Journal The Cabin

My hubby doing our puzzle. Remember he does the careful - look shape, colour, size method and I do the random pick up and place method. No guessing who does most of the puzzle.

Good morning, Marilyn;

I opened the photo of your husband doing his puzzle. Its the first time I have ever seen a cozy dining room overlooking the backyard in Australia.

I also noticed your stereo system. Can I ask what brand that is and do the speakers separate? How long have you folks had it?

God bless
you, Marilyn.

Good morning, Marilyn;

I opened the photo of your husband doing his puzzle. Its the first time I have ever seen a cozy dining room overlooking the backyard in Australia.

I also noticed your stereo system. Can I ask what brand that is and do the speakers separate? How long have you folks had it?

God bless
you, Marilyn.

Hi Bob,

Glad you liked the photo. You are right it is our dining room and also our lounge and where I am standing taking the photo is the kitchen. You see we made a very big room and the windows go all the way around (out front) so we get over a 180 view out onto the farm land.

Trevor bought the stereo about 50 years ago, new. It was in the family home for a while and now is in our home. It is a Thorn and the speakers do separate. Those were the days of the LP`s etc. I think some musicians like the sound better from the stereo than the CD`s or DVD`s we have now.

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Good morning my most beautiful and precious forum family.

My walk this morning was GLORIOUS.... What a difference 10 degrees makes. NO leg warmers required. HA
I simply put on layers and off I went.

I thought it might be interesting to share this about my walk.
Every morning I walk across from the lake... and on my journey... I pass by a waste water treatment plant which can be challenging to the senses if the wind is blowing the wrong way. HA.
I also pass a train yard... and I love that place... even though it is all fenced up and I cannot enter.... the sights and sounds are always so interesting to me.... the train engines starting... the big trucks that come in... and yesterday when I was walking by.... I heard a chain saw going. The one thing I don't enjoy is the smell of the exhaust from the trains... that stuff is YUCKY.
Then... once I pass the train yard.... I get to the tunnel which is only about 15 years old.... and it is a wonderful thing because it's like a short-cut from the lake to the down town core. I just looked it up...

In 2009, a pedestrian/cycling underpass was built to physically connect the Downtown and the Waterfront.

Anyways.... It's Thursday.... grocery shopping day with Margaret... and I'm ready to go.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Hi In Awe of Him,

Oh shopping day. So, could you please tell me the prices of some of your basics, like - milk, bread, eggs, fruit, vegetables? Be good to compare with what we have here.

Yes, have a good day too. Marilyn.
Marilyn C

Milk in a bag ( 3 pouches ) = 4 litres $6.08. I don't ever buy milk so I had to look it up. This comes on sale at times at different stores including the drug store. I imagine one would pay WAY more if they have to purchase at a convenience store.

Produce has gone through the roof in these last years since covid.
Last week a head of cauliflower was $5.99 and this week I bought one for $2.99

Red... green and orange peppers.... $4.99/pound
The peppers have gone up drastically in the last 6 months. You can buy bagged peppers and they are usually about $3.99 for a bag of 4.

Lettuces are between $3.00 and $4.00 each... closer to the $4.00 mark.

3 pound bag of carrots is about $3.50

turnip $1.00 per pound
cabbage $1.00 per pound
celery $3.49
10 pound bag of potatoes (white, red, yellow, russet) $5:00 - $6.00

The price of onions is INSANE.... they have been going up in the last year. Average price is $2.49/ pound. Sometimes the yellow ones come on for $1.99/pound. The 2-3 pound bags of them around $3.49

Those are the basic veggies.

Fruit is also insane...
apples used to be so cheap and now they are running at around $2.50/pound.
they seem to have a berry war around here. HA... Every week a pint of either black berries... blue berries... raspberries can usually be purchased for $1.88.
bananas generally have remained UNSCATHED... $0.60 cents /pound... I buy organic bananas ( because they taste so much better )... and I am paying $0.99/pound.
bag of oranges 3 pounds is about $5.00

Meat prices have doubled ( at least ) since covid.
I wait for sales ... and it's funny... what I call a sale now... used to be full price. HA.

butter has also doubled in price. I buy on sale and $4.99 is the cheapest I have seen for almost a year.

