THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Reaching Higher #18


A Brief Introduction to Our Serious Message Series

AT LAST! At times I've felt like this was never going to happen!

You can read Parts 1 and 2 of the Series straight after this. Please understand two things. FIRST: some of it is pretty 'heavy' stuff. It HAS to be! - because THIS IS ABOUT AS SERIOUS AS IT CAN GET!! But that's NOT a bad thing: because it's the "serious" aspect that's going to 'up' our Christian life to a whole NEW LEVEL!!

SECOND: You may feel that you 'know' what I'm writing. But PLEASE don't SWITCH out OR SKIP. The whole Series (a) Has to all HANG TOGETHER (b) Be as COMPLETE as I can make it (c) Be in the RIGHT ORDER (or it will not do the job for you or anyone), and (d) It's all there for you to REFER OTHERS to at a later date!!

When I put up the remaining Parts THEN you'll likely be in NEW TERRITORY quite often! - but Parts 1 and 2 are UTTERLY ESSENTIAL to these later Parts of the Series. When you're studying them, it will then be MORE OBVIOUS why the first two Parts are so crucially important!

Okay, let's go to it!!

- BM, with his Lady

Reaching Higher #19


A Christian Understanding of How Our Sinning Works - Part 1

Three Things First: 1) Please hang in with me here. Even if it seems strong or scary. We have a-ways to go. You need to STICK with me, and NOT QUIT at any time. 2) Each Part of the Series will be a different length. 3) The essence of the first Message in this most Serious Series is easy enough for you to GET I reckon. However it's NOT quite so easy for me to EXPLAIN how the matter of our sinning ACTUALLY works! But I'll do my very best, because the Message is HIGHLY IMPORTANT in order FOR YOUR CHRISTIAN LIFE to work properly and effectively.

By the end of the Series we'll reach a place with INCREDIBLE BLESSINGS of having LESS and LESS SIN in your life, but MORE and MORE RIGHTEOUSNESS and GODLINESS and actually KNOWING THE LORD GOD! How's that for a WOW!!! But let's do a RECAP first. Sin is:

.. Rebellion against God
.. Selfishness and self-centeredness (the "I, me" syndrome)
.. Wilfully going our own way
.. Disobeying God's commands
.. Not acknowledging that HE IS GOD


Our PROBLEM - MAJOR, and apparently IMPOSSIBLE - is how to FIX all of this!!! But first, understanding how it actually works will HELP YOU A LOT!!!

By nature (naturally) I look after ME always, in all parts of my life. That's my FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS!!
By nature (naturally) I really DON'T care about God, OR what He wants, or what He COMMANDS - or even WHO HE IS!!

So in a nutshell that's the GREAT DIVIDE we somehow have to solve - AND WHEN WE SUCCEED, IT WILL CHANGE OUR LIFE DRAMATICALLY!! Consider that really difficult SIN you had - so how did you go getting rid if it? Found it rather impossible, right! Because... it's our NATURAL WISH to CONTINUE this "desirable" sin!! Therefore we have NO WAY of ridding ourselves of it. EXCEPT... via a TRANSFER of FOCUS: away from MYSELF, and towards the LORD GOD!!!

Continued in the Next Post...
... Continued from Previous Post

You'll immediately recognise that this is a MAJOR STEP to take, and because we're so obviously CONTENTED with our way of life, then where's the INCENTIVE to change my SELF-Focus over to a GOD-Focus? FACT: Only if you're one of the RARE ONES who've made the CHOICE that you WANT to be TOTALLY GOD'S will you FACE and MAKE THIS CHANGE!!!


BUT HOW?? In Gethsamene, in total agony of heart and soul Jesus PERFECTLY expresses what we have to first SAY, then DO: Luke Ch 22:42b ...nevertheless not MY will [Father], but YOURS be done. SO....

:: You CHANGE OVER to a LIFE of becoming a GOD-PLEASER and not A SELF-PLEASER.
:: To living ALL OF YOUR LIFE for HIM, not for YOURSELF.
:: To being a SERVANT of the Most High ALWAYS - and that's NO MATTER WHAT THE COST!!!
:: To REPLACING a life of constant SELF-CENTEREDNESS and SIN with a life of RIGHTEOUSNESS (right-living and obedience), and GODLINESS, and HOLINESS!!

