THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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I love Max Lucado too!

Ok.. so I was sitting here and thought I would take a pic of my book collection.. well a portion of it.. some are still in boxes!

Again.. I love to read.. but am learning I have to go be in his word every day!


oh yes.. the furniture polish even made it to the pic.. lol!
I never did admit to being the most organized person.. and i think I read here where we should share our books after reading. .so I have been slowly giving some away to others.
I love Max Lucado too!

Ok.. so I was sitting here and thought I would take a pic of my book collection.. well a portion of it.. some are still in boxes!

Again.. I love to read.. but am learning I have to go be in his word every day!


oh yes.. the furniture polish even made it to the pic.. lol!
I never did admit to being the most organized person.. and i think I read here where we should share our books after reading. .so I have been slowly giving some away to others.

I did wonder about that "polish book" *hee!*

Yes, give away good books. Of donate it to your local library. I really don't know why we keep them - Beloved and I would probably say because it gives us some kind of "a warm fuzzy" [feeling]!!
Gems #8


Here's something I find quite AMAZING!! GOD'S very OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS is available to all those who have a Godly desire, deep in our heart, to live right for the Lord! This great news is in Paul's letter to the church at Rome, where he is speaking about the righteousness of God, and describes this as: Romans Ch 3:22 the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe...

Did you get that? He's saying that through our faith in Jesus comes the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD!! And WHO is this for? - it's for all who believe!! That's you and me, right!! So we should not BE, nor NEED to be STRUGGLING in order to live better!We should NOT because we have access to GOD'S OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS!! HIS righteousness can and will COME into our lives as we earnestly SEEK to be more and more OBEDIENT, and thus we will then SIN LESS! Works for ME!!

Like a litte more of this? Okay, here we go: Ephesians Ch 4:24 And put on the new man created in God's image, in true righteousness and holiness. So from God we may have righteousness AND holiness - goodness, THAT'S a wow!! And there's MORE: 1 Corinthians Ch 1:30 But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, Who became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption THIS time we got 4 things from God, through Jesus: wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. Blessed we are indeed!!

- BM, with his Lady

Did you get that? He's saying that through our faith in Jesus comes the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD!! And WHO is this for? - it's for all who believe!! That's you and me, right!! So we should not BE, nor NEED to be STRUGGLING in order to live better!We should NOT because we have access to GOD'S OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS!! HIS righteousness can and will COME into our lives as we earnestly SEEK to be more and more OBEDIENT, and thus we will then SIN LESS! Works for ME!!

Like a litte more of this? Okay, here we go: Ephesians Ch 4:24 And put on the new man created in God's image, in true righteousness and holiness. So from God we may have righteousness AND holiness - goodness, THAT'S a wow!! And there's MORE: 1 Corinthians Ch 1:30 But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, Who became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption THIS time we got 4 things from God, through Jesus: wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. Blessed we are indeed!!

Wow Bondman! Thanks so much. He is has given me so much redemption, wisdom, righteousness and santification.

I truly need wisdom right now. Can I please ask that all here be praying for that wisdom for me. I have a potential opportunity to move to a new apartment.. yes once agian I would be moving. It is about 20 minutes from where I work, way out in the countryside.

There is a gentleman and his wife, the one who bought the bus for the ministry. He and his wife have a huge house and they have a 3 bedroom apartment on the one half of the upstairs. He had been helping another gal and her kids but she has had to move out. Him and I were talking and I am going to go look at it next week. Of course my parents do not understand why I would want to leave the apartment where I am as I can walk to work. The winters here are bad. I would be traveling a little ways. But I have not signed my new lease here which was up in May, every time I thought it about, I felt like God was saying wait.. thought I was to move back with my daughter in Pa, but my job and ministry are here. But I was willing to go back there for her senior year. My daughter and I had a great conversation and she said she would be fine with her dad and grandpa for her senior year.

There would not be much storage, which means I truly can keep rooting and give away the things I do not need. Now I pay $ 700.00 a month for rent plus my utilities. Not sure what the new place would be yet. This just may mean this is the place that God is calling me to downsize my life. I just know it has got to have internet access.

