THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Reaching Higher #63


Wondering How Many Are Confused About What Sin Really Is??

Let's start by saying that sin is quite clear in the Scriptures: it's every disobedience and rebellion against God's commands. Just like in the Garden of Eden!!

Jesus gave us a great start when He said the 1st Command is to love God totally; the 2nd is to love all others, and then His New Command was Christians must Love each other. Failing on these is sin.

But in the New Testament (where we all live today) there are something like 800+ actual commands for us to obey. Sure, many don't look like commands, so it's very easy to miss them. They may sound more like a 'suggestion', for example, such as in v. 1 below: "Be imitators of God". Is that a command? Of course it is: we are to be growing more and more LIKE GOD!! We need to watch out for all these commands, actually seek them out, then of course seek to DO them - with the Holy Spirit's help, of course! To help you 'get' this, in the verses below I've highlighted what God's telling us to DO. Often the rest of the verse may then explain WHY it's important to do them!

Check them all out, as they are a great example of what to do as you're reading His Word. Some of them may well surprise you:

Ephesians Ch 5:1-21
1 Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children
2 and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
3 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people.
4 Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving.
5 For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person— such a man is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient.
7 Therefore do not be partners with them.
8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light
9 (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth)
10 and find out what pleases the Lord.
11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.
12 For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.
13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible,
14 for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said: "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."
15 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise,
16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.
17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.
18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.
19 Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord,
20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
21 Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

These are just a few of the things about which God is saying to you and to me: "This is how I want you to live. Do them and this will be very pleasing to Me!" This growing obedience to God will mean we're sinning less, *whoo-hoo!!* and at the same time it will increase our righteousness and our holiness!! - which just happens to be one of God's commands!! *grin*

1 Peter Ch 1:15 But as the One Who called you is holy, you yourselves also be holy in all your conduct and manner of living. So what to obey here is that we must be Holy in our daily life, just as God is holy!! But is this really possible? Yes indeed! This is what Christian GROWTH which we're all seeking here (I hope! *smile*) is all about: living more and more the way God wants us to, which means sinning less, and gradually becoming more righteous and more holy!!

However as part of our understanding of what sin is and how it works out in our daily lives, it's so VERY important for all of us to note these three things:

1) That ALL of our sin is committed against our God!! (even ones committed against someone here).

2) That every true Christian Believer is already forgiven for all of their sin! Jesus already paid the horrific price for it all on the Cross of Calvary.

3) And also that we are most CERTAINLY NEITHER under law nor "musts." That is, a "command" certainly sounds like a "you MUST", doesn't it! And of course it IS!! Nonetheless we should not THINK of them that way. Because what this is about is that... our loving God is trying to teach us how to live RIGHT! - and in order to do that this is the important mind-set to use:
.. we obey Him why? -

.. because we want to,

.. because we love Him,

.. because He first loved us,

.. and because of all that He's done for us!!

That then makes for a LOVING RELATIONSHIP between us and the Lord - that will certainly bring Spiritual growth into your life!
Blessings to you all!

- BM

Loved the message!
I am going to print it out for my group next week! We had 4 women last night.

Oh and remember about me wanting a husband? I found him! well he really found me:

Isaiah 54:5 (New International Version)

5 For your Maker is your husband—
the LORD Almighty is his name—
the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;
he is called the God of all the earth.

I loved this.. one of the women shared it at the group last night.. like I knew the lord was, but am so thankful to have his word to back it up!

ok. got to scoot to the local Y t work out.

Ephesians 5 (King James Version)

Ephesians 5

1Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children;
2And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.
3But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;
4Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.
5For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
6Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
7Be not ye therefore partakers with them.
8For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:
9(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)
10Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.
11And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
12For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
13But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.
14Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
15See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
16Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
17Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
18And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
19Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
20Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
21Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.
22Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
23For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. 24Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
Yes, Michael, you've done another great pile of commands God wrote to help us sin less! Thanks!! (I guess if folks haven't got the idea yet, then maybe they never will...)


