THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Prayer needed

Good morning,
Yesterday was a tough day, as I got a call from my mother, that my father has been diagnosed with Prostrate cancer.

Please keep my parents in prayer during this time. My brothers are coming in from New Jersey to be with my dad when he goes to the doctors today.
I will stay put here and keep praying.

My daughter is coming up for the week=-end with a girlfriend , so I am excited about that.

Have a blessed day all and thank you for your prayers.

Oh, my dear one, I'm so sorry to hear that!

Any cancer is a worry. Prostate cancer can be a worry, or slow-progressing. It's pretty common actually, and many older men have it but don't know, and may well live out their life 'normally'.

Beloved's Dad died from this cancer.

"May Robyn and her family, and especially her father, live every moment of every day in Your peace, Lord God."

Many hugs, sweetie!

- BM
Reaching Higher #49


Some Important "Fear Nots"

1. DO NOT FEAR NEW TRUTH. When an important or major new truth is presented to you, and is VERY different from what you currently believe, it can easily enough feel like you've been tipped on your head!! - and your whole belief system put "under threat". It can even leave you feeling like the foundation of your whole life has been taken away - and that's scary!

FEAR NOT!! God is still God. He is still YOUR God. HE is still totally stable. He is your ROCK!! Nothing, but nothing can move that rock!!

2. DO NOT FEAR DISCOVERING THAT AN IMPORTANT TRUTH YOU BELIEVE IS WRONG. This also can be a real shock. And by feeling like the rug has just been pulled out from under you, it's easy enough to go into gloom and even a real 'downer'.

But this discovery is: a. Quite wonderful! You are in the process of getting a wrong, an error of belief, out of your life. Whoo-hoo!! b. Now, in place of it, you can install the correct belief! This is better than a woman spring-cleaning her house! You can now move forward with a new spring in your spiritual step, a new spiritual vigour. 'Tis good, really really good!

FEAR NOT!! God is still in His heaven, concerned for you, loving you. He is there as your SUPPORT. Lean on Him. Every time your mind feels concern or worse, go back to the security of the Father's arms right around you!

3. DO NOT FEAR CHANGE. Oh, this is a big one in so many lives. We like the securityof "where we are", right! We don't want the boat rocked! No way! When a necessity to CHANGE comes, we may cringe, sneaking back to where it feels safe. But this not good. It will prevent GROWTH. Growth can COME only via change!

Here is a new mindset for you to help you view things differently: CHANGE IS YOUR FRIEND. It is not your enemy!

FEAR NOT!! God will go before you! He will gently and lovingly lead you by the hand into the new place. He's been in that place since forever! He knows every tiniest nook and cranny of this new experience of yours. Rest in Him. Don't look at the past, dare to start moving forward into a new and exciting walk with the Lord!! (See also Next Message about Change.)

Heavenly blessings to all who are still reading here!!

- BM (with his Lady)


1. I ended the Message above wishing "Heavenly blessings to all who are still reading here!!" The next day there were a total of 164 visits to The Inner Room and Disciple! threads, so apparently there are still a 'few' who come to read! (Works for ME!!)

"Bless You Jesus, for helping us to learn about You and all of Your wonderful works. May we truly all be learning and growing - towards Maturity! Thankyou my Lord and Master!!"

2. I'm still not over the collapse I had exactly 3 weeks ago. I'm surprised how long it's taking. I have improved quite a deal though. THANKYOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS!!!!

3. As you've probably noticed, I've taken on the job of being a Helper here on CFS. I said yes to this when the Lord surprised me by saying that I should!! Learning all that I have to to do this task is rather massive and I have a lot still to go.

Because of this, PLUS aiming to get fully over the health collapse, I am posting Messages just when I'm able. For the time being I'll continue to notify you of new Messages at the top of my Sig.

Agape (love) to you all - because of Jesus!!!

- BM
Reaching Higher #50


Letting God CHANGE You

It's actually quite easy to be "fighting" God with the changes He wants to bring into your life - yet without actually realising that you are!

