That is bitter sweet.... YES it is. However... the cabin is so lovely and cozy.January 8 - The 'Garage' is being moved to the Journal Archive area today.
It will be locked in that area but still visible for any viewing without posting.
That is bitter sweet.... YES it is. However... the cabin is so lovely and cozy.January 8 - The 'Garage' is being moved to the Journal Archive area today.
It will be locked in that area but still visible for any viewing without posting.
I did not even know that was a thing... HAJust an observation - "The Garage" has had nearly 96,000 views since it was started. That is a very good total.![]()
I have to be responsible for 46,000 of those views because I'll would be in the Garage and my internet would keep going up and down! lolJust an observation - "The Garage" has had nearly 96,000 views since it was started. That is a very good total.![]()
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... and still HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA and when everything is said and done... the Garage only had 8 views of others looking in. HAHAHAHAHAHA.....I have to be responsible for 46,000 of those views because I'll would be in the Garage and my internet would keep going up and down! lol
Hello thenami .... well apparently most of those views come from our RESIDENT moose.... HAHAHA.Considering you have over 2k views here already in 3 pages, your threads are popular.
May you continue to share happiness![]()
Hello thenami .... well apparently most of those views come from our RESIDENT moose.... HAHAHA.
Hello thenami .... well apparently most of those views come from our RESIDENT moose.... HAHAHA.
and folks..... after dumping my heart out.... all I can think of upon proof-reading is ....... Did I bare the weight or bear the weight.... and I'm too scared to find out. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....I am tired of all the weight I have had to bare on my own
Bruce's real name is Aloysius. He went on a vacation (on Holiday for you Brits) to Australia, and they kept calling him "Bruce", and so it stuck. (Yes, that is a Monty Python reference). He flew in from the states, and boy are his arms tired. Ya know, that's not as funny since he IS a bird. Oh well........And that's the entertainment portion for today. You get what you paid for.Big announcement..... Mr. Moose's friend Bruce the goose is coming for a visit. He will be arriving this afternoon and will be staying until Monday.
Please refrain from bringing anything that resembles poultry for this time frame. We don't want to offend our guest.
There will be a meet and greet tonight at supper time... and oh my goodness... let me tell you... Frannie is excited.
***Note to Mr. Moose.... Perhaps you can give Bruce the heads up on the lipstick situation. I think Frannie has managed to hide one tube in her purse for such an occasion as this. HA.
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HAHA.... that makes a lot of sense.... I can see the reasoning... they sound almost the same..... BRUCE..... ALOYSIUS.Bruce's real name is Aloysius. He went on a vacation (on Holiday for you Brits) to Australia, and they kept calling him "Bruce", and so it stuck. (Yes, that is a Monty Python reference). He flew in from the states, and boy are his arms tired. Ya know, that's not as funny since he IS a bird. Oh well........And that's the entertainment portion for today. You get what you paid for.
I agree with you. I had checked out other forums before coming here in 2014? or so and most of what you got was arguments and very little understanding. I used to go on Yahoo Answers back then and try to put some honest answers up to the questions, and you would see all these trolling answers from atheists, and also trolling questions from atheists who were there just to argue and call names and seemed to only have confusion and strife as a purpose. I would ask them why, since they did not believe there was any such thing as God, would they care much less, spend time on the boards there arguing about any religion topics. Like, would they go on the Tooth Fairy site and argue that she doesn't exist? They would mostly respond with they don't want to have religion take over and force Christianity on them or have the government taken over by Christian zealots. Apparently, 200 years of American history wasn't enough to reassure them.On a serious note... I have a serious thought... and I am going to address it here.
Yesterday I participated in a thread that was rather heavy in subject matter. I don't usually do that but the topic of doctrine is one that I hold most dear to my heart. ANYWAYS... It dawned on me that something surprising is happening to me. It is not something that I planned on or even thought possible. It's something that I have NEVER experienced in my entire life before........... the feeling of FAMILY.... and not just any family.... a healthy and well run family = the forums.
For a little lost soul like me... that TRUSTS no one... this is quite an amazing discovery... and I believe it is a testimony to the integrity of this particular Christian forum.
For the first time in my Christian walk... I have been able to see the PRACTICE of Christianity as it's MEANT to be... and oh my... what a beautiful thing.
Seeking Christ via a chatroom ( as was my case almost 25 years ago ) or the internet... in a place such as this is wonderful... in that there is the hope of finding what is needed... however... there is also the reality that we will be fed a lot of what is NOT needed or even true. Sadly... this has been the case for me... and as a result.... I spent over twenty years trying to break free of a great many lies told to me by my very own family... both directly and indirectly. It was so bad that I assumed that Christian Unity was yet another lie/myth.
I have found that CFS continues to DEMAND a superior example of what it means to be a CHRISTIAN. This is not only shown in the topics that we are NOT allowed to discuss... due to the strife they cause... but also and perhaps most importantly... in the repetitive... day to day communications we have with each other on a CONSTANT basis.These forums truly represent and practice CHRISTIANITY as it is meant to be practiced.
When I look back at my journey of trying to find WHO this JESUS is... I am still taken with the truth of how simple that should have been... YET for me... how difficult it actually became... all because I started the journey in LIES.
So... with the above said... I feel the need to start this new year with yet another THANK YOU to the staff of CFS... for being diligent with expectation of behaviour towards one another.... for the behind the scenes work that we as participants NEVER get to see or are even remotely aware of in our day to day visits... I know that a lot happens in the form of prayer.... respectful correction... discipling... and urging to come together in peace.
I know that I am perhaps seen as someone who is brown nosing... or trying to get on the good side of the staff but that is not what I am all about... and to be perfectly honest... when I first arrived to the forums in October 2023... I had zero hope that I would last past three months... and I would have blamed how the forums are run = the staff. HA.
So.... please KNOW that when I say thank you to the staff and members of these forums... I mean it from the deepest recesses of my heart. I mean it because I have learned to BEGIN to TRUST. NEVER in my entire life... have I ever been able to say that I am beginning to trust. When I sit here and think of what I am feeling this mind is BLOWN. It's like nothing I have ever experienced and let me tell you.... at almost 62 years old.... I am tired of walking alone. I am tired of all the weight I have had to bare on my own because I could NOT trust another. I love living alone... don't get me wrong... I am not suddenly going to RUN off and join a Christian commune somewhere.... HA. My physical preference is still to live a solitary life... but there is something more.... the feeling and reality of discovering that I indeed DO have a CHRISTIAN family... WOW... ( tears are falling )... I finally have a place that LOVES me for who I am. I am able to speak honestly.... openly... expressively... and I am treated with dignity and shown DEEP concern... caring... compassion and LOVE.
Honestly.... I had no idea this was even possible.
So with a heart filled with overflowing JOY and GRATITUDE... I say THANK you to all my brothers and sisters. I am NO longer an ONLY CHILD..... OH my goodness..... Let's get this party STARTED!!!!! HAHAHA.
From what I know... she has kept up to the cost of living.... I used to get a quarter and now a days... 5 bucks seems to be the going rate. HA.Like, would they go on the Tooth Fairy site and argue that she doesn't exist?
and folks..... after dumping my heart out.... all I can think of upon proof-reading is ....... Did I bare the weight or bear the weight.... and I'm too scared to find out. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....