THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Oh, yes, dear one, you surely are blessed. But you've "worked" for it. You've not taken the easy route, or slacked off, but have continued facing forward towards the Light which is the Lord Jesus.

When we're OBEDIENT God will bless us! Sometimes He even spoils us!

What so many never seem to get is that we don't have to ASK God to bless us - in fact it's not a good thing to do so, cos it's selfish. Instead what we DO have to do is what He says - always repent as God shows us new sin, commit our lives to the Lord totally, aim towards OBEYING every command that we come across that God says to do. What then? - wow, BLESSINGS FLOW - just as they have into your life!!

And of course one of the very bestest BLESSINGS (that again many don't seem to get at all) is serving Jesus. If you DECIDE that's what you want to do, - and you really MUST!!! - then He will show you how to. Maybe not straight away - we just keep asking for Him to show us until He does!! Service could be money going to GFA Missionaries to take the Gospel to those who've never heard, and/or to our poor and needy "Untouchable" (Dalit) brothers and sisters in Northern India. THAT IS SERVICE!!!! (Without even leavng home!!) Just go to It's as easy as that!!

Loved hearing about the two gals needing prayer, and the pregnant one, and the other work you're doing. I noticed the word "disciple", so that makes you a 'rarey', cos the church just doesn't do discipling like Jesus commanded (Matthew 28:19-20) *terrible feeling of sadness...*

But I really must away to bed before I collapse. I've had an incredibly heavy few days!!

Love to you, and hugs!! So happy for you in your new place!

- BM
Reaching Higher #47


Relating to Our Family in Christ

I thought it worthwhile to copy part of a post I did on a thread here where there had been some reasonably serious problems (which did get sorted, with a good final result).

The 'advice' concerns posting on a forum, but much is SO applicable to our everyday living and church life as well:

A. We don't have to necessarily AGREE about everything. - our HUMANITY makes that difficult to 100% achieve.

We do have to relate together IN LOVE!!! - the HOLY SPIRIT of the Living God makes that possible!! Glory to His precious Name!!

We also need to RESPECT each other, and each other's VIEWS. I do NOT like threads where NO ONE seem to have the common decency to even LISTEN to what the other guy just said!! - because we're MUCH TOO BUSY writing down OUR IDEAS! Guys, that's just crazy!!

B. How can we GROW in the Lord? By LEARNING.


I mean, goodness, the other guy may actually have something to say that I don't know! *shock, horror...* *smile!*

God's given us CRYSTAL CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS about all of this:

James Ch 1:19 So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath;

So it has to be asked: What is it about those two things that we don't understand? Notice: "SWIFT to hear," not SLOW, and certainly not disrespecting our brothers and sisters by NOT LISTENING to them AT ALL!!!

Love to everyone!!

- BM

EDIT: It we Christian Believers cannot LOVE EACH OTHER and LIVE IN PEACE according to His Word, then what hope is there for the world?

James Ch 1:19 So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath;

So it has to be asked: What is it about those two things that we don't understand? Notice: "SWIFT to hear," not SLOW, and certainly not disrespecting our brothers and sisters by NOT LISTENING to them AT ALL!!!

Love to everyone!!

- BM

EDIT: It we Christian Believers cannot LOVE EACH OTHER and LIVE IN PEACE according to His Word, then what hope is there for the world?

Wow Amen! I know I have been guilty of not listening.. me I love to talk.. lol.. but I truly am learning to listen and truly learning to think before I speak.. thanks for the great words Bondman.

Only a couple of days left for the old place. The handyman and his girlfriend came over tonite and helped shampoo the rugs and fix the nail holes.. God is sooooooooo good.. and even more so.. as praise the Lord she found out today she is not pregnant! yippee..

Did I tell you that I have been invited to give my testimony this Thursday at Celebrate Recovery? Please pray for me.. this is quite the honor to be blessed with!

Keeping Bondman lifted in prayer.

Tonight is the night I give my testimony at local church

Hugs Bondman.. hope you are healing and resting well

Thankyou, hon!!

This is a SERIOUS COLLAPSE (like I've not had in years). I'm relying on you guys who are SO good at PRAYER to get me back here and more or less into the Land of the Living!! - because so far from my body I cannot gauge at all how long that may be.

Blessings and love to each of you!

- BM
I am continuing to pray. The testistomony time went great. It is really hard to put 47 years into 20 minutes! Will let you know when the video is done.


It's like just about my whole life suddenly went on hold... I've been like this many times before in my life from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome of course, but it's something you never get used to.

Nothing I can do about it 'cept focus on getting over this crash and back into life.

Thanks a bunch for prayers, hon!

Am SO glad the testimony went great.

