_____________________________________________________________________________Misunderstanding heyal, Jerome used the term lux ferre (a term usually used for the planet venus) as "morning star" (not implied in the Hebrew which means shinning one) for the sake of the Latin speaking commoners...only then (without realizing it, or maybe he did) he brings in a confusion, because the Apocalypse called the Word/Son of God the bright and morning star (not referring to venus but to the light coming forth to dispel the darkness) and now some argue that Jesus is either Satan or the Bible is in error....only Jerome was in error (32 noted errors in the Vulgate the first is Genesis 3:15 hmmm?)...lux ferre then became Lucifer. So Lucifer is NOT the devil's name and is NOT in the Bible until the Hebrew is interpreted into the Greek and then interpreted into the Latin (the English Bibles followed...like with the word Easter another error)
Beloved, I can understand what your saying: that's what happens when a person (probably Jerome) attempts to either interpret the scriptures without the Holy Spirit, or adding their little bit of Catholic doctrine.
It's difficult enough trying to drown out the yelling of the world and listening to the leading of the Holy Spirit.