THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Reaching Higher #31


Umm... "Once Saved, Always Saved"?? - Part 10

... Continued from Part 9, "The High and Eternal Significance to Your Life of RBBR"

This post is radical. Probably not what you currently think - and I expect will complete this Series about getting properly and Scripturally Born Again!

You probably believe it. Your church probably teaches it. "Once Saved, Always Saved!" can be a quite contentious issue! Oh man, the arguments I've heard about IT!! - and it is very much part of RBBR. That's because the Scriptures are clear that once you've earnestly done those 4 Steps then you ARE born into a new life via God's Spirit!!

Because I am going to use the word SAVED in this Message, we need to DEFINE what it means. A QUESTION for you to first consider carefully, then answer. Which do you want most: to be saved from HELL (and go to HEAVEN), OR be saved from your SINS? What was your answer? (it MATTERS; TRUST ME here, it MATTERS!!!) Amongst a TON of clues, we can start with the Name of our Saviour: Matthew Ch 1:21 And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will will save His people from their sins. No mention of being saved from the punishment of hell there, right, even though this is, of course, also true.

But the Question above is highly important: exactly WHICH of these is your aim? In this Message it will be the correct and Scripturel one: saved - salvaged!! - from our SIN - to live a life of RIGHTEOUSNESS, pleasing to the Lord!!! Our 4 Steps allow for these things to happen, where a cleansed life and a life of power, CHANGE you to grow in holiness and living right (miss any Steps though, and this won't happen). After having fully done the 4 Steps we can say at that moment that we are fully SAVED from all of our SIN that we've committed AGAINST OUR GOD!!!

Continued in the next post...
Continued from the previous post...

But back to our main question: is the belief of "Once Saved (from our sin), Always Saved" SCRIPTURALLY CORRECT? I said above that it's highly likely you believe it is. Most do - but that doesn't necessarily make them right, does it! Here are some Scriptural clues to get us started: 1 Corinthians Ch 15:2 says 'you ARE saved'. Romans Ch 8:24 says 'we WERE saved'. Romans Ch 12:9 says 'we SHALL BE saved'. That is, PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE in the tense of the Greek verbs!! Clearly the verse that says "we SHALL be saved" throws a lot of doubt on the fact that we're saved NOW, (which we are) and this is then FOREVER (meaning: "Once saved, Always saved.")

The fact is that in the New Testament being saved is NOT an EVENT - IT'S A PROCESS!!! Jesus Himself was very clear on this: Matthew Ch 24:13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved. There are TWO important facts there: 1) ENDURING, and 2) to the END. The Lord says that for us to ENDURE is VERY important in our life with Him. From 1 Corinthians to Hebrews I quickly found that: our WORK needs to endure; we must endure PERSECUTION, and endure ALL THINGS, endure SUFFERING, endure TRIBULATIONS, endure HARDSHIP, and endure AFFLICTIONS. Quite a list!

Then it's imperative that we persevere in our Christian walk with the Lord - so that we CAN ENDURE!! And PERSEVERING is exactly what will enable us to ENDURE to the END!!! Galatians Ch 6:9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. I just love that!! 2 Corinthians Ch 4:1 Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we do not lose heart. -- which the Amplified Bible translates as: "we do not get discouraged (spiritless and despondent with fear) or become faint with weariness and exhaustion." Wow!!

Concluded in the next post...
Concluded from the previous post...

So are we saved for all time as the 'Once saved, Always saved' doctrine says? No, rather we are in the PROCESS of BEING SAVED, and God promises us that IF WE ENDURE TO THE END, then we WILL BE SAVED!!! DID you get THAT!!! It will be OBVIOUS to readers that this "enduring" concerns US a fair deal: I have to choose to do this - and persist, and not give up, not quit! But you know enough by now to realise that God will help you in all of this!! You are NEVER alone!!!

And there's EVEN MORE GOOD NEWS! We simply MUST play our part, as above, but God PROMISES that HE will play HIS WONDERFUL PART!! 2 Timothy Ch 1:12b ...for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day. John Ch 10:28 And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. How ENCOURAGING is THAT!!!

These are GOD'S PROMISES to us!! And there are many more in the New Testament. You can be CERTAIN that He will ALWAYS do HIS PART. That's a GIVEN!! But make NO MISTAKE that not ONE jot of this will SUFFICE UNLESS you also do YOUR PART as well!!! And the CHOICE to do that - and KEEP doing it - is ENTIRELY up to YOU!!!

Finally, where did this 'Once saved, Always saved' doctrine come from? People wanted to feel, well, SAFE! A great way to make them feel safe was to promise that, "You're Now Saved Forever!" But it's NOT Scriptural! If you've seriously done the 4 Steps, this has allowed you to be born into God's Kingdom here on earth. But BIRTH is not forever, is it!! Birth is a STARTING POINT!! From that starting point, by OBEDIENCE, and by welcoming JESUS AS LORD OVER ALL OF OUR LIFE, we may GROW towards our final destination of ultimately being SAVED forever, and in Heaven always and forever with our Lord and God!!!

