THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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I just want everyone to know that I am going to be off CFS for awhile (except maybe to peek at BM's messages once in awhile).

I just am so hungry to spend more time in Father God's presence on my knees in prayer and with my nose stuck in His Word. So, I'm fasting where it hurts . . . the computer.

Thanx for all the prayers that went up for me. See what you've done now?! hehe Gone and done got me kicked off the computer! Oh well, it will do me good I know. My heart is soooo wanting fellowship, continuous fellowship with my Maker. Sweet, Heavenly Father, I call You Lord. Hugz, Bonnie


Works for ME, hon!! Discipline is not a terribly big (important) word in Christian circles these days I don't reckon. But it needs to be!! Without we keep focus on the things of God and the Spirit - and on the Lord Himself! - then we're not gonna do well at all. And that takes discipline!!

Then there's balance. We need fellowship with the Lord or everything will fall in a mangled heap!! We need fellowship with each other too, where we can encourage each other, get up to date for prayer, love and care.

Bless ya heaps in every way, and every area of your life!!

- BM
Reaching Higher #26


Seeing the Pain, the Hurts: and What to Do!

Faithwoman wrote (here) about lots of good deeds done while helping the NEEDY - so important that we true Believers be DOING THIS!! She also queried whether we actually SEE people that are suffering? - do we see the HURTS and PAINS? TRUTH IS that if we are TRULY BORN OF GOD then we WILL see the hurts - AND be doing something about them!!!

Let me tell you about just TWO REASONABLY LARGE GROUPS OF PEOPLE that the church ignores almost COMPLETELY (which incredibly sadly tells its own story, doesn't it...) -- the long-term ILL, and the OLD and INFIRM. Usually we are: a) stuck 24/7 in the 4 walls of our house, and b) have no friends left, and thus c) no one to help when we have a serious need. Put all this together and it will also be clear that: d) WE CAN BE INCREDIBLY LONELY!!!

NOW BEING LONELY IS A TOTAL CHRISTIAN CONTRADICTION!!! Because according to the CLEAR message of New Testament (click to READ) you CANNOT be lonely if you are a Believer in a true Christian Community - BECAUSE... your Brothers and Sisters will be taking full care of ALL of your needs - as a TOP PRIORITY in THEIR lives!!


1. Your friends in the church are those who LOVE YOU, and it's THEM you spend your time with. (NORMAL and COMMON)
2. You love the NEEDY PEOPLE in the Church, and THEY are who you spend you time with. (Very UNUSUAL and UNCOMMON!)

So which is YOU? But won't it COST to have to look after the needy? Well, did it COST Jesus to come to EARTH to DIE for YOU? It WILL cost! - yet here's the amazing thing, when you're TOTALLY COMMITTED TO THE LORD, having seriously worked through Reaching Higher Messages, Parts 1 to 6, starting HERE, your life will be changing or changed, and your outlook on life will be MORE LIKE JESUS' OUTLOOK IS, and the Holy Spirit will be helping you to become A TRULY GIVING AND LOVING PERSON!!! Remembering, of course, that as you give love, friendship and care to that old lady who is often grumpy and sometimes actually smells, YOU ARE DOING THIS TO JESUS!!!

If you want to know what this is called, it's called LOVING ONE ANOTHER (agape), where agape is selfless and caring love DIRECT FROM GOD!! John Ch 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another.

This is a top-flight COMMAND from Jesus, that we do need to start DOING!!

- BM and Mrs

NOTE: No Longer Applicable


With all Reaching Higher Messages now all copied into the one place, it's so easy to search for a word or phrase in ALL Messages, and to check the Index for Message Titles - just by clicking this graphic which is at the end of all RH Messages:


Doing that will take you to the Index Page shown smaller below. On that page you can begin a Search if you wish, or click on any Message to go and read it.


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I do hope to see more of you taking advantage of the convenience of the Messages as above, and using the Search Engine (it dead easy to use, by the way!!) to find topics, words, or phrases!


