THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Reaching Higher #28


It's Time to Move Towards Our Final Step 4 - Part 8

...Continued from Part 7, "Truths You Need to Know About Step 3". Part 1 is here.

In our search to find CERTAINTY that we are Born of God into His kingdom we've so far looked at RBB:

» R is to CONFESS the sin we've COMMITTED AGAINST God, and to REPENT of it.
» B to truly BELIEVE IN Jesus and commit ALL OF YOU to Him FOREVER!
» B - the 2nd B we've looked at, is to BE BAPTISED - Baptised in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, doing so because you ARE one who's: (a) REPENTED of all known sin, and (b) Believes and TRUSTS IN the Lord Jesus ENOUGH to CHOOSE to GIVE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE to Him - for His use alone! And ALSO INVOLVED here is a DETERMINATION to CHOOSE to OBEY Jesus in ALL things, from now on.

We must now ask two VERY IMPORTANT questions about BAPTISM:

1) Is Believers' Baptism an ESSENTIAL to the PROCESS of being Saved? (more on this "PROCESS of being Saved" real soon - it's not as simple as you think!) Short answer: YES!! Most decidedly essential! So you're saying it's not just an 'option' that I can make up my own mind about? NO, it's not!! And we've already looked at reasons why: 1) There are no UNBAPTISED Believers anywhere in the New Testament 2) Jesus said: "Make disciples AND BAPTISE THEM!!!(Click) Matthew 28:19. That's a COMMAND from the King - it is NOT OPTIONAL!!!

2) Please stay COOL as you read through this question and answer: "If I was sprinkled as a baby, I've already been Baptised, right?" Short answer: NO! There are NO baptised infants in the New Testament. Baptism is ALWAYS of those who BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus. And clearly an infant CANNOT POSSIBLY DO THIS; NOR can a parent "believe" on behalf of an infant. Yes, I'm certainly aware that churches all over baptise infants!! Similarly I see SO MANY who were sprinkled as a baby later getting Baptised as a Believer!! Infant baptism is a church TRADITION with no basis in the New Testament - which is WHAT THIS WHOLE THREAD IS BASED ON. As I've said before, if it's not CLEARLY in the New Testament then I am NOT INTERESTED!!

Continued in the Next Post...
...Continued from Previous Post

So we've now done 3 ESSENTIAL STEPS towards becoming a saved, born again person:
REPENT of all your sins against God, BELIEVE in Jesus, BE BAPTISED: RBB. Rather amazingly, we've just observed an Inner Roomie BE BAPTISED - AND all of our final Step has just happened to Faithwoman!!! THAT'S rather mind-boggling!! Could it be that the Lord's trying to tell us all something!!!! I would say a loud YES!! - because Step 4 is R-RECEIVE the HOLY SPIRIT which she's just reported that she did receive AFTER her Believers' Baptism!! (and another gift as well!!)

Let's move towards COMPLETION of our 4 Steps by returning again to the Apostle Peter: Acts Ch 2:38 Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. So now we finally have our 4 Steps!! When you have followed this path: 1-REPENT, 2-BELIEVE, 3-BE BAPTISED, then God's CLEAR PROMISE according to the New Testament IS THAT YOU WILL 4-RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT!!! How's THAT for a Hallelujah!!! (PLEASE NOTE that in the NT, receiving this GIFT is sometimes called "baptised with the Holy Spirit", but MOST OFTEN is called "filled with the Holy Spirit", so that's what we'll use here).

Being filled with the Holy Spirit is almost unbelievably LIFE-CHANGING! (as Faithwoman is currently experiencing!!!) And this gift is for every person who has earnestly followed all the Steps I've written in these 8 Messages!!! Many Believers don't understand the fact of FILLING. Eph Ch 5:18 And do not be drunk with wine, which leads to reckless action, but be filled with the Spirit. I've said before that "be filled" in the original Greek language is what I usually call "present continuous tense", i.e., it APPLIES NOW and ONGOING. So we may re-word "be filled with the Spirit" to "always BE BEING FILLED with the Spirit." Another COMMAND!!! And I'm sure you can then see that as God is telling us to always be being filled, then it's clearly possible to NOT be filled with the Spirit!!

