THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Hey there is only one person that is perfect and that is Jesus. I just heard that song this morning about Perfect person and perfect world. It is an awesome song. You like me just want the true joy , peace and happiness for others. You are so right , each of us is on a different spiritual plane in life, hopefully we all are aiming and striving to get there to the one place that Jesus calls us to and that is living for him.

Your messages help do that. It can get overwhelming with a few dozen things to do.. but we must eat just one donut a time out of that dozen and keep munching away to get the other 11 in us.. one bite at a time.. sometimes the first bite.. giving our total life to Christ is the hardest.. our flesh does not want to give in to the first bite.. let alone the rest of the meal that is waiting for us.. but he came to give us life .. and we are thankful you are there to help deliver the meal.. the message.

Have a super day!

What you're saying is like the question: "How do you ean an elephant?" - one bite at a time! I know that YOU "get" this in the Spiritual realm, hon, but I know there are others who have struggled with me overwhelming them with "musts". So the Lord had to give me "the word!!" I have to suspect that some have already left because of me not being sensitive enough to them... *sadness...*

Thanks for your post. You've always been a great encouragement to me!

- BM
About our striving to do what's right; that was what being a Mormon was all about. The joy was not there, just failure and disappointment in ourselves. If I've learned anything since becoming Christian, it's that I can do allllll things through Christ !
I was habitually trying to do the right thing on my own, even after I'd surrendered all to Him. It just didn't seem right to depend on God for everything. But, it was the right thing to do. Have you ever sent a child off to college and you wanted him to ask for your help? Does it make you feel bad when he says he can do it on his own? It did me. That's how God feels when we don't depend on Him for strength to do the right thing.

I know, I know, you all know this, right? Maybe I misinterpreted your message, BM. I'm sorry if I got it wrong. I fail to understand where you think you did wrong though. Can you go into it a little deeper?

Anyway, finally, someone on the forum got through to me that I didn't have to do it all in my own strength. That when I am weak, God is stronger. And He can work more when we give it to Him. I gave Him my dh, and now I don't struggle. I let God work for me in his behalf. Whew! :D

Wow, you sure got all of that right, sweetie!! What a DIFFERENCE it makes in our life when we "get" that WE don't have to do it all (which we can't anyway!!)

Where you said, "If I've learned anything since becoming Christian, it's that I can do allllll things through Christ !" this has got to be one of the most POWERFUL statements for us all in the whole Bible!!!! And it's TRUE!!! (Click) Philippians Ch 4:11-13 for the whole story!

As for what I got wrong, FIRST, it was writing too many of God's commands for folks to take in all at once. And SECOND, it was failing to say that you don't have to try and DO them all at once! (which is impossible!!)

Basically, because I am able to do them, I was then not being THOUGHTFUL enough about others who can't do the same. How stupid!! All I had to do was think back to my own earlier Christian life to realise that! And for most of this thread I'VE DONE SO! But somehow or other, recently I lost it... Hence my APOLOGY!!

You also are SUCH an encouragement to me, Sweets!!

- BM
Dear Lord,Please give BM and the Mrs the strength to continue on and overcome these problems. I know they are blessed and will be together for eternity but I pray that through their committment and love of the Lord their bond will only become stronger!Thank you Jesus!

Such a lovely and thoughtful prayer! Thankyou Brad!!

Bless you heaps!

- BM
Reaching Higher #38


So Which is God's Part and Which is Ours?

I believe all true Believers want God to be actively working in their lives. So this can happen really well for you, it's good to understand how it works:

God's activity in the life of a serious Christian may be termed as "response-driven" rather than "initiative-driven". That is, most often is it not God Who's the One to take the INITIATIVE in our life, but rather He waits for US to move FIRST then He RESPONDS to us - in accordance with some parameters, such as: 1) How we are aiming to be treating Him as God, and 2) How we are aiming to be obedient to Him.

How well we treat Him as God means us working towards making Him (NO disrespect meant) "the top-dog, the boss, the leader" in our lives, rather than ourselves: not an easy task at all, trust me, but one to be worked on most earnestly! How we're obedient to Him means whether we take on board everything we learn that we should and must obey. BUT...

