THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Wow, Fluff and Robin, it's so interesting to hear the stories of how others "came to know Christ." I also was baptized before, but it was in the Mormon Church, and for completely different reasons, so I think I did right by getting baptized again.

But, speaking of making Christ Lord of you life, that was also something I seem to have missed. But it was all so overwhelming for me because the only thing I knew about religion was taught to me by the Mormons. So I was quite confused. It was pretty overwhelming taking it all in, and somewhere, I missed a lot. I think I was taking it too fast, not really knowing the basics first. I mean, I think I did OK, reading some of my posts after I surrendered my life to Christ, but I grew too fast, and skipped some of the basic things. All I knew, was that I felt like I was high as a kite. hehe

Plus, I think I still had my eyes on other people, watching how they reacted to different things. So, I'd be up and down. So, I'm taking things much slower this time, and still working on making Him Lord of my life. It's not a one-time commitment... but takes faith and trust that He knows it all, and that I can safely let go of the reigns. It's fun to share, Fluffy. I never knew you felt this way. I remember asking you lots of questions, and you always gave me really great replies. It's humbling to hear things like that from other Christians. HUGZ, Sweets

Yes, I'm sure you're right about your 'Mormon' baptism not being of any relevance, and therefore to be baptised as a Christian Believer was your FIRST baptism. That seems to me to be different from Fluffy's experiences - yet I can also see a point to be made (which Fluf's already clearly made) that her situation was basically no different from yours!!

Seeing the necessity of making Jesus LORD over all of your life forever is MAJOR!! So important! Yes, it's all too easy to rush things when you're first converted - which can lead to confusion, and of course missing things like you said.

Taking things slower is GOOD!!! And that you realise making Christ Lord is not a once-only thing is great. It's daily - as for numbers of things in our Christian walk. Makes sense to me, cos this is RELATIONSHIP we're talking here: a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with our wonderful God!!!

If we're truly in love with someone and they with us, are we going to talk and relate to them, say, just a few times a year - yet expect that the love between us and our relationship will stay strong? We daily RENEW with the Lord, and stay as close to Him as we can (He's already ALWAYS close to us!!), and obey Him each day, and live out His Lordship in our lives, and be filled with the Spirit, and pray, and bring our earnest thanks to Him, and more...


- BM
Thought you might agree with that, hon! *hehehe!!*

The 'blame' appears to lie squarely at the door of the piles of 'far too exuberant' ones (and, unfortunately, worse than that!) who are NOT following solid, clear, Scriptural principles. *shakes head in disbelief*

And that's definitely a worry...

Love ya!

- BM
Election, Chosen

I have been into the Word a lot lately, and came upon this chapter in the Bible that is hard to understand. Just need it cleared up a little.
Romans 9:11-22 (Amplified Bible)

11And the children were yet unborn and had so far done nothing either good or evil. Even so, in order further to carry out God's purpose of selection (election, choice), which depends not on works or what men can do, but on Him Who calls [them],
12It was said to her that the elder [son] should serve the younger [son].(A)
13As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated (held in [a]relative disregard in comparison with My feeling for Jacob).(B)
14What shall we conclude then? Is there injustice upon God's part? Certainly not!
15For He says to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will have compassion (pity) on whom I will have compassion.(C)
16So then [God's gift] is not a question of human will and human effort, but of God's mercy. [It depends not on one's own willingness nor on his strenuous exertion as in running a race, but on God's having mercy on him.]
17For the Scripture says to Pharaoh, I have raised you up for this very purpose of displaying My power in [dealing with] you, so that My name may be proclaimed the whole world over.
18So then He has mercy on whomever He wills (chooses) and He hardens (makes stubborn and unyielding the heart of) whomever He wills.
19You will say to me, Why then does He still find fault and blame us [for sinning]? For who can resist and withstand His will?
20But who are you, a mere man, to criticize and contradict and answer back to God? Will what is formed say to him that formed it, Why have you made me thus?(D)
21Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same mass (lump) one vessel for beauty and distinction and honorable use, and another for menial or ignoble and dishonorable use? 22What if God, although fully intending to show [the awfulness of] His wrath and to make known His power and authority, has tolerated with much patience the vessels (objects) of [His] anger which are ripe for destruction?(E)

It sounds like we don't really have free will as far as us becoming Christian. I can't really see what else these verses are talking about. I've read the chapters before and after it, and can't figure it out. Can someone explain it to me?
Sweets, I'm preparing an answer to this excellent query you've posed. It will (need to) be a Message because your post has raised so many IMPORTANT MATTERS!! - which I'm quite certain that some of the others here will want to know the answers to also.