Concluded in the Next Post...
...Continued from Previous Post

And SADLY this is where most Believers are: they are UN-FILLED, if I may put it that way! They have the Holy Spirit in their lives, and within them, but NOTHING like they could and should have!!! God's constant activity in our lives comes VIA THE SPIRIT!! HE makes things happen. HE is the one Who moves us forward towards MATURITY IN THE LORD JESUS. HE reveals the meaning of the Scripture we're reading. HE gives gifts to us to SERVE Jesus. HE provides us with LOVE, and deep-down inner JOY and PEACE, and the total 9 aspects of the Fruit of the Spirit (click) Galatians 5:22-23. HE is THE Driving Force of our whole Christian life and Christian walk!!

So if it's not already happened in you, HOW do you get FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT? Below is ALL DEPENDENT on the fact that you HAVE DONE the first 3 Steps to the very best of your ability!! a) Once you've done them, you may get FILLED, without anything further to be done! - as happened to Faithwoman! DO ensure that you are LOOKING for this from the Lord, though, else it may happen and you don't realise it!! b) If you do not see anything to indicate FILLING, then you should ask the Lord TO FILL YOU!!! This is a COMMAND, right, so if we ask for the filling, He sure is going to hear this prayer!! As always, PRAY in faith and WAIT, PRAY and WAIT!!

c) What you may also do is go to someone you are really sure IS filled with the Holy Spirit, and is BALANCED and SOUND as to doctrine and practice, and ask him or her TO PRAY FOR YOU, and LAY HANDS ON YOU to receive the Holy Spirit!! Acts Ch 8:17 Then they (Peter and John) laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. What's interesting here is that in the previous verse it says that up to that point they'd only been BAPTISED in the name of the Lord Jesus! That is, they'd done it ALL, HADN'T received the FILLING OF THE SPIRIT, but LAYING ON OF HANDS gave this to them!! I think that's really, really encouraging for those who've done all, but are not yet FILLED!!!

We have done our 4 Steps!! With "RECEIVE (and BE FILLED with) the Holy Spirit" we finally have RBBR and they are THE NEW TESTAMENT REQUIREMENTS (and nothing less) for anyone to start living a Born Again life, Born of God, belonging heart and soul to the Lord Jesus, filled with His Spirit, and rejoicing that you are a son or daughter of God Himself!!!

Continued in Part 9, "The High and Eternal Significance of Your Life of RBBR"...

- BM, with his LADY!

Confirmation and Pictures of Being Baptized

Hi there,
My prayer for all of you is that you are taking heed of Bondman's message in regards to Baptism and being filled with the spirit.

Please see the attached pictures of my baptism.
Aren't they cool? Check out the one of me under the water.. the old Robin going down and the new Robin coming up.

I got baptized in the evening at 6:00 Pm. That morning at church they had an altar call to come forward for prayer to receive the gift of the holy spirit, the gift of praying in tongues. I went forward and many people gathered around me and layed hands on me, people themselves that had received this gift. My pastor stated that the Lord wants to give it all to those who have given their lives to him and are living for the Lord especially when one becomes baptized. So sure enough I got baptized Sun nite and on Monday nite when I was praying.. was wala.. I had the gift!

Now since then and practicing praying in the spirit, God really has and continues to reveal things to me. Just like the other night I was praying while going to bed , woke up the next morning and had a huge revelation in regards to my daughter and what I needed to do. Even the day after baptism, which was Memorial day.. God revealed unbelievable startling things to me that I had been seeking forever! He loves all of us sooooooo much and wants us to have the best! He does not want us to settle for second rate living, but in order to have the best, we must submit our whole being to him! Now just so you know in my eyes I am not perfect, but you know something, God loves us know matter where we are at.. he gives us his mercy and grace each day. As we continue to seek him, and EARNESTLY work with him , he does amazing things in our life.