And this is MOST IMPORTANT: it's not at all hard to have LEARNT more new things to obey than you can manage to implement in your life all at once!! God may seem pretty tough sometimes, and He can be, but He's also totally FAIR: I personally have NEVER found God having a problem with above - provided that you WANT to do them as soon as you can! And this is a HEART thing again!!
Because God knows if you GENUINELY want to be obedient as soon as possible - and you truly can rest in that!! HE KNOWS! - and will love you for your seriousness!

I pray for you to be abundantly blessed as you seek to be all HIS!!

- BM, with his Lady

I pray that Bondman gets better!

While in recuperation , may he find joy and rest in knowing that he has 2 new sons in God's kingdom!

Yep a 17 year old boy that the Lord and I shared with on Saturday and a 8 year old boy that helped me Thursday and Saturday knock on doors to invite folks to care-a van activities! A local youth Pastor came out with us on Sunday and gave the message, and this little young fella raised his hand during the all eyes closed and heads bowed salvation prayer.

The 17 year old was sitting in the backseat of his mom's van when the Lord and I walked over to pray with her.

Also I have attached a picture of 13 year old Paulina who comes out to volunteer with the ministry. She came out a year ago to earn a badge for girlscouts and she has been coming out ever since!

Praises to the Lord!

God is good!

Reaching Higher #39


The Miracle of "Imputed" vs. "Actual"

What's this "IMPUTED" thing? Well, God's already done it in you - and incredibly WONDERFUL and IMPORTANT it is too!! To explain. Suppose someone who has horribly murdered people in cold blood, more than once now BELIEVES in Jesus, REPENTS of his sin against God, and gets SAVED!!! When a 100% Righteous and Holy God looks at Him, what would He SEE? Wouldn't He see what we see: a very EVIL PERSON who murdered a number of people, WITHOUT ANY REMORSE whatsoever!!!

No, that's NOT WHAT GOD SEES at all!!! And this is the "MIRACLE" part. Instead of seeing this horrific MURDERER, effectively God now sees just Jesus!!! And therefore He sees only PERFECTION! (It's as if Jesus stands in front of us so God cannot SEE our IMPERFECTION!!) That's not what happens, of course! What HAS HAPPENED is that at the moment of our Salvation... the PERFECTION, the RIGHTEOUSNESS, the GODLINESS of Jesus, and more! - has been IMPUTED to US - where "Imputed" simply means that all of those things of Jesus, God now considers to be in us: AS IF they are all now truly OURS!! - because they ARE!!!
Thus God "SEES" us (as Christians) AS PERFECT, i.e., TOTALLY PERFECT! Perfect like JESUS, from whom our IMPUTED RIGHTEOUSNESS comes!!!
And if THAT doesn't blow our brain then I don't know what will!!! Clearly this IMPUTED RIGHTEOUSNESS is different from our "ACTUAL" (real) righteousness, which may be rather poor, or may be getting and better (my wish for you!!) Our Christian LIFE GOAL should be of GROWING our personal ("actual") RIGHTEOUSNESS closer and closer to Jesus' imputed righteousness that God so GRACIOUSLY - and for absolute FREE - bestowed on us at our Conversion!!! Get that GROWTH really going and you'll be PLEASING God wonderfully!!!

Concluded in next post...
Concluded from previous post...

Are there Scriptures that cover all of the above? Sure are! And is the word "imputed" in the Scriptures? Yes it is! Actually you'll see the same Greek word translated as 3 different English words all basically meaning the same thing: "imputed", "counted", and "accounted".

Romans Ch 4:3 For what does the Scripture say? "Abraham believed God, and it was accounted (imputed) to him for righteousness."
1 Corinthians Ch 1:30 But of Him (God) you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption...
2 Corinthians Ch 5:21 For He (God) made Him (Jesus) who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
Romans Ch 4:4 Now to him who works [trying to keep the Law], the wages are not counted (imputed) as grace but as debt. 5 But to him who does not work [trying to keep the Law] but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted (imputed to Him) for righteousness, 6 just as David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness apart from works: [saying:] 7 "Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, And whose sins are covered..."

Wow, I say AMEN to v. 7!!! And did you notice the things we get imputed with in 1 Corinthians Ch 1:30: Jesus is our WISDOM, our RIGHTEOUSNESS, our SANCTIFICATION and our REDEMPTON!!! Sure works for me!!

Love in Jesus!