May this be so for YOU!!!

- BM, with his Lady

Well, finally someone was brave enough to give a straight answer to a question that is hard to tackle. I have always gotten vaugue answers to that question about always being saved. But, everything you said made sense. It especially made sense after digesting all the messages before this one. I think a lot of Christians have felt safe on the basis of a Salvation prayer, but have never come to a complete feeling of being safe in His arms forever. But little is touched on this subject today.

I'm so glad you addressed this issue, Bondman. I would rather be actively working toward my complete Salvation than be coasting along in my Christian walk and still not sure of my standing.

Father, my heart longs for eternity, but my body remains here. Help me to see life as a journey that is completed through communion with You. Amen
Well, finally someone was brave enough to give a straight answer to a question that is hard to tackle. I have always gotten vaugue answers to that question about always being saved. But, everything you said made sense. It especially made sense after digesting all the messages before this one. I think a lot of Christians have felt safe on the basis of a Salvation prayer, but have never come to a complete feeling of being safe in His arms forever. But little is touched on this subject today.

I'm so glad you addressed this issue, Bondman. I would rather be actively working toward my complete Salvation than be coasting along in my Christian walk and still not sure of my standing.

Father, my heart longs for eternity, but my body remains here. Help me to see life as a journey that is completed through communion with You. Amen

So wonderful to hear that the Message was a help, Sweets!! I'll add a personal and very loud AMEN to your post!!! You're right, that it's a subject people tend to shy away from. But when you go to the Scriptures, they make it quite plain, seems to me!

I thought you got it spot on where you said, "I would rather be actively working toward my complete Salvation than be coasting along in my Christian walk and still not sure of my standing."

"Actively working toward" - wow, that is GOOD!!!

Bless ya heaps, sweetie!

- BM
Actually there's a possible - just small, just possible - indication that God may have started my healing. Rather fascinating actually, and time will tell. Just wanted you to know!!

Amen Allelulia! That is great news! Great posts on Salvation! Thanks for the wisdom.

Also, if you all don't mind, can you please keep my family in prayer? My nephew Bryan was just diagnosed with Swine Flu. He is to graduate from high school this Friday, but it looks now that he will not be permitted to attend. They live in NJ.. the doctor said to my brother, you think this week is bad, wait until next week, people will be dropping like flies!
My brother said my nephew should be fine, since he is young, but they canceled our family reunion for this week-end to prevent anyone else in family getting it, especially my older parents.. Folks.. let us enjoy today, for we do not know what our future holds.. let us keep working on our true salvation, right this very minute.

Will pray, hon! We don't know WHERE this swine flu is going to end up, do we. And your words were very wise indeed:

Folks.. let us enjoy today, for we do not know what our future holds.. let us keep working on our true salvation, right this very minute.

"Working on" are the operative words, for sure!! We have only today. Tomorrow is unknown. We need to know that TODAY I am SAVED and in right relationship with my Lord and God!!

2 Corinthians Ch 6:2 (New King James Version)

For He says:

“ In an acceptable time I have heard you,
And in the day of salvation I have helped you.”

Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.


- BM
Gems #1

I AM SAVED (You Too!!)

In the Past I was SAVED by my faith in Jesus, from all my sin against God, transformed from death to life by His Holy Spirit, and implanted into God's wondrous Kingdom on earth. Yerterday I was still in the CONDITION of being saved from my sin. And Praise be to His precious Name, Today I am still saved! I firmly expect that Next Week I will STILL be saved. BUT...

... All of this is only possible with the PROVISO that I have learnt HOW "To ENDURE TO THE END". This means learning those things that God requires of me - because HE IS GOD! - and carefully ENSURING that I am DOING them!

My life is no longer my own, but belongs to the Lord God. I am TOTALLY HAPPY about that because I love Him, plus according to His Holy Word that's the only way my life can possibly work! I'm greatly enjoying a life of SERVING and PLEASING Jesus the King, along with blessings like love and freedom, and peacefulness and wonderful hope for my future - including in eternity.

Meantime I am never alone, for He is ALWAYS with me. His Spirit gives me the power and ability to live out ALL of the things He requires of me. I enjoy a growing RELATIONSHIP with my Lord and God and am growing in RIGHTEOUSNESS and HOLINESS (with less and less sin in my life). Thus I am a very happy man, with a strong confidence in the Lord of Him keeping me as His, so that I shall ultimately BE SAVED, changed, a glorified body, and with Him for ever and ever. Amen!

This is the true Christian life!!!

- BM and Mrs


It's my earnest hope and prayer that all Inner Roomies will find help and profit from things I'll share in the new "Gems".