Enjoy the pictures!
Thanx for sharing, Robin. They were wonderful pics, and what you said happened to you after you were filled, was what I really desire to have. I got a taste of it a douple nights ago, I think. At least, it was an amazing experience because I felt God's presence all over and I was praying for my little EmiliRose. But God must have known I needed His touch because I sure did feel it. It lasted the whole night, and I even was at peace and noticed a change of attitude at work. I'd like to feel that way every day, and am seeking to become all He wants me to be. Thanx for the encouragement. I know it is for everyone, but it helps me to hear from you that it really can happen. Sweets
I really enjoyed the message on the infilling, Bondman. Along with Robin's testimony, it was really encouraging. There was something I didn't understand though. It was in this quote.

We have done our 4 Steps!! With "RECEIVE (and BE FILLED with) the Holy Spirit" we finally have RBBR and they are THE NEW TESTAMENT REQUIREMENTS (and nothing less) for anyone to start living a Born Again life, Born of God, belonging heart and soul to the Lord Jesus, filled with His Spirit, and rejoicing that you are a son or daughter of God Himself!!!

What does RBBR stand for?
Faithwoman: excellent post and great pics! Love the one you've titled "Giving Thanks!" Looks like you were maybe a tad excited about what you'd just done!! *hehehe!!!*

I, of course, am green with envy, because I certainly don't have pics like that of my baptism! (which must have been somewhere around 1970).

I'm still astonished how God has been SO kind and wonderful in having this all happen in your life at EXACTLY at the same time as my Messages about it all (WOW!!!)

The morning before your baptism when you went forward for prayer for the gift of the Holy Spirit and gift of tongues. I think you're saying that the Pastor stated that God wants everyone to have the gift of tongues. Paul says:1 Corinthians Ch 14:5 Now I wish that you might all speak in [unknown] tongues, but more especially [I want you] to prophesy (to be inspired to preach and interpret the divine will and purpose). Amplified Bible.

Seems to me that if we teach that everyone should speak in tongues, then we should also teach that EVEN MORE God wants for you to prophesy - i.e., to interpret GOD'S WILL to everyone. This verse is clearly saying that the Gift of Prophesy is BETTER (more USEFUL) than the Gift of Tongues! - and it sure is!! I've written this because in certain church groups there's this gross over-emphasis on tongue-speaking, to the DETRIMENT of more IMPORTANT gifts.

This is NOT good. We must use our VERY BEST endeavours to stay exactly true to Scripture - to what it's saying, and to what it's stressing, and to what it's not stressing - so that we can be living as CLOSELY as possible to what God is saying there. To help folks really "get" the important balance of tongues in our Christian walk then here's an EASY READ of 1 Corinthians Ch 14:1-5, where we can see that Paul tends to actually downrate speaking in tongues rather than elevating it. "Languages" has the same meaning as "tongues" in the following 5 verses.

1 Corinthians Ch 14:1 Love should be your guide. Be eager to have the gifts that come from the Holy Spirit, especially the gift of prophecy. 2 If you speak languages that others don't know, God will understand what you are saying, though no one else will know what you mean. You will be talking about mysteries that only the Spirit understands. 3 But when you prophesy, you will be understood, and others will be helped. They will be encouraged and made to feel better.

4 By speaking languages that others don't know, you help only yourself. But by prophesying you help everyone in the church. 5 I am glad for you to speak unknown languages, although I had rather for you to prophesy. In fact, prophesying does much more good than speaking unknown languages, unless someone can help the church by explaining what you mean. Contemporary English Version.

Let's follow His Word as closely as we POSSIBLY can!

- BM
I really enjoyed the message on the infilling, Bondman. Along with Robin's testimony, it was really encouraging. There was something I didn't understand though. It was in this quote.

We have done our 4 Steps!! With "RECEIVE (and BE FILLED with) the Holy Spirit" we finally have RBBR and they are THE NEW TESTAMENT REQUIREMENTS (and nothing less) for anyone to start living a Born Again life, Born of God, belonging heart and soul to the Lord Jesus, filled with His Spirit, and rejoicing that you are a son or daughter of God Himself!!!

What does RBBR stand for?

