THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Seemed like this was never going to happen either! But I've completed the copying of all the Reaching Higher Message files to our website:

(a) So they're in one place
(b) Easy to find and to navigate to
(c) With A Search Engine (called Zoom) where you can type in "righteousness" and be given a list of the Messages this word is in!

It's always been our earnest hope that this would be a real help to IR Members!

Please Note: We've chosen to put related words into the Search Engine, so that by searching for "righteousness" you'll also get "holiness" and "godliness". It remains to be seen whether this will be a HELP or a HINDRANCE, and any feedback will be GREATLY appreciated!

The 200 Inner Room Messages have also been copied to our website, set up ready for you to use the same as Reaching Higher Messages. However, as I've always said, getting them all "tidied", without errors, working properly, and so on, has been a major, MAJOR task!!

I continue to work on these as fast as I can, when I have time and health. When they'll all be ready only God knows, but I hope it won't be too, too long! *smile*

Errors in the new setup, feel free to tell me about. I do hope it will all work for you okay!

Blessings to all!

- BM, with help from his Lady

EDIT: The background on the Messages is an Aussie Eucalypt (Gumtree) with a particularly large (broad) flower, and smaller gum-nuts (that house the seeds after flowering). I just thought it would be a bit different and somewhat pertinent...
Thanx, but nope, I want to go to his Blog. When I go to where you can read his profile, and I click on his blog there, I get an old one that only has one entry back in 2008. ?? I think it used to be at the bottom of each post and he changed it recently.
Goodness, I do seemed to have caused a deal of confusion! Sorry 'bout dat!!

To go to read Reaching Higher Messages on our website where you can use the Search Engine, just click the coloured RH Index at the bottom of all RH Messages.

My Blog is at Bondman's Blog. I took the link out of my Sig because virtually nobody was ever going to the Blog...

Hope that helps!

- BM
Thanx, BM. I knew there had to be a way to get there. I spent some time in the upper room and gleaned more truths that I missed before. It's awesome how the H.S. opens your eyes to things that He wants you to get when He knows you're ready. I think one of the things I learned is that there are sins in our lives that we don't see as sin because they aren't in the Bible, like in the 10 command- ments, so letting the H.S. reveal them to us by repetatively reading messages like these, allows His to work.

I sure do appreciate all the work you've been doing for us, to make it easier to become more like Him. I hope you and the Mrs. are doing OK health-wise and enjoying the beautiful weather. Hugz !!
Well Bondman and lady,I have just read all this above me, and I think I may be down under further than you as I live in Melbourne, well what you got here sounds so very good, well yes I've been a christian for 63 years but never mind we all are still learning, God uses me to spread the good news thro my writings, now on 4 other sites.
It keeps me busy anyway.

God loves you

Thanx, BM. I knew there had to be a way to get there. I spent some time in the upper room and gleaned more truths that I missed before. It's awesome how the H.S. opens your eyes to things that He wants you to get when He knows you're ready. I think one of the things I learned is that there are sins in our lives that we don't see as sin because they aren't in the Bible, like in the 10 command- ments, so letting the H.S. reveal them to us by repetatively reading messages like these, allows His to work.

I sure do appreciate all the work you've been doing for us, to make it easier to become more like Him. I hope you and the Mrs. are doing OK health-wise and enjoying the beautiful weather. Hugz !!

I would have to agree with you that we sure need the Holy Spirit to open our eyes to our sin, and it really thrills me to see how He is revealing truth to you! Thanks for writing about the importance of the Holy Spirit in your post: I've just added this into the next Message!!! (realising that I've quite missed saying this so far, I believe...)

It just popped into my head that when we look back at our life, unless the things we see are GOOD, then they are almost CERTAIN TO BE SIN!!! Maybe something along these lines: "Okay, I remember doing that - oh my, THAT wasn't good; yes I can see that it was sin!!