Love n hugs!

- BM
The Follower

While Bondman is down and resting, I got the urge to write yesterday while out walking and just thought I would share:

The Follower

Even with the time change and being able to sleep an extra hour, the sunlight pouring through my bedroom window was calling to me. I clambered out of bed, threw my sweats on and headed to the local park to spend time in God’s glorious day.

Upon arriving, I did a few laps around the park with an older woman there. As we circled around the park, she shared from her hearts some of her struggles she was having and that her daughters were having. We had an awesome uplifting conversation and then it was time for her to go.

I headed for the little bench by the water. I have always found peace here this little park.
I sat down with my cup of coffee and there it was I saw them. They floated on the water with such grace; a few squawks could be heard. The geese were enjoying the sun filled day floating around the pond.

As I watched the V formation, with the leader in charge of them flying in and out, it brought to my mind the verse:

Luke 9:23 (NIV) “Then he said to them all “ If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me”.

I thought back to the days that I was not following the Lord. I was caught up in my will and life. When I gave my heart to the Lord and started following him, my life totally changed around. It took and still takes a lot of hard willed determination to deny myself and take up my cross daily to follow him.

At one point, I saw three geese flying. There was one goose in the front with two side by side. I have found in my daily walk that the Lord truly has blessed me with Christian friends who will walk side by side with me. As the formation grew, there were 6 geese now flying together following the leader. This is what Jesus wants. He wants all of us to follow him. The next moment, I saw one geese flying off to the side of the formation flying by himself. Have you ever been that one geese? Have you been off flying on your own path and having no idea where you are going? Truly, God is not an author of confusion. If you get on board and give your heart to the Lord and take up your cross daily and become a follower of him, he will never leave you, nor forsake you. Your days will be much brighter.

As I got in my car to leave after seeing such beauty, the radio on the car was playing a song that stated I will always be there to pick you up. How great is it that knowing when everyone else and everything else fails, that our Lord is right there? Praises to him!

I encourage you this morning as you read this, to keep following the Lord. Why not join in the formation of the other believers, and fly together in peace and harmony. Why not put aside those days of flying alone in life? Just as the geese were squawking this morning, I too may squawk with struggles and tribulations, but the Lord is so gracious and merciful, he brings me right back to his flock. I encourage you to say yes when he speaks to you and says “Follow me”!

Thanks Bondman!
I learned it from you!

Hope you are feeling better!


Tempted to say 'haha', but I won't. Because here's what it's about.

Paul to Timothy:

2 Timothy Ch 2:2 And the [instructions] which you have heard from me along with many witnesses, transmit and entrust [as a deposit] to reliable and faithful men who will be competent and qualified to teach others also.

Here I stand.

Heavenly blessings!

- BM
Hi, friends! It's been awhile, hasn't it? I've been lurking around :smiley60: reading the posts and all, but not really participating.

Sorry to hear you are a little down under again, BM. I am praying that Father will continute to hold you in His mighty arms as you place yourself there once again. Just knowing that you are right with Him and that you have humbly obeyed his calling in your life must be a great blessing to you, as it is to us, the ones you teach.

I have been doing lots of reading books by Yohannan and also Richard Wurmbrand, of Voice of the Martyrs. They are having much influence on me, I must say.

Looking on the sights associated with GFA, I found an organization called Shoes For Orphan Souls. It is with great anticipation that I am starting a drive for shoes to send to their distribution center in Dallas, Texas, where they are distributed to the different countries. Keeping myself busy with these organizations has brought me to places on my knees where I have not gone before, and it is a privilege to bless those who live in desperate times.

I really believe it won't be that long before we in the west will be facing times of lack also. For sure, some already are. And we are beginning to realize that government will have little to offer us. May Father help us be as contented as the Asian Christians are.

It's so important right now to be in a position of humbleness and readiness before it hits us, so we will be able to show others the way of the Father, which is to be content in whatever situation we find ourselves. I'm oh, so thankful for the good teachings I've had from this site, and the foundations that are laid down in my life to make me see this. I feel rich!
Hello Bondman,

Hope you are feeling better now. A man's strength is measured by his will power rather than his physical strength. May God give you strength as you continue to write here. You are doing a great work. I love your sharing.

The Tech Guy
Hello Bondman,

Hope you are feeling better now. A man's strength is measured by his will power rather than his physical strength. May God give you strength as you continue to write here. You are doing a great work. I love your sharing.

The Tech Guy

Hello, my friend! Reading this has definitely made my day!! And welcome to the Forum (your first post!!)

To all my other friends here, we met via a serious computer problem I was having with a major Computer Program Company he works for. Khup helped me more than once, and we discovered we both love Jesus! I invited him to CFS, and here he is. Wow, works for ME!! I just love it when God does things like this!