- BM, with his Love

Thankyou all for PRAYER! Still unwell (more unwell than "regular unwell" I mean!). Will catch up with posts etc., as soon as I can!

- BM
Jesus is our WISDOM, our RIGHTEOUSNESS, our SANCTIFICATION and our REDEMPTON!!! Sure works for me!!

Amen Bondman.. Ok.. so you and the Mrs. were in prison! Read on! For the latest Care-A-Van news. This is what I share via email with local agencies and churches but sharing here as well.


Care-A-Van got an email yesterday from one of our Christian friends who is a local detective. There was a young woman with four children in need of food for the home.
As I have shared before Care-A-Van is a 24 hour 7 day a week ministry. You all hear about the cookouts, picnics and grocery distributions, but there are so many other stories you don’t get to hear, so if you like to read, grab your cup of coffee, get comfy and read on!

This whole story started with the need for a roll of toilet paper, hence the title of the story. We notified the detective, we would be more than willing to help, so he shared our number with the young woman. Paul and Bridget got busy preparing the bags of groceries. I had offered to meet with the young woman. We played phone tag back and forth for a bit. I originally was going to go visit right after work, but God had other plans.
The young woman had a job interview so we scheduled to meet at 8:00 PM.

When I arrived this evening, I heard a voice holler “come on in!” Mom was busy in the kitchen, so I asked the two boys to help carry the groceries in; even the 2 year old wanted to help. He was so darn cute carrying the bag with bread in it!

Mom and I started visiting and she shared her story with me. Her husband is currently in prison and will be there for 4 years. She just lost her job. I had to tune out the rambunctious voices of the kids as she proceeded with all the details. We shared quite a lengthy conversation. I then asked her what her relationship with God was like. The Lord has really been softening her heart. She had just purchased a bible last week. She had not been in a church since the age of 16. Right then the phone rang; a little voice from the living room called out and said “Mom, its daddy!” Yes her husband was calling from prison. It seems he is allowed 30 calls a month. She said it gets quite expensive. She has to have a special account set up for it which runs about $ 150.00 a month.

All the children took turns talking to their father. As they talked to their father, I silently prayed to my father our Lord and said Oh, Lord guide me! They handed the phone back to mom. You could tell he was concerned and she was trying to reassure him everything was ok. I asked if I could speak to him.

As she handed me the phone, I greeted him and reassured that all was being taken care of in the home for the evening. He thanked me for Care-A-Van being there. I explained it was Jesus that was in the home taking care of things. Not only was he in the home, but he was working through the whole community to take care of the family.

She had been to Genesee Ministry of Concerns and they helped her. She had been to Community Action and they helped her. The local police department has been helping with some issues with the older son. Care-A-Van was now in the home helping and we are contacting Cooperative Extension to help with parenting and nutrition classes for the family. Isn’t it a wonderful feeling to know that each agency is providing for this family!
We are all using the talents that have been gifted to us for the glory of our Lord.

But most importantly, Jesus is guiding it all. As I talked with the husband, I asked him if he ever truly accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. The response was a chilling no. He stated he has been reading the bible and seeking him. Well, a lot of you know me by now; the God given Boldness in me never stops... lol! If you would have told me that some day I would be speaking with a man in prison and sharing the salvation message, I would have thought you crazy! So not to keep you in suspense any longer, the father prayed with me and asked for his salvation and for the Lord to come into his heart. I explained to him, he is a new man now in Christ, the old man is forgiven and the new man is born!
Please keep this young man in your prayers!

I handed the phone back to her. As she chatted with him, I went into the living room to play with and entertain the children. The daughter had fallen asleep on the couch, but the two young boys were alive and well! Next thing I know, I am being smooshed and hugged by the two year old , that ummm… well let’s say that included a not so pleasing aroma! Yes, his diaper was dirty.

I went out to the car and brought my bible in. I shared scriptures of hope with the mom.
God was not done yet. As we talked about her husband, I stated she could have the same new start in life as well. “You know, Jesus forgives you too”. I asked if she would like to pray and have the Lord come into her heart as well. With a resounding yes, we took our hands together and asked the Lord into her heart.

Now we all know that the angels dance when souls come to the Lord, but now the work begins. These two parents have a tough road ahead of them. The mom will be the spiritual head of the household. She needs to have good Christians come along side her to help her and guide her. We have encouraged her to become rooted in a church where she can continue to learn the Word and where the children can get a spiritual foundation.