- BM
THIS IS IT!!! B & B, Thu 5th


You wonderful and amazing people have clearly proved that even in the West, Christians CAN move God to perform miracles!! I'm convinced this is because considerable numbers are praying - "group prayer" - and even moreso praying in faith - "group faith". It's almost like we've stumbled onto something 'new' and very exciting!! May I now explain to you the task I believe God has for us now.

And we've recently had tangible proof of group faith and group prayer in action *whoo-hoo!*, as I've reported HERE. Our Doctor was certain that Beloved's operation would take her life. We also knew this was quite possible. But once again as you prayed, God produced a miracle, and she got through without a single problem!! I also believe you've kept me alive. Doc would also have expected ME to not be here by now - and my health level has now deteriorated once more to danger point, similar to the end of last year.


It was many years ago that I decided that it was up to ME to pray to the Lord for the total and permanent healing of Beloved and myself. Ill from childhood, no healing had ever come via many others who've prayed for us over our whole life-time. I wanted healing for just one purpose: to fulfil a major, major VISION I had of helping to effectively evangelise some of the saddest and MOST UNREACHED people in the world. That vision burns in me now even brighter with every passing year!!

But each passing year also sees our health deteriorate to the sad place it is now, where I may soon need various operations that without God's power I will not survive. In fact, doctors may even refuse to do them... So, for example, do I let the cataracts in my eyes get worse and worse till I'm too blind to continue the only thing I can do? - minister here every day at the computer - which also happens to be the thing that literally keeps me alive. (If I give in and go to bed, my body will simply start shutting down towards death - so what I do is get up each day and FORCE it to keep going!!)


I prayed earnestly every day for us both, for a considerable number of years. As we continued getting sicker and sicker one day I started pestering the Lord like crazy, praying piles of times throughout every day. Just a couple of weeks later, one morning as I was waking, the Lord said, "Son, your prayers are answered. Do not pray further; just give me thanksgiving instead." I've done this every day since.


But how long before we see the answered prayer? This consists of two important parts. FIRST, our miracle healing. SECOND, a very large amount of money for the ministry above. Being 'a money person' I can do a LOT of good work for the Lord with funds like this!! Through our Charity, I applied for charitable funds and was so excited when they were granted - but which the evil people (bankers, etc.) who REALLY run this world froze before we were able to receive it - and it's been frozen ever since!!

Many others around the world are in the same boat as us. People have been working tirelessly for years to get all the moneys unfrozen. As it happens they are Christians!! They seem to now be close, but the Illuminati (or whoever these faceless people are) still manage to block every move for release of the funds, and so we still don't have a cent!


What's plumb astonishing to me is that when I put things here for prayer (or even just for people to be aware of) - when it's something serious, then all of you guys who I do not even know, well, you pray - and God answers!! So amazing and it's happened many, many times! I could never have imagined or expected such a thing - thus clearly GOD'S DONE THIS!!! So we already know what you can collectively do!! And I have some idea of how GREAT you must feel to be part of such amazing prayer answers!!!


I've written here how Gospel for Asia (GFA) Church Members in India pray for healing until God answers - and He does!! I've also written about the largest group of true Christian Believers in the world, the Underground House Churches in China. They BELIEVE for miracles also, pray for them, and get them all the time!!! In fact they estimate that 80% of their members come to Christ via miracles!!! And obviously their God is also our God, so there cannot possibly be ANY DIFFERENCE here!!!

So please be part of important Godly miracles if you feel to do so (and part of something I'm already beginning to suspect is going to become even larger!!!) Simply pray just as you have before! As I've explained above, God won't let me pray for healing for us both, or for the money to be released, but I'll be taking time out to pray hard for each one of you!! - and I won't give up until God shows us His power via MIRACLE!!!!


I do NOT like asking others to pray for me, as I'm very wary of it being selfish. But this is FOR OTHERS, not for us, and has the potential to ultimately change thousands upon thousands of lives, seriously winning great numbers for Christ, and growing God's Kingdom in a quite amazing way. Each individual one of you can be part of this!! So go for it!!!

I'll be praying for you, as you pray for thousands to eventually be BLESSED!!

I love you, and utterly believe in you! THANKYOU so much for your incredible faithfulness!!!

