Well let's put it this way... You step on an ant, no big deal right? You kill a frog, that is a little more cruel. Kill a dog, it is very cruel and illegal. Kill a human, what is wrong with you!
I hope you see that our sin is in proportion to who or what we sin against. We know that every sin we commit is ultimately towards God. Who is infinitely greater than everything.
So if we die in our sin, God, who is just, will have no choice but to punish our souls eternally.
That is fine. The theology your purport though is based on the legalistic view of the Faith. Here is God as the final judge, and if you have not qualified yourself for heaven you are condemned to hell, suffer eternal conscientious torment with no hope of relief.
You can hold that theology, but don't hide it behind scripture. A lot of faithful traditions which have been around much longer do not view it through the legalistic theology.
IMO understanding God as consistent and unchanging is more important than understanding the nature of punishment. As I see it, this consistency is best achieved by emphasizing that hell is not prepared by God as a place to punish sins, it is a place prepared by sinners for whom humility would be more painful than hellfire.
The analogy I like is that of someone who has an infection and refuses to take medicine for it. Now, who is really punishing the person? The one refusing the medicine, or the one offering it?
Scripture that speaks to God punishing, as I see it, is an understanding that God, ultimately created the disease also. But, fully comprehending God is impossible because He is, at times, paradoxical. So, you are going to understand God differently than I do, and ultimately we are both wrong, but each has certain truths that the other does not have.
What I don't like is people holding up the Bible as if my theology does not come from it. No in fact it does, but neither of us is 100% right.