Jim, my dear friend, I thought we'd sorted this, but no problem because others who may read here may want to know.
Alcorn is a Novelist and sadly much of his work on Heaven is the same as a novel - made up in his mind. And so to...
WARNING #1. It is also in the form of a popular book, a book he wrote that people would love - because it makes them feel good!!
And they do! Yet it purports to be a book telling you what the Bible teaches about heaven. It doesn't. When I write Inner Room Messages I am not trying to make ANYONE feel good. Rather I'm speaking the truth of what God's Word actually says (anyone may tell me where I'm wrong and if so I will publicly admit this - and fix it!!) To speak the truth, often I may speak strongly - even to the point of offending people - just as the Bible itself does. Alcorn would NEVER do this, so my Messages are very, VERY different from this part-fictional book which makes almost all readers feel good and say they love it. It was written deliberately to do exactly that!
WARNING #2. The fiction part comes from the foolish assumptions (guesses!) he makes, OR reads - and quotes - that someone else already made. AND then builds on these assumptions to create new but FALSE doctrines.
For example, he says that Heaven is part of our physical universe. How ridiculous - a guess that he cannot possibly prove from Scripture, so why put it in a book purportedly about heaven? It's nonsensical anyway. God is Spirit. He is with me and with you. He's everywhere. Why would Spirit need a "place" to live - that's such a contradiction of terms: a place is part of our concept of time and space. That is, Alcorn is a very "earthly" thinker - rather than a spiritual one - seemingly wanting to bring everything down, down to our earthly terms!
No mere man can do that to our Mighty GOD!!! In the last few verses of Revelation we're solemnly warned NOT to take away or ADD anything to the Book. To me this author adds much that is NOT in God's Word. Very serious IMO! Worse still, after making an (unwarranted) assumption, he often then builds on this with further assumptions (that may appear quite logical - as well as exciting) until he has effectively created a whole NEW doctrine bearing little if any relation to what the Scripture really says - OR doesn't say (we must take the greatest care not to read into the text things it simply DOESN'T say. Man oh man, all of this is REALLY BAD!!
WARNING #3. It's hardly surprising that Jim is enjoying it. But here's the problem - a most serious one! Everything you read about the Bible, whether it's correct or incorrect makes a brain trace. That is, you will remember it (and satan will help you to do so with the ERRORS!!) The more engrossed and caught up you are (loving it and feeling good), the stronger the brain trace! If it's ERROR rather than truth, as much is in this book, then your mind now has a mix of truth and error!
I can illustrate why this is so serious by how my Beloved and I once listened to a TV Evangelist when we'd become too ill to attend church meetings. Just like Alcorn, what he preached sounded so good! But a fair bit of it wasn't - again exactly like Heaven's author. Ultimately we realised we'd been conned. We gave this guy up, with us in a VERY hurt condition. My Beloved took years to get over the damage he did to us. BRAIN TRACES: it then took her further years to get out of her mind the error-laden brain traces he'd implanted there, i.e., it was sometimes quite IMPOSSIBLE for her to be certain of the difference between Scriptural truth and error!!
Today she's fine, tho still angry about what this guy fed into our minds. And we both utterly REFUSE to listen to anything or read something that's questionable. Far too dangerous - and many have gone off The Path by doing this very thing!!
WARNING #4. IT'S PLAYING WITH FIRE: if you believe Alcorn, then it will be just that much easier to read another book putting MORE error into your mind! That is, please so NOT at any time knowingly read or listen to error, because this one step can easily lead to another and another - in the wrong direction! How do you think that young Christians end up as atheists? Go to MySpace and read their posts. They believed - but listened to someone speaking error, and so a seed was sown in their minds. Once there the next seed has easier entry - and the end result is DESTRUCTION for them!!!
Now that's sad, yet SO unnecessary, if we fail to take great care what we allow to come into our mind, and make a brain trace.
I earnestly hope some of this may prove to be of value to some readers here.
Many blessings!
- BM