Coming soonest!

- BM

I've always had a hard time with that one, too. I would think I 'get' it, then it slips away.

Looking forward to Bondmand's answer!

One thing, though, that might help is to remember that God is outside of time. There is no later, or tomorrow for Him, its ALL. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Jacob's day is just as much a part of our yesterday as today is. Its a difficult concept to grasp for us beings that are trapped in a timeline. So to say that He knew something before hand is hard for us to understand. But then, He wouldnt be God, then, if He didnt, would He?:D
"REACHING HIGHER", MESSAGE #29 - ("The High and Eternal Significance to Your Life of RBBR" - Part 9)

About SPEAKING in TONGUES and other IMPORTANT THINGS: I was somewhat surprised at the numbers who skipped this message!!

I suppose I can understand it if some thought "I already know about RBBR! Why does he keep rabbiting on about it?" Well, I was trying to round it all out, especially because TONGUES can be so closely related to BEING FILLED with the Spirit.

Anyway, I do hope that you won't also skip what will probably be the FINAL in this Series, probably called: "ASSURED OF HEAVEN?? I guess we would all rather WANT to be assured of that... (An alternative title could be something like: "Are You Really Actually Saved?")

It IS a "Don't Miss" Message!!

Love n blessings!

- BM
Reaching Higher #30


The "Dreadful" Things God May Do...

Wow, you're sure getting into some 'heavy' stuff, hon! I just LOVE Romans, but parts of it are some of the most difficult sections of the New Testament to truly understand. The passage you quoted is about the very thing that we modern-day Western Christians BASICALLY REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE: GOD'S SOVEREIGNTY OVER ALL!!

It's almost as if God, through Paul, wrote this Chapter for our generation!! What Paul is on about here is that AS THE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS GOD is the BOSS!!! So in Verse 21 God's saying, "WHAT, you don't think that I HAVE THE RIGHT to take MY CLAY and WITH IT make one beautiful object, and one that's NOT? WELL, I DO HAVE THIS RIGHT, okay!!"

What He's saying in this Chapter is: "Right, now listen up, you guys, I AM GOD, got it!!! So you can QUIT trying to tell me what I CAN, and what I CANNOT do. I AM THE LORD, AND I AM THE ONE IN CHARGE HERE!! BECAUSE I AM GOD I CAN DO EXACTLY WHAT I PLEASE!! AND you have NOTHING WHATEVER to SAY ABOUT THAT, RIGHT!!!

Oh, it does seem DIFFICULT for us to grab a hold of that, doesn't it! We are so used to thinking: "I have the right to....(whatever)," that to consider that GOD IS GOD, AND THAT HE CAN THEN DO WHAT HE PLEASES - MAN, THAT'S HARD!! And EXPECIALLY if WE THINK that HE'S ACTUALLY WRONG!!!! (thus making ourselves 'God' over the top of Him!!) But He NEVER IS WRONG, ever!! So if we DISAGREE with His actions or attitude or approach - then guess who's WRONG!!

We should take VERY CAREFUL note of Verse 13 in this Chapter: What shall we conclude then? Is there injustice upon God's part? Certainly not! So TO US it may LOOK like He's not being fair - but do we know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING like HE does? Of course not!! BUT HE DOES! - so He can PERFECTLY interact A with B (and X and Y and Z at the same time if he wants!), and get the result out the other end ALL 100% CORRECT!!! And I DO mean 100%!!

Verse 18: So then, He has mercy on whomever He wills (chooses) and He hardens (makes stubborn and unyielding the heart of) whomever He wills. We need to realise that God DOES NOT EVER harden someone's heart randomly or capriciously. He NEVER DOES ANYTHING WITHOUT GOOD REASON!! To see this is TRUE, read (click) Romans 1:18-32 in the Amplified Bible. This describes how MAN GOES WRONG, REBELLING AGAINST THE FACT THAT GOD IS REAL (IS GOD)!! 'Thinking themselves sooo clever!' Paul says, 'God then ALLOWS them to follow their WRONG PATH and to go FURTHER INTO SIN!'

