THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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This is both wonderful and disheartening news. So wonderful that your beloved is doing so well but so sad to hear your are down hard(er). I've passed your report on to my group and know that they will lift you in sincerest prayer. And my friend you are at the top of my prayer list. God speed the healing!
My dear friend Nick, God has blessed you with such wonderful heart of care and love!!

Thankyou for your kind and encouraging words, as always, and please say a BIG THANKYOU to your prayer people from us both!

With much love!

- BM
Stepping out in Faith

First of all, Bondman, know you are in my prayers! I continue to pray for the both of you.

I also ask all of your prayers here as I am about to step out in Faith.
God has put it upon my heart to open my home for a women's support group! I have been praying lately for a place for these hurting women to go to for support and love that we see on the streets. I placed a request within our newsletter with no response.

God spoke and said what about you Robin? me? Yes you. have I not blessed you with a beautiful home with a huge dining room? umm yes Lord. then step out he said.. soooooooo I am.

This Tuesday will be the kick off.. It will be held every Tuesday. It will be an informal night where hurting women can come, share of their struggles , pray for one another and just let the God lead the evening. There will not be a "formal" bible study, as I not totally equipped for that.
There will be sharing of scripture and such. I have prayed for God to bring other grounded Christian women along side of me to help with this endeavor.

On Tuesday evenings, Paul the founder of Care-A-Van opens his home for men.. many of these men's wives, girfriends and such have been asking about a place for them.. Everyone is pretty excited about it.. so please pray..

I am excited to as I know this is also is a way that God is having me stay within my home to get rooted and grounded with the place he has blessed me with.
Have a super week-end. We were at Christmas in the City tonight and served over 450 brownies and cups of hot chocolate! We will be out in the AM for grocery distribution.

and oh.. did I mention..God gave me strength yesterday as a old male friend from 3 years ago rang.. wanted to get together.. it took all the strength in me to say no! But victory was won.. Bondman i know you will understand where I am coming from.. it was an old sales rep from my old job. God is good. Thank you Lord for the healing you are doing in all!
God Bless Faithwoman!


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Reaching Higher #53


Please Take Note of How Serious THIS Is For You - Part 2

... Continued from Part 1, "Christmas Giving - or TRUE Christmas Giving?"

(At the bottom is our Christmas gift list that I promised). Meantime, one of the most scary passages we can read in the whole of Scriptures is what Jesus spoke in Matthew Ch 19:16-30. In v. 23 He categorically states, "It is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." Okay, that's obviously very serious! But I think we'd better try and define "rich" so that we understand what Jesus is truly saying to us.

We know this man is rich - very rich! And in comparison the man and his wife in the avatar over to the left (and up a bit), who both live on Government Pensions that are BELOW Australia's official poverty line, well we're hardly going to call them rich, right! Yet if we make some extremely basic comparisons between Bill Gates and us it comes out something like this:

1. We both enjoy 3 square meals a day, nutritious ones. 2. We both always have on-tap clean running water. 3. We both have a good home that protects us from the elements. 4. We both have clothing suitable for all situations. 5. We both have transport that enables us to travel easily to wherever we wish. (6. Interestingly, we also both have access to the world via TV, Newspapers, and the Internet.)

So when you boil it down to these life essentials, basically we are as RICH as Mr Gates!! Sure, all of his things may be bigger, fancier, more expensive, such that people will perceive that he really lives well, which he does! BUT... so do we!!! WHY? Because we lack NOTHING that could POSSIBLY put us into the category of POOR.

In contrast, these people most certainly ARE POOR (NOT RICH):
Obviously this man is poor, lacking so much.
She's poor too, but maybe not lacking quite so much,

whereas these dear folk are clearly very poor!

It appears that they are poor and desperate for food,

while the state of these dear ones is all too clear!

Let's check very, VERY closely WHY we would call them NOT RICH? - because almost all of them are seriously lacking in the basics of life (numbers 1 to 4) and almost certainly 5 and 6 as well. So we have now clearly identified two quite disparate groups of people in the world: a)Those who are NOT RICH and: b) those who ARE RICH.You and I are incontrovertibly in the group who are RICH (like, you have a computer, transport, clean water, adequate clothing, a home to live in, nutritional food, and so, so, so much more!!) You may not feel like it, but we are the Kings and Queens of this world because of our incredibly HIGH and RICH standard of living.

