THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Thank you for the B and B updates. I've not been on for the past 2-3 days so missed your Dec 9 update. Have been fighting with a bug myself but it seems to be subsiding this evening.

Continuing to lift you and your Beloved in prayer. God will provide the healing in the time of His choosing. I know we all get anxious about that and I'm sure you are somewhat but I so like your attitude in this whole affair. The nice part of it all is God IS the light at the end of the tunnel.

God Bless my brother.

Ah, my dear brother, you are a wonderful blessing straight from God!! Sorry to hear of you having a bug too. Not nice at all!

Thankyou for your care and prayer and that of your dear folk over there. GOD IS FULLY IN CHARGE!!

Love and blessings!!

- BM

(Wed 9 was here. I'll try and do the last 2 from now on to fit in with your program.)
Reaching Higher #56


I Am FAR from Satisfied...

With my Christian life I mean!! I know God's brought me a long way in the past 52 years, for which HE gets all GLORY. So nothing here is a complaint about HIM!! But while, by His Spirit, He's cleaned up so much of my life, I am simply NOT satisfied at how well I'm living the Life.

For example, I don't have enough power in prayer. In fact I'm curently plain disgusted at my ability to get prayer answers! So why? Maybe, like Faithwoman was talking about a few days ago, I spend too much time here on Ministry and not enough time in prayer. Before God restarted me in Ministry some years back, I would spend up to an hour a day in prayer and meditation. Don't have that time now... (Hmm... I think I just answered my own question!!)

And I'm nowhere near enough aware of His Presence. Yes, I DO know that He is always here with me, always!! Of course I know that! So... why am I not more aware of Him? Beloved maintains that I AM - but am simply not aware that I am, if that makes sense! When she first suggested this, I could see what she meant, and even agreed with it, but I am still very DISSATISFIED with my "God's Presence awareness". Paul exclaimed in: Philippians Ch 3:7 That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death. All of that I want too!!!! I want more resurrection power. And I sure want to know Him better, know Him more!!!

Then I find myself wondering about my filling with the Spirit. Like, shouldn't this be making more of a difference in my life than it is? He is POWER, He is GOD, He is here to help me - and a whole great pile of other things. Maybe I'm concerned about this when I don't need to be? Or perhaps I should go back to earnestly praying every day to always be BEING filled like I did some years back? Yep, I think that's a definite - I shall restart that TODAY.

Okay, I think that those are my main spiritual concerns currently. "Far from satisfied" is definitely right though!!

Now to do the right thing by our wonderful God, there are many things in my life that I am VERY happy with - which He's done SO MUCH WORK on over many, many years. I'm sure He got lots of gray hairs from all that!! But we've achieved them!! - when I say "we" I mean about 1% input from me and 99% from Him, because I learnt some years ago that if I want something in my walk with Him, I just need to earnestly tell Him that I do, and am willing for whatever it takes to achieve it. That's the 1%, because He does the 99% to ultimately make it happen (NO struggling; but most times lots of hardship and hard times during this work - being something that I would call "an inevitable essential!!")

Do I need to be following the above for some of my dissatisfactions? - hmm... I need to think and pray on that!!...


- BM (with his Lady)

EDIT: Well, I've been away for a rest (or sleep) that I have to have each day because of my many illnesses. But I was able to do things differently, more along the lines of how I used to (as mentioned above). So I've had a good time with the Lord concerning the matters of this Message - even made some progress!! *Whoo-hoo!!!*

This will have to be organised properly so I can continue, most especially so that I'm not so tired when I hit the bed that I'm too far gone to do serious prayer! Oh, and in case anyone's wondering, neither Beloved or I ever have any "green" on the underside of our feet (cos no grass ever gets to grow there!!! *heehee!!*)

B and B Update, Mon 14

One of the major difficulties of giving you an update on how we're going is that our health changes often and rapidly. But anyway Beloved's healing is continuing, tho still slowly of course. Today Karen is taking her across town to our good Chiropractor to try and get her headaches stopped for awhile.

She believes she will be able to lie on her tummy for him to do the work on her neck etc., as it's just healed enough to allow this.

I need to go to the Chiro. too, but for the past year it's become just too far for me to be driven there (40 minutes) - my body just can't handle this any more. I'm having trouble with MY neck, vertibrae in my back, and head-pain. *sigh* Beloved's started a 'campaign' of massaging these areas to try and settle my problems down. She's only just healed enough to carefully do this.

Enough for now. Love you guys so much for supporting us. Very, very SPECIAL!!

- B and B

I so appreciate your message in regards to what is missing.