He may then even HARDEN THEIR HEARTS as in v. 18 above, BECAUSE THEY'VE ALREADY HARDENED THEIR HEARTS AGAINST HIM!!! - and of course HE knows beforehand what they are going to do and where they are going to go NEXT anyway - cos HE KNOWS EVERYTHING!! The Apostle John, speaking of how so many REJECTED Jesus, brought into the New Testament an astonishing quote from Isaiah:

John Ch 12:40 “He (God) has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts,
Lest they should see with their eyes,
Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn,
So that I should heal them.”

God did these terrible-sounding things 1) Because it was RIGHT to! - VERY important!! 2) Because He could! - but especially 3) BECAUSE THEY'D ALREADY DONE THESE THINGS TO THEMSELVES ANYWAY!!! They'd already CHOSEN their path!! This highlights words I've written here often:


Finally, ALL MEN, the GOOD and the EVIL, ALL STILL HAVE FREEWILL to fully decide and CHOOSE the path they will take - NO ifs, NO buts!! He is NOT going to do anything terrible to anyone who does not DESERVE it - and we can FULLY TRUST HIM to do this ALL RIGHT! And we must ALSO then be very, very careful to CONTRAST the above with all the totally UNDERSERVED LOVE and FORGIVENESS and GOOD and CARE and MERCY He shows to ALL those who truly LOVE Him!!! THAT'S the OTHER SIDE of the COIN!!!

Sweets, I hope that helps. But after reading this, if there are still specifics that you don't 'get', feel free to post again, and we can look at them.

Keep up your reading!!

- BM and his Lady


Speaking of God being God, the bible study I am attending titled The Twisted Truth is awesome!

Tonight's message was taken from Romans 13

Romans 13

Submission to the Authorities

1Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

2Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
3For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you.

4For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.

5Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience.

6This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing.

7Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

The message was how Twisted the Truth can be.. For example when a worker does not respect the authority of his boss.. or a 18 year old not respecting his parent.

The message stated how people are placed in authority positions by God and we need to respect that authority.. Bosses, parents, government leaders etc.. are God's agents.. even if they are not believers, we must respect God's agents of authority.. if we rebel against this authority and God's agents , we are rebelling against God. As we know when we do not listen to the authorities , we bring possible punishment against ourselves..
We do need to do what is right and he will commend us.

This outlook of my boss being God's agent really made me think about how I truly am at work even with the smallest minute details.. was an eye opener for me along with Bondman's messages on God and authority.

Ok.. the other quick note is I truly did have concerns and still do for one of my friends who "received a word" from a Pastor.. not a local pastor but a visiting Pastor.. He told her that she should not be ministering to people (she is involved in children's ministry) as there is a spirit of witchcraft following her. She stepped down from the children's ministry program (this is not my church by the way).. this gal is a bit under distress of this being told to her. I gently reminded her that I have learned that there is false prophets.. and to really think about and pray about who told her this. I told her God knew exactly what was going on in her life and she really needed to take some serious prayer time with the one and only.

Remember.. go to the Throne.. not the phone.. some people are to quick to believe everything that is told to them.. and then run to one hundred other people seeking the answer when God knows all the answers.. Now we are fortunate that Bondman teaches us how to go to the Lord and how to listen and how to be obedient.. Praises to you my Mr. Aussie!

Praise Report- My daughter arrived safely in Spain !!!! she is there for 10 days with her spanish class. she sent me a text from the plane that said Mom, I got a window seat. I love you! Thank you for everything!
God is good! Is he not!

Love you all
I was rather perturbed to read what you reported about your friend being publicly told by a Pastor that:

"she should not be ministering to people (she is involved in children's ministry) as there is a spirit of witchcraft following her."

Man alive, people need to take care when making such major (and often destructive) pronouncements. One has to wonder why (and how) there would be "a spirit of witchcraft following her"...

Your advice to her seemed very sound to me: that there are false prophets (there's sure are: Paul was often warning about them in the New Testament!) and she needed to spend time in serious prayer with her God!! As you said:

"Remember.. go to the Throne.. not the phone.. some people are to quick to believe everything that is told to them.. and then run to one hundred other people seeking the answer when God knows all the answers.."