Mostly short Messages, sometimes quite short. Between "Reaching Higher" and "Gems" I'm trusting there'll be something for everyone - not to mention "The Inner Room" with 200 Messages all Indexed and ready for reading and study!

A lot of me has gone into all of this I guess - but it's all for Jesus, - and you - end of story!!!

Bless you abundantly in the Lord Jesus!!

- BM
Gems #2


In what we term "The Great Commission", Jesus' command to us is that we must: Go into the world and preach the Gospel to all the Nations, making Disciples of everyone, and Baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew Ch 28:19, Mark Ch 16:15

But there's what I consider an EXTREMELY important consideration concerning this. A great Man of God worded it this way:
"The supreme task of the church is the evangelization of the world. No one has the right to hear the gospel TWICE until everyone has had an opportunity to hear it at least ONCE." (enhancements mine)
- J. Oswald Smith, Vital Christianity, June 1979
Erp..... only around 3 billion to go......

Food for thought (and prayer and consideration!)

- BM and Mrs

Thank you so much, for these little Gems, BM! What I copied below will be printed out and shared with so many people I know. For one, dh recently has been discussing things with me I was reading in a book. So I am hoping he will read it because it so plainly explains what it is to be a true Christian. And, Yaaaaaa about the work Father is doing in your body! Sweets

In the Past I was SAVED by my faith in Jesus, from all my sin against God, transformed from death to life by His Holy Spirit, and implanted into God's wondrous Kingdom on earth. Yerterday I was still in the CONDITION of being saved from my sin. And Praise be to His precious Name, Today I am still saved! I firmly expect that Next Week I will STILL be saved. BUT...

... All of this is only possible with the PROVISO that I have learnt HOW "To ENDURE TO THE END". This means learning those things that God requires of me - because HE IS GOD! - and carefully ENSURING that I am DOING them!

My life is no longer my own, but belongs to the Lord God. I am TOTALLY HAPPY about that because I love Him, plus according to His Holy Word that's the only way my life can possibly work! I'm greatly enjoying a life of SERVING and PLEASING Jesus the King, along with blessings like love and freedom, and peacefulness and wonderful hope for my future - including in eternity.

Meantime I am never alone, for He is ALWAYS with me. His Spirit gives me the power and ability to live out ALL of the things He requires of me. I enjoy a growing RELATIONSHIP with my Lord and God and am growing in RIGHTEOUSNESS and HOLINESS (with less and less sin in my life). Thus I am a very happy man, with a strong confidence in the Lord of Him keeping me as His, so that I shall ultimately BE SAVED, changed, a glorified body, and with Him for ever and ever. Amen!

This is the true Christian life!!!


Trust in Him for everything....healing, protection, companionship, affirmation, whatever you need...He is there for you.

Still praying for you, Bondman! Its gonna happen, sooner or later, one way or another....its comin!

P.S. Love the gems! :}
*Sneaks stealthily into the Inner Room* Hehe, can I add an "Amen" too!!! *tries to stifle a "Yeee-harr!!" - FAILS!*

Thanks you two lovely dear ones! Do you think that we can get the message across to those who are still OUTSIDE of His Kingdom? Will there be many out of the hundreds who've come and read Messages here who will GET IT, and then ultimately LIVE IT? - even to SHARING it with others?

Or will they decide it's too hard, too difficult, even too complicated - and go away? I believe some already have!! How sad is THAT!!!

I want to see ALL SAVED, of course!! - but I know that will not happen. For Jesus said that FEW will go via the NARROW WAY that leads to LIFE - with God forever...

But with the MESSAGE we have, we never give up, give in, or QUIT!!!

Many, many blessings!!

- BM

Trust in Him for everything....healing, protection, companionship, affirmation, whatever you need...He is there for you.

Still praying for you, Bondman! Its gonna happen, sooner or later, one way or another....its comin!

P.S. Love the gems! :}

Faith and trust sure is what it's all about. Thankyou so much for that!

And for your comment about Gems! - I hope it's gonna work for people!

Blessings abounding to you and yours, dear one!! (I'll keep you posted about healing.)

- BM
Man trust.. that has been the biggest challenge for me

even to SHARING it with others?

Or will they decide it's too hard, too difficult, even too complicated - and go away? I believe some already have!! How sad is THAT!!!

I want to see ALL SAVED, of course!! - but I know that will not happen. For Jesus said that FEW will go via the NARROW WAY that leads to LIFE - with God forever...

But with the MESSAGE we have, we never give up, give in, or QUIT!!!
I am not quitting.. here is what happened last night...


As I walked into the local deli for a refreshing hot cup of cappuccino, I saw him standing there, a tall young man holding a black plastic garbage bag full of cans.
He asked the worker if they could cash them in for him. The worker was so gracious and said yes.