- BM *wipes brow*
Take your hand off the wheel

Whew.. I would be wiping my brow too.. man between your writing, organizing, taking care of the Mrs.. and world wide touring here in NY you are one busy soul! Great job! Bless the Lord for giving you strength! I am rejoicing here! Awesome job ! Super well done! The messages the Lord gave you helped save this soul ME in Batavia as well.

It has been quite the journey Bondman! God is soooooooo good! Man one thing I learned is do not fight him whatsoever.. give it up folks,, I promise you, he will take you on quite a journey.

Today's journey was bus in the AM.. then headed to get the oil checked on car.. on way home I was passing the exit for Mcdonald's and rest stop. yep you guessed it.. my car went right when I wanted to go straight.
I was half hour away from home.

Ended up being the Lord witnessed to two women who were cleaning the bathroom, but he had the real hurting soul sitted at a table on her lunch break.. long story short I had a seat a few seats away.. then the Lord opened the conversation I went and joined her, she recognized my red care-a van sweatshirt. she had volunteered 4 years ago.. she was now 20.. but she had gotten hurt by a young man in her church.. she was now in counseling paid by the church.. her purity had been stolen away from her, ripped from her. sweet Jesus, did the Lord start to minister to her right there.. we talked about Jesus and how he heals us and so much more! She said man is God good, he brought you to me today. We exchanged numbers and email addresses. I told her I am there any time she needs to talk.. I offered for her to come and hang out with me on Care-a-Van .. as she shares and helps others, God will give her healing through that.. look at me.. wow ! yippee!


Praises to our Lord!
Oh, now that is so awesome!! Great post! Great God of ours indeed!!

I'm in awe at what He's done in your life, dear one!! And I'm not sure everyone realises that THERE'S ALWAYS GOD'S PART and there's OUR PART! We only have a TEENSY BIT to do - tho it sure can feel like it's a massive bit!! *understanding smile* I mean, wow, HE'S THE ONE WHO DOES ALL THE MAJOR WORK!!! We give in to Him, quit fighting (OUR part), and let Him take the wheel, take the reins of our life (HIS part), just like you said!! "Praise YOU, Lord!!!"

AND YOU'VE PROVEN ALL OF THIS IN REAL LIFE!! Wow, that's where it's at!! Thus you have a real, practical, tangible witness to God's POWER and ABILITY. I'm not trying to make you sound like a "wonderful person" any more than I am (which I know you fully understand), but 4rather to HONOUR OUR KING, as we look in amazement at what He's done in your life! And still is doing, cos we're all a work in progress!!

"Thankyou for all that You've done in Faithwoman's life! It's not been easy, but she's been DETERMINED and has NOT QUIT!

"We now see the results of that in the life of that young lass you took her to. I'm praying for her now. I just hate how others can bring such destruction into a life. But now YOU'RE AT WORK in her, to bring back JOY and PEACE, and a heart and life that can now REST IN YOU!! Bless You, Lord! You are soooo great, and SO amazing!!"

- BM
Question on Visions and such

Can you help me out? I had something happen to me tonight after church.

I invited this gal that works at the hospital that I had met. Our woman Pastor gave the message in spanish tonight with her daughter intrepreting. It was a great message. Our church is trying to start to reach out more to the spanish community in our area.

Anyway, when I took this gal home, I had known her for a few months and one of our Chrisitian friends had spoken about this "gift" that the gal had but was not using.

So we pull into her driveway and were talking and she stated some things to me that I had never said to her.. she was like reading my mind or feeling things deep within my soul. She spoke of a note I had written that she did not know of, and that I wrote that note in desperation. She spoke of a big white guy, and proceeded to tell me some very deep things. They were all bad things, I mean bad things!

She said she felt them when she was in church next to me. I had gone to the altar to pray tonight. I was on my knees praying with other folks around me. Bondman, some of the stuff she said was things that I was pretty sure about and suspected about my other "friend". You know exactly who I mean. Now that part was frightening! and was like a true confirmation of things I had wondered about.

