Hi BM and his lady!
Thank you so much in taking the time to reply to my post. I feel like I really need to talk to someone (and why not a fellow Aussie

) about my journey and where I am heading.
I have alot to learn and take on before I can just give myself to God. I wish I could do that but I just have so many questions that I feel like I would be fake if I did that and if I am going to become a committed Christian then I have to be 100% behind it.
I have replied to a couple of parts of your message and I really loook forward to hearing from you guys again. Thanks again for helping me!
I understand what you are saying for the gays that choose that lifestyle but you have mentioned that you believe there are gays who are born that way.
Does that mean they will go to heaven? Because if they were born that way then it was Gods plan. I think this a very important issue.
Does this mean that you think Catholics wont go to heaven because they dont follow the path? There are many different Christian groups and it is very scary from my side to think that they wont go to heaven because they have a different take on things. Of course I understand that there are Christian groups that they are just plain wrong but surely there are others with great intentions but have a difference of opinion which leads them to a different view on Christianity.
As humans we could have 10 people read the same bible passage and we could possibly end up with 10 different interpretations because we are all different and we have all had different experiences, upbringings and so on.
I dont know if what I have written makes alot of sense but I feel comfortable sharing my thoughts with you guys.