I don't buy stuff from the freezer section so NO idea what's going on there.

I have noticed that the frozen pizzas are also insane in price. No thanks... it tastes like cardboard. Put some pizza sauce on a saltine cracker and it will taste just as good. HAHAHA.

I also don't buy a lot of canned stuff. I try to make everything from scratch... However.... I do buy tomatoes in a can... and they have also really gone up so I wait for the sales... regular price for a can of Primo tomatoes $2.59 (28 oz).

Sockeye salmon ( red ) is the only salmon I eat.. and I also wait for sales... as a can of salmon is almost $6.00 at regular price.

canned pumpkin has rebelled and started a new trend of costing over $5.00... which I simply cannot wrap my brain around. HA

For the most part... baking supplies are affordable... but the sweet stuff like chocolate chips... nuts... coconut even... all those things are sky high in price... and the cake mixes that used to be so cheap are now over $3.00 each.

I'm sure I forgot a ton of stuff. I have given up potato chips and salty crunchies... but they have also gone sky high in price in the last few years. Some of the brand names like Lays... are over $5.00 for a bag. They have no name brands that generally go on sale for half of that price.

If it wasn't that I am a good cook and very frugal... and the fact that I wait for sales... I literally would not be able to survive on my very small budget. Pre-covid... I never even thought about buying food... and because I made home made meals... it was simply a matter of meal planning and then go and buy. NOW.... I am saying NO to so many things.

Coming up with this list was a work out on my brain. HAHA.
Good morning my forum family....

Gosh.... How do people manage more than one thread??? HAHA.
It's different just posting on someone else's thread than having one you started. HA.

Anyways... It's quiet in the cabin today... a nice day to simply light a fire and put your feet up... or work on a jigsaw puzzle.............................. or.................. watch the snails move around.
Good morning my forum family....

Gosh.... How do people manage more than one thread??? HAHA.
It's different just posting on someone else's thread than having one you started. HA.

Anyways... It's quiet in the cabin today... a nice day to simply light a fire and put your feet up... or work on a jigsaw puzzle.............................. or.................. watch the snails move around.

Good morning, In Awe of Him;

It's quite simple. For example, lets say you're begin a thread in the Garage and then leave it in the Garage and forget about it. Then you go to, say a Cabin, begin a thread, then leave the Cabin and forget about it. Later you arrive at, oh, lets say a Cabinet, begin a thread and then leave it in the Cabinet. At the end of 2025 you forgot where you left off the thread so you go back to the Cabinet, it's not there, so you go back to the Cabin, and it's still not there. Then suddenly you remember where you left it, in the Garage! By now it's too late because someone archived it.

See? Easy peasy!
🤜 😎👍
It's quite simple. For example, lets say you're begin a thread in the Garage and then leave it in the Garage and forget about it. Then you go to, say a Cabin, begin a thread, then leave the Cabin and forget about it. Later you arrive at, oh, lets say a Cabinet, begin a thread and then leave it in the Cabinet. At the end of 2025 you forgot where you left off the thread so you go back to the Cabinet, it's not there, so you go back to the Cabin, and it's still not there. Then suddenly you remember where you left it, in the Garage! By now it's too late because someone archived it. 👺!!!
I literally spit my tea.... I did not EXPECT such DEEP HUMOUR to come from you today. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and still HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Marilyn C

Milk in a bag ( 3 pouches ) = 4 litres $6.08. I don't ever buy milk so I had to look it up. This comes on sale at times at different stores including the drug store. I imagine one would pay WAY more if they have to purchase at a convenience store.

Produce has gone through the roof in these last years since covid.
Last week a head of cauliflower was $5.99 and this week I bought one for $2.99

Red... green and orange peppers.... $4.99/pound
The peppers have gone up drastically in the last 6 months. You can buy bagged peppers and they are usually about $3.99 for a bag of 4.

Lettuces are between $3.00 and $4.00 each... closer to the $4.00 mark.