BIG STEP TO TAKE? You BETCHA!! Can you really DO THIS? You BETCHA!!! And we MUST ASK THIS: what then is the ALTERNATIVE?... A continued life of Christian FAILURE, of never measuring up - and KNOWING it!! Knowing that this is NOT HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE. And there's a most DREADFUL sting in the tail if we FAIL at all of this:

1 John Ch 3:9 Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.

If I were to ask you, I'm pretty sure that you are going to ASSURE ME that you ARE "born of God", born again, saved, a Believer in Christ, a Christian man or woman. Definitely! No problem, right!! Then what do you say to the verse above: if you're a 'born of God' person, then you don't sin! Yet you know that you DO sin! And so do I!! Okay, that verse was the from New King James Version. And this is exactly WHY OWNING and READING THE RIGHT VERSION IS SO CRUCIAL: let's check it in the Amplified Version of the Bible:

1 John Ch 3:9 No one born (begotten) of God [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin, for God's nature abides in him; and he cannot practice sinning because he is born (begotten) of God.


Continued in the Next Post...
... Concluded from the Previous Post


So... if you're NOT there - then what? Well, God says it right there in 1 John: YOU DON'T/WON'T HABITUALLY AND WILFULLY SIN when you're (TRULY) BORN OF GOD. Therefore if you ARE CONSTANTLY SELF-CENTEREDLY SINNING, then you have to most SERIOUSLY consider the likelihood, the strong possibility that you are NOT actually BORN OF GOD!!

But, c'mon now BM, if THAT'S the case, then millions who call themselves Christians are NOT born again, aren't actually Christian at all! Well, haven't I been saying that here over and over and over!!! - giving the serious WARNING (COS I CARE!!!) about church-goers BELIEVING they're on the way to heaven, WHEN THEY ARE NOT!!! VERY, VERY SERIOUS, I believe you'll agree!!

BUT... before you either close this page in panic OR get into a DREADFUL FLAP that maybe YOU are not actually BORN OF GOD, then please DON'T, okay!!! This tragedy is so widespread that some or many reading here now will certainly have NEVER BEEN PROPERLY (FULLY) BORN AGAIN, BORN OF GOD - but instead sort of PART BORN AGAIN! (I'll be fully explaining this.) This happened to ME too - but it wasn't my fault, and it's almost certain that this is NOT YOUR FAULT EITHER!!!

And so NEXT we go to GOD'S Holy Word in the New Testament Scriptures to see HOW TO FIX THIS!!! What to do. How to do it. What to look for, and what to expect. DETAILED, CLEAR, SCRIPTURAL, LIFE-CHANGING! You will want to follow it word by word by word - missing NOTHING!!!

We will be being very careful to EXPRESS the TRUTHS about the NEW BIRTH in SCRIPTURAL terms and SCRIPTURAL words and phrases, because every step we take AWAY from the actual Words of Scripture puts us on a slippery slope towards ERROR - and worse!!!

Continued in Part 2, "There's a 'Normal Christian Birth' - but Most of Us Have Missed It!"...

- BM, with his Lady-Love


It's not going anywhere. Take your time. Spend TIME with the Lord - CONSIDERING what you've read. The more you can take in WITH YOUR HEART rather than just with your head, the better you'll do as we get to the next Parts.


With much love in the Lord Jesus!

- BM
Reaching Higher #20


There's a "Normal Christian Birth", but Most of Us Have Missed It! - Part 2

... Continued from Part 1, "A Christian Understanding of How Our Sinning Works"

Of all the SHOCKING revelations I've had over the years this has got to be THE MOST MAJOR ONE - with the MOST MAJOR LIFE-RAMIFICATIONS for us all. Because the TRUTH is that MANY of us, and probably MOST of us, have never got properly and fully BORN of GOD!! This revelation is NOTHING of a SURPRISE - just incredibly SERIOUS... YET TOTALLY FIXABLE!!! We start towards that RIGHT NOW!!!


