Reaching Higher #28

It's Time to Move Towards Our Final Step 4 - Part 8
...Continued from Part 7, "Truths You Need to Know About Step 3". Part 1 is here.
In our search to find CERTAINTY that we are Born of God into His kingdom we've so far looked at RBB:
» R is to CONFESS the sin we've COMMITTED AGAINST God, and to REPENT of it.
» B to truly BELIEVE IN Jesus and commit ALL OF YOU to Him FOREVER!
» B - the 2nd B we've looked at, is to BE BAPTISED - Baptised in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, doing so because you ARE one who's: (a) REPENTED of all known sin, and (b) Believes and TRUSTS IN the Lord Jesus ENOUGH to CHOOSE to GIVE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE to Him - for His use alone! And ALSO INVOLVED here is a DETERMINATION to CHOOSE to OBEY Jesus in ALL things, from now on.
We must now ask two VERY IMPORTANT questions about BAPTISM:
1) Is Believers' Baptism an ESSENTIAL to the PROCESS of being Saved? (more on this "PROCESS of being Saved" real soon - it's not as simple as you think!) Short answer: YES!! Most decidedly essential! So you're saying it's not just an 'option' that I can make up my own mind about? NO, it's not!! And we've already looked at reasons why: 1) There are no UNBAPTISED Believers anywhere in the New Testament 2) Jesus said: "Make disciples AND BAPTISE THEM!!!(Click) Matthew 28:19. That's a COMMAND from the King - it is NOT OPTIONAL!!!
2) Please stay COOL as you read through this question and answer: "If I was sprinkled as a baby, I've already been Baptised, right?" Short answer: NO! There are NO baptised infants in the New Testament. Baptism is ALWAYS of those who BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus. And clearly an infant CANNOT POSSIBLY DO THIS; NOR can a parent "believe" on behalf of an infant. Yes, I'm certainly aware that churches all over baptise infants!! Similarly I see SO MANY who were sprinkled as a baby later getting Baptised as a Believer!! Infant baptism is a church TRADITION with no basis in the New Testament - which is WHAT THIS WHOLE THREAD IS BASED ON. As I've said before, if it's not CLEARLY in the New Testament then I am NOT INTERESTED!!
Continued in the Next Post...