THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Bless you too, dear Fluffy! We miss you, but quite understand that you have other things in your life.

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Much love!

- BM
B & B, Updating - Tues 22

I kept on hoping I'd have good news - hence the time wait. Sorry about that!

But I couldn't make it to the Chiropractor Mon or Tues. Just too ill to be able to travel that far, be manipulated, and travel back. My upper back, neck, and head aren't too bad pain wise, which is a blessing!!

It's sure been a hectic time with the extra I've been doing here. I've got way, way behind on everything, and am now scrambling to try and catch up.

Beloved continues to heal just fine. But now "life" is getting on top of her. Despite having our wonderful Government carers 3 days a week for some hours each time, she still simply has too much responsibility and too much to do trying to look after the household, herself, and to a lesser extent me. But the trouble for her with me is that when my health goes down like it's doing these days, this just crushes her - the straw that breaks the camel's back - and she just doesn't cope poor Darling!

You could pray for her to rest in the Lord more, and don't stress and get overwhelmed when these bad times come - that would help a pile. Her temperament is not to do these things.

Thanks for being there. Truly dunno what on earth we'd do if you weren't!!

THANKYOU, and to each one of you much love and peace and joy, now and over the Christmas break. Praise God for all of His mercy and blessings!!!

- BM

Ongoing we don't have any answer to this! God's full miracle healing that I've believed and prayed for for many years is the only answer we can see...
Reaching Higher #59


I Just Got Truly SHOCKED!

Really shocked!! - yet I shouldn't have been! Because I've written about it here enough times!! Here's the story:

I came in contact with a quite lovely Christian lady who - well, not to put too fine a point on it, HAS NEEDED HELP. First, when she was quite ill recently, she actually asked her church for help. But she got exactly none! Now she is very short of money in America's cold belt and can't pay for her heating. Again she asked her church for help, but was again turned down. Maybe you're feelikng a tad disgusted by this time; sadly, so am I.

A New Testament church may be seen as a simple gathering together of a group of God's people. That's providing they truly ARE God's people of course. I don't know this church or the people in it. I simply know that 1) she shouldn't have had to even ASK for help with her serious illness, because 2) the church and church people SHOULD HAVE KNOWN ABOUT IT. 3) But then when she actually ASKED them - to do nothing is something that I've been known to call 'spiritual criminality'!

The next request was the easiest one - just some money. She WASN'T asking anyone to come and take care of her, or visit her in hospital, let relatives know, or whatever. Just some money to stop her from freezing to death!!! Do you really think that all of the so-called "church" members put together didn't spend hundreds, thousands of dollars on Christmas fare, enough to keep her heating going for a year!!!

SELFISHNESS. SELF-CENTEREDNESS. WORLDLINESS and LOVE OF THE WORLD. LACK OF TRUE AGAPE (LOVE). I could go on and on - but this is a real-life example of what I've written here over and over.How many of our lives are spiritually out of whack, off course, quite off on the wrong track?

But a loving Christian found out about her predicament, and arranged for a different church to pay for a month's heating. What happens after that? I don't know - but I sure will be FINDING OUT!!! Because even though I'm way round the other side of the world, she is my Sister in Christ. I can't fix the problems of ALL of my brothers and sisters - but God brought this dear lady to my attention, so no matter the cost I MUST (because love demands it) and I shall, ensure she is taken care of.

It's been my earnest prayer that some of you have rethought things like Chrismas spending and worldly living, and even if you didn't quite make it this year, NEXT YEAR you'll be right there into holy and righteous and truly pleasing-to-God living at this time of year!!

Wishing all a lovely and restful Christmas break!!

- BM (with his Lady)

I remember years back when my dad was pastoring. The church was the social services for those in need. It didn't matter if they were members of the church or not. There were countless times when someone would come to the parsonage or the church in needs of some type of assistance. In those days it wasn't so much money they were seeking but rather housing or food. But still the church was the organization that met those needs, just as commanded. Today there just isn't the same caring coming out of most churches. I truly hope this lady is able to find the assistance she needs. I'll be praying for her and others like her. We recently had a lady (a family friend) who had no heat for several days among a lot of other needs. We fortunately were able to help her out, but I'm afraid it was at the expense of helping someone else who we were not acquainted with but was also in need.