We DO need to take great care concerning preachers like this. If they're right, then that's a good thing. But if they aren't - which seems to me to often be the case - this can be SO destructive to the person, and to God's work IN them and THROUGH them!

Well done, hon!!

- BM

Edit: Great about Marissa!!
Verse 18: So then, He has mercy on whomever He wills (chooses) and He hardens (makes stubborn and unyielding the heart of) whomever He wills. We need to realise that God DOES NOT EVER harden someone's heart randomly or capriciously. He NEVER DOES ANYTHING WITHOUT GOOD REASON!! To see this is TRUE, read ROMANS 1:18-32 in the Amplified Bible. This describes how MAN GOES WRONG, REBELLING AGAINST THE FACT THAT GOD IS REAL (IS GOD)!! 'Thinking themselves sooo clever!' Paul says, 'God then ALLOWS them to follow their WRONG PATH and to go FURTHER INTO SIN!'

He may then even HARDEN THEIR HEARTS as in v. 18 above, BECAUSE THEY'VE ALREADY HARDENED THEIR HEARTS AGAINST HIM!!! - and of course HE knows beforehand what they are going to do and where they are going to go NEXT anyway - cos HE KNOWS EVERYTHING!! The Apostle John, speaking of how so many REJECTED Jesus, brought into the New Testament an astonishing quote from Isaiah:

John Ch 12:40 “He (God) has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts,
Lest they should see with their eyes,
Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn,
So that I should heal them.”

God did these terrible-sounding things 1) Because it was RIGHT to! - VERY important!! 2) Because He could! - but especially 3) BECAUSE THEY'D ALREADY DONE THESE THINGS TO THEMSELVES ANYWAY!!! They'd already CHOSEN their path!!
This highlights words I've written here often:


Finally, ALL MEN, the GOOD and the EVIL, ALL STILL HAVE FREEWILL to fully decide and CHOOSE the path they will take - NO ifs, NO buts!! He is NOT going to do anything terrible to anyone who does not DESERVE it - and we can FULLY TRUST HIM to do this ALL RIGHT!And we must ALSO then be very, very careful to CONTRAST the above with all the totally UNDERSERVED LOVE and FORGIVENESS and GOOD and CARE and MERCY He shows to ALL those who truly LOVE Him!!! THAT'S the OTHER SIDE of the COIN!!!

I am having a little difficulty understanding. I see these people on the streets.. and as I read above.. he hardens their hearts even further.. man that is tough.. so is it then because they just refuse period to seek him.. if he keeps hardening them, will it not be even harder for them to seek him?
I struggled myself with forgiveness for a long time and had to accept the fact that he does forgive those . but as you wrote above, does he only forgive those who truly love him?

So as I see these people "on the fence".. and they don't truly love him.. does he forgive them? ??? ..

I am starting to understand some things better. thanks for delving into this for sweets and I can learn at the same time.
You asked the exact question I wanted to ask, Robin. It is hard to understand. But, I wonder . . . is it because He is all-knowing and He knows that that person will in the end, not ever accept Christ? Or is it simply that their hearts have been so poisoned from their rebellion, that they just can't "get it?" I mean, you can crush the Holy Spirit just so many times ( I don't know how else to put it) before He will stop convicting you of things. Then, you have maybe gone so far that your heart can no longer be affected by Him, which may be why your heart is hardened. ??

But, as long as it (sin) bothers you, or you wonder if you've gone too far, then you probably haven't because you are concerned that you have. That's what I have been told when I was worried I wasn't really saved.
Faithwoman, I'm preparing a further Message concerning your post above - based on yours and Sweets posts.

Meantime... "he hardens their hearts even further.. man that is tough.. so is it then because they just refuse period to seek him.. if he keeps hardening them, will it not be even harder for them to seek him?" He only hardens the hearts of those in a state of UTTER rebellion against Him as GOD. Others who as yet are not seeking Him can still be saved - no matter how much sin they've got into!!

"does he only forgive those who truly love him?" Ultimately, YES! I don't mean that they have to love Him first, and then He'll forgive and save them. But without a TOTAL positive attitude to the Lord of DOING and BEING who He requires we be, there can be no forgiveness.

