PaducahLuke ... WHO KNEW that there are levels of south..... tip of the south.... arm of the south.... mouth of the south ( like that one

heart of the south... then ya gots yer middle of the south area where all the bbq's and church meetings happen.... and when that is all over and done with.... ya'll can exit on the back end of the south. HAHAHAHA.
The thing about name changing is... you is always referring to the OLD name as reference because suddenly... NO one knows what you is talking 'bout.... so I prefer to keep the old name. They have pulled those stunts here in the NORTH also... renaming streets that have bad reputations ( as though the new name will CHANGE the reputation HA )...They had a beach re-naming here in my city... behind my back... and I tell ya.... last year... I was SO CONFUSED when someone asked me to MEET them at the NEW NAME.... I ended up travelling 36 miles up north.

( this might or might NOT be a true story ).
Lots of changes coming I think... I can't wrap my little brain around any of it to be honest.... MY LOVE for the FORUMS is HUGE... and I have made this very clear.... but my mis-trust and dislike of the new leadership is something I am simply going to have to accept and say NOTHING about. I am TRULY concerned about so many things... being from Canada does not make it easier. It is what it is.