I am seeing it more and more every day with people
My day today:
1.. call from a friend of mine, not from ministry asking if I could lend her $ 100.00.. I had to tell her no as my finances did not allow it.

2. Text message from my friend who lived with me and she was in a car wreck today and said she may need me to take her for groceries this week-end. (same one who struggled with me "preaching" to her.

3. Call from a woman I have been ministering and discpling to.. she too was in accident on thruway but not hurt.. on her way to christmas shopping with her fiance ( whom is addicted to drug oxycotin)now mind you she and 2 girls have been evicted from their apartment.. She has to get a paper signed for social services to help with emergency security deposit for new apartment. but she is off running doing other things. she is saved but has not been living right.. she is wondering why things are not working out for her?

and the list goes on.. my point- the "old" Robin would have run herself ragged trying to help these folks.. now I just pray with them and pray for what God wants me to do to help others.. you are so right as you stated I cannot do it all.. I pray for more wisdom and discernment for all in my life and allow him to lead me and guide me.

It is soooooo cold here.. lots of snow! I appreicate your messages as the love of Christ keeps me warm..

God Bless

My apologies for not responding to this post, hon!

It's certainly too, too easy to get bogged down in things that are good, yet they are not what God wants! We have to be so wise, and need HIS wisdom like you said.

I wonder how many are quite unaware that God INVITES you to ask Him for wisdom: James Ch 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

Many years ago Beloved prayed for wisdom via this verse every day for ages. And received it!! So many times her wisdom helps me because she did that!!

And saying "No" is one of the difficult things that every servant of God has to learn.

Lotsa (warm) HUGS!! (it's boiling hot and very humid here!)

- BM
You are very honest and deep.


Much much applause to God for what you wrote about the Holy Spirit! that's wise words just there. I hope others also follow this link from the "Baptism in the Holy Spirit" thread.


Thankyou so much, my good friend, you're very kind.

I say like you did, "Much applause to our amazing God!!" I was seemingly born to be a truth-seeker. What I know, has come from a lifetime of this - with piles of Holy Spirit help! Wisdom comes from the Lord, and also by 'water flowing under the bridge'. I love that once I hit round about 60 I suddenly became astonishingly aware that I actually had gathered up wisdom, knowledge and understanding during my journey of life.

My other wonderful 'fortune' is that from day one of coming to Jesus at age 18 (when I finally found someone who could tell me how to!) I've never turned away, turned back, or fallen away. I don't know why, except, well, "God" it has to be!! (Even once when I got pretty badly caught up in sin for a shortish time, even then I never left Him, nor He me. If anyone finds this amazing to read, it amazes me even more!!)

And finally, I've been prepared to endure hardship that He's brought into my life, now for the past 30+ years. No one's gonna ever LIKE suffering, trials, and hardships, but you can endure them, and ultimately get to the place where you can even glory in them! (by the work of the Spirit in your life).

Many blessings!!

- BM
Reaching Higher #57


Getting Yourself 'Baptised With' or 'Filled With' the Holy Spirit - Part 2

... Continued from Part 1, "Getting More CLEAR About the Holy Spirit"

I've spoken about the fact that I prefer to use the expression "Filled with the Spirit" than "Baptised with the Spirit". Both are Scripturally correct, but this is more than just a personal preference. Firstly, when "baptised" is used in Acts it's more referring back to John's Baptism than to that of the Holy Spirit. Secondly, I'm certain that many in the churches that major on the Holy Spirit ("Holy Ghost") don't realise that at Pentecost - when it all FIRST happened!!! - the expression used for their wondrous experience was: Acts Ch 1:4b And they were all FILLED with the Holy Spirit. That may have surprised some of you!

But I've come to realise another more important reason why I will continue to use "filled with" rather than "baptised with". It's to do with our concept of baptism. After we believed in Christ, then we were baptised in water. We all realise that water baptism is a once only experience and a true and actual transaction with God. Once done, it's done. But some of those who always use "baptised with the Spirit", do tend to think back to when this FIRST happened, similar to when they were water baptised. I've been asked, "Have you been baptised with the Spirit?" as a past occurence! Answer: "Yes, and God is still filling me with His Spirit on a daily basis right up to today." "Filled with" simply works better!!!

Plus concerning these same folk, how many would actually know Ephesians Ch 5:18 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit. Or more correctly from the Greek: be being filled with the Spirit (which you know that I tend to call "present continuous tense"). I've prayed a similar prayer to this so many times over the years, almost in "desperation", "Lord, ever be filling me with Your Spirit!!" Because I DESPERATELY need Him to show me THE TRUTH, which is so INCREDIBLY important to me.