I stress again - it's almost certainly NOT YOUR FAULT that wholly INADEQUATE STEPS were taken to actually and properly get you FULLY BORN OF GOD (born again). There is no need for you to WONDER why you've found living the Christian life so hard if, that is, you NEVER EVEN GOT PROPERLY STARTED!! - being sort of ONLY PARTLY IN THE KINGDOM (rather like trying to walk with only one leg!) FACT: It took me at least 13 years to get FULLY BORN AGAIN, during that whole time NOT having Assurance of Salvation, and certainly NEVER being filled with the Spirit!!

OUR FIRST STEP HERE is all to do with awareness of our sinful estate! Do I hear you say: "Hey, I already KNOW all about that!" (I read Part 1!!) *hehe!* Well I'm pretty certain you DON'T - so do please read on! STARTING FACT: To fully and properly get into God's Kingdom, recognising who we are, and how we live, and what we've done, and what we've failed to do - well, hopefully we will at the very least feel led to say in deepest sorrow and passion: "I HAVE SINNED!!"


But here's our first problem! It's really NOT "I have sinned," as we almost all would think and say, but rather, "I have sinned AGAINST ALMIGHTY GOD!!!" (Trust me it's NOT common to THINK (or SAY) this.) So who I am and how I'm living is NOT the right focus AT ALL! It is NOT about ME!!! What it is about is that I'VE TOTALLY FAILED MY GOD!! I continually BOMB OUT, and every FAILURE in what I SHOULD DO, PLUS EVERY SIN I COMMIT -- IS AGAINST GOD!!!

• Living for ourselves. • Thinking about ourselves and our life. • Focussing on ourselves. • Caring about ME, ME, ME! • Turning my back on God. • Smacking Him in the face. • I want to do this sin, so I don't care! • I know I should do that, but I can't be bothered. • No, I want that money for me. Do we CARE that this sinning over and over is AGAINST OUR LORD AND GOD, constantly HURTING HIS BEAUTIFUL HEART!!!

Continued in the Next Post...
...Continued from the Previous Post

GOD: the One Who is COMPLETELY and UTTERLY HOLY!! Perfect. Righteous. And here am I in my filthy rags, with sins to my name so myriad that they cannot EVEN BE COUNTED! - NOT living with a fixed aim of FULLY obeying and pleasing Him at all times, but SINNING AGAINST HIS GLORY, OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER!!...


My dearest Friends, when we finally GET this TOTAL picture, we're finally GETTING ONTO THE TRACK!!! But there's more!! God tells us that we are made in His Own Image. So then, have you realised that GOD HAS FEELINGS!!! When you sin against Him, no matter how 'big' or 'small' or what the sin is, YOU LITERALLY HURT HIM!!! He DEEPLY FEELS what you just did to Him.

Yet what has He done towards you: nothing but LOVE you, CARE about you, FORGIVE you, and is SO GRACIOUS to you! - because He IS THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL!!! BUT... how do I behave in response to His wondrous consideration of me?... No wonder the Scriptures have the words: "Woe is me, because I am a man of unclean lips." Isaiah Ch 6:5. I have to say with the Prophet: "Woe is me: I constantly, and wilfully, sin AGAINST A HOLY AND RIGHTEOUS GOD Who freely gave, and gives me my very LIFE!!" Oh, my oh my, THIS IS SERIOUS!!!


But as if THAT isn't enough, He then sent Jesus, His only Son, to COVER MY SIN AND YOUR SIN THAT WE'VE WILFULLY COMMITTED AGAINST HIM!! Jesus' death was... because of your sin and mine. We need to recognise the seriousness of this: we should CONSIDER and SEE it as though His crucifixion has your name and mine against it!

I want you now to please FOLLOW WITH ME the conclusion of the first Christian sermon by Peter, straight after Pentecost, to people from nations all over. He reviewed from the Scriptures all about Jesus Christ, the Messiah - who, he informed them bluntly: YOU CRUCIFIED!!!

