I apologize for not reading your post, but not for standing against the errors you have attempted to present as truth to others.
And I would rebuke an Angel from heaven that taught a gospel or doctrine contrary to grace and that which Paul preached. If you will remember the issue with Peter and with those who presented a false gospel was that they where trying to mix law and grace, which you have done over and over. So I am standing in the place that God has appointed, kick as you like you will only wear yourself out.
Again, you say you stand against "errors you (that's me) have attempted to present as truth to others": but you, Sir, have neglected
to (1) point out the errors; and (2) point out truth in comparison to error. You are, in effect, just shouting: "I am right; therefore you are wrong." I have consistently pointed out that the "gospel of faith" is in error: a man can never be saved by "faith
through grace": which you seem to be preaching. The scriptures reads,
"For by GRACE are you saved through faith...". Listen: Abraham
was not justified because he believed in God; rather, he was justified because he believed in God's
promise! The scriptures state:
"Abraham believed God..."; not believed in God! I repeat: Abraham believed in God's promise.
Sir, the Apostle Paul did not rebuke any angel: he said
"...but though we, or an angel from heaven, preach unto you another gospel than the one we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any [man] preach any other gospel unto you than that you have received, let him be accursed." My Brother Paul
knew that neither he nor an angel from heaven would preach another gospel; and he was referring only to the gospel that they (the Galatians) had
received: even the
true gospel. There was no rebuke: it was a curse. Nothing can be added to Paul's warning: not even your "rebuke".
You are accusing me of mixing "law and grace" because I do not receive your "gospel of faith through grace". Well, let's see what you will do with the following scripture:
"Repent, and be baptized everyone of you in the NAME of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For this promise is unto you...". Was the Apostle Peter
filled with the Holy Spirit, or in derect rebellion against the commandments of the Lord? Or did the apostle misspeak? Either way, the eleven other apostles would have to be just as guilty as Peter, because Peter,
"...standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice...". Now if Peter and the eleven erred, that means Jesus also erred because he chose them and taught them wrong doctrine; that is, if the apostles were wrong!
No sir,
you are wrong. You are teaching the wrong gospel: because it does not line up with the Gospel Peter, John, Paul, and the other apostles and disciples preached. It doesn't matter how many in this forum agree with you: you will only be pleasing them and not the Lord. If you truly
love, receive and then preach the Gospel that saves.