Our conscience can also be quite helpful. Most folks DO know the difference between RIGHT and WRONG. If what you did was "wrong", then it was SIN - and needs to be CONFESSED to the Lord as SIN AGAINST HIM and REPENTED of!!!

I do believe that most folks here understand something of the magnitude of the job of a quite ill person doing the Messages on The Inner Room thread. But I LOVE doing them! - and I DON'T ever seek thanks or acknowledgment of the task, OR even feel the need for that (but yes, I certainly do appreciate them!): this being because serving my Lord in this way is actually it's own REWARD, if that makes any sense.

Keep up your great work, hon!

- BM
Well Bondman and lady,I have just read all this above me, and I think I may be down under further than you as I live in Melbourne, well what you got here sounds so very good, well yes I've been a christian for 63 years but never mind we all are still learning, God uses me to spread the good news thro my writings, now on 4 other sites.
It keeps me busy anyway.

God loves you


He sure does, Raymond, and I just as surely need His love!

WELCOME to The Inner Room!

I've been as far South as Melbourne - found it quite different from Brissy as to your weather!!

And you've now been the Lord's for 63 years!! - man, that's so awesome! Yes, I want to learn something right up to the day I step through death to be with Jesus forever!

God bless you in your work for Him!

- BM
Reaching Higher #24


Going Further: Completing the Job! - Part 5

... Continued from Part 4, "Here's the Problem, and Solution, for Most of Us"

How have you been going with looking for the sin: 1) that you've committed in the past, and also 2) sin that's still in your life? That is, looking to do a CLEAN SWEEP of all the sin you've committed in your life!! Wow!! - CONFESSING it in the Presence of a Holy God, and REPENTING of it all! Big task, I know!! Which is exactly why I stressed that you need to take plenty of TIME on it, NOT rush, but also NOT GIVE UP till this job is completed!!

By CONFESSION you are AGREEING WITH GOD concerning your sin and sinfulness, i, e., you are openly DECLARING YOURSELF a SINNER against Him: against His Holiness and Perfection. By REPENTING you are CHANGING YOUR MIND about how you've lived and how you still ARE living your life, by stating: I intend to LIVE DIFFERENTLY, to live MUCH BETTER from here on!!! NOTE: some confession and repentance WILL continue in your NEW LIFE!!! (but you'll have done the major job!!)

REPENTANCE is nothing less than a serious change of mind and heart! Without you earnestly do this, you can never get FREE and CLEAN of SIN and UNRIGHTEOUSNESS in order that some true RIGHTEOUSNESS (which feels wonderful!!) can start to GROW in your life in Jesus! Do this job WELL, and you'll start to FEEL the difference in your daily walk with the GOD of all Creation!!

1 John Ch 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So via CONFESSION we receive (a) ASSURANCE of God's FORGIVENESS, and also (b) ASSURANCE of God's CLEANSING from ALL our UNRIGHTEOUSNESS (our wrong and bad living). What a wondrous thing all of this is! What an astonishing God we have!!

Now to the FINAL part of REPENTING - and that is RESTITUTION! Of putting RIGHT those things, or the RESULT of those things, which we did WRONG! We must seek to do this towards GOD, and to OTHERS. It's important to realise that we CANNOT fix up the results of all of our sin over the years! But what we CAN do, we MUST DO! This may be, e.g., confessing wrong done to someone, and seeking their forgiveness; it may be repayment of money for goods we've wrongly taken (or returning them); it may be starting to take care of the needy, or becoming more obedient to God's commands.

This is the final part of our our Life Cleanup via ESSENTIAL REPENTANCE, and while some of those things may be incredibly HARD, it's all of MAJOR IMPORTANCE (and will also PROVE the seriousness of your REPENTANCE!!!) Coming next, a much 'easier' step in ensuring that we are FULLY God's, FULLY Born Again!!

Continued in Part 6, "Moving on to Step 2 in Our Series"...

