Predestination is mentioned only in four places throughout the Bible in the NKJV, and yet it is hammered as if it were so vastly important and of such prominent consideration in some circles, that they even divide over it.
I've created this thread to help drive people into the word of God, so that in doing so, they may learn more about Him in His Perfection, and draw ever closer to Him by knowing even more about His perfect justice and perfect Love.
It is through tears that I've look upon the horrific divisions that this topic has proven instrumental in perpetrating, and therefore keeping many from seeing how glorious the Lord is in the handiwork of His creation of mankind..
Amen brother. You are very correct. From where I used to sit, I can tell you with 100% confidence that the church has problems.
I have SEEN that as church members, we should overlook offenses instead of being offended. As Christians, we are to be people who surrender our rights, rather than demand our rights, for the sake of others. Rather than expecting or demanding that others adapt themselves to us, we are to sacrifice our preferences for them but we tend to do the opposite!!!!!!
Just look at how many people have been warned and removed from this web site because of those very actions!
Brothers and sisters, many of us are fighting the wrong battles. Most of the issues that are causing division in the church today should instead be leading to dialogue, understanding, deference, and grace.
No matter how right you think you are, no matter how wrong you think someone else is, ask yourself this:.....
is the issue worth causing division in the church or family or web site that Christ loves and died for?
I have personally had to separate people IN Church because someone sat in "their pew"!
I have personally had to remove one church member from church because he called an elderly man a "DEMON", in Church.
Why would anyone disparage someone else of Predestination is beyound me, much less, split and divide a church.
Honestly........Predestination is something that most people who are “supposed” to believe in or who think they believe in, usually fall into one of three categories.
1. They don’t actually understand it,
2. they don’t like it, or
3. they don’t actually believe it.
I believe, (from reading your posts) that you will agree with me when I say that when anyone digs in and does the work, they will find out that under the Calvinist doctrine of Unconditional Election, the theological concept of Original Sin also collapses. that becomes the real problem!
Now that is ironic because if it's fundamental position in the Bible, coupled with the fact that protestant Calvinist traditions consider themselves solo scriptura. Original Sin is and has been the theological explanation for how free will affects naturally good creations
in that it corrupts them through the choices we make that are anything less than good/perfect. It doesn’t mean that we’re all totally rotten, just kind of that we’re the reason we can’t have nice things. Like......we sin because we are sinners!