You are His workmanship according to this incredible verse: Ephesians Ch 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Please read that again - slooowly. Allow your mind and spirit to take in each of the amazing statements in just this ONE verse!!! You're not only being remade by God to be like Jesus, but this was already PLANNED by God eons ago!!

You want to grow in Righteousness? - then let Him CHANGE you. Because via His working IN you, you'll increase in GOOD WORKS, which is part of being RIGHTEOUS (and thus you'll also become less sinful!!) Have I convinced you yet that letting God change you is good, good, good!!!

PROBLEM: well, a potential problem. God can only change you insofar as you LET Him!! He's not going to over-ride the freewill He's blessed all of us with. You want to stay where you are - then He'll let you!! VERY BAD IDEA!! For example, you may have been doing a wrong thing (or things) and man, it's awful easy to sort of be excusing yourself about them via one of a cosiderable number of "reasons" we may use to do this.

The thing for here, today, is to spend time with the Lord to "discover" these things and/or to acknowledge them before Him. This then means CONFESSION and REPENTANCE in His Presence: "Lord, I deliberately change my mind about this [repenting]. Please help me to get the right attitude to it - so You can then HELP me get it fixed!"

THIS leads you towards more and more righteousness and holiness in your life - being very pleasing to the Lord your God!!

May it be so for you!!

- BM

See also Section 3 in Previous Message about Change

You want to grow in Righteousness? - then let Him CHANGE you. Because via His working IN you, you'll increase in GOOD WORKS, which is part of being RIGHTEOUS (and thus you'll also become less sinful!!) Have I convinced you yet that letting God change you is good, good, good!!!

PROBLEM: well, a potential problem. God can only change you insofar as you LET Him!! He's not going to over-ride the freewill He's blessed all of us with. You want to stay where you are - then He'll let you!! VERY BAD IDEA!! For example, you may have been doing a wrong thing (or things) and man, it's awful easy to sort of be excusing yourself about them via one of a cosiderable number of "reasons" we may use to do this.

The thing for here, today, is to spend time with the Lord to "discover" these things and/or to acknowledge them before Him. This then means CONFESSION and REPENTANCE in His Presence: "Lord, I deliberately change my mind about this [repenting]. Please help me to get the right attitude to it - so You can then HELP me get it fixed!"

THIS leads you towards more and more righteousness and holiness in your life - being very pleasing to the Lord your God!!

May it be so for you!!
Amen Bondman! Great messages! Thanks so much! Congrats on being asked to be a helper! They could not have picked a better person! What an honor! Praises to our Lord!

Update on Father- Saw the doctor.. he has two choices .. do nothing, or do extreme radiation which is 78 seconds Mon-Fri for 8 weeks.

My parents have chosen to spend the holidays with their family, they will still to go Florida in January for 3 months. When they get back, they will see how things are and what if any is their decision for treatment. I am believing in our Lord's healing for my father. We serve a mighty God, so come spring hence.. there will be nothing to treat, it is already being healed.

Have been staying busy with Care=A=Van and trying to get settled in my new apartment. My daughter and her friend were her this week-end! They went out on the bus- it was their idea to make a thankful box, so they had folks write on a piece of paper what they were thankful for or prayer requests. Elder Ron our Care-A-Van minister then prayed over the box after arrving back from the streets. The Lord fed 47 families today! The Jesus in me got to witness to a young woman and she accepted the Lord and she came to church today.

My daughter and her friend put up my Christmas tree. It was a super week-end! Hugs and keep on sharing and teaching!

Oh, your Dad's condition is serious. I'm very sorry to hear that, hon! I think it's good that he's cotinuing normally for Christmas. If we got cancer we would not treat it at all (just medicated for pain), because it basically prolongs your period of sickness, without healing, and we much prefer to go and be with the Lord. That's just us. Not everyone is going to see it that way.

Glad you had your daughter and friend along and with you onto the streets. Great to hear of the latest you spoke to for the Lord and came to church. That's a wow!!

Hugs back to you!

- BM

EDIT: Being a Helper is plain hard work! But also a joy!!

My Beloved is very ill, with serious pain in her side that could involve one or more of 3 major organs. It's not new, but this flare-up is serious. The pain is 24-hr non-stop.

