Reaching Higher #31

Umm... "Once Saved, Always Saved"?? - Part 10
... Continued from Part 9, "The High and Eternal Significance to Your Life of RBBR"
This post is radical. Probably not what you currently think - and I expect will complete this Series about getting properly and Scripturally Born Again!
You probably believe it. Your church probably teaches it. "Once Saved, Always Saved!" can be a quite contentious issue! Oh man, the arguments I've heard about IT!! - and it is very much part of RBBR. That's because the Scriptures are clear that once you've earnestly done those 4 Steps then you ARE born into a new life via God's Spirit!!
Because I am going to use the word SAVED in this Message, we need to DEFINE what it means. A QUESTION for you to first consider carefully, then answer. Which do you want most: to be saved from HELL (and go to HEAVEN), OR be saved from your SINS? What was your answer? (it MATTERS; TRUST ME here, it MATTERS!!!) Amongst a TON of clues, we can start with the Name of our Saviour: Matthew Ch 1:21 And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will will save His people from their sins. No mention of being saved from the punishment of hell there, right, even though this is, of course, also true.
But the Question above is highly important: exactly WHICH of these is your aim? In this Message it will be the correct and Scripturel one: saved - salvaged!! - from our SIN - to live a life of RIGHTEOUSNESS, pleasing to the Lord!!! Our 4 Steps allow for these things to happen, where a cleansed life and a life of power, CHANGE you to grow in holiness and living right (miss any Steps though, and this won't happen). After having fully done the 4 Steps we can say at that moment that we are fully SAVED from all of our SIN that we've committed AGAINST OUR GOD!!!
Continued in the next post...