Jesus promised us: John Ch 16:13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth. Works for ME! I need Him so that somehow Jesus may be glorified in me (though how that can possibly ever be I do not know!!) BUT IT'S WHAT I MOST NEED - being a most important role of the Spirit of God!!!

And I need the POWER that comes via the Spirit. Jesus promised this to the disciples as He spoke of the imminent coming of the Holy Spirit: Acts Ch 1:8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” And this happened - and they were!!!!

From the above verse, have you maybe thought that possibly MOST of us haven't even started being Jesus' witnesses ANYWHERE! That's SERIOUS!! I can hear Him say to me, "Where did you witness about Me to others? When did you do this? Do you have any standing here with you now who you brought to Me? Oh, but that's the PASTOR'S JOB!... It most certainly IS NOT!!! You see, that's one of the problems. We pay HIM to do evangelism, right, AND a great pile of other jobs as well.

But In that verse, the disciples were told they'd start at home, then work further afield, and right to the ends of the earth. Wow! And history tells us THEY DID EXACTLY THAT!! Like, even as far away as India!! But stop! WHEN did He say this would happen? AFTER the Holy Spirit came upon them!! And HOW could they do it? BY the POWER the Holy Spirit brought to them!!! So could it be... remotely possibly... that: a) We're not really FILLED with the Holy Spirit yet, and b) Therefore we simply don't have POWER!! Could this be why most of us have never brought even one person to Jesus??

IF this is anywhere near true, then don't we desperately need to ask ourselves,:"Alright, me, there simply MUST be blockages in my life that I HAVE to sort out!" And in Part 3 we'll seek to find them.

To be continued...

- BM (with his Love)

For example, I don't have enough power in prayer. In fact I'm curently plain disgusted at my ability to get prayer answers! So why? Maybe, like Faithwoman was talking about a few days ago, I spend too much time here on Ministry and not enough time in prayer. Before God restarted me in Ministry some years back, I would spend up to an hour a day in prayer and meditation. Don't have that time now... (Hmm... I think I just answered my own question!!)

Amen, I think you did too! I know I am working on that, when I look to last summer when I was really seeking, my gosh, I was in services on Sat evening, sun morning, prayer group on Tuesdays and up every day reading scripture , doing devotions at night, when I spent this time seeking him is when I truly did find guidance.. it too has been missing for me a bit.

My heart is being more and more nudged towards the whole sexually abused woman issue. and really just the sickening things that go on with men and women in that arena.. I just do not get why women lay with women and men lay with men even married men.. it is all so sick and heart wrenching.. and so many affairs and such happening.. more and more every day.. Jesus help these people!

Tomorrow nite is week 2 with the women. I hear there may be 3 women showing up, so we shall see who God leads to the door.
just struggling a bit here.. but ever so blessed.
Love you both..
You have a new sister in the Lord!.. Yep you and the Mrs. were sitting at my dining room table tonight.
Had women's support group and one gal showed up and by the end of evening.. she accepted the Lord.. she is so looking forward to coming back next week.. God was so good and gave me wisdom to some of the questions she asked!

Boy it was awesome.. I listened to her testimony and there were so many common struggles.. it was just a God ordained evening!
I completely agree with you about the sexual stuff that men and women go on with. It IS sickening. And of course we've had Hollywood AND television pushing the homosexuality thing for some time now - every year that goes past making it more the "normal" thing. I know what God thinks about it all.

But we have to accept that's what society is doing, and make even more sure of our relationship with the Lord and our ability to help others to find Him and grow with Him. THAT'S our charge from God!!

Praying for your meetings and for you to know the way God is leading you (and about any struggles)!


- BM
You have a new sister in the Lord!.. Yep you and the Mrs. were sitting at my dining room table tonight.
Had women's support group and one gal showed up and by the end of evening.. she accepted the Lord.. she is so looking forward to coming back next week.. God was so good and gave me wisdom to some of the questions she asked!

Boy it was awesome.. I listened to her testimony and there were so many common struggles.. it was just a God ordained evening!

Now THAT sure is exciting!!! Awesome indeed!!

It's great that you were able to talk with her, and to answer her questions. Wisdom is a wonderfufl thing, isn't it!

A God ordained evening indeed!
We love you so much!