This graphic illustrates what I'm saying: the light colours are the rich ones:
North America, Australia and New Zealand, Western Europe, some parts of Africa and the Middle East, and a country in South America. These countries are where the rich live, enjoying ALL of the basics of life above. The darkest colours are the poor countries: all of India, parts of North West Africa and also in the South East, where the people LACK the very basics of life.

If we're now clear about us being RICH, let's hear what Jesus went on to say about this (and the disciples response!): Matthew Ch 19:24 And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” 25 When His disciples heard it, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?” Okay, so here Jesus is NOT saying it's totally impossible for rich people like all of us to be saved, just that it's mighty, mighty, mighty difficult!!! - MEANING THAT ACTION IS REQUIRED!!

Alright, there are TWO things you can - AND MUST - do about your richness (if you've not already done so), and the two of us can now speak from a position of "been there, done that" because they are the path we followed (and we're still alive to tell the tale! *grin!*) The FIRST is to start changing your ATTITUDE to riches: the "I want this, I want that" attitude I mean. And especially the "I want better, I want the best, and I want more" attitude. And even the "but I deserve this" attitude.

SECOND is to start putting this ATTITUDE into ACTION. This means that your aim is ultimately to stop spending any and all money UNLESS IT ABSOLUTELY HAS TO BE SPENT, having the "not so good", buying the cheaper/cheapest) (OR spend spend more now if this will bring a saving in the long run), repairing rather than replacing, buying second hand, etc., etc. Get creative!! The end result of this is a much SIMPLER life-style, living considerably more cheaply, NO LONGER having the best, NOT spending a fortune on holidays, NOT having all the ease and comforts of the rich life and the good life (which is being WORLDLY anyway!!) - and... it truly feels GREAT!! Still rich - but doing our very, very best NOT to be!!

BEST OF ALL of course, is the money that you save (as you can see below with us) to GIVE to the really NEEDY of this world (particularly our most needy Brothers and Sisters in Christ), as well as to help reach the lost of Christ. Alright then, below is our Christmas gift list as promised. (Because of all our health problems we've still not sent off the money, so we may still vary this, but it will give you a fair idea of what we do.)

There's a basic choice between gifts to help present the Gospel and gifts for the needy - primarily for struggling Dalit ("Untouchable") Christian families. That's a WHOO-HOO!!! Both areas are clearly very IMPORTANT! I've put some comments on all of our items. All figures are in US Dollars. The URL is at:, and DO watch the Video! Or if you're not reading this at Christmas: Exactly 100% of your gift reaches it's destination, guaranteed!!

Our income for the year (2 Government Disability Support Pensions): approx. $20,700. Savings from that allowed our choice of gifts as follows:
.. 2 Vocational Training $60 (Very PRACTICAL!! Helping the poor to a job!)
.. 10 pairs Rabbits $110 (breed rapidly - for food and to sell pairs they breed)
.. 5 pairs Chickens $55 (similar)
.. Towards a Water Buffalo $100 (read all the things this animal can do!!)
.. 1 Goat $60 (tough, eats anything - milk, breeding, manure for fertiliser)
.. 2 Bicycles $210 (a bike CHEAPLY "doubles" a Missionary!! - reach twice the area!!)
.. 2 Child of Hope Packets $100 (start 1st ever school for Dalit kids - massive effects!)
.. 10 Gospel Literature $10 (200 tracts in each - VERY effective for evangelism)
.. 1 Toolkit $75 (EXTREMELY practical for growing food, and more!)
.. 5 Packs of New Testaments $20 (8 copies per pack - for Mishos to give away)
.. 2 BioSand Water Filters $60 (the 'wonder' of clean water, like ours!!!)
.. Towards the Jesus Film, Indian: "Man of Mercy" $200 (MAJOR evangelistic medium!)
.. Towards a Jesus Well $100 (good water for a whole village, Believers and unbelievers!!)
.. 10 blankets $50 (for seriously poor people in draughty houses)
.. Towards a Dairy Cow $55 (milk, cheese, butter, sell calves - wonderful!!)
.. 1 Pig $55 (piglets, bacon, pork)
.. Medical Ministry $70 (helping the many great needs of poor people!)