So glad that you are able to continue to bring people like this to us. Often we're not able to offer much more than prayer but we know prayer can lead to the need being met. Thank you for the message. A great reminder of what is expected of the church and we as Christians.

Love you my friend. Hope you're feeling better.
B & B, Updating - Tues 22

I kept on hoping I'd have good news - hence the time wait. Sorry about that!

But I couldn't make it to the Chiropractor Mon or Tues. Just too ill to be able to travel that far, be manipulated, and travel back. My upper back, neck, and head aren't too bad pain wise, which is a blessing!!

It's sure been a hectic time with the extra I've been doing here. I've got way, way behind on everything, and am now scrambling to try and catch up.

Beloved continues to heal just fine. But now "life" is getting on top of her. Despite having our wonderful Government carers 3 days a week for some hours each time, she still simply has too much responsibility and too much to do trying to look after the household, herself, and to a lesser extent me. But the trouble for her with me is that when my health goes down like it's doing these days, this just crushes her - the straw that breaks the camel's back - and she just doesn't cope poor Darling!

You could pray for her to rest in the Lord more, and don't stress and get overwhelmed when these bad times come - that would help a pile. Her temperament is not to do these things.

Thanks for being there. Truly dunno what on earth we'd do if you weren't!!

THANKYOU, and to each one of you much love and peace and joy, now and over the Christmas break. Praise God for all of His mercy and blessings!!!

- BM

Ongoing we don't have any answer to this! God's full miracle healing that I've believed and prayed for for many years is the only answer we can see...

I certainly will continue to be in prayer. So sorry to hear you weren't able to make it the the chiropractor. So glad though to hear that your Beloveds health continues to improve. I will pray specifically for her as you requested.

If I don't get back before Christmas I want to wish you the best for the Christmas Season.
Dear heavenly Father, we know Your thoughts toward us are of peace, to give us a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). We know that You have saved us and called us with a Holy calling, not according to our works, but according to Your own purpose and grace (2 Tim. 1:9). Thank You, Holy spirit, that You are always with us and will guide us on the path so that we won't lose our way. Give us great faith so that we are planted strong in You and not tossed about by the winds of fear, anxiety, or discouragement. We reach out for Your hand today so we can woalk with You into the future You have for us.

We lift up to You Bondman and his beloved this day who suffers from "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", and we ask You to take it away. We thank You for Your grace and mercy toward them. We will extol You, O Lord, for You have lifted them up. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: who forgives all our iniquities, who heals all our diseases (Psalm 103:2-3). Should You decide not to heal at this time, we trust that You will bring good out of this and that it will glorify You. We ask that you give them rest in You. In Jesus name we pray....AMEN

Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for You are my praise. (Jeremiah 17:14)

God bless,

Love you too, Nick. I doubt you could realise how much your love and friendship mean to me!!!

Interesting stories from your past and present! If Christians worked together we could do so much for those in need! And on a personal level so much lost out of our REWARD in heaven (eternity) because of our uncaringness!

May the Christmas break be lovely for you and yours.

Much love!!

- BM


To EVERY "InnerRoomie" Who Ever Visits Here

We Wish for You and Yours a Lovely Christmas Break
and also for 2010 to be
the very BEST Year in the Lord
that You've Ever Experienced!!
With Much Love and Many Blessings to ALL!!

- Bondman and his Beloved

Merry Christmas to All

Merry Christmas to all my wonderful friends here!

May we all celebrate the true reason for the season!

God Bless!

Hugs Bondman! Just remember you helped me find the best gift ever... salvation with our Jesus!
Give the Mrs. a big hug
Leaving today for a few days,, will not be back here for awhile

Dear heavenly Father, we know Your thoughts toward us are of peace, to give us a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). We know that You have saved us and called us with a Holy calling, not according to our works, but according to Your own purpose and grace (2 Tim. 1:9). Thank You, Holy spirit, that You are always with us and will guide us on the path so that we won't lose our way. Give us great faith so that we are planted strong in You and not tossed about by the winds of fear, anxiety, or discouragement. We reach out for Your hand today so we can woalk with You into the future You have for us.

