Reaching Higher #53
Please Take Note of How Serious THIS Is For You - Part 2
... Continued from Part 1, "Christmas Giving - or TRUE Christmas Giving?"
(At the bottom is our Christmas gift list that I promised). Meantime, one of the most scary passages we can read in the whole of Scriptures is what Jesus spoke in Matthew Ch 19:16-30. In v. 23 He categorically states, "It is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." Okay, that's obviously very serious! But I think we'd better try and define "rich" so that we understand what Jesus is truly saying to us.
We know this man is rich - very rich! And in comparison the man and his wife in the avatar over to the left (and up a bit), who both live on Government Pensions that are BELOW Australia's official poverty line, well we're hardly going to call them rich, right! Yet if we make some extremely basic comparisons between Bill Gates and us it comes out something like this:
1. We both enjoy 3 square meals a day, nutritious ones. 2. We both always have on-tap clean running water. 3. We both have a good home that protects us from the elements. 4. We both have clothing suitable for all situations. 5. We both have transport that enables us to travel easily to wherever we wish. (6. Interestingly, we also both have access to the world via TV, Newspapers, and the Internet.)
So when you boil it down to these life essentials, basically we are as RICH as Mr Gates!! Sure, all of his things may be bigger, fancier, more expensive, such that people will perceive that he really lives well, which he does! BUT... so do we!!! WHY? Because we lack NOTHING that could POSSIBLY put us into the category of POOR.
In contrast, these people most certainly ARE POOR (NOT RICH):
Obviously this man is poor, lacking so much.
She's poor too, but maybe not lacking quite so much,
whereas these dear folk are clearly very poor!
It appears that they are poor and desperate for food,
while the state of these dear ones is all too clear!
Let's check very, VERY closely WHY we would call them NOT RICH? - because almost all of them are seriously lacking in the basics of life (numbers 1 to 4) and almost certainly 5 and 6 as well. So we have now clearly identified two quite disparate groups of people in the world: a)Those who are NOT RICH and: b) those who ARE RICH.You and I are incontrovertibly in the group who are RICH (like, you have a computer, transport, clean water, adequate clothing, a home to live in, nutritional food, and so, so, so much more!!) You may not feel like it, but we are the Kings and Queens of this world because of our incredibly HIGH and RICH standard of living.
This graphic illustrates what I'm saying: the light colours are the rich ones: North America, Australia and New Zealand, Western Europe, some parts of Africa and the Middle East, and a country in South America. These countries are where the rich live, enjoying ALL of the basics of life above. The darkest colours are the poor countries: all of India, parts of North West Africa and also in the South East, where the people LACK the very basics of life.
If we're now clear about us being RICH, let's hear what Jesus went on to say about this (and the disciples response!): Matthew Ch 19:24 And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” 25 When His disciples heard it, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?” Okay, so here Jesus is NOT saying it's totally impossible for rich people like all of us to be saved, just that it's mighty, mighty, mighty difficult!!! - MEANING THAT ACTION IS REQUIRED!!
Alright, there are TWO things you can - AND MUST - do about your richness (if you've not already done so), and the two of us can now speak from a position of "been there, done that" because they are the path we followed (and we're still alive to tell the tale! *grin!*) The FIRST is to start changing your ATTITUDE to riches: the "I want this, I want that" attitude I mean. And especially the "I want better, I want the best, and I want more" attitude. And even the "but I deserve this" attitude.
SECOND is to start putting this ATTITUDE into ACTION. This means that your aim is ultimately to stop spending any and all money UNLESS IT ABSOLUTELY HAS TO BE SPENT, having the "not so good", buying the cheaper/cheapest) (OR spend spend more now if this will bring a saving in the long run), repairing rather than replacing, buying second hand, etc., etc. Get creative!! The end result of this is a much SIMPLER life-style, living considerably more cheaply, NO LONGER having the best, NOT spending a fortune on holidays, NOT having all the ease and comforts of the rich life and the good life (which is being WORLDLY anyway!!) - and... it truly feels GREAT!! Still rich - but doing our very, very best NOT to be!!
BEST OF ALL of course, is the money that you save (as you can see below with us) to GIVE to the really NEEDY of this world (particularly our most needy Brothers and Sisters in Christ), as well as to help reach the lost of Christ. Alright then, below is our Christmas gift list as promised. (Because of all our health problems we've still not sent off the money, so we may still vary this, but it will give you a fair idea of what we do.)
There's a basic choice between gifts to help present the Gospel and gifts for the needy - primarily for struggling Dalit ("Untouchable") Christian families. That's a WHOO-HOO!!! Both areas are clearly very IMPORTANT! I've put some comments on all of our items. All figures are in US Dollars. The URL is at:, and DO watch the Video! Or if you're not reading this at Christmas: Exactly 100% of your gift reaches it's destination, guaranteed!!
Our income for the year (2 Government Disability Support Pensions): approx. $20,700. Savings from that allowed our choice of gifts as follows:
.. 2 Vocational Training $60 (Very PRACTICAL!! Helping the poor to a job!)
.. 10 pairs Rabbits $110 (breed rapidly - for food and to sell pairs they breed)
.. 5 pairs Chickens $55 (similar)
.. Towards a Water Buffalo $100 (read all the things this animal can do!!)
.. 1 Goat $60 (tough, eats anything - milk, breeding, manure for fertiliser)
.. 2 Bicycles $210 (a bike CHEAPLY "doubles" a Missionary!! - reach twice the area!!)
.. 2 Child of Hope Packets $100 (start 1st ever school for Dalit kids - massive effects!)
.. 10 Gospel Literature $10 (200 tracts in each - VERY effective for evangelism)
.. 1 Toolkit $75 (EXTREMELY practical for growing food, and more!)
.. 5 Packs of New Testaments $20 (8 copies per pack - for Mishos to give away)
.. 2 BioSand Water Filters $60 (the 'wonder' of clean water, like ours!!!)
.. Towards the Jesus Film, Indian: "Man of Mercy" $200 (MAJOR evangelistic medium!)
.. Towards a Jesus Well $100 (good water for a whole village, Believers and unbelievers!!)
.. 10 blankets $50 (for seriously poor people in draughty houses)
.. Towards a Dairy Cow $55 (milk, cheese, butter, sell calves - wonderful!!)
.. 1 Pig $55 (piglets, bacon, pork)
.. Medical Ministry $70 (helping the many great needs of poor people!)
All Gifts $1,390. Add $550 in monthly gifts - $1,940 for the year. Not quite a tithe (we don't try to tithe anyway), but we did increase our Christmas gifts by almost 50% this year. Praise YOU, Lord!! What for next year? God knows! (May depend a lot on major items like fridge, hot-water system, etc., not dying on us!!)
Above is NOT trying to show how "wonderful" we are, or some such - we're not! - but as a true-to-life example, and to CHALLENGE you! Some of you could give more than we did, if you do as I've said what you simply MUST do: change your rich life-style. Others may have to start small like we did. The important thing is to START! We did... *smile*
"Blessed God, please bless this Message to many, many hearts. May they respond to Your Word, respond to the desperate needs of those in extreme poverty, and respond to Your call to reach, tell, and disciple the most unreached for Christ - indicating by their DEEDS that the oh-so-costly gift of Your Son was never in vain!! Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, Lord!!!"
- BM (with his Lady)
Continued in Part 3, "Why We Don't Have Spare Money"...