Continued in the Next Post...
...Concluded from the Previous Post

Acts Ch 2:23 Him, being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified, and put to death;

And are WE going to consider ourselves innocent of His blood??

Peter is now near the end of his sermon:

Acts Ch 2:36 "Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ."

God made Jesus Messiah ("the Christ", the Anointed One) and Lord of ALL!! And if it should be considered that this crucifixion is by OUR hands also, then what have we done? This is what those listening were feeling - MOST STRONGLY:

Acts Ch 2:37 Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?”

They were stung to the quick about what they had done to Jesus, the Lord and Messiah!!! Shocked, convicted, almost out of their mind, they asked the disciples in DIRE AGONY OF HEART: WHAT MUST WE DO???

And THE answer Peter IMMEDIATELY gave was the EXACT same one God gives to you and me today:

Acts Ch 2:38 Then Peter said to them, Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

So what to do???... In Part 3 I'm going to help you with REPENTING like you've never known it, explaining this step by step. THIS is where God is going to do the work in you that He's wanted to do for SO LONG!!

Continued in Part 3 "A Sincere Thankyou" ...

- BM, with his Love

It's 2:15 am here, and I can't sleep, so I opened my lap top. I was so happy you had posted what you've been working on for so long. It was quite revealing. I liked the statement:

• Living for ourselves. • Thinking about ourselves and our life. • Focussing on ourselves. • Caring about ME, ME, ME! • Turning my back on God. • Smacking Him in the face. • I want to do this sin, so I don't care! • I know I should do that, but I can't be bothered. • No, I want that money for me. Do we CARE that this sinning over and over is AGAINST OUR LORD AND GOD, constantly HURTING HIS BEAUTIFUL HEART!!!

Well, I shouldn't say that I "liked" it, but it slapped me in the face, actually. I think I thought most everything would automatically change when I surrendered my life to Him. No one told me I had to work at it, and that things might even get harder, until it was too late. There is so much to learn, and some of us are lucky and catch on right away, without even being told everything.

I think, for me, this will help a lot. I mean, I worked hard at studying when I was still in school . . . I work to do above and beyond my duties at work . . . why shouldn't I do the same for my relationship with Christ? Like, deny myself and follow Him. That would sure be helpful for those in His service (missionaries) if we didn't look at our money like most of us do. As in buying things we think we deserve and all. But, like you said, we can read all this good stuff God lays on your heart to share, but the secret is to put it into practice, and allow God to change our hearts.

These lessons will be read over and over, so I will implant them deep in my heart, as I will also do with His Word.

Thanx for being brave and sharing this with us, Bondman! Sweets
Yay! Bondman got to get out! Awesome! Praise the Lord! ( and didnt he look happy?)

Ok, its 1:00 pm here, so it has to be later in New York....Faithwoman, where are you? We are waiting to hear from you about your day!:dance:

He sure WAS happy (that Bondman character, whoever he was!! *pondering*)

But yes, when I turned into the Park I admit that I felt a FREEDOM like I've not felt in a long time!! It was WONDERFUL!!!

Lots of Love, dear Fluffy!

11:19 PM here...........

It was fabulous! Oh my goodness! How awesome it was!
My testimony was oh soooooooo beatutiful! God is good!

I will write more later and hopefully in a few days , have pics.


Wow, wow, wow, wow!! Praise the Lord! Praise His holy Name!!

Well done, sweetie!!!

- BM
It's 2:15 am here, and I can't sleep, so I opened my lap top. I was so happy you had posted what you've been working on for so long. It was quite revealing. I liked the statement:

• Living for ourselves. • Thinking about ourselves and our life. • Focussing on ourselves. • Caring about ME, ME, ME! • Turning my back on God. • Smacking Him in the face. • I want to do this sin, so I don't care! • I know I should do that, but I can't be bothered. • No, I want that money for me. Do we CARE that this sinning over and over is AGAINST OUR LORD AND GOD, constantly HURTING HIS BEAUTIFUL HEART!!!