We lift up to You Bondman and his beloved this day who suffers from "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", and we ask You to take it away. We thank You for Your grace and mercy toward them. We will extol You, O Lord, for You have lifted them up. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: who forgives all our iniquities, who heals all our diseases (Psalm 103:2-3). Should You decide not to heal at this time, we trust that You will bring good out of this and that it will glorify You. We ask that you give them rest in You. In Jesus name we pray....AMEN

Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for You are my praise. (Jeremiah 17:14)

God bless,


Oh, dear godbe4me, thankyou so much for this post!! - and also your very kind words in the staff thread. Indeed we believe God for the healing that He does so readily in 3rd World Countries and Emerging Nations. "Please increase our faith to match their simple faith, Lord! May we see so much more that Your power can do anything - if (as Jesus said) we believe, have faith, and doubt not.

"Also, Lord God, shine Your light into our hearts and minds to reveal to us how much worldliness, and self-centeredness and love of things is still there, so that we may come down to the simplicity of life and simple life-focus on YOU and Who You are that they all live.

"Finally, Lord, bring us closer and closer here to "GROUP FAITH", where TOGETHER many will believe for the SAME GOAL, and will pray and pray and refuse to stop until You answer. We want to see Your glory Lord as You show us that Your MIRACLES are still for today!!!!"

Dear one, bless you for your love and amazing faithfulness in all that you do for us all on the CFS Forum!!

God bless you!!

- BM
Merry Christmas to all my wonderful friends here!

May we all celebrate the true reason for the season!

God Bless!

Hugs Bondman! Just remember you helped me find the best gift ever... salvation with our Jesus!
Give the Mrs. a big hug
Leaving today for a few days,, will not be back here for awhile


I missed your post, sweetie, sorry!

I'm certainly continuing my prayer for you as always.

Yes, I'll never forget meeting you nearly 2 years ago, and all the things we interacted on, and things that were there for you to learn and then to do. And watching you learn and grow, continuing towards the Christian lady you are today, with all of the service you do to those with needs of one kind or another.

Bless you heaps, and thank God for all that He's done for us!!!

- BM and Beloved
Report, BM & Beloved - Sat 26

I simply cannot express the state Beloved was in yesterday (Christmas Day here). With dreadful sleep, pain in many places including a return of pain in her right side - which we had earnestly hoped and expected was fixed by her operation - all leading to the deepest depression I think I've ever seen her in. And for the first ever time, as I believe, this affected me, and so I had a bad day and a bad night.

Today she seems a little brighter, and I have returned more or less to where I should be and normally am.

I do not know what else to say other than the above...

I love you all so much!!!

- BM
Reaching Higher #60


Obedience Learnt... by Suffering

He was born a baby, but what brings utter amazement to my heart and mind is that the Son of God the Father, Lord of Lords, and King of Heaven, began His life on earth as a tiny single cell: the Holy Spirit His Father, Mary His earthly Mother. By this means He became fully human, fully divine, the God-Man sent down to earth for you and for me. He gave up His position in heaven, most of His power, and so much more, allowing Himself to actually become even lower than the angels!! Hebrews Ch 2:9a But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels.

That united single cell - the Son of God within Mary - divided and divided again and again. After nine months in a human womb - then a birth as for all humans. We know a little of His birth, then basically nothing until He was 12. Than nothing again until John the Baptist, preaching and baptising in the wilderness, foretold the coming of the Messiah. Jesus, aged perhaps 30, was baptised in Jordan and began 3 years of quite astonishing ministry. Here we have much detail from the writers of the four Gospels. We know where He went, the things He said, the miracles He performed.

In order to be the spotless Lamb of God to redeem us, He had to be sinless. He challenged his persecutors to find even one sin in Him, but they were silent. To be sinless He had to be completely OBEDIENT to God. But HOW? Well, He knew the Scriptures, and obeyed them. There can be things we know in our heads to be obedient on, but as yet have had no call (no situation) to actually obey them. Jesus was the same as He grew and learnt. He LEARNT obedience - continuing right to the very moment He died for us.

But Hebrews makes the ASTOUNDING statement that He learned obedience through suffering! Hebrews Ch 5:8 Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered. SUFFERING? Is THAT the way to learn to be obedient? It was for Him; it may often be for us too. Suffering is NOT equivalent just to being sick. Suffering can be anything we would not necessarily choose for ourselves (incl. illness) - and DO NOT enjoy!! The New Testament is perfectly clear: every EARNEST Christian man or woman WILL experience hardship, suffering, and maybe more.

