therefore in my prayer request is He will anoint our leaders (not just America) and lead our respective countries under His direction.

A small example of what I do understand is my small part to continue visitations to our middle aged and elderly seniors who are in hospice, VA hospitals, and home bedridden. This helps me see more clearly the system of our medical benefits/services, in home supportive services, and the like.

I don't know who you are referring to about the "personality of this individual," sister.

Trusting those who are mature in Christ is a blessing and benefit to all believers. Example, in 1 Timothy 5:17,17 Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching; and in In 1 Timothy 4:12, 12 Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.

When someone your senior sets a Christian example, disciples (mentor) and uplifts you in your personal life helps you develop a healthier relationship with God. It's also healthy when young men and women of God fellowship with an older believer. It stimulates zeal in our strive to continuously serve those who have needs.

In my relationship with Jesus has blessed me with either a day's drive or flight to Canada. I always get filled with a positive, optimistic aura. Sure, I don't live in Canada. I live in the United States yet I don't fully understand the whole political stage. My bigger focus remains the future of the Canada's and Americas, to sustain a more hopeful heart and partnership with our neighbors to the North.

God bless you, In Awe of Him.

Good morning my beautiful forum family...

Well... we are back to NORMAL ( for us ) temperatures and so... I will resume with my 4 mile walk this morning.
My last walk was Friday of last week so YEP.... how quickly a week passes when you are in a deep freeze. HA.

I really had to chuckle at all the short videos I watched yesterday of people in Louisiana having a blast with the snow.
I take our 4 seasons for granted here. It's one of my most FAVOURITE things where I live. EACH season offers a different kind of BEAUTY.

So then... It's Thursday... Grocery shopping day with my dear friend Margaret... and a quiet... work on my puzzle day.

Keeping it short and sweet this morning.
It's Australia Day on 26-January !
In recent years, the left have called for replacing Australia Day with Invasion Day.
But most Australians still support Australia Day, including us.
What do you think?
Good morning Matiro

I am just getting ready to go grocery shopping. Every Thursday... It's shop with Margaret Day.
I do not have a vehicle and so my friend Margaret comes to collect me every Thursday morning.
Things some times get very interesting/ comical when we get together... usually to Margaret's regret. HA

I am guessing that this holiday for Australia would be equivalent to our July 1st ( Canada )
and July 4th ( America )??? Is that correct??

Nice to see you stopping by here in the Cabin. One never knows who will make an appearance during the day. HA.
To warm your heart today!!!!!!!!!!

Good morning Matiro

I am just getting ready to go grocery shopping. Every Thursday... It's shop with Margaret Day.
I do not have a vehicle and so my friend Margaret comes to collect me every Thursday morning.
Things some times get very interesting/ comical when we get together... usually to Margaret's regret. HA

I am guessing that this holiday for Australia would be equivalent to our July 1st ( Canada )
and July 4th ( America )??? Is that correct??

Nice to see you stopping by here in the Cabin. One never knows who will make an appearance during the day. HA.

Have a nice shopping day. Do you go once every week? How far do you travel for shopping?
You're right, Australia day is equivalent to your July 1st ( Canada )
and July 4th for America.
It's Australia Day on 26-January !
In recent years, the left have called for replacing Australia Day with Invasion Day.
But most Australians still support Australia Day, including us.
What do you think?

Good morning, Matiro;

When we celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas it's a special Day (off) of bringing the whole family together, reflect and say a prayer before the large meal. The other 363 days it's really hard to gather the whole family.

As far as the other Days, I feel we have too many "names for Days erected" in most countries and later the definition is changed because of the trends or times.

The meaning of the day is not reflected, only to take advantage and enjoy the Day off (if the Day is a Day off.)

It's an observation I've had for many years.

God bless
you, Matiro.


Big Moose .... my dear Mr. Moose.... Just wondering if you would be interested in these if I can get your size and favourite colour??

It's adventure day with my niece. which means we are going to Walmart... HAHAHAHAHA Too funny.