Well, I shouldn't say that I "liked" it, but it slapped me in the face, actually. I think I thought most everything would automatically change when I surrendered my life to Him. No one told me I had to work at it, and that things might even get harder, until it was too late. There is so much to learn, and some of us are lucky and catch on right away, without even being told everything.

I think, for me, this will help a lot. I mean, I worked hard at studying when I was still in school . . . I work to do above and beyond my duties at work . . . why shouldn't I do the same for my relationship with Christ? Like, deny myself and follow Him. That would sure be helpful for those in His service (missionaries) if we didn't look at our money like most of us do. As in buying things we think we deserve and all. But, like you said, we can read all this good stuff God lays on your heart to share, but the secret is to put it into practice, and allow God to change our hearts.

These lessons will be read over and over, so I will implant them deep in my heart, as I will also do with His Word.

Thanx for being brave and sharing this with us, Bondman! Sweets

Such a good post, that I may hand over writing Messages to you, Sweets!! *high five!*

I hadn't really thought about it being 'brave', hon, but I see what you mean. I know that early IR posts were 'different' to now. I hope I've always been "telling it like it is" in Messages, but ones these days are often maybe 'deeper'... or some word like that! To me it's about me sharing with other Believers those truths God's shown me, the very best I can! And that's something I can't help myself about, because I simply HAVE to. Not an option not to at all! *very happy face!!*

Many if not most Believers thought what you did when you surrendered to Jesus - that He'd make it all a-okay, or certainly better anyway. Well He DOES make it better, but not quite how we thought, hey!! Yes, there's a deal to learn, and some are quick, while others are not. But there is NO DIFFERENCE between any of us. God's sun shines on each of us, and so does His LOVE!!

But what I adore is that HE tailors how He works in each one of us EXACTLY to who we are! PERSONAL - just for YOU!!

You wrote of "denying ourselves, and following Him". Yep, that's the deal!! If we don't, then we're NOT on Jesus' boat!! (and I would NOT want to be anywhere else!!!)

Hmm, getting near bedtime, but I may try and write in my Blog before that.


- BM
Wow, great pics! (wish I had ones like that of my Baptism!!)

(Hmm... the "Views" number doesn't seem to be working at the moment, but is stuck on '1'.)

- BM
Congratulations, Robin, on your obedience in Baptism! And thanx for posting pics. I know it was special. I wanted to be Baptized privately, but pastor said there was no such thing. :eek:

Loved the pics of your outing, BM! I didn't realize there was so much tropical growth there. Palm trees look so inviting. How cold do your winters get, that you can have tropical plants? Must not get below zero.

That is such a shiney, bright red Slipway you have. :D Your street is so wide, and not much traffic (unless you were out at the break of dawn like a mad man! :eek:)

I loved your smile upon returning back home. And the blue shirt complimented you too. Thanx for sharing!
Thanks so much everyone.
They videotaped the whole service and now I just have got to figure out how to copy it to something like you tube so you can all see it..

I watched it and bawled tonight!
Today has been a bit of a let down.. meaning.. I just need to rest!
Wow what a year!

Congratulations, Robin, on your obedience in Baptism! And thanx for posting pics. I know it was special. I wanted to be Baptized privately, but pastor said there was no such thing. :eek:

Loved the pics of your outing, BM! I didn't realize there was so much tropical growth there. Palm trees look so inviting. How cold do your winters get, that you can have tropical plants? Must not get below zero.

That is such a shiney, bright red Slipway you have. :D Your street is so wide, and not much traffic (unless you were out at the break of dawn like a mad man! :eek:)

I loved your smile upon returning back home. And the blue shirt complimented you too. Thanx for sharing!

Your Pastor was right. Believers Baptism is public just like Jesus' baptism was. We are showing our faith to the world.

I guess our roads are a reasonable width. No, not much traffic as our street just lead to a few blocks of houses. I do have to take care at the T-junction though, as cars can zip round there quite quickly.


Brisbane is near the Pacific Ocean and is sub-Tropical. Our coldest recorded temp. was just above freezing - about 2 degrees C. A 'cold' winter may have some days in the 5-10 degree range. Other winters are barely a winter at all.


