I was shown this in a dream (
http://www.christianforumsite.com/threads/post-your-dream-vission-ministry.42431/#post-403486), Jim, but simple observation also bears out what is happening and what is soon to happen in and to this nation. God has stayed its destruction so far, but He will not do so forever.
This brings to mind three simple questions:
1 - Just how often in scripture were the messages given to God's people by His prophets welcomed by those who heard them?
2 - What proof would you find acceptable?
3 - By what qualifications do you accept the prophets you cite?
This nation was founded in contradiction of a basic scriptural teaching (Romans 13:1-7, 1 Peter 2:13-17).
America is a conquered nation and that conquering was not done in obedience to God, but in obedience to the desires of men who wanted more. This nation engaged in biological warfare (infected blankets and materials passed off as help) before the term was ever coined and did so deceptively.
This nation has a history of ignoring its own laws whenever it wants something, and today it even has multiple laws in place that allow all other laws to be set aside at the whim of a few people.
Even without all that (and more), there is no excuse for the slaughter of children that this nation engages in
DAILY. Even worse is the fact that our leaders and most of our people will not even face the right or wrong of it (Matt 18:6). It has been made an issue of choice and privacy.
Openly speaking the gospel of Jesus or anything biblical is being increasingly prohibited and in some places is legally punishable.
Racial divides and ignorance are openly encouraged.
nation does not hold faith in Jesus and the American church spends more time and effort trying to pull this nation into alignment with scripture than it does proclaiming the gospel.
The American church embraces division and combat rather than living out the gospel.
Where is this covenant you hold so dear?
What nation from what time are you referring to, Jim, and why should we want it back?
For those who are members of the Bride of Jesus, this is not our land. This is not our home. We are
in this world, but we are no longer
of this world.
One of the ways that God shows His favor to a nation is in its wealth and resources.
Our economy is past the point of collapse, and if you or I managed our household finances the way this nation manages its resources we would have been imprisoned years ago.
Another major way that God shows His favor to a nation is in its children.
Even without the intentional murder of abortion, still births and spontaneous abortions are at an all time high.
Our children are required to learn things that defy what scripture and sometimes even common sense and observable science dictate.
This nations insistence on requiring that the rest of the world do things our way has earned the hatred of nearly every nation on the planet, and those nations that have followed our example are themselves failing.
No. It will not take long.