Food makes the pain worse, but she cannot take pain-killers without food or that makes her violently ill. Similarly she cannot drink a lot of water or she will throw up. These things are all normal for her - but extra bad with this bodily problem.

She's sheduled for an Ultarsound tomorrow (midnight Wed. Eastern Summer Time), but is so weak from lack of food that I'm unsure she'll manage it. Some hours later our great Doctor will arrive to see her and the results of the test.

If she has to be hospitalised (seems likely) this will be very hard for her as they simply do not understand Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and the things we need to be properly looked after there.

And in the event she does go to hospital that leaves me here without anyone to look after me, so that will be quite challenge - but with Gertie my trusty power-chair somehow I WILL manage!!

We've both lived with death for so many years and sometimes freak out our carers when we speak normally and openly about it. But the fact is that if she has to be operated on she's so weakened and ill in general, that it's possible I could end up without my Beloved...

HOWEVER, I am praying most earnestly about the whole thing, and I have great confidence in the mercy and grace and love and care of my God and your God!!!

Thankyou SO much for caring!!!

- BM

I will keep you posted here in this thread.
Oh, BM! I'll be praying! Although it's probably over by the time you get this. It's Tue right now where I am. I'm praying that there WILL be someone who WILL understand CFS, and they will treat your beloved. Above all, she is in His hands now. And you also, dear. Remember, He loves you more than you'll ever know. That's what you tell me! Love and prayers . . . Sweets
I am praying here right now.. and remember he has the plan, he never leaves us nor forsakes us.. he will not leave you or her unattended.. our father is right there providing all you need..
Thank you Jesus!

I am praying here right now.. and remember he has the plan, he never leaves us nor forsakes us.. he will not leave you or her unattended.. our father is right there providing all you need..
Thank you Jesus!


Thankyou so much for your prayers, dear one!

Yes, she's just left to get the Ultrasound done. Within 4 to 5 hours, we should know what will need to be done.

There's no better place, is there, than to be in the hands of the Living God!!


- BM
Oh, BM! I'll be praying! Although it's probably over by the time you get this. It's Tue right now where I am. I'm praying that there WILL be someone who WILL understand CFS, and they will treat your beloved. Above all, she is in His hands now. And you also, dear. Remember, He loves you more than you'll ever know. That's what you tell me! Love and prayers . . . Sweets

It's 2pm Wed here, and her carer has just taken her out to get the Ultrasound done. She'll wait for the expert to read it and write to our Doc, then come home. Our Doc will then come just before tea time (4 hours or so from now), and at that stage we should know what's going to happen next, which I'll put up on the thread soon as I know.

He does indeed love me (AND you!) more than we can understand or know.

Thankyou so much for your love and care!!

How are things at your place?

Lotsa love!

- BM

Thankyou so, so much for all of your prayers!!!

My Lady managed to get the Ultrasound done and when Doc came last night he said the results were not good. I had to get up (too!) early for my poor ole body to start the organising of getting her to hospital for an operation today.

I'm currently waiting to hear back from the Surgeon who will be doing the operation to see if he's managed to find a hospital bed.

It's not a complicated operation (keyhole), and she'll then be without the part of her body that's been giving her the appalling pain and trouble. At her age, and for a well person it would be no problem. But for an extremely ill person with very little in the way of energy and health reserves, there can be no promises of any kind as to the final outcome... If she ends up back home here to me that will be GOD and because of your prayers for us!!

We've always kept up to date on a daily basis regarding one losing the other, so that's all okay, but Beloved is fairly freaked out as to how it all may go. Very understandable for an ill person who's had 24-hr pain for days, unable to eat, and as a result is in even worse state at the moment.

I'm unable to go to the hospital of course. Once she's able to talk, we'll have just some phone contact (hard!) We're about as organised as we can be for me to be able to look after myself here while she's in hospital for a number of days.

I have total confidence in the Lord God who loves us and cares for us!!

Thankyou all again, and bless you so much! I'll continue to update here.

- BM

EDIT: I've just this moment heard back from the Surgeon and she'll probably be in surgery at 5 or 6pm (Thu.) here. That's Thu 3-4am EST in America.
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