All Gifts $1,390. Add $550 in monthly gifts - $1,940 for the year. Not quite a tithe (we don't try to tithe anyway), but we did increase our Christmas gifts by almost 50% this year. Praise YOU, Lord!! What for next year? God knows! (May depend a lot on major items like fridge, hot-water system, etc., not dying on us!!)

Above is NOT trying to show how "wonderful" we are, or some such - we're not! - but as a true-to-life example, and to CHALLENGE you! Some of you could give more than we did, if you do as I've said what you simply MUST do: change your rich life-style. Others may have to start small like we did. The important thing is to START! We did... *smile*

"Blessed God, please bless this Message to many, many hearts. May they respond to Your Word, respond to the desperate needs of those in extreme poverty, and respond to Your call to reach, tell, and disciple the most unreached for Christ - indicating by their DEEDS that the oh-so-costly gift of Your Son was never in vain!! Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, Lord!!!"

- BM (with his Lady)

Continued in Part 3, "Why We Don't Have Spare Money"...

First of all, Bondman, know you are in my prayers! I continue to pray for the both of you.

I also ask all of your prayers here as I am about to step out in Faith.
God has put it upon my heart to open my home for a women's support group! I have been praying lately for a place for these hurting women to go to for support and love that we see on the streets. I placed a request within our newsletter with no response.

God spoke and said what about you Robin? me? Yes you. have I not blessed you with a beautiful home with a huge dining room? umm yes Lord. then step out he said.. soooooooo I am.

This Tuesday will be the kick off.. It will be held every Tuesday. It will be an informal night where hurting women can come, share of their struggles , pray for one another and just let the God lead the evening. There will not be a "formal" bible study, as I not totally equipped for that.
There will be sharing of scripture and such. I have prayed for God to bring other grounded Christian women along side of me to help with this endeavor.

On Tuesday evenings, Paul the founder of Care-A-Van opens his home for men.. many of these men's wives, girfriends and such have been asking about a place for them.. Everyone is pretty excited about it.. so please pray..

I am excited to as I know this is also is a way that God is having me stay within my home to get rooted and grounded with the place he has blessed me with.
Have a super week-end. We were at Christmas in the City tonight and served over 450 brownies and cups of hot chocolate! We will be out in the AM for grocery distribution.

and oh.. did I mention..God gave me strength yesterday as a old male friend from 3 years ago rang.. wanted to get together.. it took all the strength in me to say no! But victory was won.. Bondman i know you will understand where I am coming from.. it was an old sales rep from my old job. God is good. Thank you Lord for the healing you are doing in all!
God Bless Faithwoman!

Well, that's sure a major step to have taken, hon! Rather exciting! - well done indeed!!

As for the phone call ending with a "No!!" - oh, I really am proud of you!

"Thankyou, Lord, for blessing our gal like You have. Giving her strength to say No when it had to be said. And to say Yes whet IT needed to be said. May many, many ladies and lasses be helped each Tuesday evening!"

Hurting people need help. These are also the needy like we've seriously spoken about here numbers of times. And I feel that a 'get-together' like you plan is about as good as it gets. It's real, it can achieve marvellous things, and it can bring people into the Kingdom.

Bless you as you continue your journey, and especially next Tues. night!!

- BM
Powerful , powerful message Bondman... I mean like powerful beyond words... now the next step. for us all to Take heed. I mean let it sink in..
Think about if you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day what it is costing you.. think of where this money could go.. I mean really.. as we all know that has been my cross to take up daily.. one minute I think I am free, declare I am free and then had gone back.. why? because I lacked in fighting the flesh.. oh yes.. many will say the enemy, devil,, no gosh darn it.. it is my flesh.. to die to my flesh, to take that money and to help others.. what a way to think about that.. as one crosses the lips.. who I am taking life away from, whom could I be helping? let alone the health damage it does to one's body.

Ok.. enough rambling.. and I could use a little help.. if anyone can think of a creative name for the Tuesday women support group, that would be awesome.. hmm I thought of Thankful Tuesdays, Women Who Care.. not that it has to have a name, but I just thought it would be great to have.

God bless Bondman.. your message could not have come at a better time.