As he waited for the money, I noticed a young pregnant woman waiting out on the porch. I struck up conversation with her as I walked down the steps. I heard the clerk say “ here is your $ 2.50”. The young man said thank you. This young couple then headed up the street.

As I got back in my car, I heard the spirit speak “ Go let them know of me”. Instead of turning to go home, I headed in the direction they were walking in. I pulled the car to the side of the busy road. I hollered out the window. “ Hey I have something for you”. They sauntered across the road. “ Look this is not much, but here is $ 5.00 for you. He said “ how did you know”? I said I did not but God did.

We then struck up a conversation of who Jesus was. The conversation led to asking them if they were saved. Both of them replied yes and the young man showed me the cross he was wearing. He then went on to proceed how he had just recently got out of the local prison. I asked them if they were rooted in a church. The reply was a resounding no. I then told them of Care-A-Van ministries and how we provide food to folks in need. They were very familiar with the ministry as they live on one of the streets we go to on monthly basis.

I invited them to church explaining that the van would come and pick them up. I also explained there were other churches right there in the neighborhood. He stated how the Pastor of the one church walks his dog and strikes up conversation now and then with him. The Lord also shared with them right on the street how the devil wants to steal their joy away and how God will restore their lives and they do not have to live from bags of old cans. The young man stated how hard it was for him to get a job. He said I wish I would never had got these tattoos! Well, a long sleeve shirt can take care of that was my reply.

Look I said “ We all have a testimony, and all have not lived life quite right but we are forgiven. However, the Lord wants us rooted in a church and he wants us to turn from our old way of living.

Before leaving, I asked them if I could pray with them. He also spoke of his younger brother who had been homeless, robbed a home, got a whopping $ 3.00 and is now facing 6 years in prison. Right there on North street, we prayed to the Lord for all the needs of this young couple and the brother.

Some folks might think I am crazy and think that the money will be used for other things. God knows exactly how that $ 2.50 plus $ 5.00 will be spent. However, if $ 5.00 and a little prayer can help this couple realize how mighty our Lord is then folks the whole evening is priceless! After all, salvation from our Lord is free!

There ya have it Bondman and others.. I am not quitting.. I am using the gift of Boldness that the good Lord given me along with the wisdom I continue to learn here! Hugs to ya!


Now THAT's a story of God at work in people's lives if ever I've heard it!! Just LOVE your boldness you've got from the Lord, hon! What a precious, precious gift!! LOVE your willingness to take risks, and to get down and dirty when necessary. You're right, we can't know what people will do with ANYTHING we give them, be it the offer of God's salvation from sin OR a gift of five bucks!!

We just don't know. But then we don't NEED to know, do we? FACT: HE knows, and really, that's what matters!! I also LOVE your openness to the Holy Spirit, LISTENING to what He's saying. You could never do all the work you do into people's lives if you hadn't learnt that, and now live it. Wonderful!!

"Lord God, you constantly astonish me with the things you do in the lives of those who LOVE You! - AND are OPEN and WILLING to do whatever you want them to, and to go wherever you want them to. I want to thank you for Faithwoman and the miracles that You've done in her life. And the same for each of our lives, because we are all different and all have a different path that You'll take us on - provided we're WILLING!!! I love You SO MUCH!!!"

And I love you so much too, sweetie!!

- BM

EDIT: "Quit" - hmm... don't know that word, I don't think. Certainly dunno what it means!
Gems #3


We can think about it, talk about it, even PRAY about it - but actually LIVING it is what counts!! Which, as I'm certain you already KNOW - is not always EASY!! In fact, many would probably say it's NEVER easy - and I'm not going to disagree with that!! (Interestingly, it basically is simple enough, yet it's still not easy!)

Alright, let me get to what I'm writing this "Gems" for. Many times in the past I've taken the posts of OTHERS, and written a Message based on them. Why? - because REAL LIFE stories are what REALLY hit our "funny-bone"!! - er, I mean, get out attention. Again why? - because we can most easily RELATE to them!!

Okay, here's MY PROBLEM!! Sorry, PROBLEMS! First, it's not at all totally EASY to take someone else's post, and make a good Message from it. Second, and WORSE STILL, people tend NOT to read them!! Why? - I truly wish I knew! (I 'suspect' that when their notification email comes, soon as they see it STARTING with a "Quote" of someone else's post, MANY switch out, and DON'T come to read that Message...)

Okay, I can't solve that problem - so all I can think to do is what I'm going to do now: please go back TWO posts, read Faithwoman's wonderful post - then read my response straight after it. WHY? - cos I reckon that you'll get as much out of reading this REAL LIFE living out of Faithwoman's Christian walk, PLUS my comments on it, as reading one of my Messages!

Course I may be wrong! (tho I don't think I am)... but then, that's part of our humanity, isn't it!!

God BLESS your day!

- BM and Mrs

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