He and his wife are both Christians. I would just have to get use to the smell of a farm.. lol! I am truly hoping that it may work out and be a little more affordable. This way I would have more money to give to the Lord and maybe be able to help my children out with their college loans and such, something i have not been able to do.

I just want to go where the Lord wants me. If it is to a farm in the country well that would be ok with me. This home is beautiful and I could picture myself sitting out on the patio and writing. Also if more affordable, I could potentially take a less paying job and have more time to spend on the streets with God's people. Lots of possibilities here. I am going to go and be with my parents this week-end at the lake so lots of time this week-end to sit, pray and seek him.

I know he will show me but I also know the power of prayer. I also know my mom was negative on the phone about it last night. My parents have always loved me unconditionally , just as our Lord has.
My life is no longer about what Robin wants, but what God wants for me.

Have a wonderful 4th of July and may we all celebrate the freedom we have with Christ.

Hugs to you and the Mrs.. I am working today then off for my week-end road trip.


Wow, possibilities! Options! I just love 'em!!

Because I grew up on an farm and have now lived in the city of Brisbane for more than half my lifetime, but under sufference that whole time!! - please do NOT let this affect your decision, I'm just saying that I would just about give a leg and an arm to be back in the country!! Ah well, one can dream, right!

This is an important decision for you - with a lot of ramifications!! So yes, praying - and CONFIDENT that the Lord will ultimately clearly guide you.

Bless you, hon, and have a lovely weekend!

- BM
This is an important decision for you - with a lot of ramifications!! So yes, praying - and CONFIDENT that the Lord will ultimately clearly guide you.

Thanks Bondman. Walked home for lunch.. won't be doing that a new place out of town.. Man. .I can't wait for next week to go look at it and see.. Might be back to doing laundry at the laundromat , but again that is ok.

All we need is Jesus. A gal at work and I were talking today, if our homes and all blew away, but we were still standing and healthy, her and I are ok with that, because again.. THE LORD WILL PROVIDE.. ALSO IF THE LORD GIVES A VISION, HE WILL GIVE A PROVISION.. just like he has for Care-A-Van ministries with Paul leaving a job of 27 years and having just having enough in a 401k to live on for 4 more years... his friends and all think he is nuts.. but he knows God will provide.. how awesome is that!

Ok.. got to scoot.. but thanks again for the prayers!

Gems #9


Oops, better define "Visions"... Faithwoman said: "THE LORD WILL PROVIDE.. ALSO IF THE LORD GIVES A VISION, HE WILL GIVE A PROVISION.." Absolutely!!! But something we need to understand is the aspect of TIME FACTORS involved in this IMPORTANT area of Christian living. FIRST is the matter of our NEEDS. Fact is that while God promises to meet all our NEEDS (not our wants), He may do this exactly when we need them (and maybe not a moment before!!) Our faith must WAIT in FULL TRUST for Him to PROVIDE!!

SECOND is the matter of Ministries and Ministry Visions. Here's an example of "TIME" concerning a Vision. For at least 25 years, I've had a strong Vision of support for Missionary work where MOST NEEDED in the world. Early on I managed to do this for a few years, even managing to triple-tithe to the Missionaries - until 2 nasty men embezzled ALL of our money and wiped my business out!! Grrrr!!! But I couldn't let that stop my Vision, and persisted in seeking to make money to reach those who haven't heard. (Yes, I was an ill man all of that time - "ya can't keep a good man down, they reckon!")

It was many years before my efforts bore fruit again. Or so I thought... Via the Net I suddenly managed to secure 4 large sums of money for my Vision - a very STRONG Vision by then!! Whoo-hoo!!! BUT... each lot got FROZEN in the banks JUST BEFORE we were to RECEIVE them! Not just ours, but countless billions of dollars of people's money around the world got frozen by evil men (very powerful bankers and such like). We've been waiting nearly a DECADE and are STILL waiting, our Vision on hold... That's the TIME FACTOR concerning a Vision - you may NOT be able to start TOMORROW!!! You may have to wait PATIENTLY, hanging in there for God to make it happen!!

- BM and his Lady


You may have read how I said that the rule is "there is always one more bug" when programming. Microsoft know this is true - they make unbelievable piles of them every year!