- BM (with his Lady)
Thank you BM for sharing this with us. As you've mentioned several times the WEST just doesn't have the faith that others in more impoverished or persecuted parts of the world do. How great it would be if we (in the WEST) could get on fire (truely on fire) for the Lord and have that FAITH that is spoken of throughout the Bible and from our pulpits. Prayer is POWERFUL and it's power, I believe, grows exponentially with the number of those praying.

So let's all join together and lift BM and his Beloved in prayer believing fully that they're health will not only improve but that they will be completely healed. Second we need to fervently pray that these funds will be released so that BM's Vision can be fulfilled, thousands of lost can be led to the Lord and God can be glorified. Answers to both of these prayers are very important. One without the other could spell victory for satan. I don't believe God will allow that but our prayers can clinch the victory for the unsaved, impoverished and persecuted.

May you all be richly blessed for your faith and prayer.

God Bless.
Loved the message!
I am going to print it out for my group next week! We had 4 women last night.

Oh and remember about me wanting a husband? I found him! well he really found me:

Isaiah 54:5 (New International Version)

5 For your Maker is your husband—
the LORD Almighty is his name—
the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;
he is called the God of all the earth.

I loved this.. one of the women shared it at the group last night.. like I knew the lord was, but am so thankful to have his word to back it up!

ok. got to scoot to the local Y t work out.


I'm glad the Message was of help. I've been recently shocked to find lack of even basic understanding of what sin is. I mean, how far back to beginnings do we have to go?!!

Great verse. I'm really happy for you, hon!


- BM
Thank you BM for sharing this with us. As you've mentioned several times the WEST just doesn't have the faith that others in more impoverished or persecuted parts of the world do. How great it would be if we (in the WEST) could get on fire (truely on fire) for the Lord and have that FAITH that is spoken of throughout the Bible and from our pulpits. Prayer is POWERFUL and it's power, I believe, grows exponentially with the number of those praying.

So let's all join together and lift BM and his Beloved in prayer believing fully that they're health will not only improve but that they will be completely healed. Second we need to fervently pray that these funds will be released so that BM's Vision can be fulfilled, thousands of lost can be led to the Lord and God can be glorified. Answers to both of these prayers are very important. One without the other could spell victory for satan. I don't believe God will allow that but our prayers can clinch the victory for the unsaved, impoverished and persecuted.

May you all be richly blessed for your faith and prayer.

God Bless.

Thankyou so much my brother!!!

Your fervent call for prayer was such a joy to me, and I believe to the Lord also!! You are so dear to Him and to me!

My original prayer was always for healing and ministry funds together. With both answers we can supply funds for Dalit ("Untouchable") children to be schooled for the first time ever in all of their generations, and teaching Jesus to them. We can dig Jesus wells for villages, for unbeliever and Believer alike. We can build simple church buildings for Believers to meet in. We can support native Missionaries, where there are always more WAITING for support than funds from the West to support them - being much too poor to support themselves.

Where in the world is the BALANCE ever that way round?!!! Jesus said the fields are white unto harvest. Pray God to send forth labourers into the harvest. No need to pray that HERE, in South Asia, with this incredible Missionary organisation, where committed Christian Believers are already waiting, ready, straining at the bit to get trained and out into the field with the Good News about Jesus!! Where persecution and hardship awaits, but never stops them going. Where for a single Missionary a total cost of just $1,500 supports him and his work for a whole year!!!

We can help pay for expensive radio broadcasts of the Gospel, now going out to an amazing 100+ language groups, reaching people we as yet don't have trained Missionaries to send to. We can help with the Medical Ministry, Muslim Ministry, and the Persecution Relief Fund - and even for the expensive fully Equipped Missionary Vehicle, complete with everying needed to show the Indian "Jesus Film" that can travel to unreached villages and has brought thousands and thousands to Christ.

We can pay for animals like rabbits, chickens, goats, cows, pigs, lambs, and water buffalo, to provide a family income for Christian Dalits taking them out of abject poverty and releasing them from slavery to those they've laboured for, also for countless generations. Sewing machines can do a similar thing. And in my Vison much more!! is possible!!!

