B & B - it's a YES!!!! + WowEncouragement!!! - Tue 5th
I'm walking about 3ft (1m) above the floor this morning!!!
1) I received a very early Yes from the Lord as a result of your prayers for a Yes or a No. THANKYOU SO MUCH!! Furthermore it has now remained as a clear and constant YES ever since!! You can imagine how rapt and excited I've been about THAT!!
2) Now, get ready for all of the excitement and encouragement! Beloved saw our wonderful Doctor yesterday. He knows the (severe) extent of all the dreadful damage Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has done to her (and me) during our lives, and the severity of the dererioration of our health. In a word: how incredibly ill we both are!!
He's been away, and it's now 6 weeks since the Operation. Doc says it takes 3 mths for full recuperation. Beloved reported to him all the things she's experienced concerning her recuperation - and THEN what and how much she's been eating and drinking, plus what physical things she can manage to do, more or less without hurting or harming herself inside, and without overdoing it too badly (it's a bit of a daily tight-rope walk for her!) HE WAS TOTALLY and UTTERLY GOBSMACKED!!!!
Firstly he told her STRAIGHT UP that he expected her to be DEAD!!!! (he's the loveliest man, and we love that he calls it how he sees it - we can't stand doctors who beat around the bush: "Hey, give it to me straight, man!" LOL. He does!) Then she told him how she'd got out of bed and walked the day after the op. He nearly fell off his chair at THAT also, utterly INCREDULOUS that this could be even vaguely possible!!!!
Are you getting the message as to the MIRACLE - and MIRACLES - that our great God has done directly through your faithful and caring prayers?!!!
As for all of her eating, drinking, and the physical activity she's slowly been building up, he said straight up that she SHOULD NOT have been able to do any of this whatsoever!!! (Quite understandably I think, my Love is feeling pretty rapt about all of this, and every so often tells me proudly, "See, I'm tough - I'm much tougher than we all thought!!" But of course she KNOWS and fully ACKNOWLEDGES why this is so!!!) PLUS she told him how you guys were all praying so he could understand the miracle before his very eyes!!!
So there ya go!! - SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!! *hehehehe!*
Oops, nearly forgot. Doc was also STUNNED at how well I'd managed while she was in hospital, and all that I managed to do to help her when she came out. Once again, according to him, this was all TOTALLY AND UTTERLY IMPOSSIBLE!!!!
3) Finally then, would you please pray for me to be 101% certain of the final step here: EXACTLY WHAT we're now going to pray for. I'm already sure of this, but I want to be sure-sure, if you see what I mean - absolutely certain for one reason and one reason alone: so that we get this all RIGHT for our great and wonderful Father GOD!!!
As you can see, you amazing guys have already procuced literal MIRACLES!!! Miracles I believe because of serious "group prayer" and "group faith" that we're doing and exercising together. I'm pretty sure many, if not most of you realise that this is all as plumb ASTONISHING in the West as it is RARE as hen's teeth!!!
Now to complete our task!!... Within 2 days I expect to be back here to set out what we will pray for - and to spell out exactly WHY (most important!)
Okay, have I ever told you how much I love you all?? Well, it's now reached a point where words fail me to be able to express my feelings!! That you would do what you're doing is way beyond any expectation and understanding...
See you in 2 days!! Thankyou, thankyou, THANKYOU!!!!
- BM and his Lady-love
EDIT: Beloved still needs prayer to keep her going! And myself also. It seems that the Lord's taken right out of my hands the matter of "believing" for what we doing, i.e., concerning this, I receive both my belief and assurance via YOU - via your prayers!! How utterly intriguing! But then I've always known that I cannot hope to ever fathom our great God. He does what He does! - and I'm PERFECTLY happy with that!!!