It's so fabulous that you're feeling ENCOURAGED, and that your life is clearly moving forward in the Spirit!! *Wow-ee!!!*

RBBR is simply the completion of R, B, and B that we've done previously. So finally we have the whole four:

Believe in Jesus
Be Baptised
Receive (be filled with) the Holy Spirit

(I just copied that from the beginning of the next Message I'm currently working on. I guess what I should've done was put in at the end of the one you quoted from.)

Lotsa love!

- BM
Answered Prayer

I worked in the school-age room last friday, and there was a little mentally challenged girl who had lost her pigtail holder out on the playground. It was full of ribbons and had a little flower on it. She came to me after we'd already come inside. I told her I'd look for it for her and went back outside in the grassy area, feeling like it was a lost cause. But after searching for quite awhile, I thought, "Jesus, you know where this bow is. Please point it out to me so your name can be glorified." I turned around, and there it was, lying in the place I'd just looked. It was the first time I have prayed for something like that and was so easily answered. I told her how I prayed and how much God cares for a little thing like that because He loves us. I don't know if she understood, but she had a big smile and hugged me. It was precious. Just wanted to share.
Sometimes I just can't help myself reading something like this - it just about brings me to tears!! That the God of Creation would care about a little girl's pigtail holder enough to produce a miracle like that!

Also He did this for YOU, hon - cos He knows your heart, and how much you want to be His, and you prayed in FAITH, and He said, "Okay, I'm going to answer your prayer, and show you that I'm GOD, by a miracle of popping it where you'd just looked!!!" WOW, that sure works for ME!!!

Thankyou for sharing a lovely story with us!

- BM
Wow! You talk about timing! You guys know that I havent been on here in awhile, so you know that this is purely coincidental (or is it?)
Hang on, let me start over....
I got baptised yesterday!

See, I have been baptised more than once already, but everytime I really didnt have a revelation of what I was doing, or what it meant. I had not really and truly made Jesus my Lord, I was only parroting what someone else told me to do.

About 5-6 years ago, God revealed Himself to me and I made Him Lord over my life for real. But I put off getting baptised because I thought the other 2-3 times should have been sufficient!

The church I am going to now doesnt have a baptistry, and we had a couple of other people needing baptism. So, yesterday, after church, we went to one of the member's houses and had a fajita supper. Then they filled up a galvanized steel tank with water and I thought...why not? Now, I no longer have to wonder "should I, or shouldnt I?" Its done, and do you know...I dont know how to describe it, but I I said, I dont know how to describe it.

I got filled with the Holy Spirit a couple of years ago, and even though I speak in tongues, too, I agree with Bondman. Too much emphasis is put on tongues and not enough on prophesy and exhortation. I love praying and singing in the spirit, but that's more 'me' time than a corporate thing.

Someone took pictures of my baptism, but I havent recieved any copies, yet. As soon as I do, I'll post one!

Ya'll be blessed!
Ahh, we're pretty BIG on timing and things like that round here, Fluf!! Our God truly is awesome, and He loves to encourage His kids by... well, by showing that He's sure still around! *hehe!* - and that He IS AT WORK in our lives, and most of all by showing us with absolutely CERTAINTY THAT HE IS GOD!!!

In the Spiritual realm in which we all have a part (there's an amazing thought!!) I don't believe in coincidences, and I'm sure you don't either! So good one, hon! - we're all very happy for you, and may Holy Spirit power in you bring more and more GLORY to His Precious Name!!!

Praying in English in the Spirit is great! I also love praying and singing in tongues like you. But I sure will NEVER do this in public - unless there's an Interpreter, of course - and man, THEY are as scarce as hens' teeth!!

Which makes you wonder doesn't it. Why are there countless millions of tongue-speakers in the West, but hardly any interpreters of tongues? One reason that springs readily to mind, and which I've previously written, is that most people who "speak in tongues" do not have a gift of this from the Lord at all - just as millions who think they are Christians really aren't, yet they don't know it.

I'm afraid that this whole matter leaves me with a dreadful sadness of spirit... (and is a major reason I've been doing the current Series in "Reaching Higher".)

