Very PUNNY Bob. HAHAHAI would be very careful who you ask, "did I bare the weight" or someone may take that as "Did I wait for the bear?"
Very PUNNY Bob. HAHAHAI would be very careful who you ask, "did I bare the weight" or someone may take that as "Did I wait for the bear?"
You bring such DRAMA..... HAHAHAHAHAHA..... He's YOUR guest..... so much more I could say..... HAHAHAHAHA...Everyone keep an eye on Bruce. He looked to me as though he was eyeing the snails as a dessert. I had to severely scold him, "We are not in the French part of Canada, and these are not escargot!" So I went outside and dug through the frozen ground til I found some fresh worms for him.
Good morning my beautiful forum family,
Yesterday was my daughter's birthday... and I got to have a delightful video chat with her. I got to see the matching sweaters that I bought the dogs and oh my goodness... they are cute.... AND... they fit perfectly. Both her and I are January babies. One person made a comment... Do people born in January like the snow?? I think it was Cosia.
I think snow is a reality for those who live in Canada... especially in the more Northern parts. I like snow... but I don't have to deal with a driveway or a car... and I can choose to stay inside or layer up and go out for a walk. HA.
This last week... it has been VERY cold and I have done just that... stayed cozy. However... I bought myself a pair of walking boots last week... and leg warmers ( I found a cheap pair at the dollar store ) and this morning... it's only minus 7... so I am going to walk to the dock and back... for the first time in a very long time. It should take me an hour and a half to make the round trip. This is the first year I have attempted to walk in the cold. I never knew the rule about dressing in layers. Anyways... I will leave in about an hour... and by the time I get home... it will be time to do laundry.
Working on my puzzle today. Poor thing has been sitting there for about a week. I did the border yesterday and have a bit of sorting left to do then I am good to go.
I hope everyone has a beautiful day. It's QUIET here.
32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
~Ephesians 4:32
Well... I'm all geared up and ready to go. HA. I feel like I'm dressing for battle. I should have quoted the scripture about wearing the full armour of God. HA.
The above scripture is heavy on my heart this morning... so I don't exactly know if God is preparing me to run into someone who is NOT going to be kind or if I am simply just thinking about kindness as one of the loveliest fruits of the spirit.
Kindness is always a welcomed friend. When we approach someone with a tender heart... this has a way of rubbing off on another. It brings the GUARD down. I like to try and AVOID situations where I have to FORGIVE. If I can make PEACE by my interaction with someone... I feel I have done my work. A kind word... a soft spoken word... a word of encouragement instead of criticism... a genuine word of hope and encouragement given to someone. That to me is the BEST way to live my life.
Little random thoughts on a Saturday morning.
It has come to my attention that Bob likes word puzzles.... and so I have placed some word puzzle books on the coffee table beside his chair. Please do NOT eat the puzzle books. I have been finding chewed pieces of paper in the last few weeks. Not sure what's up with that... but the gardening magazine has been slowly disappearing... and I noticed that some of the playing cards are partially chewed.
Please remember to check the chore list. If your name is under a chore... please do THAT particular chore. The cabin is much bigger than the Garage and we have to all do our part to keep it clean and functioning. With that said. I have noticed that there is an almost DAILY request for peanut butter cups and fizzy drinks. I think Mr. Moose is perhaps panicking a little because the stash in the kitchen is smaller in the cabin due to his LARGE stash in the shed.
The snail family has posted a thank you card and I placed it on the coffee table in the living room. They have thanked everyone for their patience in dealing with Frannie and the lipstick. For future reference.... coconut oil apparently works well to remove lipstick stains. As far as we are aware... the Cabin is lipstick-free at this time..
Mr. Moose has offered to cook Sunday dinner and so please bring your favourite side dish. This will also be a good bye dinner for Bruce... who will be leaving Monday morning.
Happy week-end everyone.
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It could be the chewed pieces are from someone who had to eat their words. lol!!!!
Does this mean we are having ......................................goose??????????Mr. Moose has offered to cook Sunday dinner and so please bring your favourite side dish. This will also be a good bye dinner for Bruce... who will be leaving Monday morning.
I guess that's up to you.... Did you get in a fight with Bruce???Does this mean we are having ......................................goose??????????
No fight with Bruce.....He's a good goose who sits on my antlers and flaps his wings to sweep off the snow from my head while (whilst?) I traverse to the shed and back.I guess that's up to you.... Did you get in a fight with Bruce???
and... I was wondering if you have ANY idea of who might be eating the paper?? My gardening magazine is getting smaller and smaller every time I look at it. and the playing cards are doing the same trick ????
I think you have a loose antler.... HAHAHA.Calm down, I'm just off my rocker...........
I also bought you a new hat and scarf set for your walk from the cabin to the shed.