That's just part of the Vision to supply hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to Gospel for Asia work. You may visit and read and view about this astonishing ministry - just start at or
With MUCH love from us both to everyone!! Praying for YOU!!

- BM

EDIT: When this happens, YOUR GIFTS into South Asia - for all the as yet MOST UNREACHED SOULS + YOUR PRAYERS - will still be needed, okay? OKAY!!!
Been praying Bondman per your request for all yours and the Mrs. needs.

I could use some prayers myself. I am taking a certification test this coming Monday for work.
When I pass this, then I can take my specialty exam within 2 years and have my national certification for Healthcare Management. There are 166 questions, it is done on the computer, which I have never taken a test on the computer before.

I know in my heart that I will do great, but can you all be praying for me this week-end while I study and when I take the test on Monday?

Reaching Higher #64


But Why Would God Send People to Hell?

I find it quite understandable that looking at the total Christian "package", people ask questions like: "But how can a God of love possibly send someone to hell forever just because they don't love and follow Him." Most readers here have answers to that I'm sure, but here I've endeavoured to set down the whole story that, if you wish, you may freely copy and use to help unbelievers with what many may see as a quite vexed question!


It's all to do with the First Chance and the Second Chance. We know that God made Adam and Eve perfect, sinless, holy, just like Himself. In His Own image in fact. How astonishing is that! And both they AND the Garden of Eden were so, so wonderful! BUT... in the form of a serpent, the devil started suggesting to Eve that all God said to her was not quite the truth. IMAGINE: how long did it take to get her to disobey God and eat the fruit of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? Not just days. Probably not even weeks. First he had to teach her the very concept of SIN itself!! She had no desire to disobey God, nor any thoughts of it! But he kept at it , and he wore her down!


And so the fate of the human race was set. She ate, gave some to Adam and he ate too. God, Who IS a God of loving-kindness and tender-mercy, had to take action concerning their disobedience - the FIRST EVER SIN by mankind, but not the last!!! So He put Adam and Eve out of the Garden. Their sin also changed the world to like it is today: a place that will succour us, but at its worst times will harm, even kill us (via tsunamis, volcanos, hurricanes, earthquakes).

But here's the worst part in many ways. Not only did Adam and Eve go badly wrong - WE have all followed in their footsteps: wilfully sinning, disobeying His laws, and being rebellious against a loving God Who wants ALL of us to be His sons and daughters!!


Alright, here is a multiple murderer. A murderer with no conscience whatsoever, deliberately taking the life of innocent people. He is caught, and fronts up to a Court of Justice. He's found guilty, convicted, and sentenced to life imprisonment. QUESTION: Should we have just told him that he was a naughty man, told him to be good from there on - and simply released him? Should we have maybe done this with all the criminals in our jails? Okay then, if your answer is the same as mine: NO! - then let's look at this concerning God also.

FACT: I have wilfully sinned against Him during my life, over and over and over. Even when I learnt the things He commands that I do, I STILL didn't do them. Just like Adam and Eve. They knew better, but still they sinned. So, after I step through death and come before Jesus the Judge, Who is going to scrutinise my whole life, should I expect Him to say the same to me as I suggested above concerning the murderer? So what's the difference? There's basically none - except that my sin is WORSE, because it's against the God Who loves me with an everlasting love, Who has made astonishing provisions for me to be able to live with Him forever in eternity!!!


SO WHAT PROVISIONS? Here's the scenario we simply must understand. God made us perfect, in His Own image. I have had the opportunity to NOT sin against God and His laws - but I've blown it big time!! Convicted by my own wilful actions! As a convicted sinner, He SHOULD have dispensed immediate JUSTICE and thrown me straight into prison just like the murderer - or in this case, thrown me straight into hell. 'Do not pass go; do not collect $100!' Thus Bondman has had his FIRST CHANCE, blew it big time, and DESERVES to be punished. But... what's this? God is... holding off? NOT putting me in jail? What's going on??

