Seemed like this was never going to happen either! But I've completed the copying of all the Reaching Higher Message files to our website:
(a) So they're in one place
(b) Easy to find and to navigate to
(c) With A Search Engine (called Zoom) where you can type in "righteousness" and be given a list of the Messages this word is in!
It's always been our earnest hope that this would be a real help to IR Members!
Please Note: We've chosen to put related words into the Search Engine, so that by searching for "righteousness" you'll also get "holiness" and "godliness". It remains to be seen whether this will be a HELP or a HINDRANCE, and any feedback will be GREATLY appreciated!
The 200 Inner Room Messages have also been copied to our website, set up ready for you to use the same as Reaching Higher Messages. However, as I've always said, getting them all "tidied", without errors, working properly, and so on, has been a major, MAJOR task!!
I continue to work on these as fast as I can, when I have time and health. When they'll all be ready only God knows, but I hope it won't be too, too long! *smile*
Errors in the new setup, feel free to tell me about. I do hope it will all work for you okay!
Blessings to all!
- BM, with help from his Lady
EDIT: The background on the Messages is an Aussie Eucalypt (Gumtree) with a particularly large (broad) flower, and smaller gum-nuts (that house the seeds after flowering). I just thought it would be a bit different and somewhat pertinent...
Seemed like this was never going to happen either! But I've completed the copying of all the Reaching Higher Message files to our website:
(a) So they're in one place
(b) Easy to find and to navigate to
(c) With A Search Engine (called Zoom) where you can type in "righteousness" and be given a list of the Messages this word is in!
It's always been our earnest hope that this would be a real help to IR Members!
Please Note: We've chosen to put related words into the Search Engine, so that by searching for "righteousness" you'll also get "holiness" and "godliness". It remains to be seen whether this will be a HELP or a HINDRANCE, and any feedback will be GREATLY appreciated!
The 200 Inner Room Messages have also been copied to our website, set up ready for you to use the same as Reaching Higher Messages. However, as I've always said, getting them all "tidied", without errors, working properly, and so on, has been a major, MAJOR task!!
I continue to work on these as fast as I can, when I have time and health. When they'll all be ready only God knows, but I hope it won't be too, too long! *smile*
Errors in the new setup, feel free to tell me about. I do hope it will all work for you okay!
Blessings to all!
- BM, with help from his Lady
EDIT: The background on the Messages is an Aussie Eucalypt (Gumtree) with a particularly large (broad) flower, and smaller gum-nuts (that house the seeds after flowering). I just thought it would be a bit different and somewhat pertinent...