Love you! Bless you and all of the family!!

- BM and Mrs

AFTERTHOUGHT: In years past I'd never struck even one Aussie Christian who'd been baptised more than once! If you were baptised, then that was it! Maybe there still aren't any, or many, I don't know.

It wasn't until I started on Christian forums that I got stunned when I started to hear of you American guys getting baptised multiple times!! A bit like, "Oh, that one wasn't good enough, so I'm doing it again!"

So I'm starting to wonder if this is an American thing, which to date I've not really done any serious thinking about, but maybe it's time that I did... Oh, an immediate and obvious thought came: there are no multiple baptisms in the New Testament!! - but then I can also immediately think of a pertinent reason for that. More later...
Reaching Higher #29


The High and Eternal Significance to Your Life of RBBR - Part 9

... Continued from Part 8, "It's Time to Move Towards our Final Step 4"

RBBR simply means:

B-Believe in Jesus
B-Be Baptised
R-Receive (be filled with) the Holy Spirit.

And we've now completed those REQUIRED things from the New Coventant (New Testament) in order to be a true Christian man or woman as God intends. BUT... if you haven't worked through the 4 Steps, then I would have to be most fearful for YOUR ETERNAL DESTINY until you DO! And if you have NOT yet seriously done CONFESSION and REPENTANCE (in Step 1, here), this is most serious foolishness.

Please make NO MISTAIKE WHATSOEVER that THAT'S HOW SERIOUS THIS ALL IS!!! Life here on this earth is not just for fun. That's NOT what it's about. Life is earnest and serious, with dire ETERNAL CONSEQUENCES for you if you FAIL to do what God requires of you!!


Conversely, if you have properly and earnestly and effectively worked through ALL of the 4 Steps, with the Lord, and by His help - then you can reasonably say with some CONFIDENCE that you are truly Born Again of the Living God!!!! And I call that GREAT NEWS!!! I would then think it highly likely that you will KNOW you've succeeded in your task of following those steps that the Lord has set forth in His Word for us to follow. You'll KNOW, that is, because of changes in your life!! Changes for GOOD of course - which for some will be incredibly EXCITING; quite AMAZING for others; and sometimes maybe a little confusing if you're not certain what's happening

Continued in the next post...
Continued from the previous post...


Please very carefully NOTE that we don't get FILLED with the Spirit JUST ONCE!! It's a daily filling!!! In Ephesians Ch 5:18b God commands us to constantly be being filled with the Spirit. If you're new to Spirit filling, please PRAY for this daily, e.g.,"Lord, please always be filling me with the Holy Spirit today!"


In the Scriptures there is a sign or a verification that you have received the Holy Spirit, and been filled with the Holy Spirit. I didn't say THE sign, just A sign. i.e., you CAN still be FILLED with the Spirit WITHOUT this sign!! It's called "speaking in tongues" in the New Testament, i.e, speaking a language that you do not understand.

However, there's ABSOLUTELY NO need to feel any concern about this in any way! Please DON'T follow me, where I put myself through all manner of problems over this (some of which I've recounted here),
but for years now I PRIVATELY speak in tongues, (only one person has ever heard me speaking in tongues, and that was more or less an accident) and quietly find it quite, quite WONDERFUL!!


And why not? Consider it as a HEAVENLY LANGUAGE that God gives to you as a GIFT, where you and He can RELATE, spirit to Spirit as it were, with little conscious thought on your part. By this I mean that your mind is barely involved, i.e., you can easily do other things while speaking in tongues!! - yet you are still in control of this as to starting, stopping, and so on. I'm a reasonably normal man who can do just one thing at a time, *ladies - no laughing please!*yet if I choose to, even I, with not too much difficulty, can pray in English and in tongues at the same time. (I call this "double prayer"!!)

Concluded in the next post...
Concluded from the previous post...


Above I said "PRIVATELY", because there's FAR TOO MUCH public speaking of tongues being done in a completely UNSCRIPTURAL manner in certain churches. 1 Corinthians Ch 14:26 How is it then, brethren? Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification. 27 If anyone speaks in a tongue, let there be two or at the most three, each in turn, and let one interpret. 28 But if there is no interpreter, let him keep silent in church, and let him speak to himself and to God.