Ok.. so is it true that people will have this gift of seeing things? Like I don't get it.. it really was not frightenting, just different. Now I know God's word states stay away from mediums and such. but she was not really being like a medium.

Thanks for helping me out on this one.

Hi hon! This can be a difficult one because of the fact that the Bible makes it quite clear, that gifts of the Spirit and miracles and the like can be "duplicated" by satan. I had a friend on the previous forum I was on who was into New Age and maybe a bit worse, and she had a healing gift. She even healed people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome!!!

After she was converted to Christ she expected that her "gifts" would be even better. Instead it was the reverse!! She commented to me that apparently satan will give out gifts quite readily - almost willy-nilly - whereas God takes much more care! Interesting!!

We are warned in the New Testament to 'try the spirits'.

1 John Ch 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.
You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 5 They are of the world. Therefore they speak as of the world, and the world hears them. 6 We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.

This rather 'puts you on the spot' as it were, because you were there, and the Spirit of God in you is the One Who can tell you if this person is of God or of the evil one. As I'm always saying, many many church-goers are not true Christian Believers, and I'm very, very aware that there are great numbers of people in churches who are of the devil, using HIS gifts, but pretending they are of God - and VERY EASILY convincing others in the church that their gift is from the Holy Spirit.

I would set aside time to pray about this, waiting upon the Lord to reveal to you which 'side' this lady is on. You can't unfortunately rely on other Christians to tell you, because if she is not of God she may have them fooled - in this day and age in the church, quite easy for bad spirits to do.

Love ya!

- BM
Oh, I forgot to mention that in the I John 4 passage, where it says in vv. 2 and 3 that, "Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess thatJesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God," this doesn't mean that so long as she says with her mouth, "Sure, I agree that Jesus came in the flesh," that she is a-okay. The "confession" John writes about is that of a DEEP, DEEP acknowledgment of Who Jesus is, IN THE WHOLE OF A PERSON'S LIFE, not just in 'words'. A 'talk is cheap' sort of thing.

Furthemore "testing the spirits" normally needs to be done by someone who is mature in Jesus, and conversant with deep things in the spirit world. Many will say they are like this, but not all that many are. This does not mean, however, that you cannot get down to serious, earnest, continued prayer for God to reveal to you which side this person is on. That's what I would do - praying and waiting, praying and waiting, until He answers, making you SURE and CERTAIN that He has told you what you need to know.

Finally, a warning not to mess with bad spirits! Let's hope she's a Holy Spirit person. If not, then you will need to earnestly ask the Lord for protection by His Spirit against anything she may seek to do to affect you and your ministry. He WILL do this for you, and you need have NO FEAR OF HER! Fear is of the enemy!!!

- BM
Thanks so much.

I thought it odd, when we first sat down in the pew after meeting the Pastor out in the lobby and she said your Pastor has such a pure heart.
She repeated it a fewtimes.

She also told me in the car, for me to stop worrying that I was at a good church and that is where God wanted me and to stop looking..

I am going to do exactly what you said, pray about it..
speaking of praying , check out the attached pics of today's outing.. me on my knees praying with a gal at street church and a group of us praying by the van. Also my pastor is in the front of that pic, talking with another guy.
Great pics, hon! Fabbo to see someone serving God on their knees!! *hehe*

As I was praying for you, the Lord brought to mind an experience I had early in my Christian life. An older lady visited and preached at our church. She was talking about amazing spiritual things, and I was wanting to grow and grow, and so organised to go and see her privately.

While with her she was telling me things that astonished me, and other spiritual stuff. While I was with her, all seemed fine. But some time after I was back at home, a feeling of 'heaviness' started to come over me, and this deepened into a quite strong feeling within me that all was not well. My spirit was responding to this lady, who was clearly not of God. Even though I was NOT filled with the Holy Spirit at that time, in fact knew virtually nothing about Him, He was showing me by the extremely uncomfortable feeling within me who this person really belonged to... Whoa...