- BM, with his Beloved

Reaching Higher #25


Moving On to Step 2 in Our Series! - Part 6


In STEP ONE we've done some EXTREMELY SERIOUS work towards ENSURING that we are Born of God - via the First Step, which is REPENTANCE, which you can read in this Message (click) "Here Lies the Major Problem, and Solution, for Most of Us".

Unless you do this Confession and REPENTANCE of ALL known sin, PAST and PRESENT -PROPERLY- and -EARNESTLY- and -EFFECTIVELY- then there is NO WAY on God's earth that you can have
ASSURED CONFIDENCE that you are Born of God!!
How can I say that so BOLDLY? Well it's NOT ME SAYING IT, it's Almighty God in the Verses I've quoted in the Message above, and in others in the Series to date. HE SAYS: "REPENT!" So we better!!! When God says it, then that settles it!

That COMPLETES Step 1. My prayer cannot possibly be MORE EARNEST: that you've worked on it, or are still working on it, and have "got" it, or are moving towards "getting" it!!!

Continued in the next post...
... Continued from previous post


Moving on (yes, I know: at last!!), we now begin STEP TWO in our quest to truly BE Born Again (Born of God). Everyone knows the most well-known verse in the New Testament: John Ch 3:16 God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. In basic terms, to "believe in" means "to trust", and is the same as "having faith".

Trouble here is that if you ask a few million people in our countries, "Do you believe in God?" what will they say? Mostly, "Yes." But what do they mean by that? Well, many would simply mean that they believe there is a God. That He exists - and that's about all. James Ch 2:19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! But they are not Born Again are they?!! And neither is the person who simply believes that God exists!!

In the Amplified Bible, we get some extra help on this: John Ch 3:16 For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life. In the New Testament "believing in Jesus" means A RELATIONSHIP with Someone special to you! You are actually JOINING with Jesus, joining "His party" - just like the Disciples did!!! Eleven of them joined for LIFE, gave the WHOLE of them to Him, left home and friends and all - and ultimately gave their lives FOR Him!! NOW THAT'S "BELIEVING IN"!!!

Thus BELIEVING IN Jesus, having FAITH in Him, and TRUSTING Him -- means ALL OF YOU and all of your life belonging TOTALLY to JESUS. Not PART, not just the parts that SUIT US - but EVERYTHING!!! This is why I've written often that we don't just have a BELIEF IN Jesus, but MUST MAKE HIM our LORD over ALL of our LIFE!!! If you want CERTAINTY of where you stand with God and ASSURANCE OF A PLACE IN HEAVEN, then nothing less than this will do!!

Continued in the next post...
... Concluded from the previous post

This is NOT the "popular" Gospel that many/most of our churches teach us. And as a result a great MANY will end up in hell, not heaven LIKE THEY EXPECTED... SHOCKING!! But the Scriptures don't lie, and are there for all to read. If you think I'm exaggerating, then read the New Testament for yourself and PROVE for yourself what I'm teaching.

In 1 Corinthians Ch 6:19b and 20a God says: And you are NOT you own, for you are bought with a price. You KNOW what the "price" was, and so I am NO WAY my own. I do NOT belong to ME any more: Jesus bought me at Calvary, and I now belong TOTALLY to God. BUT... is that how we all live today? Is that our mindset? It's NOT, is it!! SO IT'S IMPERATIVE THAT WE CHANGE!!!

The GOOD NEWS is that if you are seriously doing the REPENTANCE of STEP 1, then you're already CHANGING YOUR ATTITUDE TO, and your RELATIONSHIP with Almighty God!! That is, you're already well on the way!!! READING this is of no value - only DOING it is. James Ch 1:22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. Please DON'T BE DECEIVING YOURSELF. Very easy to do in our self-centered societies!!

Finally, WHY EXACTLY are we believing in Jesus? I'll tell you the regular answer, the one evangelists and pastors teach us all the time: it's in order to get forgiven of our sins so that we can go to heaven, not to hell. But wait! - doesn't that sound awfully SELF-CENTERED to you? Isn't wanting Salvation just for ME self-centered and SELFISH? IT MOST CERTAINLY IS!! And it's NOT the Scriptural way.

