Amen! Praying here for you and the Mrs!
Thankyou, sweetie!
Man, we're both in quite a 'mess' here with our health, and sure need prayer from all who love us!
- BM
Amen! Praying here for you and the Mrs!
\You want to grow in Righteousness? - then let Him CHANGE you. Because via His working IN you, you'll increase in GOOD WORKS, which is part of being RIGHTEOUS (and thus you'll also become less sinful!!) Have I convinced you yet that letting God change you is good, good, good!!!
PROBLEM: well, a potential problem. God can only change you insofar as you LET Him!! He's not going to over-ride the freewill He's blessed all of us with. You want to stay where you are - then He'll let you!! VERY BAD IDEA!! For example, you may have been doing a wrong thing (or things) and man, it's awful easy to sort of be excusing yourself about them via one of a cosiderable number of "reasons" we may use to do this.
The thing for here, today, is to spend time with the Lord to "discover" these things and/or to acknowledge them before Him. This then means CONFESSION and REPENTANCE in His Presence: "Lord, I deliberately change my mind about this [repenting]. Please help me to get the right attitude to it - so You can then HELP me get it fixed!"
THIS leads you towards more and more righteousness and holiness in your life - being very pleasing to the Lord your God!!
May it be so for you!!
I am praying here right now.. and remember he has the plan, he never leaves us nor forsakes us.. he will not leave you or her unattended.. our father is right there providing all you need..
Thank you Jesus!
Oh, BM! I'll be praying! Although it's probably over by the time you get this. It's Tue right now where I am. I'm praying that there WILL be someone who WILL understand CFS, and they will treat your beloved. Above all, she is in His hands now. And you also, dear. Remember, He loves you more than you'll ever know. That's what you tell me! Love and prayers . . . Sweets
Dear Bondman! I want to let you know that You and Nettie are in our prayers.