Looking back, this is a most wonderful example of how our God LOOKS AFTER HIS OWN, including those who are young in the faith, know virtually nothing, and certainly are unable to 'try the spirits'!! "I love you Lord, so much!! Guide Faithwoman to know with utter assurance about this lady. I know you will show her CLEARLY! If it should be that she DOES belong to you, then you've very graciously given Faithwoman some good and interesting words directly from Yourself. Thankyou so much for YOUR faithfulness!!"

Blessings, sweetie!

- BM
Reaching Higher #27


Truths You Need to Know About Step 3 - Part 7

Continued from Part 6, "Moving on to Step 2 in Our Series"...

STEP ONE - REPENT of your Sins Against God

In STEP ONE we've done some EXTREMELY SERIOUS work towards ENSURING that we are Born of God - via the First Step, which is CONFESSION and REPENTANCE, which you can read in this Message (click) "Here Lies the Major Problem, and Solution, for Most of Us".

STEP TWO - BELIEVE IN the Lord Jesus

In STEP TWO we saw that BELIEVING IN the Lord Jesus involves A TOTAL LIFE COMMITMENT to Him! He IS Lord!! Nothing less than allowing Him to be Lord over ALL of our life will do for us - in order to have CERTAINTY of being Born again!!


Now on to STEP THREE which happens to be another B! And we go back to Peter, after Pentecost, preaching for the first time about Jesus to people from many Countries: Acts Ch 2:38 Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission [pardon and forgiveness] of sins..." We MUST repent, Peter says... AND BE BAPTISED: baptised in THE NAME OF JESUS, the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One). This is being baptised INTO Jesus, becoming JOINED WITH HIM in some quite astonishing ways that we'll look at!! Please consider the following important things concerning water Baptism:

Continued in the next post...
... Continued from the previous post

Baptism is THE NEXT STEP for someone who has: (a) REPENTED and (b) is a BELIEVER in Jesus
There is no unbaptised Christian Believer in the New Testament!
We're called to make DISCIPLES and BAPTISE them - Jesus said: Matthew Ch 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
Baptism is always accompanied by WITNESSES (not done in private)
Baptism has meanings like drench, dunk, deluge, soak, saturate, plunge.
In our baptism as a Believer in the Son of the Living God we are SHOWING FORTH to the world, that we truly DO BELIEVE IN Him!!

What's incredibly sad is that after conversion we usually WAIT for time to pass, to see if they are REALLY CONVERTED!! Goodness!! This is because of a poor New Birth that almost all experience - which this Series has been to try and REMEDY! The Scripture Pattern is quite clear as to HOW to get a person SERIOUSLY into the Kingdom: 1) They've FULLY repented - which WILL take more than 1 minute; may take more than 1 day, or even more than 1 week! HAS to be done properly. Full repentance of all sin against GOD will lead to 2) Full BELIEF in Jesus as LORD, and to a TOTAL LIFE COMMITMENT TO HIM! That is, to a COMMITMENT FOR all of your LIFE, OF all of your LIFE!!! We are dealing with the God of all, and so there can be NO half measures here!!!

Now via your water BAPTISM in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, according to His Word, let's look very CAREFULLY at what you are actually DOING? First of all please REALISE that what you're doing is NOT SYMBOLIC as is usually incorrectly stated, but rather involves REAL ACTIONS and TRANSACTIONS!! Here are the plumb ASTONISHING things that God states occur at your Baptism: Colossians Ch 2:12 You were buried with Him [Jesus] in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.

Concluded in the next post...
... Concluded from the previous post

To spell this out: in Baptism you are in TRUTH and REALITY identified with the ACTUAL DEATH, BURIAL and RESURRECTION OF JESUS!!! To me that's an absolute MIND-BLOWER!! So: (a) FIRST, in the act of Baptism you were BURIED WITH JESUS: through FAITH in HIM, in and by His grace, to die to SIN and PUT OFF the old man of sin!! (b) SECOND, you ROSE WITH HIM from the dead, now to live to RIGHTEOUSNESS, and to put on THE NEW MAN!!