BUT THIS IS: we will believe UNSELFISHLY, ONLY AFTER experiencing GODLY SORROW that all of our SIN WAS/IS not just something bad, butWAS/IS AGAINST A HOLY GOD - and REPENTING OF IT BEFORE HIM. THEN you'll BELIEVE out of SHEER GRATITUDE (AND ASTONISHMENT) -- that despite all the wrong you've done against Him, STILL He sent Jesus.. STILL He forgives all your sin.. and STILL He loves you!!!

We've now completed TWO Steps out of FOUR. We've done R for Repentance and B for Believe. So we're at RB - with just two to go!

Continued in Part 7, "Truths You Need to Know About Step 3"...

- BM, with his Lady-Love

Bondman and the Mrs get their nails done and a soul is saved!

Hey Bondman and the Mrs.
Did you enjoy getting your nails done tonight? The color is fantastic!

Yep that is right, you were right there with me at the nail salon tonite while I was getting my nails done. I have been sharing of God with the young Vietnamese gentleman that does my nails. He has been in some huge bondages lately and his life was getting worse.

We were talking in the parking lot when I was leaving, and I shared he could have freedom and that freedom came by accepting the Lord as his saviour. I prayed the sinners prayer right there in the parking lot holding his hand and he repeated after me. I asked him if he had a bible and he said no. I told him I would drop one off tonite.

I went to the church and asked the Pastor for a bible. I then went to another church to hear a messsage on Twisted Truth.. man was it good!
Then I came home, hilighted some scripture for this young man.
At 9:45 PM I called Paul and asked him to go with me to this man's apartment.

We knocked on the door. He invited us in. We talked about what it means to become born again. Paul shared some really great stuff! We prayed with him before we left. He is to come to church with us this Sunday.

It was so awesome! The language was a little bit of a barrier. He speaks very broken English, but he does understand English, and can read English.. so all was good!

By the way Mrs.. our nails look great! a real pretty pink later. Hope you two enjoyed the trip.. Man that makes 3 souls this week for the Lord! there are so many more to come!

Can you imagine Bondman when you started ministering to me over a yeare ago, what God had in store for all of us! It is just fantastic! Our God is a mighty God!

As we say at Care-A-Van
Keep the Light On!

Oh and keep those messages coming Bondman! they are super!

Hugs to the Mrs. (when you hug her don't mess up those pretty pink nails she just got! )

Hi hon! No, I can honestly say that there's no way I could have imagined the track the Lord has taken you along, bringing souls to Him along the way!!! "Lord, You are plumb amazing!!"

What I can say is that it IS the sort of thing I've prayed for, and earnestly wanted!! That is, for The Inner Room and now Reaching Higher as well, to OPEN THE EYES OF CHRISTIAN PEOPLE TO ALL THE SCRIPTURA TRUTHS, AND WONDER, AND GLORY OF BEING COMMITTED TO JESUS!

Your story is a wonderful lesson in itself: your amazing turning toward right and good and God to start with, but along the way the struggles, the wandering, the coming back, the blindness then the coming of the LIGHT, the intake of SERIOUS TRUTH into your life over time, your dogged DETERMINATION to go the right way that kept you COMING BACK ONTO THE RIGHT PATH, your AMAZING preparedness to RECEIVE RATHER STRONG GUIDANCE from me at times (without being turned off), the TOUGH but RIGHT DECISIONS you made (the ones so many baulk at, to their ETERNAL DETRIMENT) - and so much more - man, what an amazing journey you've had!!! And what an amazing and wonderful GOD we have!!!

With all our love!!