Bless you in a most major way!!

- BM

Hi, friends! It's been awhile, hasn't it? I've been lurking around :smiley60: reading the posts and all, but not really participating.

Hi Sweets! I suspected you may be lurking! *hee!*

Sorry to hear you are a little down under again, BM. I am praying that Father will continute to hold you in His mighty arms as you place yourself there once again. Just knowing that you are right with Him and that you have humbly obeyed his calling in your life must be a great blessing to you, as it is to us, the ones you teach.

It's much more than a "little", hon... I've certainly been having a pretty awful time, and today the sickest I've been so far. Our wonderful Doctor came to see me last night and is quite concerned about a number of things he wants checked out (incl. in my head - brain). I had an accidental massive fall and hit my heat a beauty some weeks back so it may be bleeding in there! But some things to do with my large bowel I cannot get checked as they would be much too hard on my very weak body... What do we do then? TRUST GOD!! - what else is there to do??

Prayer for Beloved and myself would be most appreciated by you guys who sure have made things happen in the past!

Thankyou so much!!

- BM
Reaching Higher #48


Get Ready. BE Ready!

Quotes from SweetSurrender:

"I have been doing lots of reading books by Yohannan and also Richard Wurmbrand, of Voice of the Martyrs. They are having much influence on me, I must say."

That all sounds WONDERFUL, hon! And seems like what you're doing is getting yourself out of the Western world and seriously into the Kingdom of our God where we all belong! Getting some Christian reality into your life. Woo-hoo!!!

Who of us are getting ourselves ready for martyrdom? And thus to receive the Martyrs' Crown from the Lord God!! Probably His top reward and those will be great in the Kingdom!!!

"Looking on the sights associated with GFA, I found an organization called Shoes For Orphan Souls. It is with great anticipation that I am starting a drive for shoes to send to their distribution center in Dallas, Texas, where they are distributed to the different countries. Keeping myself busy with these organizations has brought me to places on my knees where I have not gone before, and it is a privilege to bless those who live in desperate times."

It's SO exciting to me to see you taking responsibility to effectively and seriously CARE FOR THOSE IN NEED! I can well imagine this bringing you onto your knees! We're starting to look at the Gospel for Asia Christmas gifts we'll be gifting to our Dalit brothers and sisters, and brother and sister Missionaries in South Asia. EXCITING!! (I'm hoping the Lord may let me share with you what's on our final list!)

"I really believe it won't be that long before we in the west will be facing times of lack also. For sure, some already are. And we are beginning to realize that government will have little to offer us. May Father help us be as contented as the Asian Christians are."

"It's so important right now to be in a position of humbleness and readiness before it hits us, so we will be able to show others the way of the Father, which is to be content in whatever situation we find ourselves. I'm oh, so thankful for the good teachings I've had from this site, and the foundations that are laid down in my life to make me see this. I feel rich!"

Oh, wow, you hit the jackpot with your words here!! "It's so important right now to be in a position of humbleness and readiness before it hits us, so we will be able to show others the way of the Father, which is to be content in whatever situation we find ourselves." Great wisdom here!! How many Western Christians are ready for hardship? Answer: very few. You're right about your Government. All the information I'm getting daily from my experts in the money world are warning that when the next lot of sub-prime derivatives on Wall Street and Wall Street Banks start to unravel, this time there will be no way for anyone to stop the results of the naked and appalling GREED of these people and the whole of the world's economy will collapse!!

Are we getting near to the end? Only God Himself knows! But if my guys are anywhere near right (and they usually are!) then maybe this would be right ready for the Antichrist to come and fix this unbelievable and virtually total world MESS!! - so making people think he's really, really great! Most would welcome him (except Believers!!!) if he can do that - as the Scriptures indicate that he will.

We have to NOT take the mark of the beast or worship his image. Doing so will put us into very hot water, to say the least. Those who have followed my advices in Messages here, are hopefully taking themselves out of our world of ease can comfort, LEARNING how to handle HARDSHIP and hard times. We need this DESPERATELY, or we're not going to make it! This is deadly serious as those who cannot stay strong and take the mark end up in HELL!! Read this in Revelation 14:9-12

In following David Pawson's teaching (my Mentor) and reading Revelation, etc., to check out what he's saying, it's just so CLEAR to me that we Believers will go through the 7 years of tribulation. The opposite is normally taught (that we get Raptured prior to the Tribulation) because who wants to hear preaching saying no Rapture prior to the Tribulation?

None of this may happen in our lifetimes. But it MAY!! So GET READY and STAY READY!!

Blessings to everyone reading here!!

- BM (with his Lady)

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