God Bless!
Faithwoman.. 2 days to go...
Well, that's excellent to hear, hon! I love your thinking! - and it's one more piece of ammunition to use against your flesh! Others who read the Message will have different things to "fight", and I pray that what you've said may be a help to them.

I'm pretty good at names, but am so brain-tired that I can't think of a good one for your meeting. Maybe Tuesday Togetherness, or (just) Togetherness, or Together Tuesday. Erk, they're pathetic! (but could then be referred to as going to TT at Robin's). How about Tuesday Night at Robin's (TNR for short). Okay, I quit...

Bless ya, hon. Praying!

- BM
Please pray

Thank you Bondman! I come tonight to ask for prayer for a need and that need is for God to show and give his wisdom to us at Care-A-Van. I was talking to Paul tonight after I did two home visits for delivery of food, one to a woman who just got out of jail 2 weeks ago due to a DWI.. Driving While Intoxicated and one to a family of 5 that was short on food.

I called Paul and he answered and I said Oh the webs we weave and I shared the stories of the night.. as we talked he said there is something missing Robin and I just cannot put my finger on it.. We are out there, churches are giving the message, but something is missing.. people just still are not getting it... maybe we just have to give it more straight up, to pray for more boldness. we keep seeing the people contiuning to live as they are with no changes being made.

As we have said we can all give lip service to the Lord but are we living it .. he said a quote tonite.. Turn or Burn.. I liked that one! I do not think people realize the consequences..

What I am learning of doing ministry in a small town.. well a town of 16,000 that is big to me.. I came from a town of 500 people in PA!!! anyway.. since Care-A-Van has been out there in the streets for 10 years now.. and since we rotate the same areas on Sat. we get to know the people and their stories.. and yes there is users of the system, but we do not judge. but I am learning when God puts someone in front of me, I always check with Paul and Bridget and 9 out of 10 times, they know the full story.. I digress..

The need for prayer is that God will reveal to us what is missing. What is missing so that Revival will take place. My first thought is that God will touch the hearts of the workers.. the harvest is ripe, but when we go out on a Sat and maybe there is only 4 or 6 of us, there is not enough time to be able to minister to them all and even the ones that are opening to listening , the time is limited. Take for example our busiest neighborhood where we feed 55 families from 10:30-12:00. It is a busy day.

Now don't get me wrong , I have seen changes and yes we all know, we do not see the fruits of all our labors.. but what I think Paul had on his heart was the fact that there are so many continuing to live in the spider web.. and he says he just feels the web getting bigger does that make sense?
Ok.. so there is what is on my heart, the need for prayer and yes please pray for the first Tuesday night support group of women. Will keep you posted.

The need for prayer is that God will reveal to us what is missing. What is missing so that Revival will take place. My first thought is that God will touch the hearts of the workers.. the harvest is ripe, but when we go out on a Sat and maybe there is only 4 or 6 of us, there is not enough time to be able to minister to them all and even the ones that are opening to listening , the time is limited. Take for example our busiest neighborhood where we feed 55 families from 10:30-12:00. It is a busy day.

Now don't get me wrong , I have seen changes and yes we all know, we do not see the fruits of all our labors.. but what I think Paul had on his heart was the fact that there are so many continuing to live in the spider web.. and he says he just feels the web getting bigger does that make sense?
Ok.. so there is what is on my heart, the need for prayer and yes please pray for the first Tuesday night support group of women. Will keep you posted.


Hi Robin,

Just want you to know that I've placed your prayer request on my list and will lift those needs to the Lord daily. Will be especially lifting you up tomorrow as you start your support group. God Bless.
Reaching Higher #54


Evangelising our Western Lost

I just have to make this into Message!!!...

I called Paul and he answered and I said Oh the webs we weave and I shared the stories of the night.. as we talked he said there is something missing Robin and I just cannot put my finger on it.. We are out there, churches are giving the message, but something is missing.. people just still are not getting it... maybe we just have to give it more straight up, to pray for more boldness. we keep seeing the people contiuning to live as they are with no changes being made.

As we have said we can all give lip service to the Lord but are we living it .. he said a quote tonite.. Turn or Burn.. I liked that one! I do not think people realize the consequences..

Dear heart, your post two above... I SO feel for you and for Paul and Bridget and the team.

