Journal The Cabin

Good morning my beautiful forum family.

A huge THANK you to our beloved Mr. Moose for such a wonderful dinner. The or Dee orves were delicious and I know you scrambled ( or maybe trampled ) them together last minute notice... as a request from me.

I know that the Cabin has gotten very silly this last week. I personally benefited from this reprieve of seriousness... so thank you to all who added to the "theatrical drama" of the GOOSE who came for DINNER. HAHA.

It's funny because I truly found myself WISHING that dinners at the CABIN could be REAL... that Mr. Moose and his family... Bob and Hazel..... all the staff and members of this forum family could truly come together and break bread.I would have lavished you all with a wonderful meal from my heart.... and so this imaginary dinner has brought me GREAT JOY.

I still would love to see people's FAVOURITE recipes in the future... and soon enough it will be time to talk about gardens... which has me thinking Dave F. ( I think it was you )... When do you plant your tomoto and pepper seeds?
I am thinking that I am going to start mine a month earlier than last year... which would mean end of February.

I'm going to call this RANDOM Monday... as this post was ALL over the place. HA.... but I am only on my first cup of coffee.

God bless everyone and have a wonderful WEEK. I cannot believe we are in the middle of January already!!!
Coming from a cattle area we love our beef. So, by the menu are `we` adverse to beef? Not to make you queasy though.
Meat prices here in Canada are INSANELY high... but BEEF is my personal favourite because of how versatile it is.
I guess every meat is actually versatile. It's all about the spice blend.

I did treat myself to a beautiful prime rib steak a few weeks ago. I am going to BRIBE my neighbour into BBQing it for me as
that is the only way to go on a good steak. My pan frying skills are not good enough to even attempt it.... and the oven broiler doesn't get hot enough.
OH my..... What a BEAUTIFUL walk this morning.... I just kept walking.... Didn't quite make it to the dock because there was a lot of snow and I don't believe the dock is maintained. ( don't quote me on that ). It would not have been maintained at the time I went out anyways. HA. I am just starting to hear the snow plows now.

Anyways... to my delight..... the bike path was freshly plowed and so I just followed it until I got tired and turned around.

Lovely way to start a brand new week.... and I have my 10,000 steps in... all before most people are awake. HA.
Well.... I have been SNOOPING around. HAHAHAHA!!!!!!

I never did take the opportunity to tour the forums when I joined... just sort of joined and then started posting.

I finally found a thread with recipes in it.... and other hobby goodies... but I think I will stick to the CABIN since the topic can be ANYTHING at ANY TIME. HAHAHA.

I really feel bad about these random little "sticky note" types of posts I've been making lately.. It seems to be such a waste of paper. HAHAHA.
@Dave F. ( I think it was you )... When do you plant your tomoto and pepper seeds?
End of February is a bit early as you would need to watch for frost still. I usually wait until mid to late April. We have had snow in June (very rare). As long as you can protect your plants from the frost it should be ok. If I remember correctly you start your indoors and would not have to worry about the cold, so all is good. Best of luck with the garden this year.
It is fine to start them early, as long as you have large enough containers that they won't outgrow before planting outside. I had that problem one year when I started around 100 plants in the small seed starter trays. I was doing a big garden that year since, apparently, I was required to grow extra to feed ground hogs and deer since they found ways to circumvent the fencing the years before. I started them early, but then they outgrew the containers since I didn't have the room nor enough larger containers to move them into. Lost probably half of them. Ya live and learn.
as long as you have large enough containers that they won't outgrow before planting outside.
I'm glad you pointed that out... because it's very helpful in the process of successful gardening.
I believe my pots are large enough but that means less of those pots will fit on my window ledge.

I am not going to plant as many tomato plants this year... I want to experiment with the actual garden area.
The neighbours removed two large looming trees in late fall of last year... I believe that is going to make a difference in
the light that my garden actually gets. We'll see.
HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and still HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... I actually do this.... YES I DO..... oh my goodness...

and still HAHAHAHAHAHA....

I would say.... I am done for the day. I had such fun today looking around the forums... working on my puzzle.... YEP.... I am actually working on my puzzle. HA.
Meat prices here in Canada are INSANELY high... but BEEF is my personal favourite because of how versatile it is.
I guess every meat is actually versatile. It's all about the spice blend.

I did treat myself to a beautiful prime rib steak a few weeks ago. I am going to BRIBE my neighbour into BBQing it for me as
that is the only way to go on a good steak. My pan frying skills are not good enough to even attempt it.... and the oven broiler doesn't get hot enough.
Hi In Awe of Him,

Yes, prices are very dear here too. Glad you could at least have a `prime rib steak.` That would be a kind neighbor to do that for you.

And you have done very well to go for your long walk in the cold, which I would call `freezing.` I think your blood must be thicker than ours `down under` in the sun. I remember my mother said that when she came out from Scotland with her family as a teenager she went for a swim in the sea in Winter. You can imagine the looks of surprise she got from the locals.

Have a good day, Marilyn.
I remember my mother said that when she came out from Scotland with her family as a teenager she went for a swim in the sea in Winter. You can imagine the looks of surprise she got from the locals.
I can't even say Good Morning Marilyn because it's only 10:30 pm and I am AWAKE. Every once in awhile my going to bed early comes back to bite me and I wake up before midnight. This is one of those nights.