- BM
Just keep praying for me. My daughter called this evening and she is so distraught with this being the first Christmas without her grandmother being there. She and her dad live with his parents and the gram passed this past May. She has alot of hard classes in her senior year. She is use to getting A's and has been getting C's in a couple of classes. She is applying for college was accepted at one and has settlled on that college. She is being overwhelmed with college papers and feels there is no one to help her. She has to send in $ 225.00 for housing. Her father is making her pay her own car ins. $ 40.00 a month where as he paid everything for our older son. he never had to pay.. She has not been able to sleep at night. She was so distraught. I gently reminded her how God is with her and loves her and will bring her peace. I prayed with her, but it just broke my heart!

on another note, I got on the scale.. and I have gained 25 pounds since moving here! not good! and of course the other struggle of nicotine has been so convicting me.. which is a good thing but a struggle.. I look back to where I have come from and praise God.. but to be honest... just hurting a bit.. and of course my mind wants to wander to the past with guilt and such.. no way hose'! Our god is a mighty God and he has saved me.. it is one bucket at a time.

Love and hugs to all
SPECIAL B and B, Thu 17

Bondman has hit the wall again! *Grrr!!* Getting very tired indeed of how I get 'up' a bit, then down I go again. I can't get set into anything properly because of this complete instability.

I felt so ill when I got up today that I really did feel like I was dying (I wasn't!) Not quite so bad now (near bedtime), but it's been a totally rotten day. We strongly suspect that my upper back and neck vertibrae are all in a complete MESS and I need our Chiropractor real bad. I've not been to him this year because he is 40 minutes across town and the trip was getting too much for me to manage. No one else can help me but him!

So 'too far' or not, I'm scheduled to go across on Monday with my carer (or Tuesday with friend John). Hope I can make it, cos we can't see any other answer to how ill I am. I've got upper back pain and headaches of course, but it's feeling so dreadful that's the awful part and is really knocking me out.

Beloved is doing great, quietly and carefully improving all the time, bless God!! When I'm as down as this she really finds life hard as she relies on me a lot to keep her up and going.

Thankyou so much for CARING!!!

- BM, with his wonderful wife
Just keep praying for me. My daughter called this evening and she is so distraught with this being the first Christmas without her grandmother being there. She and her dad live with his parents and the gram passed this past May. She has alot of hard classes in her senior year. She is use to getting A's and has been getting C's in a couple of classes. She is applying for college was accepted at one and has settlled on that college. She is being overwhelmed with college papers and feels there is no one to help her. She has to send in $ 225.00 for housing. Her father is making her pay her own car ins. $ 40.00 a month where as he paid everything for our older son. he never had to pay.. She has not been able to sleep at night. She was so distraught. I gently reminded her how God is with her and loves her and will bring her peace. I prayed with her, but it just broke my heart!

on another note, I got on the scale.. and I have gained 25 pounds since moving here! not good! and of course the other struggle of nicotine has been so convicting me.. which is a good thing but a struggle.. I look back to where I have come from and praise God.. but to be honest... just hurting a bit.. and of course my mind wants to wander to the past with guilt and such.. no way hose'! Our god is a mighty God and he has saved me.. it is one bucket at a time.

Love and hugs to all

So sorry to hear of all the stresses in your life at the moment. (Sometimes people may say, "Who needs kids?".... *smile!*) I do hope that things can get sorted with that lovely daughter of yours!

You seem to do well these days with not allowing the past to rise up and bite you. There's only one place we all live, and that's right NOW.

Continuing to pray for you! HUGS!!

- BM
I am sorry to hear that you are having these problems. I'm glad that you're going to make the trip to the chiropractor. It sounds like you are in real need there. While we do believe in the healing power of God, we also must realize that God provides in variety of ways and one is the healing practices that a doctor can provide. I do hope that you will come away in a better place. Will pray for the trip that it won't be to wearing on you and that you'll find relief. God Bless.
I personally think for both you and me it is called a little of Burnout.. You have been through alot with the Mrs.. and still trying to keep up on the forum.. May I suggest a bit of a break to get yourelf back in tip top shape.. I Know this is part of my problem.. I was a tearful puddle when getting on the bus tonight.. so many things.. and yes my personality plays a big part in my bit of a burnout.

Hugs and take a break. Enjoy the season. Take care of you and the Mrs.
Love you
Yep, it has been a stressful time recently, and my body just won't seem to behave. I may be quite ill, but usually I'm fairly stable - but not lately, that's for sure. Thing is that you can take time off, and/or do some different things. I cannot. The computer is my sole thing I can do, and being able to do it literally keeps me alive. Doing nothing is the opposite - my body takes that a signal that, "Oh, we've finished with life, have we? No problems!" and proceeds to start shutting down!!! When you have it bad, that's Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for ya!

