PBFWM are "Habits That Help Us Grow Closer to Christ"
Bible study
For me, Prayer is the most powerful, and I feel that we all should...spend, atleast
15 minutes a day Listening to God
15 minutes a day Talking to God ourselves
15 minutes a day Talking to God about others
15 minutes a day Studying His Word
We should Fellowship with other Christians as often as possible
We should Worship God with every breath we take, &
We must Minister and share our love for God, to every one we come in contact with.
Growth in Christ is infinite!
Aw, aint you sweet? Thank you!![]()
Poor Fluffy! I'd give ya some hugs too if I could find those cute little people you and Bondman have. I'll pray for you though.
Here's a little something I found during my Bible studies today. I was reading about Peter and his walking on the water. This very setting of raging wind and sea is the classroom in which the Son of God seeks to perfect his desciples' faith. Jesus did not come to console us but to perfect us! That's a hard thing to learn, but if we could just look at it that way - when hard times come, it might make it easier. He's wanting to refine us. OUCH!
He also knows that the more we are transformed into His image, the less vulnerable we are to the evils of this world. So, what does He do? He compels us toward difficulties, because they compel us toward God and God compels us toward change. It is my tranformed heart that finds the stronghold of God.
Heavenly Father, forgive me for fearing during my storms. For a long time, I did not understand Your commitment to my perfection. I have wanted to be saved without being transformed. I have feared the fullness of becoming Christlike, and some other things you have for me. Bring forth in me Your faith, help me to not misinterpret Your encouragement toward excellence when I fall short. With all of my heart, I want to glorify You with my life. Grant me the grace that, when others see what You have accomplished in me, they too shall glorify You! Amen
Thank you, thank you, thank you! For the hugs and affirmations! I feel much better today!Rested and refreshed and ready to go!![]()
SweetSurrender, that was a beautiful prayer. I used to be afraidof the "rooting out" of the chaff that was in my heart, but these days, I welcome it,
because I know its for my good and growth. It may be painful and uncomfortable, but its so much better in the end! Kind of like having a bad tooth pulled! hee!![]()
I read a book one time that was titled "If You Want to Walk on Water, You Have to Get Out of the Boat!" and isnt that so true? If we want to see great things in our lives, we have to get past our fears and get out there!
What is encouraging to me, is even Jesus rested. He had to take time out and relax and get in the presence of the Father. Which is what I have done and feel so much better!God is the great Physician! Hallelujah!![]()
I've hurt my knee. I was cleaning in my office and had squatted down to pick something up and I felt this pressure building in my knee and when I stood up I heard this really loud crack and I started to walk to the kitchen to put the dry erase board back on the fridge and my knee gave out. I talked to my friend Staci who is a nursing major (already doing her clinicals and stuff) and she told me to ice and see if it swelled or turned purple/red and if it did to call her and she would take me to the ER. Well I iced my knee and it was fine but it started hurting again and when I was looking at in the bathroom a few minutes ago I have a tiny bruise forming on the left side of my knee (on my right leg) and it hurts to walk and it actually hurt driving home from Staci's. I'm gonna see what it is like in the morning cause I really don't want to have to deal with the ER on post
(as a side note Staci and Holly are a few of my fellow Buccaneer wives - our companies mascot if you will is the buccanneer)