I'm still free!! Eventually I find someone who can explain why. "You see," they tell me, "when you totally blew your First Chance, even though you deserved full punishment, God CHOSE to give you a Second Chance!! Not one of us deserve this in any way, but that's what His total love for us led Him to do. Thing is, this was always going to COST HIM - big time - and cost His only Son, Jesus, even bigger time! Jesus was going to HAVE to leave His Father in heaven, come to earth as a baby, be born of a human mother, and live His life on this sinful earth, amongst people who sinned against His Father all the time!! WHOA!!!

PART 2 ________________________________


"He came to earth primarily to DIE," they continued. "At around age 33 He deliberately gave Himself to His enemies who were determined to kill Him. He was crucified on a Roman cross. Before He let His enemies take Him He prayed to His Father in heaven, saying: 'I know what's coming! Father is it possible for me not to have to experience this?' He answered His own question, and went to His death anyway.

"But it was a very special death, because He was dying for all of sinful mankind, dying the death THEY should die, IN THEIR PLACE!! This is just like a rich man coming at the last minute to pay the monstrous fine you can never hope to pay - and so you are TOTALLY set free!! He experienced hell while on the cross, so that YOU would never have to!! He was separated from God His Father. Both of them experienced terrible things: Jesus the horror of being willingly punished for all of our sin; the Father, like any loving father, powerless to do anything or the whole thing would fail - and so needing to leave His son, first watching Him suffer appallingly, then die!


"But death could not hold this so very special God-Man: the third day He rose up from the dead! This proved that the price He had paid had been accepted by the Father as SUFFICIENT for all of us to be set free, NEVER to be condemned for our sin, NEVER to be sent to hell to be punished for it."

"But what do I do to get the Second Chance?" I asked them in agony of soul. "FIRST you must acknowledge that you have wilfully sinned against Almighty God all of your life - and tell Him that you want to STOP all of that sin. This is called REPENTING. It's a big ask, but if you do this SERIOUSLY, then SECOND, you may then BELIEVE in Jesus, that He has paid the price of the forgiveness of all of that sin - your sin. Believing in Him means total trust in Him, and because of your repentance, you're able to choose to follow Him for the whole of your life, for the rest of your life. Nothing less will do. It's 'be totally HIS', or it's nothing at all."


I'm rather stunned by all of this, but following it very, very closely. In my heart I somehow KNOW that's what I'm going to do. HAVE to do - but maybe even do with joy!! Suddenly a dark thought enters my mind. I voice it aloud, "But will everyone believe in Him and be saved?" "No," they reply somberly. "Then," I continue, "this would mean that they've missed God's First Chance He gave them, but now they're deliberately rejecting His amazing Second Chance??" I find myself in rather a state of shock about this!

"Yes, that's right," they answer seriously. "So what will He do to them?" I ask rather breathlessly. "They have NO CHANCES left. By saying NO to Jesus THEY have effectively decided THEIR OWN FATE. At the Judgement, before King Jesus, NO ONE will be able to say, 'But that's not fair!' Jesus would respond, 'But it was your decision, not mine! I gave my life so you could have the Second Chance, but you REJECTED this!. You effectively SENTENCED YOURSELF to hell's punishment forever. I never wanted that for you!! I even died in your place to SAVE you from it! I came and paid the full fine for you. But you CHOSE not to accept it. How foolish was that?'"

Foolish indeed! But that's what the majority will do, Jesus told us. Only the minority will choose to accept His death for sin on their behalf, then give their life to follow His ways for the rest of their lives. Not only does this save them from sin, but if they keep REPENTING of sin and seeking more and more to obey Him in all that He says to do, at the Judgment there will be a quite astonishing REWARD for them, because of their life and service for Him and others.


So the question, "How could God send a person to hell just because they don't love Him?" isn't a valid question, because it doesn't anywhere near take account of the true facts of the case. People may accept Jesus' sacrifice for them, or reject it. God freely ALLOWS them to choose. No gun is held to anyone's head to force them to accept Jesus, and His death for their sin. But if they CHOOSE not to, then the consequences of this are theirs alone. The wonderful thing for us to focus our minds and hearts and life on is the wondrous SACRIFICE Jesus made to save us, which then gloriously allows us to spend all of eternity with Him. That's MY choice, and NEVER EVER EVER will I change it!!