But it's utterly amazing - and exciting - to me to read your post. Because I've asked all the questions that are on Paul's heart! And come to conclusions as to the ANSWERS!!

I've written them many times in The Inner Room, Reaching Higher, Disciple, Gems. But what happens is that UNLESS the "answer" I'm giving resonates in you concerning the "problem", then the Message is more just "words" than actual help.

Please go to this webpage, and ask Paul to go to it as well. It is a straight copy on our site of Reaching Higher #22 on CFS. BUT the plus there is that you may search ALL of the 300+ Messages I've written (Search box at bottom), using any word you wish. You'll see that I've done piles on the question of repenting AND how people can BEST and SCRIPTURALLY come to Jesus (or fail to because of us!!)

This is a total Western Society problem. But in your case it's even MORE specific. The RH #22 Message spells out what WE are FAILING to do to help the people we seek to minister to - in order TO HELP THEM TO ACTUALLY get TRULY saved, and then for us to DISCIPLE them, so they can soon know how they must live!!

FAILURE to do this means that many if not most end up in HELL. All the work we've done with them has helped their human condition, but NOT helped their spiritual condition (which sounds like what you reported in your post that you're seeing as a problem - WHICH IT IS!!!). The first of the two HELPS above is GOOD: Jesus told us we MUST do this (agape demands it, anyway!!) But the second is BAD because we've failed to save them from hell....

I've also written so many times: Matthew Ch 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

Your Care-a-Van work is nothing short of AMAZING!!! And you've done the first instruction of Jesus: to GO! But what about the next two: make disciples and teach them obedience, i.e., teach them HOW TO BELIEVE IN JESUS, then DISCIPLE THEM and TEACH THEM HOW TO OBEY GOD!!!

Why are totally poor and uneducated GFA converts in India so strong in the Lord they quite often pray a person from near death to perfect health? ANSWER: soon as they Believe in Jesus the Missionary-Pastors then immediately set about getting them FULLY DISCIPLED!!!! Jesus commanded us to do this, but in the West... we simply don't bother. AND you can bet your best pair of socks that VERY EARLY ON they were both HELPED and TAUGHT how to FULLY and PROPERLY REPENT of ALL of their sin against a Holy God!!

RBBR (the Scriptural pattern of SALVATION that you can also search for):

Repent of your sin against God
Believe in the Lord Jesus
Be baptised in water
Receive the Holy Sprit

How FAR AWAY IS THIS from what we do IN our churches but also OUTSIDE of our churches. You, dear one, have the Gift of Evangelism, but RBBR is not being done by anyone so far as I can see. The person you evangelise MAY go to church, which MAY help them over time, but they may not even be SAVED in the first place if you consider RBBR above!! Ultimately they CANNOT get saved without REPENTANCE:.earnest, specific repentance, seeing that their sin is SO SERIOUS cos it's been against Almighty God.

But it's time for me to shut-up. I am available to you and Paul if I can help. Meantime I believe that my Messages pretty-much have all of the basics and follow-up needed to help with your problem - cos that's what I wrote 'em for!!! (And was ABLE to do this because, being so ill, God ensured that I am outside of the church and thus ABLE to see the failures there - a quite serious "wood for trees" thing).

Love ya heaps (you and Paul and the team!)

- BM

EDIT: What's also powerfully true is that even struggling Westerners have well learnt the: "We are not really interested in getting SERIOUS with God, and in any case we would just want Him for what HE could do for us," that pervades our Societies. SAD!!

B and B Update

No, B and B doesn't mean Bed and Breakfast *hee! but rather Bondman and Beloved Update (and yes, I really do call her that - actually her most favourite of the many names I use!)

SO... this is now replacing Prayer Requests and Prayer Updates. I'll just write a B and B Update from time to time, and those who wish to read can do so. Those who wish to pray for our health, ministry, etc., may also do so.

I personally do NOT like asking for prayer for myself. It feels too "self-centered" to me... I'd FAR sooner ask for prayer for someone else who I'm praying for! This is how a grouping of Christians should function: so aware of and caring about each other, that mostly no one would NEED to actually ask for prayer!! Okay, I guess that's an expectation that's just a tad optimistic...

The URL of the B and B Update will still be in red in my Sig. so you can find it easily (if you MISS one Update then the NEXT may not make complete sense...)