3 pound bag of carrots is about $3.50

turnip $1.00 per pound
cabbage $1.00 per pound
celery $3.49
10 pound bag of potatoes (white, red, yellow, russet) $5:00 - $6.00

The price of onions is INSANE.... they have been going up in the last year. Average price is $2.49/ pound. Sometimes the yellow ones come on for $1.99/pound. The 2-3 pound bags of them around $3.49

Those are the basic veggies.

Fruit is also insane...
apples used to be so cheap and now they are running at around $2.50/pound.
they seem to have a berry war around here. HA... Every week a pint of either black berries... blue berries... raspberries can usually be purchased for $1.88.
bananas generally have remained UNSCATHED... $0.60 cents /pound... I buy organic bananas ( because they taste so much better )... and I am paying $0.99/pound.
bag of oranges 3 pounds is about $5.00

Meat prices have doubled ( at least ) since covid.
I wait for sales ... and it's funny... what I call a sale now... used to be full price. HA.

butter has also doubled in price. I buy on sale and $4.99 is the cheapest I have seen for almost a year.

I don't buy stuff from the freezer section so NO idea what's going on there.

I have noticed that the frozen pizzas are also insane in price. No thanks... it tastes like cardboard. Put some pizza sauce on a saltine cracker and it will taste just as good. HAHAHA.

I also don't buy a lot of canned stuff. I try to make everything from scratch... However.... I do buy tomatoes in a can... and they have also really gone up so I wait for the sales... regular price for a can of Primo tomatoes $2.59 (28 oz).

Sockeye salmon ( red ) is the only salmon I eat.. and I also wait for sales... as a can of salmon is almost $6.00 at regular price.

canned pumpkin has rebelled and started a new trend of costing over $5.00... which I simply cannot wrap my brain around. HA

For the most part... baking supplies are affordable... but the sweet stuff like chocolate chips... nuts... coconut even... all those things are sky high in price... and the cake mixes that used to be so cheap are now over $3.00 each.

I'm sure I forgot a ton of stuff. I have given up potato chips and salty crunchies... but they have also gone sky high in price in the last few years. Some of the brand names like Lays... are over $5.00 for a bag. They have no name brands that generally go on sale for half of that price.

If it wasn't that I am a good cook and very frugal... and the fact that I wait for sales... I literally would not be able to survive on my very small budget. Pre-covid... I never even thought about buying food... and because I made home made meals... it was simply a matter of meal planning and then go and buy. NOW.... I am saying NO to so many things.

Coming up with this list was a work out on my brain. HAHA.
Wow, that was such good detail there, thank you. When I go shopping I`ll get our prices too. However, from memory it seems we are similar with our prices. Now I noticed that our currency is nearly the same value ($1.00 Aussie to 0.89 Canadian). So that make it easier.

We also make our meals from basic raw ingredients as pre-packaged food is not as good though helpful to people who can`t manage cooking for a variety of reasons.

I have a stoma, so I have to have a diet compatible with that, which means eating or not eating things I had before. Still, I`m very thankful for being able to have the good food that is available.

Good morning my precious forum family. It's SUNDAY!!!!

I just wanted to leave some comfort and encouragement for this day of REST!

I cannot believe it is going on the end of January... ALREADY.

We have all nicely settled into the Cabin and Mr. Moose seems DELIGHTED with his "decked out" shed. :D

May everyone ENJOY a day filled with WORSHIP and PEACE!
Me and my friends had a sleep-over at the cabin... because it was FREEZING cold outside. :D

We played the COUNT the sheep game. I WON!!!!!!!! We drank all the fizzy drinks.... ( sorry Mr. Moose ). I will replace everything on Monday.... and don't you worry.... I hid all the peanut butter cups. HA!!!!! Dis sheep has GOT your BACK buddy!!!!

Hear ye..... hear ye...

Y'all are invited on over to the cabin for the Inauguration Party.
I know you all have been so excited for this event to happen.

If there are tariffs to be applied to my Canadian membership here.... I trust they will be WAIVED. HAHA.

Happy day to all my American pals.
Let the party begin. GO RED WHITE AND BLUE!!!!!!!!!