The crunch came when His ministry was ended. He set His face towards Jerusalem to ultimately and willingly give up His life. In agony of spirit in Gethsamene He prayed: "Father, is it possible for this thing to not be done?" But answered His Own question: "Nonetheless, Father, not My will but Yours be done." He was STILL learning obedience by suffering. While enduring the agony of crucifixion He was taunted to call a legion of angels to save Him. He did not. He obeyed and suffered - making a way of salvation for us all!

We can never hope to be 100% obedient like the Sinless One. But we can and must LEARN to obey each of the over 800 commands God wrote in the New Testament. If life is tough for you, then you are likely suffering, and with the right ATTITUDE to the suffering, and to the Lord, and to the Scriptures, you can profit SO MUCH from this, as I can attest, moving towards when you can say, "There is no command of God that I know about that I am not obeying. I still sometimes fail on one or more, but I am consciously obeying all of His laws."

May this be your aim - and righteous end!

- BM (with his Lady)

If life is tough for you, then you are likely suffering, and with the right ATTITUDE to the suffering, and to the Lord, and to the Scriptures, you can profit SO MUCH from this, as I can attest, moving towards when you can say, "There is no command of God that I know about that I am not obeying. I still sometimes fail on one or more, but I am consciously obeying all of His laws."

May this be your aim - and righteous end!


Good Lord, this message could not have come at a better time. I feel guilty for even sayinjg that I am suffering.. because the suffering I am feeling tonight is so much less than others that are suffering..
My heart aches.. I mean really aches tonight.. there are some things that are very personal that I cannot write here.. but it has to do with my daughter and something I saw that I should not have seen. there are things that are going on that are not good.

I saw my parents over the holiday and it was good. Mom taught me how to make the family rolls. My kids came down today. Mom got a digital photo frame and when she put in her memory card, the pics that came up were from the past.. there were pics of me and my most recent ex boyfriend of last year.. so I had to deal with some of those feelings and there are other things that happened today that are very personal that I cannot share here.. but gosh.. I feel like I am sufferning.. and I know in my heart it is for Jesus Christ.. I am thankful for my salvation.. and the things he has shown me and to where he has brought me to..; Going into 2010 I sooo want to be able to continue to totally surrender all to him.. but I just have got to share again tonight.. it hurts.. worth it but hurts.
At least I am suffering because I have chosen Jesus as my savior but think of those that are suffering and are dying because of their sin and do not even know who Jesus is .. think of those who are close to death dying to a disease.. and may die a physical death and have not had the chance to know Jesus.. that just downright makes m e sob..

As I was making my bed at my mom's I touched the beautiful bedspread and thought of the women, who do not have a warm comforter and those who are being abused in so many ways, those that are caught up on prostitution and do not know there is a life and hope for them.. I thought of those who own several homes and are all about themselves and there are many without a place to sleep..
Oh it goes on and on.. I cannot go running around like my chicken with my head cut off, I must be on my face.. literally, crying out and asking God exactly how and what he is calling me to.. what is the Lord's purpose for me? How does he want me to serve his kingdom..
I fear my own daughter is allowing herself to be used.. and that just outright down scares me and upsets me... My heart is aching , I mean really aching.;. I think of all the years, I was caught up in the muck and mire... and it is killing me... .... I am crying as I type this.. I have so many emotions.. anger, frustration.. so much...

Pleae pray.. I pray for all of you here, for our Lord's mighty healing. to touch each and every one of us.. especially Bondman and the Mrs.
God bless
Faithwoman said:
If life is tough for you, then you are likely suffering, and with the right ATTITUDE to the suffering, and to the Lord, and to the Scriptures, you can profit SO MUCH from this, as I can attest, moving towards when you can say, "There is no command of God that I know about that I am not obeying. I still sometimes fail on one or more, but I am consciously obeying all of His laws."

May this be your aim - and righteous end!

Good Lord, this message could not have come at a better time. I feel guilty for even sayinjg that I am suffering.. because the suffering I am feeling tonight is so much less than others that are suffering.. My heart aches.. I mean really aches tonight.. there are some things that are very personal that I cannot write here.. but it has to do with my daughter and something I saw that I should not have seen. there are things that are going on that are not good.