Here's another pic of our street in the other direction (me n Gertie in the distance). Our trees are all evergreens. Those in the Park are all Aussie Eucalypts (gumtrees).


We took this pic only about 5 minutes from here (we live near the edge of our Capital City so the bush is not far away). These native trees love water and are called Paperbarks - for obvious reasons!


- BM

Good morning all,
I love the pics you have shared and your journey.
Speakking of journeys, I contemplated mine last night. I watched the video of my baptism.

I looked at the woman (me) in the video. I looked at her. I knew her, but yet I didn't.. :(:(.. there was something yet about her that was missing.
When did she gain so much weight, she had such a heart warming testimony, yet something was missing. She still seemed a bit lost. She had such emotion, a love for Jesus, but something was missing, what is it I asked as I watched.

She had given up on some areas of her life. She had been so busy caring of others which of course Christ calls us to do.. but something was lacking.. when reflecting back, the after party was so busy and crazy.. many folks coming and asking for prayers for women in their lives that were going through the same things. I looked at her.. she appeared happy yet felt undeserving of having her own happiness and peace. Where had the months and years and even these past few months. What kept her so busy that she just gave up on taking care of herself in all ways? What was deep within her? what was really bothering her? Did she not truly believe down in her heart that the Lord truly wants her to be happy? Why was she maybe settling for less in her life? She knows of the dark world out there. She sees it in folks in front of her, she reads it in the paper all the time, thinking to herself that if they only knew Christ.

What about those sitting in that church on that special night with hurts and pains of their own, not knowing or believing what the Lord can do for them in their lives? Where were her children on that special night? When just a week ago, she gave her all to go and comfort and plan a funeral and all that goes with it for their grandmother , her ex mother in law. Where was the picture with her and her parents on that special night? How come it got so busy that there was not a photo of that?

What really is deep down within her soul that is confusing her at this point, yes it is true that she just needs to sit still and allow God to continue to work in her life.. is she not happy each day she wakes up? Can she just not accept each day for what it is? Is she still busy trying to figure it all out? Is she not trusting in the Lord 100%?

When she went to bed with all this stuff ready to explode.. she began to cry and pray.. then these words came that she did not understand.. but the Lord knew.. it sounded like the same sounds being repeated.. thank you Lord for the spirit speaking.

She does give thanks and praises to him for all things. The sun is shining as she types these words across the screen. She is going to take this day and give thanks.. and trust.. and just allow him our Lord to guide her.
She is going to give the Lord her fears.. those fears of even knowing him and worrying she is going to do something wrong or make a wrong choice.
She is going to go to work and remember the freedom of all things that comes with having a personal life with our Lord.

She is going to accept that grace and mercy today and go forth and keep working on trusting that God that gives her all things.
I give thanks and praise that there is the safe place that I can type my words from my heart and not be judged... I love you all.. thank you for allowing me to continue to share my feelings and my joys and my pains.

I love you all.

Lovely post... I love that you trust us with your feelings and your life! That's pretty special!!

You are GREATLY loved, dear one!!

- BM and Mrs
FaithWoman, I have had similar feelings at times about feeling like something was missing and still feeling lost etc. But, you are a writer, and can express them in print. I was grateful for your sharing them with us. I think I concluded from it for myself anyway, that we have to set aside our feelings, and exchange them for faith. After all, those feelings, the let-down, were probably from the enemy anyway. Perhaps you were listening to his jabbing little lies.

I think you have pleased God and chose faith instead. It's easy to look back on circumstances and see negative things, like "where were my children?" and "after all I've done to point others to Christ." Those sound like lies of satan to me to keep you down after your obedience. You decided to dismiss those thoughts and go on. "Without faith, it is impossible to please God." Otherwise, if we didn't have faith at a time such as this, what good is it? It is for us to use at such a time as this.

You are an extrovert, and therefore share your faith with us. I happen to be an introvert, and tend to keep things to myself. Thanx for being who you are. We are all needed to keep the world going around.

I intend to share something with you all sometime soon because I owe you all that because of your prayers. Thanx
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