But I make mine too. I could fairly easily get quite angry with myself soon! The latest mistakes involve clicking on the Index at bottom of all Gems Messages:

How recent ones came to take you to THE Gems #1 Message INSTEAD of the Index is beyond me, and known only to God!!

But SINCERE APOLOGIES to those I confused!! (Yes, I've fixed the flippin' mistake!!!! - feels a tad like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted...

- BM
Reaching Higher #36


How To Hear (and Know) God's Voice

How easy is it to hear God speaking to you DIRECTLY? When I was a young Christian I heard of a man who the Lord DIRECTLY TOLD all manner of things to! A lot of them were things that were GOING to HAPPEN - which they ALWAYS did! This INCLUDED things that were going to happen in other people's lives! He certainly had a special and amazing 'hot-line' to God!!


Then there are OTHERS who God speaks to, and they seem to be able to readily hear what He's saying to them! Then there's probably pretty-much the rest of us, those who don't necessarily find it easy to hear the Lord's voice at all!! Of course when we say "hear God speaking" or "God's voice" few people hear anything AUDIBLE; it's more a kind of "knowing" in your heart or via your spirit what it is He's wanting us to know.

At the end of the day I can't see any problem for ANY of us who TRULY WANT to hear from Him - and THAT statement is the criteria we all MUST subscribe to!!! FACT: God tailors to you, to your temperament, and who you are the very best method of conveying His message. You know that the aim of my life is to obey Him totally all the time, so His messages to me are often that He needs me to change tack!! Or else showing me a failure or sin I've not realised and confessed. For both of these I may get a feeling of almost like disquiet or discomfort - a sense that all is not how it should be. This may even happen in the middle of a TV movie!! I IMMEDIATELY aim to find out from God what He's saying. Please always do the same!!


So it's then time to be OPEN to him, aiming to be sensitive and be listening. I may just relax and let my mind be 'unbusy'. Into any relaxed thoughts, suddenly one of them will be "HIGHLIGHTED", and I KNOW it is Him!! What He says is often a surprise to me, and I may say, "Oh, You're right Lord!" almost in wonder!! (I love my Lord, I really do!!!) The most important thing is that when you get His message RIGHT, then you'll KNOW!! Everything will feel like it's a-okay!


If God is telling you of a wrong or sin or something like this, when it comes you may have a feeling of SADNESS! What you WON'T feel like is that you've just been run over by a Mac truck!! Satan makes you feel absolutely AWFUL if he's trying to make you feel GUILTY for a sin or something. GOD DOES NOT, repeat NOT!!! He is very loving and very gentle, but if it's a serious matter you will KNOW that He means it! - like I say, feeling sad that you've sinned against Him, and have hurt Him again!!

Now, hearing and knowing His voice may be quite different for you! God's relationship with YOU is quite UNIQUE! He will tailor exactly for YOU what is right for you. We're all DIFFERENT, so He treats us all differently - because YOU ARE SPECIAL TO HIM! Make it your life task to LEARN to RECOGNISE and OBEY His VOICE!!!

- BM, with his Lady

That's the TIME FACTOR concerning a Vision - you may NOT be able to start TOMORROW!!! You may have to wait PATIENTLY, hanging in there for God to make it happen!!

Awesome message.. Lord give us more patience as we wait patienly to hear from you.. Lord I thank you for what you are doing in our lives!

So it's then time to be OPEN to him,trying to be sensitiveand be listening. I may just relax and let my mind be 'unbusy'. Into any relaxed thoughts, suddenly one of them will be "HIGHLIGHTED", and I KNOW it is Him!! What He says is often a surprise to me, and I may say, "Oh, You're right Lord!" almost in wonder!! (I love my Lord, I really do!!!) The most important thing is that when you get His message RIGHT, then you'll KNOW!! Everything will feel like it's a-okay!


If God is telling you of a wrong or sin or something like this, when it comes you may have a feeling of SADNESS! What you WON'T feel like is that you've just been run over by a Mac truck!! Satan makes you feel absolutely AWFUL if he's trying to make you feel GUILTY for a sin or something. GOD DOES NOT, repeat NOT!!! He is very loving and very gentle, but if it's a serious matter you will KNOW that He means it! - like I say, feeling sad that you've sinned against Him, and have hurt Him again!!