As I got ready to go, she got busy changing the diaper. Looking back at that moment, I think as I write, just as she wiped her little one’s bottom clean, Jesus wipes our slate clean. Praise the Lord!

In closing I would like to say thank you to Detective Schauf for contacting us. Thank you for going that extra mile to help this family. Thank you to all of you agencies who are helping those in need. Most of all, thank you to all of you for continuing to support Care-A-Van Ministries whether it be in prayer or financially. You truly are making a difference in this community!

Last but not least- I leave you with this thought:

Remember early on in the story I spoke of a not so nice smell, but I can now say

Don’t you just love the Sweet Aroma of Salvation!

Hugs to you all! God Bless and Keep the Light On!

So there you have it.. Bondman and the Mrs. visit prison via phone!

As we say at Care-A-Van .. Keep the Light On
What an amazing story! God is so incredible the things He does. Like you said, hon, if someone had said you'd be evangelising a man in prison - per phone - you'd have said they were crazy, crazy, crazy!

"Praise You Lord for the gift you've given to Faithwoman and for how you lead her to those in need of salvation. You sure are a wondrous God!! Nothing is impossible for You - nothing!! We pray for this family where the future can be nothing but difficult - but You are there to HELP them!! Bless You for all Your WONDERFUL love and grace to us all!"

- BM
Yes, BM is back (though changes are in the wind...)

That sure was NOT a terribly funny time at all - man, I'm glad it's over!! Beloved also seems to be over whatever it was that had her in bed for some days, though I would appreciate continued prayer for her in ALL of her life. Thankyou!!

Bless you every one!!

- BM

Gems #14


I remember one of my Carers many years ago now, who suddently said to me, "You walk in the Spirit, don't you!" I also remember being rather flabbergasted, as it wasn't something I'd thought about much. She'd been to a church that taught this, but sadly was not living it herself... Sure did get ME thinking though! Was I really walking in the Spirit? What did that MEAN, anyway?

Praise God that today I know a little more than back then!! To walk in the SPIRIT basically means living in the Spirit, ordering your life to please God: your life EMPOWERED by Him, Him ENABLING you to live as the person YOU want to be, because you know that's how your GOD wants you to be!! Just two verses after the well known record of the 9 aspects of the FRUIT of the Spirit, Paul says this: Galatians Ch 5:25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Which could just as correctly be translated as: "If we live BY the Spirit, let us also walk BY the Spirit. Good, eh!

When you are FILLED with the Spirit, then you can - and WILL - be WALKING in (by) the Spirit, LIVING in (by) the Spirit, PRAYING in (by) the Spirit - and even more things that in and by the Holy Spirit of the Living God your life will actually be enriched, and you will be growing in righteousness, living more and more like Jesus!!

My prayer is that this be so in YOUR life!!

- BM

Oh! It is SO exciting to hear of God's working miracles! Not only in answering our prayers for Bondman and His Lady, but in the care of people in such need! "Piles and piles" (as Bondman would say) of love and joy to you all for being so faithful in prayer!

Faithwoman, you are such an inspiration with your boldness and your love for the hurting! ((hugs to all!))
Gems #15


Getting things RIGHT in the Christian walk can be mighty difficult at times, can't it! We struggle and fail - and probably even SIN... AGAIN!! And you feel dreadfully GUILTY because you already REPENTED of that failure or sin!!

"Repent" means to CHANGE YOUR MIND - which you've probably ALREADY DONE!! That is, said to the Lord, "I do NOT want to commit that sin any more." But if you DO sin again (a specific sin can sometimes take ages to get sorted), what then? You CONFESS and REPENT again!! Truly!!

Like I've said, God not only knows, but He actually UNDERSTANDS your HEART, and provided you truly WANT to do better, He forgives over and over and over. Oh, and about "WANT" to do better, sometimes it comes down to the "D" word: DESPERATION, i.e., you don't stop the sin until the day arrives when your DETERMINATION to please God OVERCOMES your desire to SIN!! That's DESPERATION (the "D" word), or what I mostly call "Your Desperation Quotient!"

Meantime, PLEASE DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP ABOUT THIS!! Keep going - you can trust me that if you do, then the day will come when (with God helping you!) "Your Desperation Quotient" will give you the VICTORY!!!


- BM, with his Lady

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