- BM (with his Lady)


Great News!!

For the past nearly week and a half (all of 2010 in fact!) the average number of visits to The Inner Room and Disciple each day has been 208!!

How wonderful and amazing! First time we've EVER averaged over 200! "Lord God, thankyou! Please continue to tell many how to learn and grow to maturity in Christ, pleasing You, and serving You and others."

Love to all!

- BM

Great News!!

For the past nearly week and a half (all of 2010 in fact!) the average number of visits to The Inner Room and Disciple each day has been 208!!

How wonderful and amazing! First time we've EVER averaged over 200! "Lord God, thankyou! Please continue to tell many how to learn and grow to maturity in Christ, pleasing You, and serving You and others."

Love to all!

- BM

That is wonderful news. Just shows that the Word is getting out and people are reading/seeking.
I find it utterly mind-blowing that so many people would come each day to read. Rather humbling! I accept that God's taught me a lot in my 71 years, but still it amazes me.

Thanks, Nick!

- BM
Great message Bondman!
It explains it so in detail but simple to understand.
Thanks again!


Oh, thankyou, sweetie!

After I'd written it "long", I toyed with doing a short version as well. But I just don't had time or health. So maybe that's a task for some time down the track.

I initially did it for a member here (who seems to have left) who strongly put the original quote. I thought - the premise of that is all wrong (yet often said), and set out to see if I could clarify how it all comes together.

Turns out God's not as 'nasty' as a lot of sinners love to portray Him!! - but rather exactly the opposite!

Praying. Lotsa hugs!

- BM
NOTE:: the initial post on this, Thu 5, is HERE.


Naturally enough, I'd fervently hoped to be able to give you all wonderful news by now!

Thus here we go into the longer haul. Will we stick with it? Continuing to believe God answers prayer - INCLUDING for miracles?!!! Is a miracle any HARDER for Him than a small prayer answer? Course not!!! It's WE who put these "restrictions" on Him. If you happen to be feeling like this, then man do I ever understand! I've been there many a time, baulking at the "big" request - as if He would find some sort of 'trouble' doing it!! How incredibly FOOLISH!!

God made the heavens and the earth, is says. And what an earth!! It's exactly the right size, and the right distance from the sun for us to live here. It's tilted around 23° so we have seasons. The sun is also exactly the right size to give us warmth and food. We have a moon. A very LARGE moon actually - but it's the EXACT right size too, and the right distance from us!! With no moon there would - could - not possibly be any life on earth at all. It is just PERFECT!!! And we have special layers of atmosphere that constantly protect us from harmful rays and other nasties.

It's all unique, utterly unique! The astonishing and beautiful blue planet 'floating' here in space as our place to live and learn to love and to serve the great God - Who originally made it from NOTHING without even lifting a finger!

Prayer and fasting. If you've not done it, give it a try. Miss a meal, or part of a meal each day. Or do without sweets or something like that. God HONOURS fasting. Maybe He uses our awareness of hunger to remind us to pray... Maybe aim to pray more times in the day.

This is a giant 'experiment', if you like, to prove that group prayer and especially group faith CAN actually produce miracles in the West like they do all the time in poorer countries. I hate to say it like this, but if we - this amazing group of us here - if we fail (heaven forbid), then I would see no hope for Western Christianity in the prayer area. I don't BELIEVE there's no hope!!! But I do think that we're on a knife edge. So anything you can do in your life, and in your prayers to maybe make a difference, please, please do it over the next couple of days!!!

The success or failure of the "experiment" has giant ramifications for, I would estimate, ultimately hundreds of thousands of souls in India and South Asia. We MUST get the Gospel to them for the first time; we MUST take care of them like Jesus commands us. God's set up a way for this to happen!! Now it's our turn to play our part.

Much, much love to each one of you!!! I've been praying much for you each day!

Joy and peace in our Lord Jesus!!

