The CFS medicine cabinet

I am still recovering from the revelation and realization that I have been reporting the weather wrong for DECADES... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... Oh my goodness... It works in my world. The people in my circle know that when I say the cold temps are HIGH.... it means it's COLD out. HAHAHA.

Anyways.... speaking of temperatures.... It's is just going on 4 am.. OH bother.... I just checked and it's tipping the too cold to walk meter... so sadly... I am going to error on the side of caution... because I am already dealing with a condition in my legs that feel like burning... and I believe it's because I have exposed my skin to extreme cold. So... I need to be careful with the cold factor... as I do not want to cause any permanent damage. I am definitely going to need either a longer winter coat... or ski pants.

So.... moving right along... I have a question... Does anyone meal plan and prep their meals ahead of time?? For the life of me... I can't seem to commit to a certain pre-planned menu. I am a very good cook... but I depend on the weekly sales... and how on earth am I supposed to know what I am going to feel like eating on FRIDAY when it's only MONDAY??? HA.

I often make big batches of soup which basically have the same effect but when I crave something... I usually want it more than for one meal... so that works and I freeze the rest.

Just asking if anyone has found this skill ( which it definitely is ) helpful? I do understand the concept when trying to maintain a healthy weight. I guess I don't like the strictness of the process. HA. I can get a wee bit rebellious... given the right circumstances. HA

Open CABINET..... Bring me something.... something with regards to your personal journey.
Hello In Awe of Him;

Hazel and I do have a meal plan that is comfortable for us. In the morning we have a very simple breakfast of two pieces of wheat bread, peanut butter and 0 sugar jelly. She enjoys a cup of caffeine coffee and I enjoy two cups only in the morning.

A total of 200 mgs of caffeine or non caffeine coffee is safe.

We have eliminated salt, salty snacks, and use low sodium salt in most thin beef, chicken, fish, and very little sugar in cookies, or pie.

Lunch or dinner consists of hot soup or hot vegetables or (for me) a large salad. We enjoy our meals.

We do prep these meals ahead of time.

This sudden change in diet took place in December 2024 for health reasons.

We enjoy what we eat and don't miss the salty snacks.

Hazel goes to the gym at least 4 times a week. I work out every evening lifting weights, situps and various stretch exercises especially for circulation and breathing (so when I preach I won't get tongue tied or a heart attack.)

All this combined works for Hazel and me.

God bless everyone.

Hi In Awe of Him,

Sorry to hear of your difficulties but so good that you are making progress even if one up two down sometimes. Now we are like Bob and Hazel in that we plan our meals. I do because of lack of strength and need to make the best use of my time. (ie. don`t want to spend too much cooking when I can be tic tacking away on the computer here to you all and doing blogs.)

Also, having a stoma (will talk about that more later) I have had to drastically change my diet. So, with a hubby who still needs `meat and more meat` (he was a beef farmer) I plan his meat lunches with meat loaf, or corned beef` all of which last for a week or so. He has salads with the meat. For me I have been having soup and cheese sandwich but now feel I need more as the stoma has been giving a liquid output and all my goodness not getting used.

For tea it is a cycle of meat & vegies or fish (Trev catches trout) & chips, or chicken, rice and vegies, or spaghetti Bolognaise. I try and have left overs (my favorite meal which a friend calls `ping cuisine, ` as in microwave `ping.` ha, ha) When I visit a friend`s place in a nearby town and stay over I make Shepherd`s pie, which lasts us 3 meals and therefore Trev has his meal already done.

I also make lunches 2 at a time to save me the next day. Putting out all the salad stuff from the fridge etc is time consuming.

Good idea to freeze your soup. I do that too. So nourishing. I think the key is to have protein at each meal for that stays longer in your system and thus not as hungry later. It is good to eat regularly and not snack too much for that can upset the hunger pangs. That is a temptation when liing by oneself. I know my friend I visit succumbs to that at times.

As to planning days ahead I just try for variation as say sausages tonight (which Trev will cook with bacon and egg) then chicken stir fry tomorrow, and mince for a few days after that. All easy to prepare and not time consuming.

hope some of that is helpful. Marilyn.