Have you been disobeying God on this, just because the Pastor and church disobey? So... TONGUES IN CHURCH MEETINGS: only up to 3 tongue-speakers - and MUST be interpreted!!! (into THE LOCAL LANGUAGE, by someone to whom God has given the Gift of Interpretation of Tongues). Whatever it is about what these verses clearly say that thousands of churches apparently don't understand is quite beyond me!

For more to read about Holy Spirit filling and "Speaking in Tongues" go to "The Inner Room" Message #27, then continue to Message #28 as well. Please realise that you may start speaking in an unknown tongue from God straight after Baptism, or later that day, or the next day. OR you may not speak in a tongue at all! In this case, if you wish to have this Gift from the Lord, you know the drill: you may ASK God for it!! PRAY in FAITH, and WAIT, then CONTINUE this!!

Heavenly Blessings to all!

Continued in Part 10, "Umm... Once Saved, Always Saved"??...

- BM, with his Love

Hey, Bondman, about the multiple baptisms...I cant speak for anyone else, but for my experience...
The other times, I never really gave my heart to God. I was only parroting the words someone else said, being pressured into and wanting to please the person doing the pressuring. I never really understood what was meant by making Jesus Lord and living for Him. So in reality, I was only getting wet. That was it. There was no change in my life or my heart.

I think part of the problem is the other person's zeal to see souls saved that they dont take the time with the person witnessed to, they just push and push so they can hear the prayer and then get the witnessee dunked and move on to the next person.

Now, the witnessee, (of course!) has the responsibility to not make any decisions until they are absolutely ready to. But, as in my case, that doesnt always happen.

To me, baptism is a representation of your new life. You are dead to your old self and resurrected to your new one. The other times, I had no change from the old to the new, I just got wet.

I hope that cleared things up a bit. :}
Wow Fluffly! Congrats! God is good! He sure is moving is he not?

I have been going through major changes in my life. I can honestly say I am free of the bondage of one particular very unhealthy person that was in my life! It seemed to take forever! But I was fighting it the whole way.. yep.. had still dabbled a bit here and there.. you know deep down thinking he will change, I can save him.. HA ! NOT! Only one person can save anyone and free them and that is JESUS.. and

I was way to focused on other people.. not focused on my walk completely with Jesus.. So since my baptism. .I have found myself with so many different emotions.. Joy, peace , life.. and at the same time, going through a little bit of grieving process.. and after years of not taking care of me.. everything seems a bit big right now.. hence the weight gain, not taking care of myself financially, physically , emotionally.. But I am learning to BE STILL AND enjoy each day. .but my mind at times still wanders in circles so I have to be in the Word and be praying at all times!

Can't wait to see your pics! That is just awesome!

Wow, Fluff and Robin, it's so interesting to hear the stories of how others "came to know Christ." I also was baptized before, but it was in the Mormon Church, and for completely different reasons, so I think I did right by getting baptized again.

But, speaking of making Christ Lord of you life, that was also something I seem to have missed. But it was all so overwhelming for me because the only thing I knew about religion was taught to me by the Mormons. So I was quite confused. It was pretty overwhelming taking it all in, and somewhere, I missed a lot. I think I was taking it too fast, not really knowing the basics first. I mean, I think I did OK, reading some of my posts after I surrendered my life to Christ, but I grew too fast, and skipped some of the basic things. All I knew, was that I felt like I was high as a kite. hehe

Plus, I think I still had my eyes on other people, watching how they reacted to different things. So, I'd be up and down. So, I'm taking things much slower this time, and still working on making Him Lord of my life. It's not a one-time commitment... but takes faith and trust that He knows it all, and that I can safely let go of the reigns. It's fun to share, Fluffy. I never knew you felt this way. I remember asking you lots of questions, and you always gave me really great replies. It's humbling to hear things like that from other Christians. HUGZ, Sweets
Hey, Bondman, about the multiple baptisms...I cant speak for anyone else, but for my experience...
The other times, I never really gave my heart to God. I was only parroting the words someone else said, being pressured into and wanting to please the person doing the pressuring. I never really understood what was meant by making Jesus Lord and living for Him. So in reality, I was only getting wet. That was it. There was no change in my life or my heart.