So in water Baptism by your FAITH and BELIEF IN your new LORD and MASTER:


... to a NEW LIFE, a life of RIGHTEOUSNESS - because you've died to sin and put off the old man of sin, which is now dead and gone!!! NOTE: as you live and grow in your new Christian walk, you will need to CONTINUE to die to sin and put off the old man of sin i.e., you will need to be continually REMINDING yourself that they ARE dead and gone!!!

Here's an excellent quote from the great Matthew Henry where he gets right to the CORE of the importance of water Baptism for the true Believer in the Lord Jesus (I just love where he says 'be God to us'!):

"... baptism is the seal of the covenant and an obligation to our dying to sin; and that we are raised with Christ, as it is a seal and obligation to our living to righteousness, or newness of life. God in baptism engages [gives a binding undertakng] to be God to us, and we become engaged [pledge ourselves] to be his people, and by his grace to die to sin and to live to righteousness, to put off the old man and put on the new."

Continued in Part 8, "It's Time to Move Towards Our Final Step 4"...

- BM, with his Love

Wow Great posts Bondman!
I needed this:

So in water Baptism by your FAITH and BELIEF IN your new LORD and MASTER:


... to a NEW LIFE, a life of RIGHTEOUSNESS - because you've died to sin and put off the old man of sin, which is now dead and gone!!! NOTE: as you live and grow in your new Christian walk, you will need to CONTINUE to die to sin and put off the old man of sin i.e., you will need to be continually REMINDING yourself that they ARE dead and gone!!!

Here's an excellent quote from the great Matthew Henry where he gets right to the CORE of the importance of water Baptism for the true Believer in the Lord Jesus (I just love where he says 'be God to us'!):

"... baptism is the seal of the covenant and an obligation to our dying to sin; and that we are raised with Christ, as it is a seal and obligation to our living to righteousness, or newness of life. God in baptism engages [gives a binding undertakng] to be God to us, and we become engaged [pledge ourselves] to be his people, and by his grace to die to sin and to live to righteousness, to put off the old man and put on the new."

I must share that the day after my water baptism, I was filled with the spirit and given the gift of praying in tongues.. then I was awake all week and the Lord hardly left me sleep. There were still some old parts of me left that were buried and when I arose, God was calling me to get rid of those old things... As I prayed and laid flat face on my floor .. be careful one can get nose rug burn! crying out to him to keep cleaning me up.. he surely did..

As I got in the car one morning, I heard the Lord say, give it all up so you can receive what I truly have for you. Wow amazing! Thank you sweet Jesus.. so I am still working on that, but I can say today I am contiuning to receive freedom. This darn temperament of mine sure has got me going. Someone told me the other day that creative people are usually not well organized. .. hmmmmmmmm.. I am still learning to be still and allow God to speak to me!

Thank you again for such an awesome message on baptism. Man, people need to understand this.. When I was sharing with my niece today saying that I am truly free of the man that was in my life, her statement to me was I thought he was a Christian... my reply.. be very careful when one says they are a Christian.. if they are not living according to God's word and walking it out.. they are not a Christian.. hmmm seems to me some wise man from Australia told me that way back when :D:D:D

Hugs to you and the Mrs.
Oh, this is all wondrous and wonderful. I am here rejoicing with you!!!

Hmm, a wise man from Aussie, eh?... *hehe!* Actually God birthed me with quite a deal of natural wisdom (many thanks to Dad, Mum, Grandpa... etc., etc.!!) But the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who has most astonishingly also consented to be YOUR God and MY God as well - HE is the source of any wisdom that may have come your way from me! "PRAISE YOU TO THE HIGHEST HEAVENS, FATHER GOD!!"

Obviously, I'm THRILLED to bits to hear about you being Filled with the Spirit after your Baptism, and receiving the Gift of Tongues!! WOW!!! I've always reckoned that God spoils you, haven't I!! Nar, it's not that, but your ATTITUDE TOWARDS HIM and your DETERMINATION to be TOTALLY HIS. Funny how that gets GOOD RESULTS, hey!!!