PS. I also think in terms of the old measurements too. Must be our ages.
Good morning bobinfaith ... Thank you for sharing your menu planning tips. I am impressed with the fact that you took IMMEDIATE action to make positive changes the moment you found out there was a problem.
Sadly... I am not able to say the same.
It has taken me all this time and a serious health scare to get me to this point of being SERIOUS about the need to take control of my lifestyle. I am lucky/blessed that the damage I have done from poor health related choices in the past have been or so far seem to be minimal.
GOD is GOOD. I feel so fortunate to be where I am today. I am at the point that it doesn't matter what life throws at me... I will CONTINUE to PRAISE and THANK GOD for everything I have been given.
God bless you my DEAR DEAR BOB. You are so precious and truly loved here in the forums.
Please give Hazel my love. ❤️

Good idea to freeze your soup. I do that too. So nourishing. I think the key is to have protein at each meal for that stays longer in your system and thus not as hungry later. It is good to eat regularly and not snack too much for that can upset the hunger pangs. That is a temptation when liing by oneself. I know my friend I visit succumbs to that at times.

As to planning days ahead I just try for variation as say sausages tonight (which Trev will cook with bacon and egg) then chicken stir fry tomorrow, and mince for a few days after that. All easy to prepare and not time consuming.
Dearest Marilyn,
You have shared some wonderful information in your post. THANK YOU!!!
I agree with you regarding the protein. It satisfies us and makes us feel full and stays in the system longer than just eating vegetables.
For me... it's been about portion control. I just love EATING... I love FOOD.... it makes me happy. HAHA.
I am like a DOG. HAHAHA.
So... one trick I have come up with is to OVERLOAD my meals with fresh veggies. My soups are filled to overflowing with good vegetables... and then I usually add a hearty handful of spinach once the soup is hot and PRESTO... a huge bowl of something that is good.
I have begun to understand the CARB thing... and so... I have made the sacrifice of giving up a potato.. rice or pasta with every meal. I think it's just how we grew up... meat and potatoes. I can now tolerate a piece of meat with a salad and baked veggies such as broccoli... mushrooms... green peppers... and/or asparagus.
I have noticed that the price of fresh vegetables have gone up DRASTICALLY this last year... and I anticipate it's going to get even worse. I shop by sales.. and lately have cooked according to what I have on hand.
It is truly all a LEARNING CURVE. It takes a while to adjust the palate ( gosh... had to look that word up... I spelled it pallet ) HA

Anyways.... what a JOY to see that people are contributing and sharing some not so pleasant realities in the CFS medicine cabinet.

I have some NEWS... some good news. I used to have a treadmill... and then I moved and my niece took the treadmill. Yesterday while we were on our big adventure to Walmart. HA.... she asked me if I wanted it back and I jumped at the offer. It's an older one but works well... and I don't think my niece used it more than a few times.. so I will have to oil the track and then I should be good to go. I will be getting it next week. SO EXCITED about this.

Happy week-end to everyone. Looking forward to more.
It's important to eat your greens!!!
and... don't forget your 10,000 steps.
So love all the clips.

Now, I thought I would share concerning my stoma. There is a story behind it, with praise to God.

A few years ago my hubby (Trevor) and I went on an around Australia trip in our caravan. That was amazing. We started off over on the East in Victoria, went up through NSW and Queensland, across the top and then came down the West coast till we reached Albany. This is the southern most town in OZ.

When we got there I had not been feeling well. Trev went for a sight see and I stayed in the van. Then I thought I better ring a doctor and made an appointment for the next day. Then was prompted to make it for that day. Trev came and took me to the doctor`s and after examining me she said I needed to go straight to hospital. There they did tests and said I needed an emergence operation for the next day. Apparently, some scar tissue from a previous small operation in my bowel had grown over and was blocking everything. It could burst the doctor said.

So, when in the operating room I noticed a lady (nurse?) put an X (marks the spot) on the right side of my stomach. The operation took hours. Later when the big black African doctor came to my room I was still a bit groggy but just said "God has given you a great gift." (Where did that come from?) The doctor turned away for a minute and then turned back and talked about the operation.