This is why I went to all the trouble of doing the Series on RBBR - to show everyone what we must do if we are to be SAVED!!! People think a short prayer "accepting Jesus" will save them. This may ultimately LEAD to their salvation, and often does - usually, as in my case, YEARS LATER!! (at least 13 for me!) But of itself THIS WILL NEVER DO!! You have to start with the R of Confession and Repentance - and work your way through it all. THEN you can KNOW you're in His Kingdom!! But please note that there's one more Message to come on this, that VERY important!!

"So as I see these people "on the fence".. and they don't truly love him.. does he forgive them? ??? .." The answer above covers this also I think. As long as they're on the fence: NO SALVATION! THEY have to take the step towards the Lord. They have to DECIDE to do this. God will help them do it!! (in fact, without Him they'll never manage it!!) - but He will NOT make the decision FOR THEM!!!

Thanks for the great queries!

- BM
SweetSurrender's post above:

"But, I wonder . . . is it because He is all-knowing and He knows that that person will in the end, not ever accept Christ? Or is it simply that their hearts have been so poisoned from their rebellion, that they just can't "get it?"

Both of these, hon!! He certain does know it all; and they can get into such deep rebellion that there is NO WAY BACK!!

"I mean, you can crush the Holy Spirit just so many times ( I don't know how else to put it) before He will stop convicting you of things. Then, you have maybe gone so far that your heart can no longer be affected by Him, which may be why your heart is hardened. ??"

God's Spirit will not always strive with us to get us saved. Once He stops, that's the ball-game for that person. I'm sure that their heart IS then closed to Him, but the Word does seem to be saying that God actually ACTS to, I suppose, further harden their hearts and close their eyes (and ears).

"But, as long as it (sin) bothers you, or you wonder if you've gone too far, then you probably haven't because you are concerned that you have. That's what I have been told when I was worried I wasn't really saved."

Absolutely!! Anyone who's at the point where they don't really care any more ought to be MIGHTILY WORRIED!!!

Seems to me you've 'got' most of this really well! Thankyou for raising this important matter from your Scripture studies!

- BM
Thanks Bondman! Hey sometime down the road could you help clear up the whole idea of divorce and such as well with a message? No hurry though. A few of the women have been having discussion in regards to being divorced- one young gal states why get married again when I am going to be considered an adultress no matter what. So even for me Bondman, with me being divorced and the reason was not that he committed adultry- where does that leave me at for the future in this regard?

Hugs - great posts and discussions!

Hmm... seems like there are some around here who just love throwing the "curly ones" to me, doesnt' it!! *hehe!*

But yep, will do!!

- BM

FIRST, I will soon be starting a new sort of 'small' area in "The Inner Room" where I'll write Messages called "Gems". For those who don't like too much to read, Messages here will be shorter than those in "Reaching Higher".

And for those who think I couldn't write a short Message if my life depended on it... hmm... well, I'm gonna TRY and prove you wrong!! *deep throaty chuckle!*

SECOND, I'm starting to feel that maybe the whole of "The Inner Room" thread needs to be for SERIOUS CHRISTIANS. Not that it isn't already, but previously I did try to make the IR sort of for all and sundry.

With 200 Messages under the Inner Room banner, many of them, especially from the beginning, teaching BASIC CHRISTIANITY to anyone who is new, or needs basic teaching, then I think we can afford to deal with "deeper" topics, and longer posts (when necessary) - like recently.

I have NOT tried to make even a single one of them LONG!! *nods strongly!* Just the reverse: I ALWAYS try to keep things SHORT as possible! The RBBR Series was the most SERIOUS thing I've ever written - it took time and space to do justice FOR YOU, regarding something so IMPORTANT and BASIC AS US GETTING and BEING SAVED!!!

I figure that if people aren't prepared to read the SHORTNESS of even a triple post, then either they already know everything, or possibly aren't as SERIOUS about the Lord as they think. That is, I am NOT 'messing round' in this thread! - IT'S ALL FOR REAL, FOLKS!!

I continue to do my VERY BEST to bring you the best teaching I can from the the New Testament of the Holy Scriptures.

THANKYOU FOR YOUR MARVELLOUS SUPPORT!! Quite incredible really!! And please continue to pray for Beloved and me, as our degree of illness is serious, and sometimes it's almost impossible for us to keep going...

Bless you millions and millions, each one!!!

- BM and Mrs
THANKYOU FOR YOUR MARVELLOUS SUPPORT!! Quite incredible really!! And please continue to pray for Beloved and me, as our degree of illness is serious, and sometimes it's almost impossible for us to keep going...