So I just have to see if I can make it to the Chiropractor Monday or Tuesday, and get him to do some fixing of my upper back and neck. Managing the 40 min. trip across town is going to be the hard bit! We believe this will help considerably. I'm sure tired of them hurting!

Now you definitely need to step back a bit by the sound of it. Tears at the bus-stop is no good at all! Maybe go through your list of concerns/problems before the Lord and consciously give them to Him (then DON'T take them back!) It may help to list them, then mark them at the bottom, "Given into the Lord's hands!" Sometimes doing a tangible thing like that can help. Continuing to pray, dear one!


- BM
I am sorry to hear that you are having these problems. I'm glad that you're going to make the trip to the chiropractor. It sounds like you are in real need there. While we do believe in the healing power of God, we also must realize that God provides in variety of ways and one is the healing practices that a doctor can provide. I do hope that you will come away in a better place. Will pray for the trip that it won't be to wearing on you and that you'll find relief. God Bless.

Thankyou, Nick! I'm fairly sure I'll have to go more than once cos my spine is in such a mess. This is from lack of muscle tone, stemming from inactivity, which then allows the vertibrae to go out of place! Can't change the unactivity a lot unfortunately - I do every bit I possibly can with my body. I don't ride round in Gertie all the time, but use my crutches when I have the energy to do so, and even walk short distances without support at times when I can. It's all quite complex and pretty pesky!!

Bless you and yours!

- BM
Reaching Higher #58


The End IS Coming!

But we do NOT know when! Even Jesus reported that He didn't know!! (If you want to know how THAT can be, well, we all realise that we cannot NOT remember things, but God can!! That is, Jesus is perfectly able to NOT know the time - He chose not to!! He then literally DOES NOT KNOW!!) Only God the Father knows when the end is coming!

2012 is coming up, and the movie about it And so the perfectly reasonable and valid question is raised: "If you knew with certainty that the end was in 1 week's time, what things would you do differently?" Quite a lot, I suspect! Would you try to make peace with that relative you've been at odds with? Would you get closer to your spouse, and ensure they know you truly love them - and SAYING SO! Or would you perhaps be trying to get that love back? And especially would you start thinking more about past and present sin, and ensuring that you've REPENTED of them all?

But to me the even bigger question is, would you want to ensure that your relationship with God Himself is really going great? Because there's a problem if it isn't: this is NOT something you can fix in a week!! Or even longer! Most know that the Bible speaks of a thousand year reign by Christ here on earth, after He returns. AND a few are aware of the fact that it speaks of us REIGNING with Him!!! Revelation Ch 20:6b but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years. Of those who didn't worship the beast or take his mark during the Tribulation: Revelation Ch 20:5b And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

Jesus will be the Ruler over the earth, the only earthly KING!! And peace, justice, and righteousness will be on earth again for the first time since Adam and Eve were put out of the Garden of Eden. BUT what will we Believers be doing? REIGNING WITH HIM!! So are you ready? Have you been preparing for this in your life? It's going to happen!! AndI think we could reasonably expect that those who have set a course of SERVING JESUS in their lives are going to be given the 'best', most responsible rulership tasks!

Those who are slack and live only in this world, disobedient to God's command to us (which is most Believers in our societies), will not only: a) miss out on many of God's special Rewards at the later Judgment, but b) how much will they miss out on during the 1,000 years? My guess would be: A GREAT LOT!! CONSIDER: we spend all of eternity with God. Will this be enjoyable or a chore for you? Do you actually LIKE God? Do you think that He's GREAT? If both of these, then you're on a good track!!

But what about service - getting you ready for reigning with Jesus Christ, the Messiah? Are your actively PREPARING? Spiritually as well as in the temporal sphere? We're still going to be on EARTH remember! Seems to me that those who've learnt skills will be valuable to Jesus. Those who've been looking after the needy and caring for them like I've recently showed you how, He will love during that thousand years I reckon!! Those who've helped get others into the Kingdom of God, ditto!!

So ask yourself, "How am I doing? Am I on the right track or the wrong one? Am I preparing for eternity, which starts at the 1,000 years after He's just returned to earth - as He expects us to be READY to reign with Him over the earth and the people of the earth!! (the beginning of eternity for us, because we will be "changed"!)

Bless you with much wisdom as you consider these things, and take action!

- BM (with his Lady)

Just a quick note to tell you I am still praying for ya'll and think about you guys every day. I seem to be wrapped up in my own little world these days. Focused on my family and grandbabies, I guess.
Have a Merry Christmas!! :}
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