Next day he came again with a few other doctors in tow. (It is a teaching hospital). They are called the `eyes` he said as they follow him around. We talked and then when he was about to leave he said, "Jesus is coming soon." I replied, "Yes, Jesus is coming very soon." So, how great was that to have a Christian doctor. I found out over the next month that some of the nurses were Christian also. I spoke to some who were not Christian about the Lord and got good responses. You see they are a captive audience I have found over many hospital trips later on.

The X spot became a small rose, which is the end of my small intestine turned out and stitched onto my stomach. Trev calls it `Tommy` as he is a worker. He (it) mainly works at night and thus isn`t any trouble, (mostly). I have had to change by diet quite drastically in some ways. You see usually people need high fiber to be regular but my small intestine, doing all the work now doesn`t need that and will go to liquid (losing all my vitamins etc) if I do have fiber. So, it`s white bread, white rice, white spaghetti etc.

Also, I cannot have nuts (which I so love) or skins of fruit or vegies. (will block the stoma) Fish and eggs can produce liquid so careful with those and have plenty of potato and sweet potato chips to bulk it up. So, as Trev is just a `meat and 3 vegie` man that suits me as it`s simple and easy to digest.

Have had some troubles but have a good stoma nurse I can visit to sort anything out.

Do you know of someone with a stoma? I never knew about them. Big surprise, but I can see God`s hand on the whole difficult process.

Any questions? Marilyn
Marilyn C ... This was a wonderful contribution to the Medicine Cabinet... Thank you for being open and willing to share a medical condition that is not commonly known. I had to look it up because I got confused at the transition between X marks the spot and the rose. I was able to see some visuals... so I now have a very basic understanding of this procedure. You are the first person I have heard of with this condition. I did know one person who had a colostomy bag.... This was many years ago. I think they have dramatically improved in the quality of these over the years.

From reading the very different sharings on this post... I am struck with the realization that we all have health challenges in one way or another.
Some physical... some with mental health... and all of us are challenged with the spiritual condition of our hearts which also and equally importantly must be CARED for and nourished.

I am well pleased with this thread... and I am hopeful that it will be beneficial to those of us who are dealing with various medical issues.

God bless you sister.
Marilyn C. The combination of fresh dill.... parsley and chives is unbelievable. I put it in soups and stews. as a finishing spice after I have served it... and as I shared... decided to put that in the sour cream on my baked potato.. and OH my goodness... it was DELICIOUS. It would also go in yogurt if one does not use sour cream.

As you can probably tell... I am FOOD MOTIVATED. HAHAHA. and so... I am constantly trying to find ways to increase the flavour of things.

Another trick I have found are those flavoured vinegars... my go-to ones are balsamic ... rice vinegar... good for stir fries... red wine and there is also white wine but I have never bought the white wine... and apple cider vinegar.... these are all a GAME CHANGER for me.

So... I am learning how to eat much better than I ever have. VEGGIES both raw and cooked are the key for me.
Good morning Medicine cabinet. HAHA.

I hope all is well with everyone... Just checking in as I don't want this thread to die... which means I need to contribute. HA.

Mr. Moose is holding aerobic classes for the snails... everyone is welcome.... HAHAHAHA
Poor Mr. Moose who must endure my RELENTLESS teasing. HAHAHA.

We have been experiencing a cold snap here where I live. I know it's winter but it's still very cold out.
Yesterday... I took advantage of the fact that the minus temps were in the single digits.... and walked to the grocery store. I have not heard back from my niece on when I can expect the treadmill to arrive but I am greatly looking forward to this as it will solve the problem of getting my steps in.

I am still having issues with my legs but no where near as bad as it was a few weeks ago. I am definitely chalking that up to not having enough warmth on my legs during that week where I walked over an hour each morning. Live and learn.

Anyways... Happy Tuesday everyone...
But now I noticed this is the most boring post I've ever written. 👺!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHA..... Gone for a few days and everyone gets infected with the FUNNY BUG!!!

It never ceases to amaze me how much a paper cut hurts.

HA... forgot why I came here...... Humor for the day.