Marilyn..... It's so funny that you should mention this about your mother and swimming. I have never gone in the ocean... but I live right beside a lake... and a few years ago... I discovered something called cold water swimming.
This is different than what your mother did... as that is ice cold and it literally takes your breath away.

My last swim in the fall was on October 22nd and the water temperature was 11.8 degrees celsius. That is as low as I will go as it actually hurts the skin... but something about this CHALLENGE is personal for me. It pushes me to face something difficult to do.... and when it's done... there is such a feeling of well being. At least that is how it affects me. I started this in the Autumn of 2023 when I was GRIEVING a loss.This is not a sport for the faint of heart.... HA... and I cannot explain why I am drawn more to the cold water sports.... it's the same with the walking.... I enjoy my winter walks WAY MORE than my summer walks. Go figure!!!
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I can't even say Good Morning Marilyn because it's only 10:30 pm and I am AWAKE. Every once in awhile my going to bed early comes back to bite me and I wake up before midnight. This is one of those nights.

Marilyn..... It's so funny that you should mention this about your mother and swimming. I have never gone in the ocean... but I live right beside a lake... and a few years ago... I discovered something called cold water swimming.
This is different than what your mother did... as that is ice cold and it literally takes your breath away.

My last swim in the fall was on October 22nd and the water temperature was 11.8 degrees celsius. That is as low as I will go as it actually hurts the skin... but something about this CHALLENGE is personal for me. It pushes me to face something difficult to do.... and when it's done... there is such a feeling of well being. At least that is how it affects me. I started this in the Autumn of 2023 when I was GRIEVING a loss.This is not a sport for the faint of heart.... HA... and I cannot explain why I am drawn more to the cold water sports.... it's the same with the walking.... I enjoy my winter walks WAY MORE than my summer walks. Go figure!!!

It is about 3 pm over here in the afternoon. So, you are over 16 hours behind our time. Nice to chat in `real time,` whatever that is in your neck of the woods, (re: cabin - ha, ha)

Ooooo that is so interesting about your challenge. I love to swim but in that cold I can only imagine that when you got out you would feel exhilarated. And in need of a warm/hot shower. I do remember reading about your trips to the lake and swimming in the cold water. I think it would be very good for ....something in the body.

Ooooo that is so interesting about your challenge. I love to swim but in that cold I can only imagine that when you got out you would feel exhilarated. And in need of a warm/hot shower. I do remember reading about your trips to the lake and swimming in the cold water. I think it would be very good for ....something in the body.
Apparently it is good for the body... and the ice cold plunges are also apparently therapeutic but NO thanks.
We had an unusual warm spell in late October and so... that is why I was able to swim up to October 22nd.

In the Spring... I will monitor the temps and see how early I can go in.

Edit..... oh and for the record... This little black sheep does NOT know how to swim..... HA.... I simply walk into the lake up to my neck and then float and dog paddle. HA.

Good morning my most precious forum family,

I have snowflakes on my mind this very early morning. I am thinking of the four seasons that I am blessed to witness every year due to where I am geographically located. This is the season of snowflakes. There is something so beautiful about freshly falling snow. In a few hours... I will be taking a nice long and leisurely walk along the lake.

I am struck by the fact that my most favourite things to SEE are all creations of my HEAVENLY FATHER. Every season has it's own unique and spectacular event... and every season... I am in AWE of the CREATIVITY and BEAUTY in which God communicates.

How very BLESSED I am to be a child of the MOST HIGH GOD. OH the JOY that fills my soul.

Thank you FATHER for loving man-kind so deeply that you saw fit to place such BEAUTY in nature for our eyes to see.
What a glorious walk this morning. It was quite a bit cooler than yesterday and I even had leg warmers on this morning... however that is because the wind was up and so... it SEEMS way colder than the actual temperature.

I love the EARLY morning.... I think y'all know that about me ( notice my American southern accent coming out :) ).

So.... because it's winter... it doesn't get light out till after 7 am. I like to leave by 6 am.... and yesterday... I believe I was out at 5:30 am. It's the most beautiful time of the day... so quiet... so peaceful and so STILL.

This morning.... as usual... I started my walk with a GREETING to GOD. I do this every single morning... whether I'm walking or not... but somehow... it seems more special when I walk.

My greeting goes like this.... Good Morning Father... I love YOU.... Good Morning Jesus... I love YOU.... Good Morning Holy Spirit... I love you... .My precious and most perfect TRIUNE GOD!

I then ask for protection and guidance of my steps... and then I begin my journey.

This morning I was introduced to the wolf moon... I'm not sure what the other guy was doing but OH my.... the wolf moon hung in the sky ever so REGAL and glowing. I don't often pay attention to the cycle of the moon... but this moon was a full moon and those are my favourite.

Then I got to see the snow glistening like diamonds under the street lights and that brought me to the topic of the beautiful diamond ring that FATHER gave me for Christmas... so we talked about that... and I told him how much I cherished having a symbol of my deep love and devotion to Him. ( and to be clear.... I do not HEAR GOD speak... yet I know He listens when I do ) HA.

My total walk was 4.5 miles round trip... It's a walk I have done so many times that I can almost do it with my eyes closed. HA.

I am so BLESSED..... oh my I am BLESSED beyond MEASURE.... and it seems these last few mornings... God is delivering yet another supply of GREAT JOY.

It is WELL with my soul. I am so so happy to be part of this forum family.

Edit* and I almost forgot... my niece is coming to pick me up in half an hour for an ADVENTURE. :D
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