Journal The Cabin

Hello Dear Sister
Happy Birthday !!!



💕 🎂 🕯️
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And a great big hug for your birthday dear Canadian sister.

Now I made an apple cake which I thought you might like with apple bits and even yogurt mixed in. I would have put the 62 candles on, but it was a fire restriction day yesterday being over 40 degrees.
Oh you mean one of these little visitors on our front `lawn/grass.`
I can't bring myself to copy and transfer here .... but YES....that would be exactly the creature I am talking about.
Oh my goodness.... It makes me want to CLOSE down the cabin and send in the TROOPS. HAHAHAHAHA.

I haven't looked it up but I am thinking that snake phobia is probably one of the top ones. That might be an interesting topic to look into. HA

Anyways... on a funny note.... you guys all know that I live next to a lake.... The lake is huge...
Well... my friend told me that she saw a water snake in a town 30 miles away..... I was SURE he was coming in my direction and so I did not go in the lake ALL that summer.... TRUE STORY... HAHA.

I have spoken with a few Australians and your story seems to be a common one... in yards... on front door porches... garages.... GOOD GRIEF.... I am going to need THERAPY NOW.
Good morning my precious forum family.

Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes. I had a super wonderful day. I made myself a beautiful steak. My neighbour was supposed to BBQ it for me but we had a freak storm come in with very high winds and blowing snow... so... that put a kibosh on that plan. (there's a word I haven't heard in a while ).

I have one of those ceramic cast iron dutch ovens... which I absolutely love. It's my favourite pot... and then next to that is cooking with real thick stainless steel.

So... I seared the steak ( a prime rib ) on both sides and then let it bake up for a bit as it was about 2 inches thick. It TURNED out perfect which is shocking because I really had no idea what I was doing once I pan seared it.. and I like mine medium RARE.

Baked potato with sour cream and fresh chopped dill, chives, parsley. ( the fresh herbs with the sour cream changed the game... OH my goodness it was good. )
I started buying fresh herbs as a treat especially dill and parsley when it's looking robust.... the other herbs such as tarragon... sage.. bay leaves.. thyme and chives come in little plastic packages. I call them my finishing herbs as they usually get added to things at the end of cooking or at serving time on top of the dish.

I decided to make some rutabaga... ( I've been calling it turnip all my life but apparently there is a difference ).
I boiled it like potatoes... added some butter.. a wee bit of brown sugar... a pinch of nutmeg.. salt and pepper and mashed it. YUM!!!!!
Finally a salad with radishes... and gem tomatoes.

It was a meal fit for a QUEEN. Thank you my neighbouring grocery store for putting PRIME RIB on sale just so I could have a birthday steak. HAHAHA.

Big Moose (((( HAHAHAHAHAHA.... You don't look so big. HAHAHAHAHAA ))))
Now then... Mr. Moose... me thinks you are jealous of my nice big chair with the long and beautiful arms... and you will notice.. that I did not BARGE into you and Bob's area where your two chairs are. I did think about "borrowing" the picture of Uncle Hank... but then you would know it was me who took it. HAHA

ON another note... I was wondering if I could borrow about 100 paper bags.... I think I saw a snake at the Cabin and I need you to check... but in the mean time... I am having trouble with my anxiety. I am up in the attic part of the Cabin until you are finished inspecting. Please send help.
Now I made an apple cake which I thought you might like with apple bits and even yogurt mixed in. I would have put the 62 candles on, but it was a fire restriction day yesterday being over 40 degrees.
I always seem to forget that it's not WINTER for everyone.... and so when I get these reminders via your over 40 degrees comment... I am jolted back to reality. HA

Your cake sounds divine. I ended up having a date square that someone made at the market. My friend delivered it to me on Saturday. I never used to like date squares and now they are one of my top picks. a DATE SQUARE?????????? Is that what women call their date who has a pocket protector, thick glasses and greased up hair? hmmmmmmmmmmmm That maybe why that look never worked for me.............
HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA and still HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... my turn to spit the coffee. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Just in case you were serious about NOT knowing what a date square is... but to be honest... I like your answer better...... STILL HAHAHAHAHA

On the spectrum of OLD that is not all that many... I am in the attic and have requested an SOS.
The snails and I are on it. Bob squealed like a girl and is standing on his chair. We are chasing it around with a hoe and I keep missing! We may need some repairs to the flooring after we are done.

Whew! Finally got him!

In Awe of Him !! It is safe to come down now!!!!!!​

Yes, I am sure it is, he didn't have any friends........yes, we checked............Do you want to see the carcass???!!??? No??? Ok then, it IS SAFE to come down now!