FROM BONDMAN - Friday, May 6
As I have some most important and urgent things to write about us and our needs I'll put them at the bottom for today.
PREVIOUS QUESTION: As Christian people are we supposed to help others? If so, who? And how?
I feel that I could/should have worded this question differently. 'Who' is easily answered by a verse I believe I may have quoted quite recently: Galatians Ch 6:10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good to all [people], [but] especially to them who are of the household of faith. So those who come first for help from us are our fellow Christian Believers. Next for help from us are unbelievers. So that covers 'WHO' we should give help to - in that order!!
'HOW' could be thought of according to meanings of "good" in the Greek, where it can mean "useful" and of "benefit". But the big question - which I've dealt with before, but still should have included - is a 'WHY' one. Are you ready for this? WHY DON'T WE?? Why don't we help others? Seriously!! And the answers are so simple: a) because we're so incredibly wrapped up in looking after ourselves, and b) being so concerned for our own well-being that we neither have TIME nor ENERGY to look after others.
Okay, so how serious is this? Answer: DEADLY serious!! Jesus goes so far as to say that those who do NOT look after the needs of others who cannot help themselves for food, water, clothing, shelter and being taken care of, and in illness He will send to HELL!! - sent there WITH a curse upon them by Jesus Himself (v. 41)!! Click to read ALL of Matthew 25: 31-46. Whoa, heavy stuff!!
Alright, so your life is NOT majorly concerned about the well-being of your fellow Believers. Very common in our societies. But what does it say about your Christian life? Answer: you're not living it - so you better get some healthy/Godly "fear" into your soul about your spiritual state!!! You are worldly, and NOT visiting that elder Christian living alone who needs help with all manner of things!! Instead who do you spend your time with? Answer: with those who love you of course!! - NOT with the difficult, the ill, or the elderly!Yes, change WILL cost you!! But then didn't our very salvation COST the agony and ultimately LIFE of Someone we profess to belong to?!!
Please do NOT use the following as a 'cop-out', but the true Christian life of some folks may well make it very difficult indeed to look after and take care of and LOVE the Christian "unlovely" and in deep need. But you can STILL obey Jesus: simply go to Gospel for Asia and click "From the Stable and "Empowering the Poor" to give to Believers in deep poverty, and (stressed) REGULARLY give them some of the very cheap (or dearer) things there - this will GREATLY help wonderful Believers you'll never meet in this life, and actually change their lives!!
NEXT QUESTION: Do you know where your church's money goes?
We have serious needs that virtually none of you can come and help us with. But you can pray if you choose to. Most Believers in the West seem to be able to keep up urgent prayer for up to a week - but not past that. It's over a month now that my chronically ill Beloved has been pulling our house apart to get rid of mould (ultimately to save my life for one thing), shifting furniture, going through boxes, repacking into things that won't go mouldy, and so much more. Her legs, arms, hands and back are killing her, and she exhausted!! But she has to keep going - no choice!! So she needs prayer for STRENGTH to keep doing what simply HAS to be done. Apart from some help from our carers it's all up to her. Where are the Believers? - well, not here, that's for sure...
As for me, I'm daily in a very low energy and tired state, but worst of all I've lost something I've had all my life and without which my body WILL give up on me if it goes on too long. I've lost my 'zap', my 'get up and go', my drive that despite being chronically ill and 72 years old has kept me ministering to others for most of every day of every year for many years. I need my ZAP back!!!
Prayer DOES change things!! You guys have already PROVEN it!!! When Beloved was in hospital for her gall-bladder she was (literally) in a prayer-cloud the whole time because people here cared and prayed! WOW!! She was home within the (dreaded!) week, and thus prayer worked so WONDERFULLY for her that time. But not now! Can she have a week's earnest prayer please, according to Jesus' words in both Galatians and Matthew above? A big, big thank you to those who will respond to our serious needs and help us!!!
With all our love to you, and you, and you!!
- BM and Mrs
URL to Gospel for Asia approved by Leadership.
