That is so awesome, BM! God answered prayers through the nurse who advised her to go home. The thought DID occur to me that it might be better if she were home, but then I remembered that you wanted them to keep her as long as possible, so I didn't mention it. oh, well, God got through anyway.
I'll continue praying though. God really does love us! Sweets
Oh yes, He sure DOES love us!!
Hey, any time at all that some thought comes to say to me, please do so. I greatly value your thoughts, and it may be exactly what God wants me to know!
Thankyou so much for continuing to pray. We have to get her healed now - and that's gonna be a long and difficult time. (She's still SO sore from all the cuts the Surgeon did!)
Bless you heaps, Sweets!!
- BM