Journal The Cabin

It's SUNDAY..... all day... SUNDAY.... and March has another week left. GOOD BYE winter.... HELLO Spring!!!

PaducahLuke .... has stopped by with an after church meal.... NO identification on the food. EAT at your own RISK.
All I know is that it is in ONE POT... and NOTHING is IDENTIFIABLE. :D Exactly how I like it... all together and touching.... which leads me to this thought..... DO you know one of them people who can't stand their food touching??? and worse yet.... the guy who eats one food group at a time..... Like SERIOUSLY????? Way to spoil a meal.

I agree that dessert should be eaten separately and I've even heard of some people eating dessert FIRST but still separately.

I noticed the other day that BOB was eating pizza with a knife and fork. Just sayin.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....... HAPPY SUNDAY!!!!!!! Looking forward to all of you coming for LUNCH. :rolleyes:

Howdy, y'all. YUP, that thar One Pot Meal is a cookin' on the wood stove. That's a nice, hearty stew with venison, potatoes, carrots, celery, peas, cabbage and a little spice. Nothin' too fancy today, just some darn good country cookin'.
Hope y'all enjoy it.


MR. MOOSE..... I am very much MISSING YOU.... Are you following someone else these days???
I am following you, that's why you don't see me, you need to start looking behind you.
Just to be clear... you do realize it is NOT me who wrote that menu.
Yes I knew this. I was just saying there were many levels of humor by whoever was the author. Not to say you are not on this level. You have had your moments of funny too! Kinda....mostly.....when you intend to be, and even more times unintended. I'm sure you know what I mean, cause I don't. I'll just go out to the shed now........
Yes I knew this. I was just saying there were many levels of humor by whoever was the author. Not to say you are not on this level. You have had your moments of funny too! Kinda....mostly.....when you intend to be, and even more times unintended. I'm sure you know what I mean, cause I don't. I'll just go out to the shed now........
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... and still HAHAHAHAHA.... I just realized... I have NOT been funny lately... I think I might have to go to the doctor and see what is wrong. HA. I hope I'm not having a reaction from my owl injection last month. WHO would even think of that?

And then... well you know... you TRY to be funny and that just NEVER works.... I think it might work for you Mr. Moose.
I have been seriously trying to be ARTISTIC lately... and well... that is not a FUNNY matter... It's as serious as it gets.

PaducahLuke ... I only have about 5 things on my bucket list.... and maybe only even just 3.... but having a meal cooked over the fire is ONE of them. OH my goodness.... SOMEDAY.

CALLING Mr. Moose... who is on the loose... I have been worried about you walking in the deep woods lately. You just can't be too careful anymore with this owl possession pandemic going on. I've noticed you have not yet had your needle.... IF you are too scared to get the needle.... well... you can drink a gallon of Bubba's swamp water with extra remnants of STUFF.... and that will kill off EVERYTHING. It's up to you... I can order some from our dear friend PaducahLuke

I found these wonderful night lights that attach to your foot wear... Please let me know if you are interested and I can HOOK you up my friend. I have noticed that Crocs have come out with some pretty cool colours... so just let me know.

I was also thinking about your PTSD regarding Mr. Ground Hog.... Surely we can come up with a plan STAN on how to keep him out of our GARDEN this year.

We can hold a board meeting if you wish. I would be happy to organize this for you.

*New chore list is on the fridge.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... and still HAHAHAHAHA.... I just realized... I have NOT been funny lately... I think I might have to go to the doctor and see what is wrong. HA. I hope I'm not having a reaction from my owl injection last month. WHO would even think of that?

And then... well you know... you TRY to be funny and that just NEVER works.... I think it might work for you Mr. Moose.
I have been seriously trying to be ARTISTIC lately... and well... that is not a FUNNY matter... It's as serious as it gets.
Maybe you broke your funny bone! <rim shot!> Seriously, you need to draw something.........funny.
Us artsy fartsy types are always misunderstood. Sure not why is that.
Uuuuummmmm..... You are NOT on table duty.... You are on garbage removal duty. Bob is on table duty.
Do I need to make the chart BIGGER??? BOLD writing perhaps.... STICKERS maybe??? HAHAHAHA.
Matthew 21:12-13
Jesus at the Temple
12 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables

I think I know who is in charge of the tables—also one of my more favourite verses.
I went to the garage and everyone was gone. But Rocky said Bullwinkle went in this direction.
HAHA..... I guess you haven't been here for awhile. HAHA.

Put your feet up.... sit in Bob's chair... ( Mr. Moose does NOT like anyone sitting in his chair and he has an uncanny ability to sniff out WHO has done so = NOT worth it ).... We do NOT like it when Mr. Moose gets grumpy.

Glad to see you back... I would say Happy New Year... but... it's a bit late for that... so .... HAPPY SPRING!!!
Happy Spring!

Artsy types are misunderstood because we are so far out of the box, we forgot what that original box was for.
Then when we have another one, we use the cardboard as a blank canvas. Its never just a box; not in my home anyway.

I am odd, strange, different, weird, and yet beautiful :) I also now crave venison stew. Maybe there is some left in my freezer?
I know I have deer jerky my brother made, hidden in my art supplies where no one will look.
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( Mr. Moose does NOT like anyone sitting in his chair and he has an uncanny ability to sniff out WHO has done so = NOT worth it ).... We do NOT like it when Mr. Moose gets grumpy.
Apparently.........I am either the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk, or I am Pappa Bear from Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

FEE FI FOE FUM............................
Matthew 21:12-13
Jesus at the Temple
12 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables

I think I know who is in charge of the tables—also one of my more favourite verses.
Your post made me realize that the saying so-and-so "turned the tables on them" came from that scripture. When I heard that in the past, I imagined that they "turned the table" as in rotated it so the other side of the table was now your side. But now I see that it is more of upsetting the table and dumping what was on it. Wow.
Your post made me realize that the saying so-and-so "turned the tables on them" came from that scripture. When I heard that in the past, I imagined that they "turned the table" as in rotated it so the other side of the table was now your side. But now I see that it is more of upsetting the table and dumping what was on it. Wow.
Mr. Moose having an EPIPHANY in LIVE time. LOL

I think the reference to turning the tables on them... took a softer approach... and that your thinking is probably correct on what is meant when the term is used... it's turning it around. That is also how I think about that phrase... so we're either both wrong... or we're both right. HAHA