I saw my parents over the holiday and it was good. Mom taught me how to make the family rolls. My kids came down today. Mom got a digital photo frame and when she put in her memory card, the pics that came up were from the past.. there were pics of me and my most recent ex boyfriend of last year.. so I had to deal with some of those feelings and there are other things that happened today that are very personal that I cannot share here.. but gosh.. I feel like I am sufferning.. and I know in my heart it is for Jesus Christ.. I am thankful for my salvation.. and the things he has shown me and to where he has brought me to..; Going into 2010 I sooo want to be able to continue to totally surrender all to him.. but I just have got to share again tonight.. it hurts.. worth it but hurts.
At least I am suffering because I have chosen Jesus as my savior but think of those that are suffering and are dying because of their sin and do not even know who Jesus is .. think of those who are close to death dying to a disease.. and may die a physical death and have not had the chance to know Jesus.. that just downright makes m e sob..

As I was making my bed at my mom's I touched the beautiful bedspread and thought of the women, who do not have a warm comforter and those who are being abused in so many ways, those that are caught up on prostitution and do not know there is a life and hope for them.. I thought of those who own several homes and are all about themselves and there are many without a place to sleep..
Oh it goes on and on.. I cannot go running around like my chicken with my head cut off, I must be on my face.. literally, crying out and asking God exactly how and what he is calling me to.. what is the Lord's purpose for me? How does he want me to serve his kingdom..
I fear my own daughter is allowing herself to be used.. and that just outright down scares me and upsets me... My heart is aching , I mean really aching.;. I think of all the years, I was caught up in the muck and mire... and it is killing me... .... I am crying as I type this.. I have so many emotions.. anger, frustration.. so much...

Pleae pray.. I pray for all of you here, for our Lord's mighty healing. to touch each and every one of us.. especially Bondman and the Mrs.
God bless

Goodness, dear one, you really are going through it!

When you are moved to tears at all the sadness in this world, these are pearls you're offering from your heart to God. Cos until we reach the point where we are moved to tears by sin and suffering, we cannot say we've yet learnt to walk with the Lord.

So don't feel downcast, but rather the opposite. God has done a most special thing for and in you - you are now seeing the world around you like He does. Few Christians in the West reach this point. You are BLESSED indeed!!

I feel your concern and hurt about your daughter. I don't think that I'll ever understand how those who've apparently come to Jesus can later move to a place separated from Him. I hope she's NOT done that. I hope she's just been tempted and succombed. But that's not what I'm talking about: I'm meaning how supposed Believers can walk away from Him - often for years and years and year - then apparently later come back...

Am I one of the 'weird' ones maybe? In 50+ years I've NEVER moved away from Him even once. Even when caught up in sin for a time, I was still with Him, still wanting to be all His - and HE never moved away from me either! Is this maybe just an attitude that keeps me with Him, or is it a life commitment? I really still don't know...

I am praying for your hurt, and also rejoicing at where God has brought you, and what He's revealed of the REAL TRUTH to you!!

Love you!!

- BM

EDIT: Because of your Temperament, you will feel things more deeply than some other Temperaments. Not at all a bad thing, probably, but do keep that in mind so that you don't get overwhelmed.
Want a Ride?

Thanks Bondman.. yes I see more and more the hurts of the world.. just like this story of today:

Want a Ride?

As I was on my way home from church, I had a craving for a cup of cappuccino.
As I pulled into the parking lot of the small deli, it was then I saw her. She did not see me. I rolled down the window, “hey there, how are you doing”. As I spoke I saw the pain in her eyes under the hood of her jacket.

I asked her if she needed a ride. It was cold and raining out. She held a brown bag clutched tightly to her chest. With her body turned partly towards me, she sheepishly responded “I have a beer”. I said that is ok, hop on in. I think she was surprised.
As she got in my car, I explained to her that I do not judge her because she is holding a beer. For heavens sake, there are many things in my life that I have held tightly to my chest that was not of God.

With the car running and the heat blowing from the heater, God opened up the conversation. She preceded, I am really hurting and I am confused. She explained how she has been conversing on line with a man in prison. He has offered to put her up in an apartment in another state. Heck, he even sent a check to my landlady for my next two months. Now curiosity got the best of me. How can a man in prison, who is there for murdering someone, be able to chat on line, and send checks to pay someone else’s rent?
He is offering and saying all these promises to this young woman. The thing that was missing in her heart is the promises that God wants to share and speak to her.

