Blessings beyone measure to the One Who loves us with an everlasting love - all things being equal, my dear Beloved will be coming home tomorrow!!!!! We were agreeing today that to us both it feels like at least a month since she went to hospital last week!
The reason for this decision came after she had a really good talk with Sue, her favourite nurse, who was the one who looked after her in Recovery. They talked together, trying to overview the situation. First things they looked at were: 1) She's still not improving (but that's exactly what's expected in a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome person who's just had a fairly big operation). But: 2) She is not going backwards, i.e., she's HOLDING, and that's purely wonderful!!
Next, looking at the high blood-pressure, and heart rate, Sue said she believed that hospital was now doing that to my Beloved!! - because every day she's becoming more and more stressed from the continual noise, 2 hours sleep a night, totally wrong bed for her back, food at times that do not suit her body, and more. Wonderful hospital - but she needs to get home.
She rang me and put this to me. I immediately felt peace in my spirit about it (whereas I've been wanting her to stay long as possible). And guess what, with just the decision made, BP reduced from 180 to 150 within a few hours!! What amazing things our bodies are!
So Karen will be collecting her at 10am tomorrow and we will be back together again (maybe the best possible medicine!!) Hallelujah!! - and I just CANNOT WAIT!!!!
Now, for 4 days a week (Karen is here for around 3 hours Mon, Wed, Fri) I will need to look after her as well as myself. Gertie will be getting a fair ole workout, as I won't be game to either use my crutches at all, or walk short distances, as this will just use up precious energy. We're perfectly aware that it won't be easy, but I truly believe I can do it - with the help of my Master!!
My computer is still dead, and things I need from it ARE causing me some problems and stress. I hope to be able to access our backup disk maybe tomorrow (would you believe it was not available also!!!), copy from there some things that I don't have, but need, and that will solve some of the problems. My PC will then have to go to be fixed.
Meantime, my heart is so FULL from the love that's literally surrounded us as you've prayed to the Lord for us. No possible way to adequately thank you!! I haven't even had time to create a Thankyou graphic... For those who wish to go, know how many miracles God brought into our lives through your prayers, and how grateful we are to each one of you. I THANK YOU, and my Lady THANKS YOU!!!
For those who will stay with us a little longer, all prayers will help us during the coming days and maybe longer. I will continue Updates for you.
All of our love and blessings to every single one of you dear brothers and sisters!!!
- BM