And for the many who have so far missed out on these things I shall be writing about them real soon I expect.

As for creative people usually not being well organised, I disagree. The particular extrovert temperament that is your PRIMARY temperament type is where the disorganisation comes from. Your creativity then comes from your SECONDARY temperament, which is an introvert temperament usually VERY strong in creativity and often also very strong in perfectionism. Obviously perfectionists are not usually going to be disorganised - cos that would wreck the perfection they're always striving for!!

To explain why I understand so much of this about Faithwoman, earlier on I did a Tim La Haye (a Christian) Temperament check with her - to help her understand what maker her tick in the human realm. Maybe I should do a Message on this sort of thing, because it can be SO HELPFUL in the Spiritual realm too, in our daily Christian walk with the Lord!! And to our relationships with others as well!

I am praising God for all He's done in you, dear one, which YOU'VE LET HIM DO!!! Wow, wow,wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lotsa hugz!

- BM
Walking the Tight Rope

Walking the Tight Rope

Good morning! As I sat and had my coffee on the patio this morning, I was entertained by the local circus. You might ask a circus that early in the morning? Yes, three lively squirrels putting on a show just for me this morning.

My thoughts drifted to my life recently. How I felt at times, that I too was just like them.
They ran around in circles around the bottom of the tree, just as I have felt my mind has been swirling with so many thoughts. They raced up and down the tree darting from here to there. Man that is exactly how I have felt. There is a barrage of events happening in my life that some days I just do not know which way to go.

In Psalm 119 139-140 God’s word states “My zeal wears me out, for my enemies ignore your words. Your promises have been thoroughly tested, and your servant loves them.

With just having been baptized, it seems the Holy Spirit has been working overtime in my life. The fire within me burns like an inferno. I just want to tell everyone about Jesus and the freedom they can have with him. It is very hard when we see our loved ones not living for the Lord. We see from a distance and sometimes close up the pain and they are going through. Whether it is an addiction, a broken relationship, or a health issue, as they hurt, we hurt.

It has been so frustrating having the zeal for the Lord and see our families, friends and loved ones choose to ignore God’s word. God has been so gracious to place Christians in my life to help me to continue to learn. It truly is a tightrope that we must walk. God calls us to live a holy and righteous life. Just as the squirrel scooted across the wire, I too am scooting along in the tightrope of my walk. It is wonderful to know that I truly do have a safety net for my walk and that is Jesus.

I am learning to sit and be still. When those days or moments come and I feel like a squirrel running around, I will continue to seek the Lord for I am truly his servant. I will allow him to show me the path he has for me. I will allow him to guide my every thought and action. I got to tell you, when I was not walking with the Lord, my life sure was like one big circus. How is your walk going? Do you feel like the squirrel running here and there? Or are you being still and allowing the Lord to direct you and guide you?

As you have taught, it is a tight rope walk with Jesus, we have got to be walking in all ways with him, not running around like squirrels!

Balance isn't always all that easy to get in our daily walk, is it? There are various things that may be tending to push us this way or that way. THERE'S ONLY ONE ROCK - AND THAT'S JESUS!!! With our life fixed firmly on Him, nothing can move us!!

I like how you said, "I am learning to sit and be still. When those days or moments come and I feel like a squirrel running around, I will continue to seek the Lord for I am truly his servant. I will allow him to show me the path he has for me. I will allow him to guide my every thought and action. I got to tell you, when I was not walking with the Lord, my life sure was like one big circus."

I know you'll continue to be still and rest. To let Him guide you and be the One Who is the "driving force" in your life!! And lives will continue to be affected for GOOD via the ministry He has given to you!

Be blessed!

- BM

Life has been MAD here lately. Many difficulties and complications, and quite 'un-needed' busyness!

So I've got WAY behind in getting the next Message out (Step 4 at last!) It IS on the way, but not yet finished.

Tomorrow I hope and expect...