She admitted to me in the car, that she is addicted to alcohol and has been since the age of 14. She stated that her News Years resolution is to quit drinking. I explained how Jesus came to set the captives free. He can take away this addiction and break the bondage.

I shared with her how much God loves her and will provide for her. I shared that at this time God wants to work in her life and help restore her. There was so much shared in that little Honda that was tucked away in the parking lot. An offer was made to this young woman to come to a Women’s support group where she can continue to learn of Jesus love.

I had met her a few months back when the Care-A-Van bus was giving away groceries. Even on that day, she asked the Lord into her heart, but as she went her own way, she continued to struggle and continued to turn to alcohol to numb the pain.

Who would ever have thought of by saying “Want a ride”, that God would open this young woman’s heart to open up her hurts and pains? How many people have you passed by that maybe could use an encouraging word or maybe ride to get where they need to go? I ask you to ponder on this “Are you willing and ready to allow God to use you as his vessel today?

I would say that this woman needed a ride to Jesus. She may have thought she was getting in the car to be driven to her next destination, but Jesus wanted her to take a little detour in her day’s journey to hear of his love!
Reaching Higher #61



I couldn't find any record of the word "persist" in the KJV - yet the concept is certainly there!! For example: "firm to the end" in Hebrews Ch 3:6, "steadfast to the end" Hebrews: Ch 3:14, "stand fast in the faith" 1 Corinthians Ch 16:13, "having done all, to stand" Ephesians Ch 6:13 - and so many more.

God is telling us very, very clearly to persist in ALL aspects of our Christian walk - to never give up and never give in. To persist requires a degree of inner strength. Where do we get such strength from? The Holy Spirit Who dwells in you, of course. He has TOTAL POWER. He will give you strength, and the ability to persevere, not stopping but CONTINUING!!

We desperately NEED persistence in PRAYER. This is not always an easy matter, but I do believe we give up far too easily. It's not easy to persist to the end, i.e., to pray until God answers. But that's what He REQUIRES if we're to succeed. It's not an option. Pray for 3 days or even a week, then stop - no, that's not God's way. Seems like we easily tire in prayer, or allow OTHER THINGS, or "the next thing", to take over.

I guess it ultimately comes down to: "How BADLY do we want THIS?" Is this prayer for another's need (spiritual or temporal) going to consume us enough that we will NOT give up. (Selfish prayers God will seldom answer no matter how long you pray for!! - DO ensure that you are praying correctly!) In GFA churches in India the pattern is that church members pray and fast for someone in serious need and collectively simply don't stop until God answers! (Their awareness of their togetherness must be a great encouragement to persist!)

I recently reread how Jacob wrestled with a Man, Who at daybreak asked Jacob to stop, but Jacob said,"I will not let You go until You bless me..." and Jacob received the blessing!! Seems to me that's how WE need to be with God.

Let's move more and more toward blessing others in persistent collective prayer!

- BM (with his Lady)

EDIT: I just realised how persistence and faith go together: the greater our faith in God concerning Him answering our prayers, then the more likely we are to be persistent!

Thankyou - B & B, Dec 29

Beloved has been sloooowly getting out of her awful downer of pain, fear, depression - thanks to your faithfulness!! It sure was a bad one!!

I'm writing this still because we remain in an ill-health situation which threatens changes to the fact of us being able to remain living here together. For example, me having to go into a Nursing Home so that my Love could remain here, relieved of all the pressures of looking after me. But because we are true soul-mates (NOT the stupid Hollywood kind!!) and have never been apart except for her op, this would 'kill' us both, bringing major changes in our lives.

I'm hoping the Lord will soon let me share with you the story of me praying for many years for God to completely heal our bodies to allow me specifically, but also us, to achieve a major goal and vision that I still wish to be able to do for the One I love.

I'm doing okay. I've managed to cut down on my workload, and that's helping. Okay, I confess that since Dec 17 I've still not managed to read any brief email news I get twice a day (did anything earth-shattering occur? - I imagine not...)

Thankyou so very much for sticking with us. May 2010 be your best EVER year (best for your walk with Jesus, I mean!!). All our love and blessings!

- BM
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