Guys, what can I say: THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR CARING!!!!

- BM and his Lady, aka B and B

EDIT: Another Update quite soon to let you know how our respective health problems are going...
B and B Update, Wed 9

Life seldom runs smooth, does it? With Beloved still recuperating from the operation, we have a situation where she's trying to cope with TWO lots of weakness: 1) still weak and always tired from the op., plus 2) weakness and all the rest from her CFS.

Man, is it knocking her around. She's trying to slowly get back to normal with what to eat, how much, how much to do physically, and considerably more, so as to REGAIN what is "normal" life for her. But it's just not happening anywhere near fast enough.

While in hospital she didn't have all the complications of "life" and the things to do and the DECISIONS to be made (the latter wear us out every day of our lives cos they take what for us is so much emotional and mental energy!!)

Bondman - I seem to be slowly getting over my tummy trouble. It's really been such a WEIRD thing!! Because my gut doesn't process food properly (part of my CFS), I've changed my frequency of eating back from every 3 hrs to every 2, and that seems to be helping a lot. I'm starting to feel that we may beat this one without having to call the Doc when he return a week from today!!

THANKYOU FOR CARING! With all of our love!!

B and B
Reaching Higher #55


Getting More CLEAR About the Holy Spirit - Part 1

One of the most popular threads on the forum seems to be about the Holy Spirit, and I've wondered why - why people get so excited reading and learning about Him. And this has lead me to realise there's a lot of misunderstanding about Who He is, and worst of all about what His role is. Much of this apparently comes from churches who focus in a major way on the Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost as many of them still call Him - but He is NOT a ghost!! I know these are KJV words, but it's dreadfully misleading - and I do wonder if some preachers use this because they think it makes them sounds "more spiritual?"

Jesus told us a great deal about the Spirit Who was to come (at Pentecost), such as in John Ch 16:14 He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. 15 All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declareitto you. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit, "will glority ME!!" This is a major role for the One (the Spirit) Who always stays "in the background!"

You see, looking first of all at Jesus: He was NEVER going to glorify Himself ("look how great I am"). Instead He gave all GLORY to His Father. AND the Father glorified His Son! But all the while, the Holy Spirit NEVER comes forth to glorify HIMSELF, ever! He comes to glorify JESUS!!- or He doesn't come at all!!! (So if in your church it's not happening like this, i.e., the Holy Spirit is getting a PILE of 'air-time', sometimes even more than Jesus, then there is something badly wrong.)

Another way in which the Holy Spirit gets far too much glory concerns the Baptism in the Spirit, and tongues. Again there can be a lot of air-time in many churches about this - far, far too much. It often seems to be the 'spectacular' and exciting and emotional in such churches, which our flesh can just LOVE so, so EASILY!! But is the Lord Jesus being glorified in such situations? Many times the answer is no. Again I have to query the role of some preachers in this.

But let's ask what should becoming baptised with the Spirit be achieving? It should NOT be "its own focus", but should serve to be leading us towards Jesus - to focus on Him! If this is not happening, then something's seriously wrong!! Jesus told us quite clearly in v. 14 that He will glorify ME, for He will take of what is MINE, and declare it to you.

Many don't realise that while each Member of the Triune God is equally God, there is nonetheless what we may term a heirarchy that we can clearly see throughout Scripture: first the Father, then the Son, and then the Holy Spirit. It's as if the Spirit's role is one of SUPPORT. (He may be called 'the Spirit', the 'Holy Spirit', the 'Spirit of God', the 'Spirit of Jeus Christ' - all are correct)

Here's a question for you: in the beginning Who created all things? God the Father, right? Well, yes, but there's more to it than that. Paul refers to: God, who created all things THROUGH Jesus Christ. Ephesians Ch 3:9b Wow, how about that? The Father did the creating -but He did it THROUGH the Son. And just to make sure we get the whole picture, in the 2nd verse in the whole Bible, it says that:The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Genesis Ch 1:2

So all three members of the Triune God were there at creation. God (the Father) takes the lead, while creating through the Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit is in the background as it were. And one final thing about the Spirit - after He was given to the disciples and thus given to Jesus' church on earth and then went into the backgound - no one prayed to Him! They spoke of Him telling them what to do, but they prayed to God the Father and to the Lord Jesus Christ, not to the Spirit.

