Thank you for your thoughts.
You may "not even get into those types of arguments or debates" however you just did by posting that comment.
I do not argue or debate. I just post observed facts and Bible Scriptures.
As for the teaching of CRT. those proponents would never come out and state it plainly, but it does have a distinct doctrine of sin. We as Christians understand what the Bible teaches about sin and seek to clearly define it.
The Westminster Shorter Catechism defines sin as “the want of conformity unto or transgression of the Law of God” (WSC #14).
Now if anyone takes the time to read what the CRT n=believes and teaches you would see that, they would consider sin to be any want of conformity unto or transgression of their dogma, assumptions, or beliefs. Their doctrine of sin calls for confession (owning your sin), repentance (renouncing and turning away), and contrition (ongoing sorrow for sin), with the hope of absolution and acceptance from those who have placed themselves in the seat of God (you read that correctly).
For CRT, chief sins include “whiteness” . . . yes, those who promote CRT believe and teach and promote that being born white; more specifically, being born into a world of privilege. As a group, the advantage of whites over others include cultural affirmations of worth, higher social status, greater ability to purchase, better quality jobs, and more opportunity to advance in society over people of color.
From this flows what is referred to as systemic racism: that is, racism is simply built into the structure of white society.
According to the CRT-----We don’t think about it, it’s not action taken or prejudices held, but is simply the way our society exists and functions by nature. So while aspects of racism are taught and learned, it is mostly inherited. If you are white, then you are born in sin, whether you acknowledge it or not; by virtue of having white skin, you are a racist—a sinner—by nature. You may profess to not be racist or have privilege, you may try to prove these things with empirical facts, but do not waste your time; personal attitudes, actions, and experiences do not matter according to CRT.
From a biblical perspective this is fascinating because there is a scintilla of truth contained in their concept of sin, and that is that sin is inherent—we are born with it. The fatal flaw in their theology is that it is confined to only one group (whites) and that group alone can be guilty of the capital offenses of privilege and racism. CRT borrows just enough from the Christian worldview in order to justify its teachings and actions, all the while vehemently and ironically rejecting the biblical view of sin.
The Bible does indeed explicitly and emphatically teach that sin is inherent, that all of us are born in sin.
Psalms 51:5.........
"Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me
Romans 3:23........
"ALL have sinned and come short of the approval of God".
Romans 5:12......
"Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, so also
death was passed on to all men, because all sinned. When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned."
All of us, every single person ever born (save Jesus) is born in sin and that sin nature is extensive—it affects every aspect of our being, our heart, mind, body, and will. We desire sin. We seek it. We think sinful thoughts and say sinful things without ever having to be taught or trained to do so. We just sin. We act consistently with the sinful nature that the Bible says we all share.
As has been so aptly stated, “we are not sinners because we sin, we sin because we are sinners” (RC Sproul).