As I have some most important and urgent things to write about us and our needs I'll put them at the bottom for today.
PREVIOUS QUESTION: As Christian people are we supposed to help others? If so, who? And how?
I feel that I could/should have worded this question differently. 'Who' is easily answered by a verse I believe I may have quoted quite recently: Galatians Ch 6:10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good to all [people], [but] especially to them who are of the household of faith. So those who come first for help from us are our fellow Christian Believers. Next for help from us are unbelievers. So that covers 'WHO' we should give help to - in that order!!
'HOW' could be thought of according to meanings of "good" in the Greek, where it can mean "useful" and of "benefit". But the big question - which I've dealt with before, but still should have included - is a 'WHY' one. Are you ready for this? WHY DON'T WE?? Why don't we help others? Seriously!! And the answers are so simple: a) because we're so incredibly wrapped up in looking after ourselves, and b) being so concerned for our own well-being that we neither have TIME nor ENERGY to look after others.
Okay, so how serious is this? Answer: DEADLY serious!! Jesus goes so far as to say that those who do NOT look after the needs of others who cannot help themselves for food, water, clothing, shelter and being taken care of, and in illness He will send to HELL!! - sent there WITH a curse upon them by Jesus Himself (v. 41)!! Click to read ALL of Matthew 25: 31-46. Whoa, heavy stuff!!
Alright, so your life is NOT majorly concerned about the well-being of your fellow Believers. Very common in our societies. But what does it say about your Christian life? Answer: you're not living it - so you better get some healthy/Godly "fear" into your soul about your spiritual state!!! You are worldly, and NOT visiting that elder Christian living alone who needs help with all manner of things!! Instead who do you spend your time with? Answer: with those who love you of course!! - NOT with the difficult, the ill, or the elderly!Yes, change WILL cost you!! But then didn't our very salvation COST the agony and ultimately LIFE of Someone we profess to belong to?!!
Please do NOT use the following as a 'cop-out', but the true Christian life of some folks may well make it very difficult indeed to look after and take care of and LOVE the Christian "unlovely" and in deep need. But you can STILL obey Jesus: simply go to Gospel for Asia and click "From the Stable and "Empowering the Poor" to give to Believers in deep poverty, and (stressed) REGULARLY give them some of the very cheap (or dearer) things there - this will GREATLY help wonderful Believers you'll never meet in this life, and actually change their lives!!
NEXT QUESTION: Do you know where your church's money goes?
We have serious needs that virtually none of you can come and help us with. But you can pray if you choose to. Most Believers in the West seem to be able to keep up urgent prayer for up to a week - but not past that. It's over a month now that my chronically ill Beloved has been pulling our house apart to get rid of mould (ultimately to save my life for one thing), shifting furniture, going through boxes, repacking into things that won't go mouldy, and so much more. Her legs, arms, hands and back are killing her, and she exhausted!! But she has to keep going - no choice!! So she needs prayer for STRENGTH to keep doing what simply HAS to be done. Apart from some help from our carers it's all up to her. Where are the Believers? - well, not here, that's for sure...
As for me, I'm daily in a very low energy and tired state, but worst of all I've lost something I've had all my life and without which my body WILL give up on me if it goes on too long. I've lost my 'zap', my 'get up and go', my drive that despite being chronically ill and 72 years old has kept me ministering to others for most of every day of every year for many years. I need my ZAP back!!!
Prayer DOES change things!! You guys have already PROVEN it!!! When Beloved was in hospital for her gall-bladder she was (literally) in a prayer-cloud the whole time because people here cared and prayed! WOW!! She was home within the (dreaded!) week, and thus prayer worked so WONDERFULLY for her that time. But not now! Can she have a week's earnest prayer please, according to Jesus' words in both Galatians and Matthew above? A big, big thank you to those who will respond to our serious needs and help us!!!
With all our love to you, and you, and you!!
- BM and Mrs
URL to Gospel for Asia approved by Leadership.