- BM
This is a giant 'experiment', if you like, to prove that group prayer and especially group faith CAN actually produce miracles in the West like they do all the time in poorer countries. I hate to say it like this, but if we - this amazing group of us here - if we fail (heaven forbid), then I would see no hope for Western Christianity in the prayer area. I don't BELIEVE there's no hope!!! But I do think that we're on a knife edge. So anything you can do in your life, and in your prayers to maybe make a difference, please, please do it over the next couple of days!!!

Definitely continuing to pray here, and speaking of group prayer, had the women's group tonite there were 5 of us and we had group prayer for our sons tonight as many of our sons are struggling , it was an awesome nite.

I failed my exam ,, here is an excerpt from the ministry newsletter I write:

Ok, now you are going to have to use your imagination on this newsletter to envision this.
How do you pick a lock? Do you use a pick. a credit card or maybe, just maybe a key. Let me explain.

How many of you pray and ask God to show you what he truly wants you to be doing?
I continue to learn to do this and try to practice it on regular basis. Today was no exception.
Upon waking, I asked the Lord to bless my day and keep me on his path for me. I was a little bit nervous, as I was scheduled to drive to Buffalo to take a core exam for national certification with the Healthcare Management Association. It was to be a 166 question exam.

I made the drive over just fine, no snow to contend with. The building was in downtown Buffalo. I carefully pulled my car into the spot in the parking garage. Now those of you who have driven with me, know I do not use mirrors, no I crank my neck out the window! So with the window down and looking to make sure I was not to close to the car next to me. I shut the car off. Next thing, I know the automatic locks lock and the panic button alarm goes off! I could not get it to shut off, nor could I open the doors of my car. The exam was due to start in a half hour. I was pounding the steering wheel, saying “devil you are not going to keep me from getting to my exam!” I tried everything to no avail. Luckily, I had my cell phone with me and the number of the Proctor in the building. I called him and with the alarm sounding and trying to holler over it, I told him I was stuck in my car! He said he would send security out. In the meantime, I was thinking I could climb out the window (I cannot stop laughing as I type this!).

So I scooted up on the seat with my bulky winter jacket and my winter boots and eyeballed the situation But then I thought, my black pants will have salt all over them , as my white car was filthy! I thought this is not going to work, so I called my friend Terri and said “sister you have got to pray for me, I am stuck in my car and I need to get to my exam! I mean after all, I paid $ 125.00 to take this thing! While talking to her, the proctor called to check up on me and to tell me security was on the way. I switched to the other line to my girlfriend and she calmly said “Robin why not reach your arm out the window and try unlocking the door with the key”!
Who would have thought of such a simple solution! So with her on the other end, I followed her instructions and wala.. The car door opened, the alarm quit!

Ok, so now we have security on the way to rescue the damsel in distress, and the damsel is out of the car and feeling like well, umm a bit bewildered! I see them coming through the parking lot, and I explained to them how I got out of the car, the simple way of course, not crawling through an open window, duh! They escort me to the exam room. I pray before the exam starts and then for the next three hours, I answer 166 questions. When you are done, you hit the submit button and you automatically find out if you passed. As I hit, I prayed. The reply was you scored 17 out of scale of 1-30 and you need 21 minimum to pass, therefore you have failed the exam. The other 3 exam takers had already finished and left. I said - awwwwhh , ohhhh I failed. The proctor was like all apologetic and said I am so sorry. I sat there and just said that is ok, I am not upset; it was not part of God’s plan for me not to pass today. He just looked at me. I started to laugh about the whole afternoon. I did not stop laughing the whole way home. Honestly looking at all of it, I see it was not the devil keeping me from the exam; it was God that shut that door of my life right now. I did not need this exam for my job, I was taking it to better myself, but honestly God has bettered me in so many ways this past year. One of those is writing for him, using my passion for wanting to tell of the good things he is doing on the streets of Batavia. So if you are still with me, let me get to the real news of this week

It was an awesome day, even though I failed the exam, I believe in my heart with God locking me in the car, was a sign this is not the path for me right now.
Ok .. continuing to pray here for yours and the Mrs. Prayers.

God Bless
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