Praying here for the two of you several times a day! Sometimes it is so hard for any of us to keep going. just like today here in NY.. Care-A-Van was out.. I had my car parked down the street. I was going to give a gal a lift home with her groceries so one of the guys walked her to my car. When they got to the car, my passenger window was completely smashed out! See attached pics.

I walked down to take her home and then saw my window. I broke down. but I knew a whole crowd of people were watching me, two of fellow team members gathered around me, hugged me and we started praying right then. I said Lord let me be strong, they are watching us Jesus. We called the police, they came.. we called my insurance company, they are sending someone to my home on Monday to replace it.. We continued doing our work, one of our friends offered for me to come to their home to sweep it out.. I drove to local store to get a soda.. as i drived back by the place it happened, I thought I got to go back and sweep the glass of the street. I borrowed a broom and dust pan and went back.

The street was empty as I got busy, a young woman came that had been to the bus for groceries. We started chatting, she was a hurting soul, single mom, young son. She was recently diagnosed with a STD like I had been years ago, she was broken.. we talked about God, Jesus, she was confused with some things. I shared alot with her and about salvation and how Jesus will heal her in all ways and the freedom she can have. I asked her if she died tonite did she know where she was going. Her reply.. I am not sure.
She has been coming to our church. I said well we can pray now and ask the Lord to come into your heart or you can listen to Pastor Dan tomorrow for when he has altar call.

A little bit of time went on, I was leaned over on the road and she said Robin, I want Jesus to come into my heart today! I put down the broom and dust mop, took her hands and we prayed. We were both crying at the end! We both knew why my window was shattered.. it was so Jesus would bring me back to that street so he could save this lost soul! I then explained how we needed to pray for Christian folks to come into her life, how she needs to get rooted in a bible study class at church etc. She is to go to court Tuedsay for a child custody hearing, she does not want to go alone, so we are going to see if one of the woman from the church will go with her.

We are not sure what happened with my car, it may have been someone mowing a lawn and a rock flew up, we do not suspect vandalism. But God knows exactly what happened and he used it to his Glory .. praises to him..

Now if I would not have Jesus in my heart, I would have been a basket case.. so there you have it Bondman.. the Lord used you and the Mrs to help save another lost soul in this world! Keep up the great messages.. I am learning and continue to take the wisdom God gives you to the streets


PS.. Care-A-Van then was in the local parade tonite. We had a blast and then went to the local carnival. It was such a warm feeling when first arriving and this young little gal gave me a big hug! I love doing God's work!
I wonder how many tears you've shed in the last year and a half? Methinks it must be A LOT!!! And you just shed more with a lady who God organised for you to share Jesus with!!

God loves your heart! So do I. Your willingness to be WHO He wants you to be, and DO what He wants you to, and GO where He wants you, I believe is a great lesson to us all!!

But then I can't help wondering just WHY we're not ALL talking about the Lord Jesus like you do? Straight after Pentecost when thousands came to Jesus, it appears that they WENT ABOUT GOSSIPING THE GOOD NEWS!!! - because people kept getting saved!!

Acts Ch 2:42-47 (Contemporary English Version)

42 They spent their time learning from the apostles, and they were like family to each other. They also broke bread [a] and prayed together.

Life among the Lord's Followers

43 Everyone was amazed by the many miracles and wonders that the apostles worked. 44 All the Lord's followers often met together, and they shared everything they had. 45 They would sell their property and possessions and give the money to whoever needed it. 46 Day after day they met together in the temple. They broke bread together in different homes and shared their food happily and freely, 47 while praising God. Everyone liked them, and each day the Lord added to their group others who were being saved.

Was it their ENTHUSIASM for and about Jesus that brought all of this about? I'd say, YES - at the very least! Their hearts and lives were filled with Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, and so they couldn't HELP talking about the Lord!! Same as you; same as me. Is this any GLORY to us? DEFINITELY NOT - only to HIM! (I know you'll agree!)

Hmm... maybe we're some kind of "freaks"... If so, then I'm praying for more of the same!!!

- BM

You truly NEED TO READ this Message!! (Final of the Series, I expect, on getting fully Born Again!)

But it's DIFFERENT from all the others. Could be a separate topic, but I think it's a GOOD THING to add it to the end of the Series.

Love from

- BM

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