Wow, Fluff and Robin, it's so interesting to hear the stories of how others "came to know Christ." I also was baptized before, but it was in the Mormon Church, and for completely different reasons, so I think I did right by getting baptized again.
But, speaking of making Christ Lord of you life, that was also something I seem to have missed. But it was all so overwhelming for me because the only thing I knew about religion was taught to me by the Mormons. So I was quite confused. It was pretty overwhelming taking it all in, and somewhere, I missed a lot. I think I was taking it too fast, not really knowing the basics first. I mean, I think I did OK, reading some of my posts after I surrendered my life to Christ, but I grew too fast, and skipped some of the basic things. All I knew, was that I felt like I was high as a kite. hehe
Plus, I think I still had my eyes on other people, watching how they reacted to different things. So, I'd be up and down. So, I'm taking things much slower this time, and still working on making Him Lord of my life. It's not a one-time commitment... but takes faith and trust that He knows it all, and that I can safely let go of the reigns. It's fun to share, Fluffy. I never knew you felt this way. I remember asking you lots of questions, and you always gave me really great replies. It's humbling to hear things like that from other Christians. HUGZ, Sweets
Yes, I'm sure you're right about your 'Mormon' baptism not being of any relevance, and therefore to be baptised as a Christian Believer was your FIRST baptism. That seems to me to be different from Fluffy's experiences - yet I can also see a point to be made (which Fluf's already clearly made) that her situation was basically no different from yours!!
Seeing the necessity of making Jesus LORD over all of your life forever is MAJOR!! So important! Yes, it's all too easy to rush things when you're first converted - which can lead to confusion, and of course missing things like you said.
Taking things slower is GOOD!!! And that you realise making Christ Lord is not a once-only thing is great. It's daily - as for numbers of things in our Christian walk. Makes sense to me, cos this is RELATIONSHIP we're talking here: a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with our wonderful God!!!
If we're truly in love with someone and they with us, are we going to talk and relate to them, say, just a few times a year - yet expect that the love between us and our relationship will stay strong? We daily RENEW with the Lord, and stay as close to Him as we can (He's already ALWAYS close to us!!), and obey Him each day, and live out His Lordship in our lives, and be filled with the Spirit, and pray, and bring our earnest thanks to Him, and more...
- BM