Thankyou for being understanding!

With much love!!

- BM
Killing Yourself- Ignoring the signs

I can relate to the unneeded busyness. Watiing anxiously for the next message from the Lord.

I just encourage all folks to really take time to read the messages the Lord gives Bondman to share.

If you are sitting there today, and there has been feelings within you, whether a personal relationship you are in, something in your day to day walk you are doing or wondering about and it "just does not feel right".. do not ignore the warning sign that is being given to you. When you know Jesus and continue to learn of him and he reveals things to you, do not ignore them or you will be killing yourself. For to long even as I searched there were things I "felt" but was in denial. As I continued to pray and seek the Lord, he truly did show me, but only when I allowed him. God is a gentleman and will only come in when invited. He will allow you to go through things and he will watch you. He never leaves us nor forsakes us.

No, we leave him. Yesterday I got a text message from a woman I use to work with (hour and half away) her niece now lives in my area and she wanted me to reach out to her. I prayed and said God if this is truly a divine appointment from you, then show me. I called the girl and left a message. She called me back. I offered to go to her (30 minutes away), but she said she would come here. In the meantime, I went to get my new glasses which I had not planned to do. God had a divine appointment waiting there. A woman with two children. I struck up conversation with her, come to find out they had no food in the home. I called Paul to see if I could get food off the bus for this family. In the meantime, the gal coming to visit had arrived in my driveway. I ran by my house, picked her up and then went back to the parking lot so God could give the food to the family. I prayed right there in the parking lot with this family. A single mom with 2 girls, has not been able to pay rent for 3 months. She knows God, but had walked away. God invited her to church for this Sunday.

The other young woman 30 years old and I came back to my house to visit. We just sat down and 20 minutes later, I said look the church up the road is having a bible study tonight on the twisted truth. We went to the bible study and God moved in a mighty way. This 30 year old girl was strong in her faith. Her father was a minister. She saved herself for marriage. She got married, was married for 7 years but come to find out her husband was gay. She ended up divorced and now 2 years later is engaged to a guy who has 3 kids, she is living with him and his parents.

God shared with her through me that he cannot bless her life and she is feeling so mixed up because she is still living in sin and so much more. It was an awesome evening she stayed until almost midnite. I got up at 5:30 AM to go and work out. She right now is having those inner feelings, she is being called to be seperate right now. She stated the reason she slept with this guy was because she wanted to be sure he was "ok in all departments". I explained to her that when we allow God to choose our husband that God will give us only the best. He will not give us a gay husband. and if it is God's will that we be married, and our husband is from the Lord, it will be the most awesome relationship we could ever have imagined!

In closing this morning, let m just share again there are alot of folks out there stating they are "Christians". Even in this example above, this man was working with the youth, he was active in the church, but he was hiding a huge secret from all, this young gal felt a few things before marrying but she went on her own instincts.... hmmm man I did this for way to long.. my own instincts and not God's leading and guiding.. Again our instincts and our will takes us down a road of destruction and we kill ourselves.

I had tried to reach out to this young niece of my friend about month and half ago, but we never seemed to get together.. I now know why.. because I had not truly been set free, mentally and emotionally from a man in my life. But our God is a mighty God and he has done that.. and the Good Lord knew that I could not do his work in this woman's life until he finished cleaning me up in that area of my own.. because I too had some inner feelings and ignored them way to long.. but let me tell you.. get out of denial, seek the Lord and he will show all things!

Now.. many of you may not post here but you are reading and I am trying to be careful so not to take away from Bondman's messages, I use to go wild.. lol! but I am trying to share real life experiences to go along with Bondmans' messages.. (Bondman if I overstep or anything, please let me know!)

Have a super day.. off to work I go..


No words I need to add to that, just...

"Thankyou Lord, for my lovely friend who's come SO FAR with you!

"Every word above is truth, and I pray that many will read it all, and take note like my Mum said to 'read, mark, and inwardly digest!'.

"I bless You to the highest heavens!!"

- BM
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