I think part of the problem is the other person's zeal to see souls saved that they dont take the time with the person witnessed to, they just push and push so they can hear the prayer and then get the witnessee dunked and move on to the next person.

Now, the witnessee, (of course!) has the responsibility to not make any decisions until they are absolutely ready to. But, as in my case, that doesnt always happen.

To me, baptism is a representation of your new life. You are dead to your old self and resurrected to your new one. The other times, I had no change from the old to the new, I just got wet.

I hope that cleared things up a bit. :}

Thanks for the post, dear one! I did and do understand the feelings and incentives for someone to get baptised again - I'm simply querying in my mind how Scripturally correct it is.

I think part of the problem is the other person's zeal to see souls saved that they dont take the time with the person witnessed to, they just push and push so they can hear the prayer and then get the witnessee dunked and move on to the next person.

You're right about this being at least part, and maybe virtually all, of what's creating the problem. Then a much worse tragedy is that almost exactly the same as what you related is also happening with getting people saved!! - get the agreement, pray the prayer, move onto the next person. But like your previous baptisms, THEY LIKELY DIDN'T GET SAVED AT ALL!! - YET WHILE FIRMLY ON THE WAY TO HELL, THEY COMFORTABLY THINK THAT THEY ARE SAVED!!! Man, oh man....

I've been aware for some time that all of this is part of an incredibly major problem in Western Christianity. Like Sweets said, people don't even realise that Jesus' name is the LORD Jesus Christ, let alone actually make Him Lord over all of their life!!!

It seems that things like 'The Revival Meeting', 'The Altar Call', 'Accept Jesus as your Saviour', even 'The Four Spiritial Laws', none of which are New Testament, and now Baptism long before a person understands or is ready, started maybe as far back as 200 years ago in America - strong zeal likely taking the place of considered and Scriptural truth - and as with virtually all things American at least partially exported to other Western countries. None of this is meant to upset anyone reading this! - GOD'S TRUTH is what's of prime importance here, and that MUST be looked for, and looked at, no matter the consequences.

I cannot help but be excited that at last you've got it all right, hon, taking this step with UNDERSTANDING and now knowing you've done what's good and what's right. Strength to your arm!!!

Bless you heaps and heaps!!

- BM
Wow Fluffly! Congrats! God is good! He sure is moving is he not?

I have been going through major changes in my life. I can honestly say I am free of the bondage of one particular very unhealthy person that was in my life! It seemed to take forever! But I was fighting it the whole way.. yep.. had still dabbled a bit here and there.. you know deep down thinking he will change, I can save him.. HA ! NOT! Only one person can save anyone and free them and that is JESUS.. and

I was way to focused on other people.. not focused on my walk completely with Jesus.. So since my baptism. .I have found myself with so many different emotions.. Joy, peace , life.. and at the same time, going through a little bit of grieving process.. and after years of not taking care of me.. everything seems a bit big right now.. hence the weight gain, not taking care of myself financially, physically , emotionally.. But I am learning to BE STILL AND enjoy each day. .but my mind at times still wanders in circles so I have to be in the Word and be praying at all times!

Can't wait to see your pics! That is just awesome!


You do sound to be kind of 'fighting yourself' sweetie! I've said to you before, haven't I, that in order to be able to minister to others, you HAVE to take care of yourself. This is your temperament again, wanting the good feelings from ministry - to the detriment of taking proper care of you! (No criticism of Faithwoman here - we ALL suffer from weaknesses in our particular temperament type, until we can IDENTIFY them and work with the Holy Spirit to get 'em all fixed up!)

"Be still and know that I am God" seems pertinent, but so does a LOT of CONTINUED prayer to God that the Holy Spirit may help you to improve in discipline and management of time and effort.

With love!

- BM
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