- BM and Mrs

EDIT: I'm reasonably adept at not messing up newly done nails! *hehe! - otherwise life is forfeit!*

Oh Lordy be.... you so made me smile so hugely with the nail picture!
I was going to take a pic of mine last nite, but I got spooked out of my computer room.. I think there is a squirrel or mouse in the closet!
I prayed to God to take the critter back where he came from!

Amazing journey it has been and the Lord has kept me so busy lately that I have not even had the time to share of some of the ongoing struggles that I have had.. ie.. my "friend"... but Bondman God is soooooooo Good!
I can see I am truly free from that.. I kept dabbling a bit here and there, but man when we have the spirit of the Lord in us.. his pricking us gets hotter and hotter.. and SHAME ON US. if we turn our backs to what he has waiting for us. I had turned my back for way to long! .. so on that note.. today is Thursday.. tonite we go out and have a cookout in a neighborhood, may the Lord be preparing the souls right this minute that need to hear his word and to know there is a different way of life.

Again,, you keep sharing those messages.. do you realize how many souls you and the Mrs are reaching? I may not be able to travel across the world to bring hope.. God has picked special people for that .. just like he picked you to speak to and to share right here on this forum, your blog and such.. no.. God picked Robin to hit the streets in this city of Batavia to bring revival to the darkned corners of this world! I love it! I love it!

Ok.. got to scoot off to work to the job the Lord blessed me with.. but with one last note.. picture this.. a soda (pop) machine in front of you, you put the quarter in knowing you want pepsi, but darn it.. a orange soda comes out.. so you did not get what you want , man you might be disappointed... it is like this with prayer.. we pray, we ask for things, and lo and behold , we do not get what we are asking for, HOWEVER, WE GET WHAT THE LORD WANTS US TO HAVE.. then we have to learn to be gracious and accept what the Lord has for us.. his will, not ours.. Thank the good Lord, he is such a man of wisdom, he knows exactly what we need.. this my dear friends is why it is crucial to have a personal relationship with Christ. He will never let you done! He has a super life waiting for you!

Wow, I love posts like that!

I am with you about "shame on us" when we choose to go OUR WAY. Thing is, for a surely Born of God Christian man or woman, "our way" is not gonna help us ONE TEENSY BIT!!! In fact just the opposite! Our flesh can be SUCH a pain, but in the Lord Jesus we have the victory over it - we just need to GET and then KEEP that PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Him like you said!!

It was my Beloved who first twigged to the fact that we can work hard to get all of our understanding of Scripture right, to understand all about the last days, to 'get' prophesy, and so on and on - but if at the same time our personal relationship with the Lord's not in tip-top shape AND a major priority in our life, then we're missing the boat!!!

Yep, you have your calling, I have mine. That's where it's at for us. My prayer for EVERYONE HERE is that your calling will become more and more plain. It may simply be GIVING to get the Gospel to the UNREACHED, or to bring help to THE MOST NEEDY!! I say "simply" - but there's sure nothing SIMPLE (or 'unimportant') about such a wonderful ministry as that!!!

Love ya (an' ya nails too!!)

- BM
Bondman and the Mrs. Dance in the Rain in NY!

Ok.. I hope you two like cookouts in the rain, you were on one tonight!
Here is the news of the night. I usally do not share the whole writing here, so not to take away from Bondman's message, but folks praises to our Lord tonight!

Dancing in the Rain

Ok, as I sit here at my computer, with one eye looking over my shoulder for the critter that is living in the attic or the walls, I just get chills of thinking of what he looks like!
He has kept me up the past few nights with his scratching and all!

Tonight was our cookout at Dreamland Trailer Park. I called Paul at 5:15 and said do you still go in the rain? I mean it was pouring, and the thunder was rolling. I and thunderstorms do not get along! His reply “yes it will blow over”. I thought Lord help me, let the rain stop! Just as the postal carriers go out through rain, sleet and snow, so does Care-A-Van!

I pulled into the trailer park, the grills were already steaming from the heat and the delicious aroma of fresh grilled burgers hit my nostrils. The tent was up and folks had already arrived waiting for the feast.