Now hearing and knowing His voice may be quite different for you! God's relationship with YOU is quite UNIQUE! He will tailor exactly for YOU what is right for you. We're all DIFFERENT, so He treats us all differently - because YOU ARE SPECIAL TO HIM! Make it your life task to LEARN to RECOGNISE and OBEY His VOICE!!!

Lord I pray that I sit still and unbusy myself so I may hear from you in regards to the crossroad I am at right now. Your words says you are not an author of confusion. I pray right now and thank you Lord for the clarity you are about to give me in regards to the cirumstances regarding my daughter and a place to live. Thank you Jesus for being my all and meeting my needs in YOUR TIMING.

Awesome message.. Lord give us more patience as we wait patienly to hear from you.. Lord I thank you for what you are doing in our lives!

Amen to both things there, hon!!

(Reminded me of the person who prayed, "Lord please give me patience and give it to me now!" lol)

Faithwoman said:
Lord I pray that I sit still and unbusy myself so I may hear from you in regards to the crossroad I am at right now. Your words says you are not an author of confusion. I pray right now and thank you Lord for the clarity you are about to give me in regards to the cirumstances regarding my daughter and a place to live. Thank you Jesus for being my all and meeting my needs in YOUR TIMING.


Absolutely - and an even louder AMEN, dear one!! And I'm with you on all you said:

• If we SEEK - and CONTINUE seeking for Him - He DOES become our all in all!

• He is our PATIENCE (part of the fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22-23).

• He certainly ISN'T the author of confusion!


• "WAIT", "REST" and "TRUST" are all Spiritual AND Scriptural words!!!

At this moment things may not be CLEAR. But He knows all, and has it all - AND YOU - right in His mighty hands!!

Bless you, my dear!!!

- BM
I have been reading all your posting, BM. And, I'd just like to give a little update on what's happening in my spiritual life. I think I told you about Norm's daughter moving in with us, along with her 3-yr. old son. It has been quite a task to take on, as the boy is super hyper and does not have any self-discipline. Plus, I think there may have been spirits involved in his life because his dad is involved in so much porn stuff. Sherri has been through so much in her life, and has been wounded so much, that she is very defensive and has a temper like my dh.

About the spiritual part, Father has given me a peace about it, or I would be going nuts! I took Jessie to church with me, along with Emilirose, this morning. Jessie's mom didn't want to go. And Norm didn't go, so I had to handle it on my own. As it turned out, they were able to take both of them into the nursery, and Jessie behaved himself and I had a great time in the service. All the songs were lifting me up, and the sermon applied so well to my situation. I was able to share some of it with Sherri, and she apologized for being mean to me. My dh said he didn't know how I managed to be so happy in our situation, and I explained how to him.

Father is so special to me, and I find myself talking to Him all day. Please still keep me in your prayers, as I will you. Hugz, Sweets
Father is so special to me, and I find myself talking to Him all day. Please still keep me in your prayers, as I will you. Hugz, Sweets

Sweets, keeping you in prayer here. Thanks for the great reminder that we need to be talking to him all day. We need to be praising him through the good and the bad. have a super day!
I have been reading all your posting, BM. And, I'd just like to give a little update on what's happening in my spiritual life. I think I told you about Norm's daughter moving in with us, along with her 3-yr. old son. It has been quite a task to take on, as the boy is super hyper and does not have any self-discipline. Plus, I think there may have been spirits involved in his life because his dad is involved in so much porn stuff. Sherri has been through so much in her life, and has been wounded so much, that she is very defensive and has a temper like my dh.

About the spiritual part, Father has given me a peace about it, or I would be going nuts! I took Jessie to church with me, along with Emilirose, this morning. Jessie's mom didn't want to go. And Norm didn't go, so I had to handle it on my own. As it turned out, they were able to take both of them into the nursery, and Jessie behaved himself and I had a great time in the service. All the songs were lifting me up, and the sermon applied so well to my situation. I was able to share some of it with Sherri, and she apologized for being mean to me. My dh said he didn't know how I managed to be so happy in our situation, and I explained how to him.