If there's something you need the Spirit for, e.g., to reveal truth to you in the Scriptures, that's easy to do: "Father, I need the Holy Spirit to help me understand what You are saying in this passage." Finally, while we've seen here that the Holy Spirit's role is NOT to be up-front, please do not ever mistake how IMPORTANT He is within the church and in our lives!!

Continued in Part 2, "Getting Yourself "Baptised With" or "Filled With" the Holy Spirit...

- BM (with his Lady)

B and B Update, Fri 11

I'm back to "normal" so far as we can tell (but I do wish I could get a bit more energy like I had earlier in the year!). It's possible I had a rather severe tummy bug. I don't expect to have to get the Doc out, so that's good.

Beloved is still struggling. And now she's having to work out what days we can have and need carers for over Christmas (they don't normally come to us on holidays - and the holidays we have here this Christmas badly mess up our care days!!)

Add in dreadful headaches again, wiping her out about every 2nd day - so she's going to the Chiropractor on Monday to see if he can fix this for the time being (will be hard as she still cannot lie on her tummy for treatment).

May His love be a blessing to you!!

- B and B

I so appreciate your message in regards to what is missing.

I am seeing it more and more every day with people
My day today:
1.. call from a friend of mine, not from ministry asking if I could lend her $ 100.00.. I had to tell her no as my finances did not allow it.

2. Text message from my friend who lived with me and she was in a car wreck today and said she may need me to take her for groceries this week-end. (same one who struggled with me "preaching" to her.

3. Call from a woman I have been ministering and discpling to.. she too was in accident on thruway but not hurt.. on her way to christmas shopping with her fiance ( whom is addicted to drug oxycotin)now mind you she and 2 girls have been evicted from their apartment.. She has to get a paper signed for social services to help with emergency security deposit for new apartment. but she is off running doing other things. she is saved but has not been living right.. she is wondering why things are not working out for her?

and the list goes on.. my point- the "old" Robin would have run herself ragged trying to help these folks.. now I just pray with them and pray for what God wants me to do to help others.. you are so right as you stated I cannot do it all.. I pray for more wisdom and discernment for all in my life and allow him to lead me and guide me.

It is soooooo cold here.. lots of snow! I appreicate your messages as the love of Christ keeps me warm..

God Bless


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Thank you for the B and B updates. I've not been on for the past 2-3 days so missed your Dec 9 update. Have been fighting with a bug myself but it seems to be subsiding this evening.

Continuing to lift you and your Beloved in prayer. God will provide the healing in the time of His choosing. I know we all get anxious about that and I'm sure you are somewhat but I so like your attitude in this whole affair. The nice part of it all is God IS the light at the end of the tunnel.

God Bless my brother.
Praise for Answered Prayer

I'm soooo glad you are up again, BM, and I am praying for Beloved to feel better too. I have to share some wonderful, wonderful news. Norm said he has reconciled with God and told Him he believes in him now, and is trying to read the Bible again. I gave him a Living Bible, and showed him where to read. He read all three Johns, First, Second, and Third, and found them to be very helpful. So, I am really excited about how God is answering our prayers.

Then, just tonight, little EmiliRose's mom, Samantha, called me and said her boyfriend, Jered, wants to start going to church with me. Isn't that just sooooo amazing. As have some of you, I have been praying and praying that things turn around for Em and her living situation.

Jered was arrested for selling drugs two weeks ago. He is out on bail, waiting for the pretrial, but he is pretty scared of what will happen. He says he doesn't want to take drugs anymore, and that he will never sell them again. I know he wants to do what is right, and I hope Sam does too. Only God can work a miracle in their lives. He did in mine, praise God.

So, thanx for all the prayers for my friends, and keep on praying for a breakthrough, for keeps, not just because they are worried. Pray that Heavenly Father will infiltrate their lives and change their hearts so they can be happy and become a real family. For Em's sake, I am so happy.
Only God can work a miracle in their lives. He did in mine, praise God.