It was a team effort. Pastor Charlie and his wife Judy, from the Batavia Christian Fellowship church along with Wolf the Seeing Eye dog and the puppets helped out. Roxie one of our musicians is seen here sharing God’s love with all at the table. Paul all decked out in his rain hat, is busy serving drinks.
The young woman on the lower right received the best treat of the night!

After dinner was done, and the ice cream was served, it was time to help folks home with plates of food for others and groceries. As PJ headed out in one direction, I headed out in another with this young woman. We took food to a woman who could not come to the cookout. As I was leaving I asked if anyone needed prayer. The young woman pictured, her mom, and two neighbors gathered with me on the porch with the rain pouring around us. This young woman knew Jesus, but had not asked him into her heart yet. I said well if you die tonight , y ou know you are going to hell right? and even with accepting him, we have to live a holy and righteous life to make it to the kingdom. We all shared the salvation message and then she said she was ready and wanted tonight to be the night! I just shared for her to repeat the prayer with me. Praise the Lord, right there on that porch, she accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior! We prayed him right in!

Her daughter ran back to the van to get Paul and Bridget. They joined us and we all celebrated with her. Paul told her that right now the angels in heaven were dancing; yes dancing in the rain with joy. Now how do you like that for dessert? Salvation, the best treat of all! She had been attending church with her mom who is saved since this past October.

We were all soaked to the bone. I had to head home to contend with the critter hiding in my house. A quick stop to home depot was in order for a live trap. Oh, yes my wonderful brothers of Care-A-Van had a hey day with those thoughts. They had that critter eating my toes as I slept, wandering around my house. But Shawn was so gracious and came to the house to help me set the trap. You know, I thought about how the devil sets traps all the time for all of us. He does not want us to be free. He wants us to live in fear! He wants us to live in the cages of confusion, addictions, hurts and pains. But Jesus comes to set us free.

In closing I will say and commit to this, if I happen to catch the critter in the trap, I will set him free, just like Jesus has set me free. We thank you for partnering with us to give people freedom.

Your love, your support, your prayers and your financial donations continue to bring freedom to the folks here in your community.

Let me ask you all this, as you go to church on Sunday, or just in your every day life, do you see people that are suffering? Do you see the hurts and pains? Do you share from your hearts that there is freedom for them? One day, those of us that know Jesus will all be dancing in heaven together. Let’s keep going forth and bringing the light so that the heavens will be filled with every soul and that the heavens will just shake with all of us rejoicing and giving thanks for Jesus dying on the cross for our freedom.

It was quite a nite Bondman and the Mrs... you two sure are busy. Fri nite is meeting for Care-A-Van, Sat morning distribution, Sun morning church, Sun afternoon street church, then I travel to PA to see my daughter who is getting ready to leave for Spain!


We will be returning to Dreamland this Sunday afternoon for street church at 2:00 PM.
If you are interested in joining us, we would love to have you come! Kevin Keenan from the Assembly of God will be giving the message and the Youth Worship Team from the Assembly will be providing the music.
From what you wrote, man, you sure DO keep us busy, hon!! But we love it. Wow, what a night!! (the rest I simply have to put into a Message!)

I was thrilled at all the good deeds done as you help the NEEDY! So, so important that we be DOING this, hey!!

And one more soul in the Kingdom. "Praise You, Lord!!!"


- BM
I just want everyone to know that I am going to be off CFS for awhile (except maybe to peek at BM's messages once in awhile).

I just am so hungry to spend more time in Father God's presence on my knees in prayer and with my nose stuck in His Word. So, I'm fasting where it hurts . . . the computer.

Thanx for all the prayers that went up for me. See what you've done now?! hehe Gone and done got me kicked off the computer! Oh well, it will do me good I know. My heart is soooo wanting fellowship, continuous fellowship with my Maker. Sweet, Heavenly Father, I call You Lord. Hugz, Bonnie
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