Father is so special to me, and I find myself talking to Him all day. Please still keep me in your prayers, as I will you. Hugz, Sweets

Wow, you sure are one busy lady!! Yet in the midst of it all Father is giving you PEACE via His Spirit in you!! Do you have any idea how exciting that is for me to hear?!! Stand back everyone while I let out a loud, a VERY LOUD:


I loved how you told dh why you were managing!! We must not be ashamed of our precious Lord Jesus:

Mark Ch 8:38 For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.

Praying for you daily. Bless you heaps and heaps, dear heart!

- BM
Gems #10


So my HOME is here, right, where I'm sitting now. It's where I live, and where I feel safe and secure! Here I am greatly blessed with comfort and all the necessities of life such as food, clothing, money, shelter, and so on. And I'm with my dearest Love of this life!

But of course, none of this is THE WHOLE STORY!!! It's a little like a holiday where you briefly stop over at a friend's house while they're away. It's COMFORTABLE and SECURE, and fufils your needs - just like home! But it ISN'T HOME, is it? And it would be plain CRAZY to think that it IS!!

The chorus says it well: "This world is not my home, I'm just a-passin' through." I'm VERY content with my "Special Friend's" place here that I'm staying in, just for the time being (I don't OWN anything here: the house is HIS, furniture is HIS, money is HIS - BECAUSE I AM HIS!!!

So our place TRULY has very LITTLE importance when compared to my true HOME!!! I much appreciate what we have here, but spend my time and money on the Spiritual NOT the temporal! My HEART is NO LONGER HERE - because my HOME is in heaven, with my LORD!!!

- BM, with his Lady


EDIT: While at your friends' place, would you try to spend money to, well, make it BETTER? Of course not! It's NOT your place - you're simply 'stopping over'!!!
The chorus says it well: "This world is not my home, I'm just a-passin' through." I'm VERY content with my "Special Friend's" place here that I'm staying in, just for the time being (I don't OWN anything here: the house is HIS, furniture is HIS, money is HIS - BECAUSE I AM HIS!!!

This post could not have come at a better time in my life. Thank you for the great reminder where home truly is.. This is something I have been struggling with for some time now. People never understand me when I say I don't know where home is.. because I feel lost not being with my children, not being with my parents, living in a new town for a year now.. fought for so long not feeling like anyone loved me, including the last male female relationship that I was in.

I was so lost,, but now I am found.. and continue to be found each day.
As I look at my "home" here admist the mess of dirty laundry, unorganized rooms, I look to where my spirtual path was and is now.. so much better and it is so great to know I am only passing through here on my home to eternity.. where none of this "stuff" matters.

After all, may we all remember there is no luggage rack that goes with us to heaven. None of this "stuff" will go with us.. no only our souls will go to the high and almighty place.. what I need to keep asking myself each day, how is my soul doing? am I living obediently in all ways? am I continuing to serve him and help others know who our Jesus is.

Thanks again Bondman!

Another thought

Ok another thought on home:

John the Baptist Prepares the Way

1The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God.[a]
2It is written in Isaiah the prophet:
"I will send my messenger ahead of you,
who will prepare your way"[b]—
3"a voice of one calling in the desert,
'Prepare the way for the Lord,
make straight paths for him.' "[c] 4And so John came, baptizing in the desert region and preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. 5The whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem went out to him. Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River. 6John wore clothing made of camel's hair, with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey. 7And this was his message: "After me will come one more powerful than I, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. 8I baptize you with[d] water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit."

This past Sunday the Pastor that came out for street church gave a message on getting back to the basics. He used this scripture. Just think all John had was clothing made of camel's hair with a leather belt and he ate locusts and wild honey.... hmm makes one think of all the "stuff" we think we need in this world.

More and more I feel the calling to get rid of my "stuff" to prepare for my home. Hey Sweets if you are reading this, remember the "stuff" we have already gotten rid of .. remember our conversations on the clothing we use to have? That darn world keeps calling to us and telling us we need it.. pooey on them.. we got to remain strong . all of us and remind ourselves we are beautiful in the Lord!

I truly do not need all of this stuff of the world. It makes me sad each time I think of people that are wasting God's money on materialsim of the world.. oh my, I could get on a real roll here.. when I think of the bondages folks have, my own included.. Oh Jesus help us all!

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