Praise God Sweets! Awesome news! I got a text out of the blue from my daughter last night

I know I am not the best daughter and not perfect but I love you always mom. The next one said It's tme to let your baby girl grow up and let her learn who she is and where she is going through life You and dad both. i wish I was still a little kid for you both to tell me what to do but reality is just around the corner and all I can do is take opinions and responsibilites for my life. You and dad have done wll with all of us, so never doubt yourself YOur a great mom and I'm proud to have you as my mommy.

It blew me away.. but isn't that the truth, however reality is not just around the corner, reality is here with all of us each and every day. The reality is I had made choices and that is why I am where I am today.
Many people can give opinions , just like here on the forum. Ultimately our walk with the Lord is our responsibility. For to long, I tried to force things on people, just like I am sure many of us had. But with earnest prayer and allowing them to take the choice of seeking a relationship with Christ, we can only pray it will all work out.

I think my latest struggle is I get way to hung on other people and not understanding why they don't get it.. I had lost a bit of my fire and passion and got "stuck" on some things from the past. But when i get loving textes out of the blue, I see that I did Ok.. I was not the perfect mom but I know in my heart I did make a difference. As I see families together for the holiday decorating , shopping etc.. my heart starts to ache.. but the I put the big stop sign up and remember what the season is truly all about.. his birth.. the one who died to save us.. just think if he had not done that.. we most likely would not even be here today!

Our God is a mighty God.. nothing is to hard for our Lord! I am thankful for all of you and for you being there helping me to walk out my salvation.

Bondman.. I continue to pray for you and the Mrs and continue to thank the Lord for his healing in all of us.
Have an awesome day! I am going to go and soak in that big ole claw tub , pray, be filled with the spirit and take that passion back out to the streets today while we go out for grocery distribution

God Bless you all
Wow, to get a text like THAT is so magical! What a fortunate Mum you are!! There are plenty of us who've messed up one way or the other where family don't even forgive you, let alone come back at some time and tell you you did a good job!

So I'm blown away on your behalf as well. WONDERFUL!!!

Many people are never gonna "get it". Don't forget what Jesus said: that MOST will be (stay in actuality) on the broad road leading to destruction; that only a FEW will choose (to move to) the narrow road leading to LIFE!! (Matt 7:13-14.)

It's tough "trying to get people's attention". I feel the same with my Messages. How many take notice? How many actually ACT upon what I write?

Thankyou for your prayers. We need 'em I can tell you!

Piles and piles of love!!

- BM
I'm soooo glad you are up again, BM, and I am praying for Beloved to feel better too. I have to share some wonderful, wonderful news. Norm said he has reconciled with God and told Him he believes in him now, and is trying to read the Bible again. I gave him a Living Bible, and showed him where to read. He read all three Johns, First, Second, and Third, and found them to be very helpful. So, I am really excited about how God is answering our prayers.

Then, just tonight, little EmiliRose's mom, Samantha, called me and said her boyfriend, Jered, wants to start going to church with me. Isn't that just sooooo amazing. As have some of you, I have been praying and praying that things turn around for Em and her living situation.

Jered was arrested for selling drugs two weeks ago. He is out on bail, waiting for the pretrial, but he is pretty scared of what will happen. He says he doesn't want to take drugs anymore, and that he will never sell them again. I know he wants to do what is right, and I hope Sam does too. Only God can work a miracle in their lives. He did in mine, praise God.

So, thanx for all the prayers for my friends, and keep on praying for a breakthrough, for keeps, not just because they are worried. Pray that Heavenly Father will infiltrate their lives and change their hearts so they can be happy and become a real family. For Em's sake, I am so happy.

Wow-ee, more good news!!

First Norm. You did great with the translation and what you helped him to read. What will he read next? If he liked John 1,2,3 then John's Gospel should be okay also (longer of course - but take it in bite-sized pieces is the way to go).

It's then said that Luke is the foundational Gospel (to give you a belief foundation). He was Dr. Luke, and so he wrote very carefully to give us the best message. But I'd think that John is easier to read.

As for Jared, he should be freaked out. Sell drugs and you are not gonna get away with that. Why do people do such stupid things?!! But if it ultimately brings him to faith in Jesus - then that will be a really GREAT thing!! Which will take a miracle as you said. But God does THEM, hey!!!

Bless you, sweetie for all of your faithfulness to the Lord, and continuing under far from ideal conditions. We continue to pray!!

Much love to you!!

- BM
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